Paying off for the A/C

Karen's teeth bit into the foul smelling pillow, as the strangers cock inched
it's way deeper and deeper into her burning asshole. With his mouth just inches
from her ear, she could hear his laboring breath as he drove his cock into her.

At first she had kept her rosebud puckered up, but the weight of his body, and
the stiffness of his cock had been too much for it, and once it had popped past
her anal muscle, the burning sensation had instantly overcome her.

The guy must have been well over 200 pounds, cause he made no effort to hold
himself above her. Instead, his weight was pressed firmly into her back, and
every time his ass raised up to drive his cock back into her, it seemed to drive
the air right out of her lungs.

"How's it feel little lady?"

Oh Christ, now the son of bitch was gonna try and sweet talk her?

Through her clenched teeth she muttered a grunt, as he pushed that huge cock
yet even deeper. Why the fuck had she let Henry talk her into this.

It was like only an hour ago that they had been sitting in that dark bar
minding their own business, after having been on the road for the last 4 hours
or so, and the offer of him wanting to stop and get something cold to drink and
a burger to fill their stomachs, had seemed like a good idea.

While they were waiting for the food to be delivered to their table, the black
guy had walked by and winked at her.

"Did you see that guy just wink at me as he walked by?"

Henry hadn't seen it, but he let out a little laugh, and went back to drinking
on his beer.

"Don't be so uptight Karen, I'm sure it was just meant as a compliment."

"Compliment? The fucking A/C quit an hour ago on the car, and I feel like my
clothes are drenched in perspiration!"

Henry looked at his wife a little closer, and noticed the beads of moisture on
her upper lip. Even though she was closing in on 45, she was still a damn good
looking woman, which made him proud to know she belonged to him.

Belonged to him..... she would shit if she knew he had been thinking that, but
then maybe there was more to it that she had mentioned the wink. Maybe, just
maybe, she was flattered, and a little turned on by the guy. After all, it must
have been well over a week since the last time they had messed around in bed, so
maybe she was a little horny.

"So having a black guy wink at you, turned you on ehy?

She gave her husband a strange look... not knowing if he was k**ding or what.
The itch between her legs didn't happen all that much anymore, but having him
grin at her, after the guy had winked at her, made her wonder what was on his

"Oh Lord.... he's coming back over her" she whispered.

"Can I buy you folks a drink?"

Karen didn't know what to say, but Henry immediately got a smile on his face
and said "Sure!"

Why the fuck did he say that so quickly, she wondered. "My name is Clete....
saw you guys sitting here by yourselves, and figured you must not be from
around here.

"Hi ya Clete.... my name is Henry, and me and the wife are driving from Atlanta
to Miami, and the damn A/C broke on us, so we thought we would get a quick bite
to eat, along with something cold to drink of course."

"A/C broke.... whew that must make for a hot time in the car."

Karen wondered what that remark meant, and she started to feel a little
uneasy, as he more or less looked at her, while talking to her husband. He was
a huge man, probably well over 6 and a half feet, and looked like a football
player with the size of his barrel chest.

The food came, and Karen thought that maybe the black guy would leave and let
them eat in peace, but instead he had asked Henry if he could buy them another
round, and the damn fool had agreed.

As she bit into the burger, she noticed that the guy was looking at the top of
her unbuttoned blouse, and wondered if Henry noticed him looking at the breasts.

It had not escaped her husband, that the guy was ogling her tits, and he saw
that his wife was feeling uneasy.

He grinned to himself, thinking back to an hour ago when the A/C had quite
working, and she had started bitching at him. Good he thought, let her squirm a
little, after all it must have been some time since anyone had looked at his
wife like this guy was doing, and he started to enjoy her uneasiness.

"Shit Henry, I've got a brother in law that could look at your car, and
probably tell you what is wrong with the A/C unit.

"Really? That would be great Clete. Does he have a shop around here?"

"Naw, he has a ton of stuff in his garage, and he is always fixing some ones
car. It probably needs a couple of cans of Freon, or something like that.
Might take him twenty minutes or so, and you guys would be good to go. Hell,
you might still make it to Miami by tonight. Let me give him a quick call and
see if he is busy."

Before she could say something to her husband, the black guy was talking to
someone on his cell phone, and Henry was already smiling, that maybe this might
just turn out to be their lucky day.

"Great, he aint busy right now, so why don't you and your pretty wife finish
your burgers, and you can follow me over to his garage."

It was said matter of factly, and 10 minutes later they were following Clete
over to his brother in laws gargage.

"I don't know Henry, I don't feel good about this."

"Why, because he is black?"

"No, it's just the way he was looking at my breasts."

"Geez Karen, you've got a great set of tits, so don't be afraid if someone
wants to look at them."


"Well, it's true.... remember how at the Chrismas party when a couple of the
guys were talking about them?"

"They were drunk! Okay, I was drunk too, but we don't know this guy."

"Loosen up Karen, for Christ sake maybe we can get the car fixed, and all it
will cost us is him looking at your tits. Hell, your probably enjoying it!"

Karen didn't say anything, but even though she felt uneasy, it made her feel
good that a man was admiring her breast. Sure they were hanging a little lower
now since she had the twins, but with her breast feeding them, they had stayed
bigger than before she had gotten pregnant.

The twins.... she wondered how her mother was managing them while they were
gonna be down in Miami for a full week. She knew they could be a hand full, but
she had just weaned them onto the bottle now, so her Mom should be able to
handle it, and truth be known, maybe now with them going on this mini trip, her
and Henry might be able to fool around in bed without having to get up and tend
the twins.

"Henry? what if this guy wants a feel?"

"HUH? Christ Karen, what brought that up? Does him being black bother you that

"Well I remember a few weeks ago when we watched that interracial DVD that you
brought home, that it sure seemed to excite you!"

"So I got a hard on, so what? I remember that your pussy was sopping wet when
I climbed onboard, so you can't tell me that you weren't excited too."

"What's that supposed to mean.... if he makes advances on me, I'm supposed to
let it happen?"

He hadn't thought about it that way, but all of a sudden his cock gave a
little twitch as he pictured in his mind her maybe going down on the black guy.

"Uhmm.... look, probably nothing is gonna happen, so why bring it up."

"And if it does?"

Henry gave a little chuckle, but didn't know how to respond to that remark.
Thankfully Clete was pulling into a double wide driveway, and another black guy
was standing out there with a smile on his face.

"Jesus, another one with a smile on his face."

"Fuck.... Karen stop your damn bitching.... Let's see if the guy can fix the
A/C, and if they want to cop a feel, then it's no big deal!"


He was already getting out of the car when she said it, and it didn't escape
her that Clete had a big smile on his face as he opened the door for her.

"No sense you sweating in the car.... let's go inside and get a beer from the
fridge and you can cool off a little... that is if you want to...."

Now what the fuck did he mean by that, she wondered.

Henry and the other black man were already looking under the hood, as Clete
escorted her into the foul smelling house. Well thank God, at least they have
air conditioning, she thought to herself, as she felt his hand on her ass as he
closed the door behind them. All of a sudden, it hit her that she was now alone
with this guy, and she wondered if maybe she should insist on going back

Too late, as Clete handed her a cold bottle of beer and led her over to the

"Why don't we wait for them to analyze the problem with the car."

When he had seated himself, it was right up against her, and she didn't know
if maybe she should move away, but was afraid of what he might think if she did.

She stared out of the window at her husband and the black guy looking under
the hood, when all of a sudden Clete wrapped his arm around her shoulder and
lowered his face close to hers.

"You ever been with a black man?"


"You ever make it with a brother?"

"I can't.... uhmmm, look let's go back outside."

Before she could get up, Clete closed in on her mouth, and his big lips were
on hers. She started to push him in his chest, but his tongue pushed into her
mouth, and she almost fainted. His tongue was filling her mouth, and trying to
duel with her tongue, and as much as she didn't want this happening, she was
losing all control of her senses. His other free hand had slipped inside of her
bra, and he was painfully twisting her nipple.

Damn it felt good, but this had to stop. She wrenched he face from his and
took a big grasp of air.

"Clete.... I can't.... this isn't right. I'm married for Christ sake, and my
husband is right outside!"

"Don't worry about it sweetie, he saw how I was looking at your tits, and it
didn't seem to bother him that much. In fact, I saw him getting a smile on his
face as I was looking at them."

His mouth covered her lips again, and she automatically opened her lips to
give him access to her mouth. Fuck... why the hell did that happen, she

As he pressed her into the couch, her butt slid forward, and before she knew
it, he had let go of her nipple, and moved his hand under the front of her skirt.

She quickly tried to clamp her legs together, but the black man was way too
strong for her, and she felt one of his fingers trying to push her damp panties
to one side.

"Oh.... Oh shit...." she mouthed even as his tongue was trying to tickle her

"Umphhh..... please..... I....."

"Stop squeezing your knees together!"

It sounded more like an order than a question, and she relaxed her legs as his
finger worked it's way under her panties and he found her wet cunt.

"Oh yeah, I knew you wanted it.... your fucking gushing down there!"

"Oh please don't... my husband might walk in..."

"Don't worry, Sam will keep him busy for a bit. Now lift your ass up"

What the fuck now?

Even though she knew what was going to happen, Karen lifted her ass up, and he
yanked her panties right down to her knees.

"Kick em off damnit!"

She knew this black guy was gonna do whatever he wanted to her, and even with
half his weight on her chest, she managed to work her legs so that her panties
were quickly down by her ankles, and in another second, they were laying on the

"Okay, now it's time for you to see what a real cock feels like."

He grabbed her loose hand and brought it down to his pants.

Oh My God.... what the fuck did he have down there? Her squeezes gave her
away, as he took his hand from between her legs and deftly unzipped his pants.

"Okay whitey, now pull it out and let's see how much lovin you can give to

As she tried to pull it out, she was having trouble, as his 9 inches of cock
was already getting quite stiff. He got tired of her wrestling with it, and he
straightened his leg and helped her pull it out.

Nothing was said, but the arm around her neck was forcing her lower and lower,
and she knew what he wanted her to do.

"I don't...."

"Shut the fuck up and suck it!"

As her knees hit the floor, he had put his fingers into her red hair, and
pulled he face up against his cock.


Her lips parted and the foul smelling black cock pushed its way past her lips
and onto her tongue.

Karen had always enjoyed sucking Henry off, as it gave her the feeling of
power over him, as he would squirm as she would try to push her tongue up his
piss slit, or gently sc**** her teeth over her husband's cock, but now this was
a whole different scenario.

A sharp push on the back of her head pushed about two inches of cock into her
mouth, and dangerously close to her throat. She tried to shake her head no, but
he didn't stop pushing till she felt like she was going to vomit.

"That's good girl.... Now suck on the head and get me good and hard so that
I can give you the black fucking that you need!"

Again she shook her head, as she had wrongly thought that all he wanted was
for her to suck his cock.... but now it was plain that he wanted to fuck
her..... OMG, what was she going to do?

The question was answered for her before she even spoke it, as he picked her up
like a rag doll, and swung her over his shoulder and carried her into what must
have been the bedroom. There were no sheets on the bed, with only a dirty brown
pillow that her head flopped down on as he roughly threw her down.

She looked up at him as he pulled his pants off, and then the tee shirt, and
that is when she caught her first glance of his mighty weapon. She had to guess
that it was probably a little under a foot long, and as thick as her wrist. She
knew it would never fit as she brought both hands up to stop him from getting on
top of her.

He pushed her hands aside, and grabbed under her knees to lift them up. The
move surprised her, as her legs were pressed into the fabric of her dress. Her
breasts felt like they were being flattened, but that didn't matter, cause he
was already rubbing the head of his huge cock over her moist cunt.

"Now we gonna show you what a black man does to a white woman.... Whatever
you do, don't tighten up or it's gonna hurt that much more."

He dipped his ass down, and the head of his cock found her moist cunt. The
lips parted, and the head went in about an inch. It knocked the wind out of
her, but already she was getting into it, as she tried to wrap her cunts muscles
around the fat head.

"Easy please!!!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

His ass plunged down again, and all of a sudden a good 4 or 5 inches slid deep
into her moist cunt.

She couldn't believe how big that man was, as it felt like the time she had
tried to fist herself. She had been unsuccessful, but this guy was not to be
denied, as he pulled out a little bit, and then pushed it in even deeper.

"Oh my God..... Oh please.... yes.... uhmm no.... OH FUCK!"

"Yep they all say that the first time they get blacked. Now get ready

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!", screamed Henry as he walked into the living room and saw
Karen being smashed by the huge black man.

"Be cool man, you don't want to get Clete mad at you. I've seen him put a
couple of white guys into emergency, cause they tried to stop him. Just take it
easy and let her enjoy the fucking he is giving her, and afterwards everybody
will be happy."

Henry looked at Sam and knew that between him and Clete, they could probably
make both of them disappear if they wanted to.

"He ain't gonna hurt her man.... look at the fucking way she is trying to wrap
her legs around his ass."

One of her legs was still pressed up hard against her breast, while the other
one had worked itself free, and her ankle was locked over the black ass that was
starting to work its way deeper into his wife's cunt.

"Man, she be enjoying the shit out of Clete's cock. Give him 15 minutes, and
she might not even wanna get back in the car with you.... LOL."

Karen had heard Sam and Henry talking, but she was too far gone now to care.
Clete's balls were slapping against her ass, so she knew the whole fucking thing
was all the way in her. She couldn't ever remember feeling so full, and already
she knew that she was going to have an orgasm as finally her other leg worked
itself free, and her ankles locked around the black man's ass.

"Look at the fucking nigger go to town man."

Henry could see that his wife was thrusting up to meet the black man's
downward thrusts. She was breathing hard, and he could see her nails digging
deeply into Clete's back.

As the two men walked into the bedroom, Henry could now hear the soft sobs
coming from his wife, not knowing if she was crying or what, but that thought
went away when all of a sudden she screamed. "HARDER damn it, HARDER!!!"

Suddenly Clete let out a grunt, and Henry could see the black man's ass cheeks
clench up, and then deliver the first rounds of cum into his wife. He lost
track after what must have been the 3rd gush of cum he shot into Karen, which
was then that he noticed the white frothing surrounding the black cock as it was
going in and out of her.

"But he ain't wearing a rubber!" Henry said to no one in particular.

Sam just smiled, and nodded his head.

"Yep. leave it to Clete to take em bareback."

As Clete slowly pulled his massive still hard cock out of her cunt, Karen felt
the cool rush of air hit her went cunny lips.

"No... no, not yet!"

"Don't worry whitey, we ain't done yet. Sam hasn't had his turn yet, and who
the fuck knows, maybe your husband would like some sloppy seconds, AFTER I turn
you over and give that ass of yours a workout."

Karen froze when she heard that.... Henry had wanted to try anal with her
several times, but had always been unsuccesful, and now this nigger wanted to
try it?

There was no trying as far as Clete was concerned... he picked her up and
bodily turned her over, before she even realized what is was that he was doing.

There was no lube used, or anything except for Clete's cum, when he dipped his
cock briefly into her sloppy cunt. With one swoop, he pressed the head against
her clenched anal rosebud, and with a mighty push, the head popped into her anal

'SON OF A BITCH, it hurt' thought Karen, as she expected him to stop and let her
get adjusted to it, but instead another push and he was firmly seated inside of
his ass.

Henry couldn't believe that Clete's cock was still hard enough to penetrate
her ass, after just releasing a big wad of cum in her pussy.

So now Karen was biting the pillow and trying to stifle the burning in her
asshole. That monster cock was not letting up, as he started to pile drive hard
and doing deep strokes into her dry asshole, as her feet beat hard and fast into the

Clete tried to get another cum, only this time into her asshole, but he had
spent so much energy, that after about 5 minutes of punishing her rosebud, he
reluctantly looked over at Sam and gave him the nod.

Sam was ready as soon as Clete pulled out and got out of the way. In fact,
instead of going at her cunt, Sam drove his smaller cock into her asshole,
before it had a chance to close by up.

It didn't take Sam long to reach an orgasm, as just the thought of fucking
this white woman in the ass, was more than he had anticipated.

Mercifully, his balls puckered inward, and he released a large amount of cum
into the now sobbing white wife. As Sam looked over at her husband, he gave him
a questioning look, to see if he wanted some of this too, and surprisingly it
took Henry but a couple of seconds to shuck off his clothes, and jump between
her legs, and aim his now hard 6 inches at the still open asshole.

"I'm sorry honey, but I just can't let this opportunity slide by."

As his cock practically fell into her wide open asshole, Karen knew that this
probably wouldn't take long, and then she would be able to get off of the bed,
and how right she was.... feeling his cock slide in and out of his wife's ass
was more than he could take, and he immediately started adding his cum to that
of the cum that Sam had already put in there.

As he withdrew his cock out, Henry couldn't believe he had cum that quickly.
What had once been a dream of his to fuck her in the ass, here he was pulling
out of her, after only being in her sloppy asshole for a mere two minutes.

Karen lay there expecting one of the black men to pounce her again, and she
was almost to the point now of not caring if they had done it. In fact, she
felt empty now that no one was trying to fuck her anymore. no matter whether it
was in her ass or her cunt.

Not bad whitey.... you took three good loads, so how's ya feeling now?

Karen didn't have the strength to answer him, but nodded her head.

"I just need something to drink please."

Clete smiled to himself, as he went into the kitchen and opened up a cold
glass of beer and then put an upper into it. He knew that they would all be
spending the night after the pill took effect. He was already thinking of whom
he could invite over to have a go at the white wife, knowing that if he didn't
get greedy, he could charge a small price if enough guys wanted a go at her.

"You okay hon?"

She nodded her head, as Clete gave her the spiked beer and she took three deep
gulps of it, not noticing the slighty bitter taste.

"Now wait a minute you guys.... Sam didn't do all that work on your car for
nothing. The way I see it, she needs to work off some of that bill."

Karen knew something was up, as she slowly slouched back onto the bed, and
looked up at Clete's leering smile.

"You be wanting some more don't ya Mama?"

Karen gave him a weak smile and let out a big breath of air, as she knew her
and Henry would be here for a while longer... not that she was complaining.....
Published by VirginiaS
8 years ago
Please or to post comments
Dogging-Fun 3 years ago
Fuck that was soooooo fucking good
hornyblkbiguy 8 years ago
fucking hot almost came a couple times reading
TN2HOT4U 8 years ago
Outstanding VERY HOT Anna and Bill
dwayne369 8 years ago
Nice story!!!
VirginiaS Publisher 8 years ago
Thank you Lumberlord14.... sometimes I wonder if anyone really understands what I am trying to convey in my stories.... it's appreciated !
lumberlord14 8 years ago
Great Story, Have to say we both enjoyed it.. Brings a fantasy or 2 to the forefront :smile: