A woman ignoring me as I lick her.

This is something that happened to me a while ago now but Is still one of my hottest experiences.
I posted an add online looking for a woman who would ignore me as I gave her extended oral and with me not wanting anything in return I was lucky enough to get a reply from.
After some emails then a phone call discussing what I hoped for I very nervously but excitedly drove to hers, on arrival we did not do a lot of talking having sorted the scenario out before hand. I had explained to her that I wanted to give her extended oral and that I would not be expecting or wanting anything in return. The other aspect I wanted was that the whole time I was licking her she would ignore me, I wanted her to think and treat me as an object or appliance her attention on something els.
That said she lay on her sofa and I got on my knees in position and got to work. For almost four hours she lay there drinking wine and watching Saturday night TV never speaking or looking at me once and at one point even d****d a comforter over my head. I did not stop licking the entire time the only from her being slight repositioning or squeezing of my head. I was in heaven and when she had enough the only words she spoke to me were that it was time for me to go. I loved every moment of it.

I am sharing this now because I had a similar experience three days ago with another lady, not as long but just as exciting because of the way she acted. Again placed an add and got an answer, swapped emails than calls. When I got to hers she answered the door already naked. She sat on the sofa and I got on my knees licking for maybe 20 minutes and then the same again with her sitting on my face. The wonderful thing this time was that the whole time she was texting or talking on her phone ignoring me under her, then told it was time to leave.

Would love to hear anyones thoughts about this or similar experiences.
Published by Hapspie
8 years ago
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