Falling for my teacher (True story)

While I was in secondary school I was very taken by my class Mistress, Miss H. But was not always a good boy. I was told to sit at the back of the class at the beginning of term, and after getting caught shooting paper pellets across the classroom, with the help of an elastic band, I was moved to the very front of the class.
Miss H had an open desk with just one wide but shallow drawer built just under the surface, meaning that I got perfect front row view of her legs as they crossed and uncrossed right before my very eyes. From that day on I forgot about the pellets and concentrated on Miss H's legs and knees, always trying to see what coloured panties she wore that day.
Sometimes when she had new shoes that hurt she would kick them off and rub her nylon-clad feet together. I used to love it when she did that. After each of her lessons I would dash to the toilets and lock myself in a cubicle to masturbate.
When I was reading, I would hold up the book or paper in front of me so I could just look over the top of it whenever she moved her legs, which was quite often as the teachers chairs were not much more comfortable than ours. When she was talking or lecturing and we had to listen, I nearly always sat slumped down in seat, (with my hand in my pocket, fingers slowly masturbating my young and willing penis) so that I could listen to what she was saying and at the same same time look as far up her skirt as possible.
I would very often play with things on my desk and drop them on the floor, thus enabling me to bend down very low and look right up beneath her crossed legs and see the tops of her stockings. which would give my cock a raging hard-on for the rest of the lesson.
One day I remember being made to stay behind at break-time, as I had not finished my work. There were just the two of us in the class-room, and as I bent down to pick up a ruler which had once again fallen to the floor, I openly looked at her legs and said,
"Miss, there's a spider between your knees!" She immediately lifted her skirt and opened her legs to look down.
"Where? Where is it?" She cried, starting to get up. That gave me a perfect view of her pink panties, which gave me wanking material for about a week, just thinking about that moment.
Another time I was detained in class, but this time I was helping her with a project, preparing the parts for the annual school play, and she was telling me which pupil would be given which role, after a lengthy silence, I said,
"Miss?" To get her attention.
"Yes?" She replied.
"Miss, please can I ask you a very personal question?" This got her full attention.
"Of course you can, why what's wrong?" She asked getting concerned.
"Do you promise you'll keep it a secret, and not be angry with me?" I looked at her pleadingly.
"Well, I promise to keep it secret, but I can't promise not to get angry, that would depend what the question was."
"Oh never mind Miss. I know you won't like it." I said, getting back to work.
"Oh come on, you gone this far, out with it, I'm ready, so tell me what's bothering you boy. What do want to ask me!"
"Please Miss, while there's just the two of us here, would you mind sitting with your knees apart?" I blushed a crimson red.
Miss H then jumped out of her chair and came from behind her desk to give me a really hard slap across the face.
"You dirty minded boy. I never thought that of you my young man, whatever put that idea into your thick skull?"
She also very red in the face, I was so shocked that all I could do was look up at her and smile my widest grin of happiness as the tears ran down my cheeks.
I just caressed my cheek and looked lovingly into her eyes. I saw her start to smile as she turned her head away, saying,
"You naughty little boy. You disgust me. Get back to work. Now!" This time I couldn't look at her, but one hand was still holding my cheek while the other was over my groin area. She noticed that too,
"Get your hands on the desk and get some work done for a change. Cheeky devil." My cock was trying to force it's way out of my pants and twitching like mad. I feel sure she noticed that too.
I got my head down and got back to work, occasionally glancing in her direction. I noticed that her knees DID move slightly apart, but as soon as I looking up they slammed back together again. I got back to work, keeping my head down but looking up at her knees as often as i could. For as long as i kept working she kept her knees apart, and my cock began to rise to an enormous erection once again. After about three minutes of me getting a hard-on again, she mad as if to scratch her knee, and her skirt rode up about three inches onto her gorgeous meaty thighs. I could stand it no longer, and said,
"Please Miss, can I go to the toilet?"
She the said,
"No, certainly not. You must stay there and finish your work." I moaned, and saw her lips Transform from an angry grimace into a sadistic smile, as she openly stared under my desk. I let out a loud groan as I came in my pants.
"You may go, but first bring all those papers over to my desk, and stand there while I examine what you've done."
I held my hands in front of me, and she said,
"Hands behind your back boy, and stand up straight." Oh my God! That was pure torture, my face once again went red as I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks and forehead. She made me stand there until the come had thoroughly soaked through into my pants, making a dark stain on the grey materiel.
Then I had to walk through the corridors with all the other k**s were coming back to class after the break was over. I was sent to the Principal for his decision about my punishment.

Then I got a detention for being late in my next class. I had to hand to hand it in, between classes, to my form teacher, - - - - - - Miss H.
It was always the detention duty teachers who decided on the pupils they would accept in their disciplinary classes, Miss H. wanted me in her class, on the evening in question there was me and two girls in the class, both the girls were younger than me, from lower class years. They had to do 100 lines saying "I will behave correctly at shool, and do as I am told". My punishment was different - - -
I was told that my parents had agreed to corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure for when I misbehaved, this was to be decided at the discretion of the teacher, but should not draw blood or leave scars. Miss H. told the girls that they were not look at me during the time I was being punished. She then said to me,
"Stand up boy, you have a very special punishment for sexually abusing yourself during class, and attempting to look up a teacher's skirt. You are a naughty little pervert, and your punishment will be consequential. Come up here and stand next to my desk. Hold on to the edge of the desk with both hands, move your feet back! Do you know what this for? It's a bat for playing ping-pong, and it's going to be used to spank you with!"
Miss H. then got up and came towards me, leaving the bat on her desk. She kicked my feet even further back, I looked at the girls, they were all staring at me, smiling, my face was red and i felt very embarrassed and ashamed of myself. but this was just the start of my shame.
My feet were so far back that if I let go of the table I would fall flat on my face. Miss H. then undid my belt and my trousers, which dropped to my ankles. She slapped my bum-cheeks a couple of times, lingering with her hand each time. I got and erection which was visible to all. The girls began to giggle and whisper between themsleves, I felt terribly ashamed yet very excited, as my twitching penis in my underpants bore witness to all present.
"Oh what horrid little nasty boy! You tiny little willy is already hard. I shall have to remove your undies so you don't make another mess in them!" The 3 girls now had their hand up their skirts while they openly watched. Miss H. told them,
"Hands on your desks girls, by the way I said you were not allowed to watch, you are here to be punished, not entertained. Back to work, - Now!" The girls lowered their heads as Miss H. pulled my pants down to my knees and pushed them the rest of the way down with her foot, after scrapring her shoe over my asrsehole, my cock was twitching like mad now, as she continued,
"You are such a pathetic dirty-minded little boy, and you're much too excited to be spanked yet, so I will have to leave you like that until your silly little willy goes down. I have other work to do anyway, carry on girls!" Before she sat back at her desk she pushed my shirt and pullover up over my head, all I could see was the material of my clothing. I heard giggling once again. It took about twenty minutes before my cock waned down, and another ten minutes before I heard her get up and move behing me, to begin spanking my arse with table tennis bat, as the girls began giggling once more, after every stroke I yelled out loud, but the sound was muffled by my colthing in my face. At the feel of her hand stroking my bum between each stroke, my cock shot to attention once again and as Miss H. spanked me 10 or 12 times, she said,
"The more noise you make, the more people might hear and come to see your little hard-on and laugh at you, just like the girls are doing. The girls will really make a laughing stock out of you! You won't be able to show your outside the classrooms. Have you thought about that? And if you threaten any of these girls we will repeat this procedure with a class full of girls. Hmmn, your cheeks feel hot now, so you stay there while they cool down ready for the next session. You can have a 15 minute break, but stay in your position."
How embarrassing can a situation get, my face was burning almost as much as my arse, as Miss H. put some sellotape around my uplifted shirt over the top of my head, just leaving room for a little air to get in. I had tears flowing from my eyes, I wanted to cry, but was afraid to let the girls hear me. I also wanted to beg Miss H. to stop her punishment, but something inside me was awakened and my cock felt so hard and I am sure it wanted more of this humiliating punishement.
I was releived that I could no longer see the girls, Miss H. then told the girls that she had to leave the class for seven minutes, and that they were not allowed to look at me or leave their desks. I thought,'Oh no, she's not going to leave me here like this alone with 3 little sluts?' But that's exactly what she had done and it wasn't long before i felt hands touching my arse, cock, balls, and even tickling me behind the knees and on my thighs and rib cage, and i couldn't move! This was agony for my raging penis, which was screaming for release, I kept pleading with them to stop but it was like talking to a stone. They didn't say a word, just kept on playing with my body parts, wherever they felt like it. Until, all of a sudden they stopped and left me.
When Miss H. finally returned, she came over to me and began stroking my arse and sliding her fingers between my cheeks, and over my anus, my cock started to twitch again. She took hold of it, and started to wank it until she felt it was near the brink of ejaculation, then stopped and squeezed hard on my balls, which deflated my cock in no time as i screamed in pain. Then i felt a stick run up between the cheeks of my arse, as she said,
"Now we can have some fun! I found a nice big cane in the headmaster's office, let me show you how it works, (WHACK)! Oh that makes the little worm jump, doesn't it? I'm going to put some nice lines across these pretty wee cheeks, six, I think will be nice. Count for me girls. Her we go.....!"
(WHACK)! "Aooww!" - "ONE!" The girls shouted all in chorus, laughing out loud.
(WHACK)! "Aooww!" - "TWO!"
(WHACK)! "Aooww!" - "THREE!"
By this time I was really crying out loud, saying 'Please stop Miss!" over again.
(WHACK)! "Aooww!" - "FOUR!"
(WHACK)! "Aooww!" - "FIVE!"
(WHACK)! "Aoooowwww! OH MY GOD!" - "SIX!"............
I fell to the floor, My hands behind my back covering my arse, while my cock shot a pint of spermatorrhoea all over the floor and Miss H.'s feet.
"You dirty filthy perverted little tramp. Look what you've done! You have shot your come all over my feet. How disgusting can you get?" The sellotape had broken, my shirt was torn, I was humiliated to the maximum, disgraced and thoroghly ashamed. The girls had got up and were now looking down at me laughing their heads off, as Miss H. went to her desk and came back with one paper tissue, which she gave to me.
"Now clean up your mess you dirty little rat, go on.....wipe it all up.... I said all of it.....there you missed some! Put that tissue in your mouth, you can hold it there until the class is finished!.......Get up!.......Get back in position!..... Don't move! Girls, you get back to work!"
She again pushed, and taped my upper clothing over my head, then kicked my feet back as far as they would go. I was so disgraced and put down that I just wanted to go home as fast as my feet would carry me, - - - but my inner self wanted to stay and obey this magnificent woman, as did my penis, which slowly rose to heights once more.
God what was wrong with my cock? Couldn't it just stay down?
I had never been so excited in all my life. Actually I had never felt so much pain either, but after a few minutes it became a hot tingling and burning sensation that coursed throughout my whole being, making me desperate to want to wank my cock right there in front of all of them. The tissue slowly dissolved in my mouth, which was so full that all I could was swallow what had decomposed. Very Soon Miss H. said,
"Well, it's nearly time girls, bring me your work, and you are free to leave if you don't want to see the final spanking, I hope that your lines are finished or I will detain you another night for completion. Those who wish to stay and watch may do so, and bring your chairs up closer, but right now I need to go to the toilet, I will be back very quickly. Make sure that boy doesn't move from there while I'm gone!"
I was once again subject to the girls touching, poking, tickling, scratching and prodding me, and one even took hold of my penis and kept pulling on it, telling me I dare not move, or she would squezze my balls like MissH. had done. When Miss H. came back she said,
"Leave him alone girls, sit down, if any fo you want to sank him with the bat put your hands up..... Okay, you can each hit him four times, twice on each cheek, and I will give him the last six! However girls you should beaware that this is taboo, and forbidden, and you should never talk about it to anyone else, do you all agree to that? (The all nodded) Okay then! Who's first? You Sally? Go on then! Heres the bat!"
Sally put her hand in the small of my back as she spanked me, and when she had finished she stroked it slowly to reach in between my cheeks and thighs, until she felt my balls, and gave them a cruel squeeze. Then Jill was next, feeling each cheek after each smack. then came Sue. She once again started to pull on my cock as she hit me, telling MissH. that she needed something to hold onto. Then Missh. herself laid into my bum a lot harder than the girls had done. At long last it was all over. I had taken my punishment.
"Well that's all the punishment for tonight, but what are we going to do about this little weeny that doesn't want to go soft?" She cut the tape and helped me to my feet, saying, "Hold up your shirt, and waddle over to me..... Good, now I see your little willy needs some attention. Don't you?" (I nodded, and blushed) "Well, if you don't want to walk all the way home with a hard-on, you will need to make yourself come won't you?" Miss H. looked at me straight in the eyes, with a lovely on her beautiful face, all i could do was mutter,
"Yes Miss." She gave a little giggle and opened her desk drawer,
"Good boy, now I'll hold this tissue, and you can make your tiny wee-wee spit your load of come into it. Come on boy, get a move on, we haven't got all night, show me waht you did in class while looking up my skirt. Quick boy, start now!"
Still red in the face, whils all 3 girls looked on, I slowly moved my hand down to my erect member as tears rolled down my cheeks, and began to wank my rock hard cock, no sooner had i started than Miss H. put her other hand behind me and started to finger my anus again. I came instantly, spurting load after load of my 14yr come into the tissue. By the time I had done the tissue was virtually soaked, and Miss H. screwed it up, pushed in into my mouth and told me to leave it there, while I got dressed and made myself presentable.
All three girls cheered and clapped their hands, then the cleaners walked in so we all grabbed our things, and Miss H. held my arm tightly, digging her nails into my flesh, while she chatted with the cleaners and said there had been a spillage of glue or something next to the desk, it was my come from earlier on. Miss H. drove me home that night, to make sure my come wasn't wasted. On the way home she told me that she would be asking for volunteers the following day, and that when did I was to put my hand up. By the time we got home the tissue had dissolved and the contents of my mouth had been absorbed into my system.
Miss H. came in to my house with me to see my mom and tell her that I was getting a little bit behind in my lessons, and that she could give me some evening classes at her home one or two evenings a week if her and my father agreed, as she already had two other pupils doing lessons, and we could work together. My mom agreed, and said that would be wonderful for my education.

So the following day Miss H. says to the class,
"I need a volunteer to stay behind during the lunch break, who is willing to help me?" My hand shot up, of it's own accord even though I was somewhat afraid of getting more punishment. Evidently I was the one she selected to stay behind.
At the far end of the classroom was a storage cupboard, which was, in itself a small room with shelves all around and there were boxes piled up in the middle of the floor. We had to unpack the boxes, and put the books and things on the shelves. To get to the high shelves, Miss H. had to stand on a chair, while I passed the books up to her. Once or twice my hand caught the hem of her skirt as I lifted the books up to her. My hand had "accidentally" lifted her skirt and rubbed up her thighs to her mound, which was moist and soft. When she had put the books away she turned around and saw me licking my fingers which had brushed against her pussy.
"You naughty, perverted, horrid little boy. I saw what you did, you filthy minded c***d. Get on the floor, lie on your back, I will show you what a woman tastes like. Go on - lie on the floor, like the worm that you are!" I looked at her as she slapped my face then pushed me down onto the floor, where I lay on back, waiting to see what she going to do to me.
She told me to close my eyes, then turned her back to me as she reached under her skirt to pull down her lovely pink satin and lace panties, showing me her arse and pussy as she bent down to step out of them. Then she crouched down over my face, saying,
"You want to taste a Lady's sex huh? Well I will show you what a Lady tastes like, and you will get your fill, my boy, here - TASTE THIS!" as she squatted down on my face, covering my mouth with her cunt, as her arse wrapped itself around my nose. My mouth opened and my tongue began to lick and explore her most intimate delights, as I struggled to breathe and my cock sprang to attention in my pants. This didn't go unnoticed, and she grabbed my hard-on and started wanking my through my pants. It didn't take long for me to come, as my whole body stiffened and I shot my load in my underpants. At that very same moment I got a gushing over my lips as her warm sweet nectar flowed into my hungry mouth. She then stood up over me as she said,
"That's what dirty little perverted c***dren get when they are undisciplined and do not behave respectfully to their teachers. Open your mouth! Wider, now taste my panties as well, my horrible little worm. For your punishment you will be at the swimming baths on Friday evening at 5o'clock sharp for your personal swimming lessons, and do not be late, or else, woe betide you!" as she pushed her panties to the back of my throat.
She left the store-room and slammed the door behind her. So there I was, laying on my back, my face covered in my teachers come, her panties in my mouth, and my underpants full of my sperm, and a very big satisfied and joyful smile on my face.
As I left the store-room and entered the class Miss H. was sat at her desk, marking some students work. She didn't even look up as I approached, simply saying,
"Sit down in your place and be silent!"
I did as I was told, slumping down in my chair again so I could look under her desk and watch in case she opened her legs for me to see her naked pussy again under her skirt, but she kept her knees together, just occasionally crossing her legs to tease me. Then again she said, without looking up,
"The other two students at my evening class are two of the young Ladies who witnessed your punishment last night. They are young Ladies who must be obeyed and treated with respect and devotion by perverted worms like you."
The girls were actually even more twisted than I was and were younger than me. This fact made me angry and embarrassed so my face was red and hot as I replied, mumbling,
"Yes Miss."
"Good, now boy - I will be asking one of the girls, whom I decide is most suitable, to become your guardian and warden outside of school hours. For all intents and purposes and anyone enquiring, she will be your girl-friend, and you will do exactly as she says, is that understood boy?"
"Yes Miss H. but please don't punish me any more, my bum still hurts."
"Silence boy! You do not make any requests without permission. You have only one purpose from now on. That is to do as you are told, by me, or anyone else I delegate to supervise you, in or out of school. If you do not conform to this rule you will be severely punished, by myself AND the guardian you have disobeyed. Get those facts into your thick skull and remember them always, otherwise you will suffer."
"But Miss . . . "
"Silence boy, no ifs or buts. From now on you do as you are told. Do you still have my panties?"
"Yes Miss."
"You will keep them with you at all times. If I ask to see them you should always be able to show them to me, whatever the circumstance." (I still have those panties today, 52 years later, neatly tucked away in a safe place, they have never been washed and sometimes I still go and have a sniff at them.)
"Yes Miss."
"Now the lunch break is almost over. Go to your next class boy, and I will see you tonight at 5pm, when you will go to my home and knock on my back door then wait until I decide to let you enter."
"Yes Miss, thank you Miss!"

I got to the end of her street at 4.30, i decided not to hand around there, or outside her house, so I walkedpast her house to the other end of the street. It took me 5 mins to get to her front door from the street corner, so I timed myself to arrive exactly at her back door smack on 5pm.
I knocked and waited, eventually the door opened and an envelope was pushed through a tiny crack before it was closed again. I opened the envelope, which said "Wear this". It was a blindfold.
There was a side window with lace curtains, so I knew that Miss H. would be watching me, and would not open until I was wearing the blindfold. I pit it on and waited. . . .then I heard a voice from inside saying,
"If you come into this house you will do everything you are told and not tell another soul, and what's more you will speak only when asked a question, accepting everything I do to you. . . .Now, the door is open, you may enter of your own free will, or go home and I will request that you placed in another class where You will no longer see me."
I walked in with no hesitation. Her hand grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to a place and she simply said "Sit."
I saw she was very serious by tone of her voice, so I didn't struggle. As soon as I was sat down she began questoinning me.
"Why are you permanently disrupting my class boy?" I was a little afraid, but my cock was rising as I could smell her delicious perfume, and could hear her clothes wafting around as I felt the draught. She was very close to me. I didn't know what to answer her....I just said,
"I don't know Miss."
"Hands behind your back boy. Answer me faster than that. Why do you keep wanting to look under my desk and see under my skirt, boy?"
"I'm not sure Miss, I like you very much and want to see all of you Miss."
"You just want to look at me, is that all, boy?"
"No Miss, I would love to touch you and kiss you Miss."
"Why do you want to kiss me boy?"
"Because I am very fond of you Miss."
"Tell me how fond of me are you, boy?"
"Very fond indeed, Miss."
"Is that your only feelings for me boy, just being very fond of me. I think you might as well go home now, what do you think boy?"
"Oh no! Please don't send me home Miss, I really wanted to say that I think I am in love with you Miss, but was afraid to tell you."
"Do you have erotic thoughts about me, boy?"
"Yes Miss, I do......every day, even when I'm not at school, I always think of you, Miss?"
"What do you do, when you are thinking of, me boy?"
"I get excited and aroused Miss, and my cock gets hard Miss."
"So what do you do with your little hard-on boy?"
"I play with it Miss, while I think of what I would like to do with you Miss."
"Do you know that it is i*****l for a teacher to have a relationship with a pupil, boy? Especially a boy as young as you?"
"Yes I do Miss, but I promise I would never tell anyone Miss."
"I know you won't because I am recording all this on camera, you haven't even seen me tonight, so how could you say anything about me corrupting you.....You are already corrupted well enough you dirty little pervert. What are you?"
"I am a dirty little pervert Miss H. and I am in love with you Miss."
"I feel that you need discipline and punishment......Real punishment......Physical punishment, that will hurt you, and make you cry like a baby........You are such a c***d, big as you are.......To me you are just a little boy, who needs taching........I mean proper teaching......With training, humiliation and very strcit discipline...... What do you say to that boy? Do you agree to be trained and disciplined by me boy, or do you want to go home right now, and play with your little hard-on, all by yourself?"
"No! Not that! Please let me stay Miss, you can train and discipline me, I will do as you say Miss H. I promise."
"Oh, I know very well that you will do as I say, otherwise I can make life very difficult for you. No breaks at school, sat next to me at mealtimes, made to eat in complete silence, not allowed to speak to other pupils in case you pervert them also, kept in late every night to work under supervision, bad notes to take home to your parents."
"Oh no Miss, I promise I will do all that you say, please can I take off the blinfold now and look at you Miss?"
"NO YOU CAN'T......I told you not to speak without permission. Do you know that corporal punishment is i*****l?"
"Yes Miss, I do."
"So for me to punish you and train you correctly, you would need toget on your knees and beg me to punish you, for being a dirty little perverted wanker who has a distorted mental attitude towards his superiors. That would not make it legal, but it would place me in a better position, in case this ever came out."
I started to get down my knees, but she grabbed my hair and pulled me back up.
"SIT DOWN BOY! Did I tell you to move? So you enjoy wanking and dreaming of me......Is that so, boy?"
"Yes Miss."
"Do you want to show me how you wank, or do you want to leave like a little coward, boy?"
"I want to show you Miss."
"Then you will also have to beg to be allowed to wank in front of me......KEEP STILL BOY......NOT UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD. You do nothing without my say so. So you want to look at me, with your little cock that keeps twitching in your pants? I'm afriad that you will not see me tonight at all. However I do have a nice little surprize for you, maybe more than one, depending on how you behave. Tell me now boy if you want to beg to wank for me, here, naked, and on the floor in front of me. Tell me as nicely and politely as you can."
"Yes please Miss, I love you and I am asking your permission te be allowed to get down on my knees and beg for your authorisation to lie naked on the floor in front of you and wank for you, please Miss H."
"You are starting to learn boy. I am beginning to take some interest in you. Now it would be nice if you asked me for the right to beg for me to administer the punishment that you know you deserve, for being a horrible little perverted hooligan and disrupting my classes...... SO ASK ME NOW, BOY."
"Please Miss, will you allow me to get down on my knees and beg for the punishment I deserve?"
"Yes, and I think the punishment should come first, but first, boy I have a present for you. Are you feeling randy right now boy? - - - How hard is your little willy, boy?"
"Yes Miss, I am feeling very randy and my little willy is rock hard Miss, I am almost ready to come in my pants Miss H."
"Well my boy, for your first surprize, being as you can't see me, I am going to tell you exactly what I am wearing. I am wearing a transparent silk nightie with low neck-line that clings to my body, all the way down to my knees, and right now I am lifting up the front so that my naked sex is just inches away from your face, can you smell my pussy, boy?"
"Yes, I can Miss."
"What does it smell like boy, tell me in great detail, but in your own words."
"Your pussy smells like the seaside Miss, on a hot day, like nice seaweed and tasty prawns, Miss H."
"Would you like to taste my pussy juices, boy?"
"Yes Miss I would love to taste it."
"Pull out your tongue, boy.. . . Take one tiny lick of my finger......There!......Did you like that, boy? Are you going to beg for more boy? do you really want lick my juice up and taste me properly?"
"I love the taste of your pussy Miss H: Please, I beg you, can I taste some more Miss?"

I get down on my knees and beg with my hands bent just in front of me, holding out my tongue and panting, then lifting my and saying,
"I beg you Miss, please let me taste more of your pussy juices."
"Good boy! All you need now is a collar and a leash, in order to become my pet mongrel. Hands behind your back, boy. Open wide boy, lick my finger...... suck on it......now the next two....... now my thumb..... now lick all the palm of my hand......That's my boy...... Good dog, now I've got you eating out of my hand. What's it like to be "TEACHER'S PET" boy?"

"OHHHH, NOOOOOO!" I had shot a massive load of come into my pants, it just kept blowing and blowing until I almost fainted. I fell onto the floor holding my groin as I bent my legs to try to hide my wetness and my embarrassing accident, but Miss H. just laughed at me and kicked my arse hard, then pushed her bare foot onto my head, forcing my face into the carpet. She kept her foot there, saying,
"What a useless uncontrollable dirty little wimp you are, I think that you had better go home now boy. Your parents will be wondering where you are, it's lready gone dark outside. It's nearly bed-time for naughty little boys, and teachers puppy-dogs."
"Oh! Please Miss H. let me call them and tell them we are talikg about my behaviour in class. They'ill understand, I'm sure they will."
"If you stay boy, you may want to beg me to punish you, NOW....if that's what you really want, or get out of my house." She lifted her foot off my head.
I jumped up to a kneeling position, holding my hands like dog's paws again, facing the direction in which I thought she was sitting, lifting up my head, pulling out my tongue and panting like a dog, then saying very respectfully,
"Please Miss H. I beg you to punish me for all the naughty things I have done that have made you angry, and I will try to be a good boy from now on and do as I am told."
"You're facing the wrong way boy, but that will do for me, come over here." She said, dragging me by the hair, so that I was kneeling to the right of her legs, then she got hold of my ears and pulled me over her knees.
Miss H. then unbuckled my belt, undid my trousers and pulled them down to my ankles, telling me to . . .
"Kick off those filthy smelly pants, they stink of sperm, dirty little sod. Mmmh, you have a perfect smooth bottom for spanking, and I can your feel that little willy is hard again, we will have to fix that for you. Shoes off, boy, now pants, kick them away. right now give me the number of your parents so I can call them and you can explain why you are not at home yet. You can talk to them with my finger up your bum, so if you the wrong thing, I'll bend it and force my fingernails into your most tender parts. Now give me their number, boy!"
I gave her the number, my dad answered and I told him that I was at Missh.'s home and we were a serious tallk about my behaviour in class, and what should be done about it. he asked to speak to Miss H. so I passed her the phone, she pushed her finger up my anus even more as she took the phone, saying,
Hello Mr Mac. how are you? your son and I have been talking for quite a while about his behaviour and how he lives his life, I hope you don't mind, but I thought it was necessary that we talk in private and away from the school. I just didn't think it would take so long. What time does he need to be home for? 10o'clock? That's fine Mr Mac, I'll drive him home if you like? No, of course he's big enough to walk home isn't he?......Yes......Yes......Of course he is. we're having a very serious discussion about life, manners, behaviour, and attitude in general towards others ......What?.....At home with you......And his mom too?......Well I never.....We'll see about that too, won't we my boy, your attitude towards your parents, tou must tell your dad how you're going to change, tell him now!" Her finger raking my insides I take the phone off her, still laid over her knees, with my rock hard cock pressing into her thighs.
"Hello dad - OHHHH DAAD, (ouch!) I'm sorry if I'm not repectful enough and I'll try to better in future for both you and mom, (ouch) PLEAAASE, forgive me dad, and I'll do my very BEEEESTTTT FOOOR YOOOOU! Yes dad of course I'm alright. Just a little upset that's all. ....Yes dad, 'Bye." Miss H. took the phone from me, and said to my dad,
"Please don't worry about food for him, I'll make sure he eats something nice, hope to meet you one day Mr Mac. Yes I think I have him under my thumb, as the saying goes, he seems to like eating out of my hand. In the meaning of understanding what he needs to learn, of course......Yes, we have been talking about training, self control and discipline, and all kinds of things.......Of course I will Sir, Yes...... Thank you...... Goodnight Mr Mac."

Her fingers, now two of them, were thrusting back and forth inside my rectum. She was actually finger-fucking my arse and there was nothing I could do, everytime I struggled she dug her nails into the walls of my back passage, then she pressed down on my prostrate, and made me come once more, pumping my sperm all over her legs and feet, some of it landing on the carpet.
Her other hand grabbed my hair and pushed me down again she was saying, in a disgusted voice,
"Dirty little rat, lick up all that dirty spunk off me and suck my carpet clean. Now you've really got me angry, and i am goin to give you what for to really teach you a lesson you will never forget, ever, my boy!"
While I was sucking on the carpet she got up and then came straight back, placing something somewhere nearby, I could only sense things and see nothing. Pulling hard on one of my ears she said,
"Enough boy, over my knees, this time your pretty little bottom will hurt so much you won't be able to sit down till school on Monday, it starts with my hand, then my slipper, then the cane and finally my riding crop." She made me take a whiff of her fingers which were covered in my own shit, then wiped them undermy chin, and again under my arm-pits.........Then the beating began.......

She beat so hard and for so long that I was in tears before she even finished with her her hand, I was screaming with the slipper, crying like a baby with the cane, and nearly fell u*********s with the riding crop. I have no idea how many times she whacked my arse, but it lasted for so long that when she pushed me off her I just fell onto the floor and lay there, completely immobile, wondering what had just happened to me, while she went to the kitchen to get a sandwich and a drink of beer. Miss H. just sat there watching me, as the adrenaline began to numb the pain. I slowly and gently felt my bum, it felt twice the size it should have and I could distinctly feel some of the welts left by cane and whip.
My eyes were full of tears, and I was a blabbering idiot, wishing I had never even met my beloved teacher. But my penis was telling me another story. I went to remove the blindfold, but a slash of whip across my hand soon discouraged me as she said,
"Leave that where it is! Now wasn't that a nice surprise for you now, boy, my little Teacher's Pet? Did you enjoy your piunishment, boy?"
"No Miss, I didn't......It was terrible."
"Terrible eh? That's not what your hard little willy says, it's dripping joyful tears of precum all over the place. I bet you need to pee after all that don't you, boy?"
"Yes Miss."
"PIck up your pants and shoes, put them outside in the back yard...... NO, don't get up boy, stay on your hands and knees, even outside, put your pants over your shoes, and you piss on them. go on boy...... Do as you are told, or we have another little spanking session."
I pissed on my clothes and shoes as she watched, sipping her beer and smoking a cigarette. then she went back in the house and i tried to find my way back, still wearing the blindfold, feeling my way slowly, her hell rammed into the top of my head told me when to stop, then she spoke again,
"You have my permission to beg me to allow you to wank for your Mistress, boy....... or you can go home now."
I turned towards the sound of her voice, assumed my dog-beg position again and said,
"Please Miss, i beg to be allowed to lie naked on your floor and show you how I wank when I think of you. Please, I beg you Miss?"
"Get naked boy, and give me your clothes, they get thrown out with the rest." No sooner did she have my clothes than I heard the back door open and close, then her voice whispering in my ear gave me a shock as she said,
"You will need to hurry up boy. Your clothes are getting wet outside in the rain, can you feel my breasts brushing against your shoulders boy, wouldn't you just love to kiss them, wouldn't you just love to kiss me boy, and feel your tongue sliding between my lips as I suck on it, or would you rather me suck on your little wee-wee, boy, and make it spit in my mouth, or do you want me to take your virginity and give you your first fuck? Is that what this is all about boy, do you want to fuck your darling beloved teacher, little boy?"

For the third time I involuntarily shot my load without anyone even touching my cock, the bautiful teachers laughed out loud at me, and said,
"What a stupid pathetic wimp, who still can't control itself, or stop it's tiny cock from shooting it's spunk all over the place. Get your mouth on my carpet and suck up at that filthy mess you've made boy......AND THAT MEANS NOW, BOY......DO IT!"
She then grabbed a handful of my hair and thrust my face down onto her carpet, I had to feel around for the wet patches and suck them clean of all the moisture, as my tears added to the wetness. But my cock was still twitching with excitement in the hope of eventually getting sucked or fucked by my glorious Mistress and teacher, and showing her how I wanked for her. When I was finished I went to get get up, but felt her foot on the back of my neck pushing my head down again, as she reprimanded me,
"NOT GOOD ENOUGH BOY..... CARPET'S STILL WET...... DO IT ALL AGAIN." I heard another bottle of beer opening and pouring into a glass as she watched me cleaning the floor covering of my come, and tears, falling from my eyes.
"STAND UP BOY.......TURNAROUND AND FACE ME......... STOP........ TAKE ONE STEP FORWARD...........FEET TOGETHER......,HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK..........Well look at that little penis, still hard and ready to be taken care of, even a tiny drip of pre-cum on the end. I wonder if it wants me to lick it, or suck on it, that tiny drip of fluid looks very tasty. I know you can feel my breath on your cock, so you know my face is very close, and all I have to do is lean forward and open my lips to engulf into my mouth. That's what you want, or perhaps you want me to lay back and let you put it in my sexy juicy pussy........ISN'T THAT RIGHT LITTLE BOY?"
"Yes Miss, Please can I do it with you?"
WHAM . . . The crop fell across my bumcausing me to yell out a bloodcurdling scream.
WHAM.......Again the crop fell and again I screamed so loud that I'm sure half the street heard.
WHAM, it continued. I got six strokes in all, which left welts for 5 days from the top of my bum to the backs of my knees. These last six strokes were the hardest of all I had received, the one behind my lower thighs forced my knees to bend and I fell to the floor.

"You may now beg to show me how you wank for me. But because I am here you are going to wank and repeat everything I say, as you don't have to dream about me being here. I am here so you will think about someone else. BEG NOW BOY, or go home!"
I took my doggy begging position, tears rolling down my cheeks, saying....
"Please Miss, I beg your permission to lie naked on your floor and wank my cock for you, while you watch me. Please may I wank for you Miss, I beg you?" I heard some squelching and could smell her pussy very close by, I imagined her masturbating just in front of me, as she watched me beg. She finally spoke in a very shaky voice, saying,
"Lie down boy." I lay down on the floor.
"Hands behind your head." I obeyed, there I was lying naked in front of my teacher, in her living room, wearing only a blindfold, all my clothes were in her back yard in the pouring rain.
"Now boy, while you show me how you wank your idiotic little boyhood, you will say out loud lots of nice things to your mummy and your daddy. They do everything for you and you treat them horribly, You are rude, cheeky and ungrateful. But all that will change. As from today you will treat them with the utmost respect and consideration. That is my wish, and if you want to please me you will do as I say, or we will have another session of spanking, where I will get some participating spectators whom you already know, and maybe even a few of your own classmates to laugh at you, and of course spank you to get their revenge on your bullying."
My cock went soft as I moaned, imagining the humiliation and degradation of what she was describing.
"I love you daddy."
"I love you mummy." My cock was only semi-erect and wouldn't get hard. This was even more torture, especially with my sore ass rubbing on the carpet. I had to wank really hard to get erect, never mind becoming sexually aroused thinking of my parents.
"Thank you daddy." Something I never said, ever. It felt so strange saying that, especially here, and now.....
"Thank you mummy." I felt so very ashamed, saying things like this, but Miss H.'s voice aroused me.
"Good morning daddy." Oh my God. her voice, amazing, my dad, he would fall down if i said that to him.
"Good morning mummy." I suddenly imagined awakening in my parents bed next to my naked mum.
"Goodnight daddy." My cock almost went soft again, as i thought of saying that to my dad.
"GOOD NIGHT MUMMY." Then I got aroused again, think of kissing my mum goodnight, and giving her a nice long hug, feeling her body pressing aginst mine through her silk nightie. Would dad be watching me, jealous?
"Yes please daddy." He had just asked me if I wanted to invite Miss H. over for a Sunday lunch, I imagined.
"Yes please mummy." She had just asked me if I wanted some more chips, served to me in her sexy nightie, with her breasts dangling onto my shoulder. My God, where were all these ideas coming from?
"Now you can come for you Mistress, little boy.........I WANT YOU TO COME....... RIGHT ...NOW!!!!"
My cock went hard but I couldn't come. I pumped harder and faster, so fast you couldn't see my hand rubbing up and down my dick, I was squeezing it hard, trying my utmost to come for her. Then she said,
"Open your legs boy, let me make you come. Wank slowly and gently boy. That's it."

She sc****d her finger-nail from my arse-hole to the underside of my balls, my cock twitched once and shot one God almighty load all over my stomach and chest, as i moaned and groaned my extatic pleasure. I sensed her get up and me, just lying there, savouring that wonderful moment. She came back withh a spoon, and started to sc**** some come off my belly,
"Open your mouth boy, we don't want to waste all this sweet come do we now? Lets put it back in for next time, then I might allow you to kiss me. Open again...... and again........ and again, good boy. Now get on your knees, move to the right, forward a bit, move your hands forward.......Feel my feet, now you will kiss the tips of every one of my toes and say 'Thank you Miss' after every toe, and you will lick in between each and every toe for me...... yes that it boy...... carry on...... that's your real place, on the floor worshipping your mistress's feet, now the other foot, do it properly boy......you like being my little pet, don't you boy?"
"Yes Miss."
"Stand up boy, one pace back,feet wide apart, hands behind your back, i'm tying this pieceof string around your genitals, and with this i will lead you outside....there we are.....come on........it's still raining.........now listen to me....... When I push you outside and close the door, you will count to fifty, then take off the blindfold and get dressed then go home....... GOODNIGHT TEACHER'S PET."

She pushed me out and shut the door.....her front door.....i was naked in the street.

I hope you are all enjoying this story.
Obviously it's not all true, some is just fantasy.

Published by Seneschal66
8 years ago
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kintamasama 8 years ago
A true story should be a true story. I gave up after reading the first half. But your last sentence is sympathetic. Thanks!