Most Men Are Awesome

Most men are awesome.

Perhaps my writing doesn't reflect that. Occasionally I've been pissed off by a man enough to make me say some pretty mean stuff. It's true; I've had some really shitty interactions with some men here on Xhamster (as well as some pretty horrific ones in real life). But that doesn't change the fact that I love men. I absolutely adore men.

There's been a trend growing in American culture, as well as the internet, that ridicules, ostracizes, and abuses men. I don't support that trend.

I have read articles that accuse all men of being part of **** culture. That all men are inherently r*pists, and that all men are abusers. I have seen comments made by my fellow women that were absolutely atrocious. Women calling all men stupid, or that they only think with their dicks. That all men objectify women. But this isn't true.

Most men, nearly all men, are really wonderful and decent people. I would wager that the horrible men are less than 1% of 1% of the male population. Probably even way less than that.

Like many other women, I have been the victim of a sexual assault. But, unlike many of my peers in this, I refuse to look at other men like potential predators. I still see men in a positive light.

I'll always poke fun at the penis-picture men who send me messages asking me if I like their cock, or if I want to fuck. That's just my nature. But I don't want to perpetuate the idea that men are bad, stupid, horrible, oppressive, barbaric, or cruel. I could argue that, in my own personal life experience, I have been subjected to much more frequent cruelty from other women than I have from men.

Women are quicker to judge me based on my weight than men are. Women are more likely to harass me than men are. Women are less likely to give me physical, mental, or emotional support than men are.

Saying all that, I am still a staunch liberal feminist (please don't confuse this with a third-wave feminist. google it, if you're confused). But I am also a supporter of Men's Rights, and a lover of men in general.

To all the good men out there who take the time to read my writing (and even those who don't); thank you for being you. Whether you're old-school macho masculine, or new-school soft and sentimental, I think you're great just the way you are. Live your life the way you choose, and continue on the beautiful paths you're on. I, like so many other true blue women out here, appreciate you for who and what you are. Women like us will never hold you to a double-standard. Women like us aren't afraid to lift you up when you're feeling weak, or hold you when you're feeling sad. We love it when you support us, but we also love supporting you. Together, men and women make a great team. We compliment each others' strengths and weaknesses.

Whenever you see some heinous bitch legitimately being mean to you, rambling about the patriarchy, or misogyny, or your "male entitlement", just come back and re-read all this. Then ignore that ignorant cunt.
Published by hollypetite
8 years ago
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st_john_green 3 years ago
I really enjoyed reading your writing and what you had to say. Thank you 
chuckwolf63 4 years ago
This is so nice, Holly....I'll come back and re-read it from time to time!
alan_inlondon 4 years ago
what a  nice lady  you  seem to be   -  keep well and  safe  -  very best wishes  alan
asiangirls1 4 years ago
Good post and easy to read. Im an equality and each to their merit the anti men and anti women brigade are mostly wrong!  But tell them that and you are suddenly the enemy 
Curiosityman 4 years ago
thank you!
ElwoodOn 7 years ago
Great post!
biorgium 8 years ago
As an atheist, it takes a lot for someone to bring out a visceral "god bless you" response from me. But you seem to hold a very genuine desire to understand men and male sexuality. I can't begin to express just how refreshing and rare that is.
biorgium 8 years ago
I'd like to add that I don't believe that most men even enjoy a lot of the ugly, racist, and misogynistic porn that is on this very site. It's just that many of us are passive and perhaps afraid of sounding "PC" or "SJW" if we criticize or complain about it. The optimist in me wants to believe that most men actually prefer porn that has a friendly vibe and isn't degrading to women. I hope I'm right.
Gilvain 8 years ago
Thank you for posting this. It was an interesting read.
hollypetite Publisher 8 years ago
Ugh, why do I bother? Stupid people are stupid people. So, I cleaned up the comments under this, and blocked the asshole who felt like going on a moral crusade about his dick avatar.
footlust420 8 years ago
YOU ARE AWESOME. That is all.
Long_Stroke 8 years ago
Thanks for this post. The PC trend seems to be to attack any straight man with a penis. For my part, as a black man, I'd says that everything you said here could probably be said about white people and police officers. I happen to interact with the police often in my line of work. Funny enough, most of the people calling me the N word on the job is other black people when my colleagues and I are there to save their fucking homes from burning up. Keep being cool, Holly.
I like your attitude! It's very refreshing to read the words of a woman who thinks that most men are awesome.
I think most people, and thereby most women, are awesome :smile:
Maniac-77 8 years ago
Thanks for the positive outlook ....
hornyguysd 8 years ago
Thank you for the write up... I believe you are 100% correct. Only thing I would add is that women, although far few than men, from my experience, still have that animalistic sex urge. That's not to say that they are a rapest, predator, sexual deviant or constant horn dog..... we just like to express and play when given the chance. I mean I enjoy sex so much that when given the opportunity it last for hours just because I enjoy the feeling or the enjoyment of changing control back and forth. Then again there is that hard wired desire to dominate, take control, even hunger for flesh by biting, licking, scratching even looking at it. The thing is, the more familiar I am with the opposite sex, and the more open she is, the more it will be fantastic. But to just meet someone and expect that will be the experience is usually 99% dead wrong and the sex, well a good relief, just plain sucked. Our brains are the biggest sexual organ, you get those flooded with the chemicals then its hard to not have a good experience, unless there are constant boundaries or objections. But there is and becomes the difference between moving on with your day and appearing on the 5 o'clock news as another sexual predator.
matureBBWlover00 8 years ago
Wow, frame this comment in the context of having read your profile first, and then all of your blogs oldest first, this one last. My opinion of you which was mixed just went up 10000%. Interesting your elaboration on the types of feminists, because many males like myself are unable to often differentiate. Not all Southern Old School men are knuckle dragging barbarians, so it was nice to read that, it made my day on a crappy Monday. Thanks!
equalza 8 years ago
Good read!
kevmosphere 8 years ago
A very refreshing point of view, indeed.
Totally enjoyed this you have a way with words and your a great lady :smile:
lyqs2lyq 8 years ago
Just found you this morning. The humor and honesty in your writing is wonderful. Live long and prosper.
dresdenfol 8 years ago
Anytime? You take the time to tell us what's going on and we will subscribe