Anyone ready for a movie?
Cindy leaned back into the couch and closed her eyes, as the two black
men started kissing her and feeling her up. When one of their hands
went between her legs, she automatically spread her knees and let out a
deep sigh. As the one on her right started sucking on her neck, she
knew the SOB was going to mark her with a hickey, but at this point even
though she knew she had a luncheon to go to tomorrow, she didn't care
anymore. How in the world had it gotten this far she wondered, as the
other black guy rudely shoved two fingers into her cunt.
Her husband Pete had been the one that had started the fight a couple of
weeks ago, complaining that the spark they used to have in bed, had all
but burned out for the last year or so.
Cindy was no beauty model, but she still carried her 150 lb frame well,
even though her breast had started to sag, but dammit, her hips were
still a good size for her 40 year old body, and her legs were firm from
all the jogging that she did on a pretty regular basis.
Pete on the other hand had let his body go, and that beer belly of his
was probably one of the reasons that she did not get so sexually excited
anymore. Sure his six inch cock kept her satisfied, but truth be told,
the only time her juices would start flowing, was when they talked dirty
while having sex. One of the fantasies he had brought up lately was to
watch her having sex with another man, and Cindy had to admit that even
though she had never cheated on him, that did not stop her from checking
out a good looking man now and then, so the dirty talking did help get
her ready for his cock, and it seemed to inspire him to cum quickly, so
as far as she was concerned that was a plus, as laying there while he
did his quick five minute fucks just didn't bring her to any orgasms.
She remembered clearly what happened last weekend when she had given in
and spread her legs to let him have his five minutes of glory. He had
been trying to get her more excited, by sticking his tongue in her ear,
and while doing that, he had said that maybe what she needed was not one
strange cock, but many. It had been like a light was turned on in her
brain when he had used the word "many". She had started to get turned
on, and was in the process of wrapping her strong legs around his ass,
when as usual, he stiffened up and came in her.
She had bit her lip, because she was just starting to get into the fuck,
and here he went and shot his load and his cock was rapidly deflating as
he pulled out of her. She tried to wrap her arms around him as his cock
came out, but Pete was done with her, and she knew it.
As they lay there, Pete was trying to catch his breath, when she turned
to look at him and the words came out of her mouth without thinking.
"What did you mean by many?"
Pete blinked and wondered what she was talking about.
"You said you thought you would like to see me being used by many men.
What the fuck was that all about?"
He knew he had to chose his words carefully, or she would get into one
of her huffy moods, and they would be fighting again for a week. Cindy
was great at holding grudges, and could go without talking to him for
days at a time.... which was okay, he thought.
"Look, I didn't mean anything by it. It's just that you don't seem to
get so excited anymore during our love making."
"Love making? Is that what you call what we just did, or I should say
you just did."
She stared at the ceiling, knowing that she shouldn't have said that,
but it was out in the open now, and she knew a big fight would be
starting soon.
"Honey, it seems that you just don't enjoy sex anymore. I've got to
practically ask for it before you say okay, and then you just lay there
while I do all the work. I guess I thought that maybe someone else
climbing between your legs would get you excited again."
"You said many, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? I'm not some
cold fish, if that's what your thinking. There are plenty of times when
your at work, that I go and frig myself to get off."
"What do you think about, when your doing that?"
"Nothing in particular!"
"Don't give me that shit Cindy, when a person wants to have a cum, their
mind isn't blank. Their usually fantasizing about something they wish
they could do in real life."
Cindy measured her words carefully, and then turned to face him again.
"Would it be the end of our marriage if someone else came into our
"Geez Cindy, I fucking married you cause I love you. If someone else
was to want to fuck you, as long as you didn't do it behind my back, why
would I want to end our marriage?"
She hesitated again, and didn't blink her eyes, when she asked if he had
someone in mind.
"No, not really.... it's just been a fantasy of mine to see you getting
it from some other guy. Hell, even it was with another woman, that
wouldn't upset me, as long as we don't continue along the path were
going now."
"You said many."
Pete knew that was the second time that she had used that phrase, so it
must have meant something to her.
"So how would you feel if you had a bunch of guys want to take you to
bed. Truthfully now, does that excite you?"
Cindy looked at her husband, knowing that they were coming to a point in
their marriage that they might not be able to back out of.
"Just yes?"
"Look Pete, as long as were letting it all out, these five minute fuck
sessions do nothing for me, except make me wish that you were going to
work, so that I could relieve myself."
There, it was out in the open, she said to herself. As Cindy rolled
over and closed her eyes, she knew that she had hurt his feelings.
Feelings.... hell she had probably deflated his ego.
"How would you feel, if I were to arrange something with someone else to
fuck you."
She continued laying there with her eyes closed, but a small smile
started to form on her lips. So he wants to play mind games with me eh?
Well two can play that game.
"When would this happen?"
It was Pete's turn to hesitate. He gulped a little, knowning that she
was calling his bluff.
"What if I set something up for Friday night?"
"Do it!"
Nothing more was said, but Cindy went to sleep with her cunt twitching a
little, and she stole her hand down there to run her finger over her
nub, when she realized that she was actually wet down there, and it
wasn't from the cum he had just deposited.
Pete on the other hand had conflicting feelings. One of his fantasies
might be coming true, but on the other hand, he didn't know how he would
feel if he saw his wife making love with another man.
Making love?
Shit they had been talking about fucking.... not making love. A smile
spread over his face as he rolled over away from her and wrapped his
fingers around his cock which was now as hard as a rock.
At breakfast it had been very quiet, except for the functionary
"morning", coming from each of them. As she came over to freshen his
cup of coffee, she lingered for a minute before it happened.
"Am I to assume that your going through with this?"
"Unless you don't want me to."
There that would fix her ass, he thought.
"How many?"
"Geez Cindy, you still thinking about that?"
"I did all night."
"Okay, let me talk to a couple of guys from work and I'll set something
up for Friday night, or if you can't wait, I'll bring them home
"Don't be a fucking smart ass Pete. You said it was your fantasy, so
I'm agreeing to go along with it."
"It's starting to sound like you want this more than I do."
As Cindy turned and walked out of the kitchen, she said "Maybe I do!"
The more Pete thought about it at work, the more upset he got. So the
bitch wants it from more than one guy, well maybe it was time that she
got herself fucked so much that she might not want to have sex again for
years. Yes, the more he played different scenarios around in his mind,
the more outlandish his thoughts.
"Hey Pete, are you here today, or some wheres else?"
It was Max, the guy that was always laying stories on him about his
sexual conquests.
Max.... hmmm, maybe that was it! Max was black, but so what. Maybe
that would turn her off even more.
"LOL sorry bud, been having some problems at home."
"Anything I can help with?" Max had that silly smile on his face again,
like whenever he told him stories about the women he had fucked.
"Well Cindy has been bringing up that she might want to bring someone
else into our sex life." No sooner had he said it, than he realized
that was a really stupid thing to say to someone else.
"Hey I know what you mean bud. I've helped several guys out with those
"You what?"
"The guy down in shipping.... no I'm not gonna name him, he and his wife
had some problems in bed, and he invited me over, and now he tells me
she is a fucking dynamo in bed since I helped them out."
"Are you k**ding me?"
"Nope, not at all. You might be surprised at the number of wives who
long to feel another guy besides their husband between their legs."
"Well she wants more than that."
"Huh, what do you mean."
"Look this stays between us, understand?"
"Sure bud, you know me."
Pete looked at the black guy, and said to himself, yea sure I know you.
"I had blurted out the word many, and she jumped on it like a fish out
of water. She said she wanted to try more than one guy."
"Look Pete, I can help you with that too. Depending on how many were
talking about here, I've got some friends that like to do gang bangs."
"Gang bangs? Geez, I hadn't thought about it like that, but I guess your
right, if it's more than one or two guys it would be considered a
gang bang."
"And some women go nuts when a bunch of cocks are lined up before them,
"How many?"
"Depends, I can get a couple more, or maybe as many as five."
"Five or six, that would fucking teach her. Could you set it up for say
this Friday?"
"It would be my pleasure bud."
Pete watched the black guy walk away with a smile on his face. The
fucking nigger was probably already thinking about climbing between
Cindy's knees, well fuck it, she wanted it, so now she would be getting
As Pete had walked out of the door to go to work, Cindy had practically
ran up the stairs to get her dildo and relieve the tensions that she
felt in her body.
So it might really happen.... Well she suspected that Pete would
chicken out, after all he never had been that brave in bed to try new
As she slid the dildo in deeper, she wondered if the fool would actually
go through with it. Hmmm, what if he brought home some guy from work,
what would she do.
Immediately her mind went into overdrive as she pictured another guys
cock being available to her. Would she have nerve enough to let it
happen, she wondered.
Cindy raised her hips as she drove the last inch of the dildo into her
cunt. She would cross that bridge when she came to it, she thought.
Not much was said between the two of them till Pete started out the door
on Friday.
"I'm taking you out early for dinner tonight."
"Why, what's happening?"
"I've got some people coming over later."
"Your really going through with it?"
"You said you wanted it, well I set it up."
The door slammed shut and Cindy stood there with an open mouth. The
motherfucker had gone through with it, she thought.
She ran upstairs to get her dildo, but as she pulled it out of the
drawer, she stopped. Fuck it, if I'm gonna get the real thing tonight,
I'll show that SOB that I can go through with it. So instead she went
to fill the tub, and prepare herself for whatever would happen tonight.
Dinner had been quiet between the two of them, except for the number of
drinks that they both had ordered.
"Pete, are you going to be okay with what might happen tonight?"
He looked at his wife and a smile spread across his face. Might happen
tonight..... LOL he couldn't wait to see the look on her face when Max
and the other niggers would walk through the front door.
"Honey, it might be the best thing that has happened for the both of
They had gone home, and Pete had told her to go and slip into something
a little sexy.
"Pete, just who did you invite over here?"
"Oh just Max. You don't know him, and I think he is bringing along a
friend or two."
Oh fuck, it's really going to happen, as she hurried up the stairs to
change into something a little bit more suggestive.
She had stripped right down to nothing and had wondered what she should
be wearing. Should it be something revealing, or to make this Max
person wonder what was under her clothes. She answered that question
instantly when she had pulled on her thong, and just as quickly had
pulled it back off again.
Fuck it, she thought. If this was really going to happen, then she had
enough drinks in her tonight that maybe it was time for her to act like
a slut, and just slip on a robe. As she started to do that, she looked
at herself in the mirror and the big patch of hair stood out like you
know what.
A smile spread over her face as she hurried into the bathroom and
grabbed his shaving cream and her under arm razor.
As she was shaving, she heard the door bell ring, and a minute later she
heard some deep sounding voices saying hello.
"Cindy, when the fuck are you coming down?"
Leave it to Pete to be romantic she thought to herself, as she wiped
away the last strand of hair and shaving cream. Her cunt area was a
little red from the shaving, but she didn't care, cause she figured this
Max guy would probably be making it redder before the night was over
Cindy slipped on the Terry robe, and bounded down the steps. As she
stepped into the living room she stopped dead in her tracks. Before her
stood five of the blackest skinned Negroes she had ever seen.
"What the fu...."
"Hi honey, I want you to meet Max.... and his friends."
"But their.... their black."
Max stepped forward with an extended hand. "It's never bothered me that
I'm black. Nice to meet you Cindy."
She hesitantly offered her hand, and Max gave her a big smile, showing
off a row of brilliantly white teeth.
"I'll go get everyone a beer." Pete said.
"No... no... I uh need a... bring me something stronger to drink honey."
Max laughed as he took her hand and led her to the couch.
"So Pete tells me you would like to experience a couple more guys in
your bedroom."
Cindy gulped when he said that, and her stomach was doing flip flops as
Max drew her down to the couch, so that she was now sitting between him
and another black man.
As the other man introduced himself, Cindy felt Max put an arm around
her shoulders, and when she turned to look at him, he kissed her so
quickly that she tightened, but she didn't protest.
It was not a prefunctunary hello kiss, but something much more intimate,
as she felt his tongue push against her lips, trying to access her
Without realizing the consequences, she parted her lips, and Max's big
tongue went in exploring.
A breath of air escaped her lungs and went directly into Max's mouth,
and he knew this bitch was his for the taking.
As Pete walked into the room with a tray of beers and Cindy's mixed
drink, he stopped dead in his tracks. Before him he saw Max French
kissing his wife, while the other guy was starting to paw at one of her
breasts. The other black guys were already shucking their clothes into
heaps on the living room floor.
This was not supposed to happen like this he thought, but then he really
didn't know how tonight would have progressed.
"Here are the drinks....."
"Just put em on the coffee table Pete" Max was saying as he pulled away
from the gasping Cindy.
"Were just getting acquainted here, aren't we Cindy?"
She just nodded her head, as she looked down at the massive black hand
that was roughly squeezing her left breast.
Max turned back and grabbed Cindy's face so that she was facing him
again, and he brought his big black lips to her face again.
"Open up Cindy, I want to see if I can tickle your tonsils with my
tongue this time."
Cindy didn't protest, because everything was happening way too fast.
When Max dropped his hand down between her legs and his fingers tried to
spread them, they flung open as if on command. The other black guy had
put his hand inside of the Terry cloth robe and was now twisting and
pinching her nipple cruelly.
Cindy was breathing hard through her nose, as Max's tongue filled her
mouth completely, and both of her arms went limp as these black men were
pawing her.
"Don't you guys want a drink of something first?" Pete said with a dumb
look on his face.
One of the black guys that had just taken his clothes off, came and
grabbed the drinks tray, before Pete could spill it.
"Naw man, your wife looks like she is ready for action now. We've found
that if you take it too slow with some of these bitches, they tend to
get second thoughts."
As the black guy pulled the coffee table away from where Cindy was being
m*****ed, he set the drinks down and turned back to Pete.
"So husband, what else can we do for you two?"
"Wha... what do you mean?"
The black guy was easily five or six inches taller than Pete, and he was
stroking his cock as he walked up to him. It didn't escape Pete that
this guys cock had to be a good eight or nine inches long, and it didn't
even seem like it was hard yet.
The black guy stepped to within a foot of Pete and smiled at him, and
then looked down at the cock he was stroking.
"We've found that some of the husbands like to have their fun too, if
you know what I mean."
He put a hand on Pete's shoulder, and the steady downward pressure told
Pete this guy wanted him down on his knees.
Pete meekly went down until his face was mere inches from the black cock
that was being stroked. It was a large uncut cock, that when he stroked
it, the purplish head would come out from beneath the foreskin, looking
mean and inviting.
Inviting? What the fuck made him think inviting. He was no queer.
On the couch, as Max pulled away from her mouth and started to suck on
her tit, she saw Pete go down onto his knees. What the.... was he
really gonna....?
No sooner did she think that, and the black guy put one hand on Pete's
head and the other on that big black cock, and he pushed forward and it
went into Pete's mouth.
It was all she got out before the other black guy got up and offered his
cock for her to suck.
As Cindy opened her legs wider for Max to have access to her cunt, her
lips parted and the fat cock pushed against her teeth, and then she
opened her mouth all the way so that it immediately punched against the
back of her mouth.
She gagged a little and almost thought she would vomit, but the guy drew
back and then started to saw in and out of her mouth.
Cindy felt Max's mouth leave her tit, and then she sensed him getting
off the couch. Not a minute later she heard his clothes drop to the
floor and he roughly placed his hands on her hips and pulled her forward
a few inches.
Oh my God she thought.... it's actually going to happen. He's going to
The thought was stopped short, when Max buried about 5 inches of his
very large cock into her cunt.
"Clete, pull away for a minute!"
Cindy felt the cock leave her mouth, and she quickly looked for her
husband. Pete was sucking the black guy he was with, but she noticed
that the black guy was no longer holding his head as he was face fucking
him, but instead Pete was now doing it on his own volition.
She broke out of her trance and looked at Max.
"Look at the big black cock that is in your cunt! Is this what you
wanted bitch?"
She looked down and saw the thick cock sawing in and out of her cunt,
with her juices already starting to build up on it.
Max pulled it all the way out, so that she could see what must have been
close to ten inches of uncut cock with a pointed cock head on it. She
looked up at his face, and as he smiled he pushed it back in.
Her eyes rolled up into the top of her head as his pubes were now pushed
against the bare skin she had shaved not 20 minutes ago.
"Oh please...."
"What Cindy?"
"Please.... uhg.... please don't stop!"
"Ahhh so you like nigger cock eh?"
"Don't.... don't stop. God I feel so full..."
"That's right Cindy, so filled up. Before the night is over, your cunt
is going to have a stream of cum flowing out of it."
Her eyes popped open when he said that.
"Your not.... your.... oh fuck, your not wearing a condom!"
"Our spunk is all for you sweetie. Tonight it's going to be cum in your
cunt, your mouth so we can fill your tummy, and even in your asshole."
As Max started picking up the speed of his cock going in and out of her
cunt, Cindy again felt the other guys cock push into her mouth, and she
tried to concentrate on the two cocks that were doing her body. She
could hear Pete cough and sputter as the black guy who was face fucking
him came.
Pete tried to pull away, but both of the black hands were holding his
head still, plus a third hand was now pushing him from the back of his
head by one of the other black guys who was waiting his turn.
Three big globs of cum had gone down his throat until the guy pulled his
cock out, and almost immediately another cock took it's place.
Pete thought he was going to pass out, but the new guy had ahold of his
ears and was shouting at him to keep kneeling.
The couple were used for the next four hours while the Viagra kept the
black cocks good and stiff. One of them had even tried to fuck Pete,
but he had tightened up, even after they had threatened to beat him.
Cindy hadn't fought it at all, as at one time she had been riding one of
the black guys while he was laying on the floor. She had straddled him
and another black guy had pulled her hair so that she was bent over and
started sucking on the guys cock. When she felt a third cock, this one
poking at her asshole, she had just given in, and loosened her anal
muscles and let it happen.
Cindy knew she was at a serious time of the month of her cycle but the
hormones in her body were working overtime right now, and all thoughts
of having protection were out of the window.
The last thing she remembered as she had been rolled over onto her back,
was being fucked hard in the ass, while looking into the the menacing
face of the black man doing it. It was almost as if he was doing it out
of spite, or some long lost hatred that he had for white people. Her
legs were on his shoulder, and they were pressed back into her breast,
as the black guy's face was no more than inches from hers. It was as if
he were looking into her eyes, and letting the frustrations of hundreds
of years being taken out on her.
Cindy's body was long passed hurting anymore, as now everything was
numb, and the only thing that mattered was for this black guy to have
his cum shot, and her to have yet another one of her numerous orgasms
like what she had already experienced tonight.
Pete was laying on the floor about ten feet away, and he looked like he
was almost dead. Sure he was breathing, but cum was all over his face
and chest, every now and then he seemed to be belching a little like his
stomach was complaining about all the cum it had been fed.
As the black guy tightened up and a weak cum shot went into her asshole,
Cindy knew that it must finally be over with. She saw Max sitting on
the couch finishing off the last of the beers, and the other black guys
were already dressed up to leave.
As Max came over to her and got down on one knee, he softly asked her
"Did it happen like you hoped it would?"
Cindy just weakly smiled and nodded her head. A soft thank you escaped
her lips, and she closed her eyes as sleep tried to take over.
"You guys want help getting to your bedroom?"
She just shook her head no.
A few minute later, she felt someone putting a sheet over her body, and
she noticed they had done it for Pete too.
"We'll lock the door on the way out baby."
"Thank you Max..... really.... thank you!"
When Max saw Pete at work the following Monday morning, he had that
silly smirk on his face again, and started talking like they were long
lost buddies.
"So how did the weekend go for you man?"
"She.... well, she was so sore that she wouldn't let me touch her."
Max started laughing and slapping him on the back.
"Not to worry b*o, in a couple of days she will start getting that itch
between her legs, and you can tap her till the cows come home."
As Max started to go to his office, he turned his head and with a big
smile said "If you need us again, just give me the word, Oh.... and the
next time we can bring some video equipment along and make a movie for
you two to enjoy afterwards."
"A movie....?" Pete said to himself.
Well at least he was thankful that Max hadn't mentioned about him
sucking those cocks. He felt some revulsion, every time he thought
about having sucked those black monsters, but he also noticed that it
made him hard whenever those thoughts crept into his mind.
"He wasn't gay!" he thought to himself, but he had to admit that after
the first cock had cum, the other two had not been so bad. In fact, by
the third cock, he had grabbed the black guys thighs and dug his nails
into them, cause it excited him so much.
"if you need us again....." yes, that is what he had said.
Later that afternoon they had bumped into each other again, and Max's
smile told him that this fucking nigger knew he controlled the
"Uhmm Max...?"
"Yea bud?"
"If she is okay with it, might you guys be available this Friday night?"
Max pretended to think about it, but truth be known, he knew this silly
ass couldn't wait for him and his buddies to come over again and use
them both.
"Yea, I think that can be arraigned."
"What did you mean by video equipment?"
Max chuckled, yes this couple could be handy in making him some money.
Some serious money, he thought.
"One of the guys owns a photography business, and he has some
professional equipment he could bring along. You know, some Klieg
lights, tripods, the whole nine yards."
"Uhm, who would see this movie, I mean it's not something I want anyone
else looking at."
"You think I'm that kind of guy, buddy? Hell man, I might keep a copy
for myself, but we would be making this for you and your wife to enjoy.
You have a talk with her, but make sure you don't mention the video
stuff, as they sometimes get cold feet when you tell em that."
"Cindy, I was talking to Max this morning...."
Her head shot up from reading the newspaper, and he noticed she was all
"He said that if we wanted him and his buddies to come back over, to let
him know. What do you think?"
The fool wants to know what I think.... shit it's all I've been thinking
about since it happened.
"Well, it was different, that's for sure, and it was the best thing
that's happened for our sex life in a long long time."
She looked at him a little closer and squinted her eyes slightly....
"Pete, that thing that they did to you, what the fuck was that about?"
He bit his lower lip, and looked away from her as he hesitated to tell
her what was on his mind.
"I don't know, it just sort of happened. I was so fucking charged up
from watching those black guys pawing you, and from the surly way that
Max was messing with you, that when that one black guy walked up to me
while he was stroking that cock of his.... I just...."
She knew he was having a hard to saying what was on his mind.
"Honey, your still the man in my life, and what they made you do, in no
way changes that!"
He looked at her again, and the flood gates were released.
"When he pushed me down to my knees, I knew he wanted me to suck his
cock, and to be truthful, I wanted to do it. I'm sorry hon, but with
them messing with you, and with my seeing it happen, I just let it all
go. He pushed that thing in my mouth, and it was like..... WOW."
She smiled when she heard that, cause she suspected that he was probably
bi, and that Friday night had proved it.
"Did they fuck you?"
She said it without really thinking about the implications of it.
"No.... one of them tried, but I was too scared, and I tightened up too
much for him to do it."
"You know the first time we ever did anal, I was scared too, but I
trusted you and opened up to you, and it was like a whole new thing was
brought into our love making."
"That's easy for you to say, but a guy getting fucked is not the same
"Geez Pete, you sucked their cocks, what the fuck...."
He turned his head away and in a soft voice asked her, "You didn't say
whether you wanted them to come back over or not."
She answered way too quickly, he thought.
"Yes.... uhm.... that is if it's okay with you, of course. I think we
both enjoyed it, and I know that I would like to do it again."
"Okay...." was all he said as he went to the basement.
Cindy had cleaned the house for the umpteenth time that week, and it
took everything in her will power to not run upstairs and grab her
The excitement of knowing those big cocks were coming back over kept her
pussy in a constant state of wetness.
Pete had told Max they would like him and his friends to come back over
on Friday night, and Max had gotten on the phone to Otis telling him
that they would be needing his stuff to make some movies.
The extra beer had been put into the fridge, and they had gone out for
an early dinner. The extra drinks they had ordered, had calmed both of
them down enough that they could finish their meal.
Pete knew the neighbors would see the extra cars in his driveway, and
the black people that would be knocking on his door, but at this point
he didn't care anymore. The only thing that he was worried about, was
what Cindy would say if she saw the movie camera.
"Hey b*o, how's it going?"
"Come on in Max, she is upstairs."
He held the door open as the man called Otis came in carrying a large
suitcase, and the guys behind him were carrying what looked like
tripods and lights of some kind.
"Don't worry about it man, Otis has done this before, so just go with
the flow and he will have it setup in no time."
The last guy that walked through the door was the tall guy who had
forced him to suck that cock of his. He smiled at Pete, and called Pete
sweetie. The feminine reference immediately made Pete's cock twitch.
As the guys were setting up the equipment, Cindy came down the steps,
and the smile on her face turned into a question mark.
"What's going on hon...."
She never got a chance to finish her question, as Max reached for her
and pulled her hard into his embrace.
"And how is my luscious play thing tonight?"
Luscious play thing?
Before she could answer, Max pulled her face hard against his, and his
tongue was snaking it's way into her mouth. The other hand was busy
parting the robe and reaching between her legs.
Cindy's breath again escaped it's way into his mouth, as her legs parted
and his fingers started rubbing her nub.
Just as quickly, he pulled away from her, and smiling he told her to go
back up stairs and put on something a little suggestive, and to do it
She looked at Pete, but Max was already turning her around and giving
her a slap on the ass to send her on her way.
As she put her sexiest lingerie on and looked in the mirror at her self,
she wondered what the guys were up to.
Oh well, it didn't matter, as she knew she would be getting some big
black cocks again, and that's all that mattered.
When she came back down again, she noticed the tripods had been set up,
and what appeared to be a movie camera was being hooked up.
"What the....?"
Pete came over to her and with a shit eating grin told her "They want to
take some pictures of you tonight, so you can enjoy them later on."
He expected her to balk, but instead a smile came to her face.
"Oh.... uhm, okay...."
She jumped a little as Max reached up behind her and ran his fingers up
under the lingerie and traced them between her ass cheeks.
"Is my movie star ready?"
She looked at him and then at Pete, and the biggest smile crept over her
face. As she walked into the center of the room all she said was
"Fucken eh!"
It started off with some of the guys going back outside and then ringing
the door bell, while Otis was holding one of the other video cameras
behind her and recording the scene.
Cindy knew exactly what she was supposed to do, and opened the door and
greeted Max with a big kiss.
Pete just stood to one side with a dumb look on his face, as his wife
seemed to take over what was happening.
As the others followed Max into the house, He turned Cindy around so
that she had her back to him and was facing the camera, and his big
black hands cupped her breasts while he kissed her on the neck.
Otis zoomed into Cindy's face as her mouth opened up and a look of
contentment started to spread over her. Otis panned her face and then
zoomed in to where Max's mouth was sucking on her neck.
The close up showed his cheeks caving in, as he was sucking so hard on
her flesh that he was drawing blood.
Cindy realized what was happening, as Otis was coming in closer and
filming what Max was doing.
Her cunt started leaking as she realized that Max was going to give her
a hickey, while Otis filmed it. She let out a deep sigh, as Max kept
sucking, while both of his hands went between her legs and sought out
her cunny lips.
It was all happening so fast, that she started to sag to the floor, but
Max held onto her, making sure she wasn't going down till they had
finished this shot.
After a good two minutes of sucking on her neck, Max pulled away and
Otis got a great shot of the purple mark on her neck, and then zoomed
out showing her face and the hickey. There would be no guessing as to
who's neck had the hickey on it.
"Oh please...."
"Relax baby, Otis has tons of film and we've got all night. You just
let old Max take care of your needs, and in the morning you will be a
new woman."
As he slowly lowered her to the floor, two of his fingers were in her
cunt up past the second knuckle, and Cindy was blowing farts out of her
pussy lips, as she completely let go of all of her feelings.
Meanwhile, one of the other guys was filming Pete as he watched his wife
being given a hickey, and the tall guy who's cock he had sucked last
week, walked up to him and nodded for him to get on his knees.
Pete didn't even hesitate, as he knew he would be face fucked in a very
short time. As the guy pointed his cock at his mouth, Pete leaned
forward and wrapped his lips around the big cut cock head.
Pete let out a little whimper as he drifted off into his own sexual
world of excitement. Yes, he had thought about this moment all week,
and now it was happening again.
The hands on his head didn't have to pull too hard to take that big slab
of meat deeper into his mouth. Even though Pete was not an accomplished
cock sucker, it seemed that he must be a natural, as the cock head hit
the back of his mouth, and he did not utter a gag reflex.
As the camera man zoomed in for a real close up, Pete knew anyone who
would be seeing this, would know that he was now as big a black cock
sucking whore, as his wife was.
The two camera men were busy getting all kinds of different angle shots
on both of the white married couple. In fact, when some of the guys had
released their first cum shots, those guys took over the cameras and the
guys who had been busy taking that shots were now undressing and getting
ready for their turns at the man and his wife.
It must have been sometime around 10, when they all stopped for some
drinks, and another round of Viagra were passed out.
Cindy had already been thoroughly fucked in all three holes, and had a
very sated looked on her face, as she leaned back in Max's arm and
looked at her husband.
"So what's next?"
"Well I thought that since he's had all that cum pumped into his
stomach, that we would try out his asshole." Max said.
Immediately Pete got nervous, and took a deep gulp of the Scotch that he
was drinking.
"Don't worry b*o, your wife told me that she has a dildo upstairs, and
were gonna start you out with that."
Cindy got up and went to their bedroom, while Clete handed Pete a tube
of KY jelly.
"Here man, just put a dollop on your middle finger and start working it
up your asshole."
"Now wait a minute, this wasn't part of the deal...."
"Do it Pete! We've already got lots of close ups of your face as you
have been sucking black cock for the last couple of hours. It's not
like you won't like it buddy...."
As his finger spread the KY jelly in and out of his hole, he found that
putting an extra finger didn't hurt as much, and in the span of about 5
minutes and some more of the jelly, he had 3 fingers easily slipping
into his rectum.
Cindy sat down next to her husband and kissed him, as he felt her moving
the dildo up to his asshole, trying to push his fingers out of the way.
When the dildo touched his hole, he tightened up for just a second, till
the foreign object pushed a little deeper and his anal muscles relaxed
to let it in.
As she pulled away from her kiss, Cindy had an eager and strange look on
her face. Yes, here she was fucking her husband with her dildo, and she
knew that in a few minutes the real thing would be happening. She
smiled for the camera as she pushed the dildo all the way in, and Pete
let out a sigh.
"Okay, that's enough, get him on all fours." Max was now instructing.
It was Clete, who's 6 inch cock was the smallest of the group who
stepped forward, and smeared some KY onto his cock. He had an ugly
scowl on his face, as he knew he would be getting this white man's
cherry asshole.
Grabbing his hips and instructing Cindy to pull her husbands ass cheeks
apart, he pushed up against Pete's rosebud, and about a half inch of his
cock head went into Pete's ass.
He waited about a minute, letting Pete get used to it, before he pushed
some more, and a groan escaped Pete's lips as the cock head slipped past
his anal muscles and about two inches of black meat went searching for
Pete's soul.
Cindy moved back so that both of the cameras could get a better view.
One of them was pointing straight down, showing the black cock slowly
penetrating between the white cheeks, and Otis who was laying on his
stomach got a great shot from behind Clete, as the black cock slowly was
pushed deeper and deeper.
"Oh fuck.... go easy...."
"Does it feel good honey?"
Pete just grimaced and clenched his teeth as he made a small nod with
his head.
"That's it baby, in a couple of minutes, this black guy is gonna be
fucking you, and owning your ass."
The words sounded strange to Pete, but he knew that he was being turned
into this black guys bitch, as the last of the 6 inches penetrated his
rectum, and he felt the guys balls slap up against his own balls.
Pete dropped his head in submission as Clete took over and started to
slowly pull almost all the way out, and then slowly push it all the way
back in.
This went on for several minutes, with the camera men getting plenty of
shots from different angles, even one with Otis now laying in front of
Pete and getting some close ups of his face grimacing as he was being
Clete slowly started picking up the pace as his cock head started
getting more blood in it from the exciting fuck he was having. Hell, it
was now more like a diamond cutter for a cock instead of just being semi
Digging his fingers into Pete's waist, he started fucking him harder and
faster, with his sweat dripping down on Pete's back.
He muttered...."You ready white boy?"
Pete just nodded his head, hoping that the fuck wouldn't end, but also
knowing that his asshole was burning like it was on fire.
Clete let out a roar, and pushed his cock in as far as it would go, and
then started releasing his pent up orgasm.
Pete could feel the cock in his ass pulse, as it must have been
releasing it's load in him, and he dropped his forehead to the ground
in a sign of complete submission.
As Pete's asshole made a popping sound as Clete pulled out, he started
to roll over, but Cindy's hand on his back kept him in the position that
he was in.
"No honey, Max said that their not done yet."
He lifted his head to look at her, and then felt another set of hands
grab his hips.
As the new cock head pushed slightly into his already open ass, Pete
could tell that this one was much bigger than the guy that had just
fucked him.
"Give him a shot of poppers, Otis."
It was Max who was now behind Pete, and was pushing against the
shrinking hole that was suddenly scared of the much bigger cock that Max
As the brown bottle appeared under his nose Pete took a deep whiff of the
bottle, and then a second whiff as it was placed under his other nostril.
Suddenly his mind went into another zone, and Max's large cock head
popped into the white man's rectum.
Pete let out another sigh, and dropped his head back down to the floor,
as Cindy leaned in to console her husband.
"That's it honey, let Max give you the fucking that you know you need."
The words sounded strange to Pete, as he felt the long cock inch it's
way into his ass.
As he leaned even more forward so that the top of his chest was now
resting on the carpeting, he let himself in for what he knew would be a
long fucking. So this is what it felt like when he had fucked Cindy's
ass the few times she had let him. It wasn't too bad, he thought, till
Max was buried all the way in, and then started to fuck him like he
owned him.
After Max had unloaded in him, they had all taken a break for some more
drinks. It was Otis who was taking one of the little purple pills who
looked at Pete and smiled.
"I'll be ready for you as soon as you finish your beer Petey...."
Pete didn't even object, as it was evident that all of them wanted a
shot at his asshole that night.
Max looked over at Cindy and smiled.
"Don't worry baby, were gonna put you right beside your hubby when we
start. I need you to come over here and give me some of that wonderful
suction power of yours to get me good and hard, cause I'm gonna fuck you
in your ass while he is getting it from Otis."
Cindy had been fucked three times that night in her ass already, so she
knew she would be able to take Max's large monster cock. As she
dutifully got on her knees in front of Max, she figured it would be quite
late before they were done with her and her husband.
It was in fact 3 in the morning, before at the cameras had been broken
down and stored in the cases, before they all said goodnight.
It had surprised Pete that Max had kissed him on the lips, before the
black guy went over and kissed his wife. It seemed like the most
natural thing for Max, as he knew he now owned both of these white
people. He knew there were many more things he wanted to introduce them
into, but he also knew that the secret was to take it slowly as he
pulled them deeper into his circle of depravity.
8 years ago
the other couples Max and his buddies have turned on to black cocks?