For Many Of Us This IS Reality
The world offline seems to be just that, OFF. Among some of the most sexually extreme individuals on the planet [whom i'm thankful to call friends] i've encountered more compassion, satisfying interactions and and support than in all my coffee shops, therapy sessions and fake friends combined.
My Faith in God allows me to see both how far i have to go, as well as how far He's already brought me. i don't require that you believe what I believe to be My Friend. i require Only that You believe in Yourself. There will Never be a shortage of people to oppose you. There will however Always be a finite number of those upon whom you can depend.
For me that's God. He knows me and in spite of my struggles and what Anyone-else may think, He loves me. Some have made such connections here online, the more fortunate have them in their daily lives. Wherever, whomever you have, treasure them. Gain strength from them. And likewise, support them in their times of need. i've been a Freak for most of my life but....i've been a Human Being even longer.
Whether you need/want it or not, whether you care or not, i pray for You. i pray that the scales of your life are heaviest on the side of joy. i treasure You. i gain strength from You. And i will do my best to support You in Any Way I'm blessed to be able to.
You are my FREAKY DARLINGS and You are Precious to Me.
8 years ago