The gas station
I broke my wife B from wearing panties soon after we started going together so if she had short shorts on or a dress her cunt and asshole would be on display also her tits were huge and I got off on showing her neked body off to anyone I could. Back when there were full service gas stations we would go 5 miles out of the way to get to certain gas stations that had all black crews running them. IIf B had on shorts I'd have her slip them off and part her cunt hair with a comb so anyone looking in as they cleaned the wind shield could see her cunt hole and see how wet she got as they lusted at her nekedness. If she really got into it B would put her feet up on the dash and spread her legs so the onlooker could see her asshole as well as her wet cunt. Later we lost the comb for a razor and all was smooth. Soon all the station crews would look for my car an when they saw us come in they'd come a running an if it was a big crowd B would pull her shirt up and B would for all intense and purposes be neked sitting there as these young black guys polished the windows.One evening about dark we pulled into our favorite station an I hopped out to use the restroom, leaveing B sitting neked except for a sweater pulled up under her neck and a perplexed look on her face. As I was pissing I her a commotion in the females restroom and as all these stations back then there were holes so the men could look into the womens restrooms. I cut the lights out so no one could see me an got down to peek into the womens side. Was I treated to a sweet site, there stood my girl friend, completely neked being felt up by 3 young black men pulling their cocks out and putting her hands on their cocks. B told them she couldn't let them fuck her but she'd jack each of them off. Yea,Yea,Yea was one of the young blacks reply. About this time the owner, abig black guy of about 60yrs old open the door with his keys and step into the room, he told one of the young men to go watch the gas pumps and he can be the last to get a go at this little cunt. He cussed all the way out then B told him no cunt or ass fucking, he step back and said well that jus leave one hole missy and with that the older man pulled out a cock that looked like it was 12" long and 6" to 8" round. B showed real interest but she never gotmore than the cabbage headed cock into her mouth. B gaged several times and she almost puuked and then one of the other black k**s jus walked up an shoved his cock up B's cunt to his balls. The fucking was on then all the three took turns stretching her young cunt,the old man with the huge cock was the last of the three and it sounded like when you get your foot stuck in mood and try to pull it out only to go in deeper, SLURP!!POP!!!SLURP!!! over and over. One of the k**s that had already fucked B made her suck his cock clean and he went and took over watching the gas pumps so the last black stud could get in on the fun. He made it thru the door as the old guy was making B clean his cock with her mouth,his cock was much more manageable soft so B could get more in her mouth but she still had to do a lot of cleaning from the sides. B looked really wrung out so the last one settled for a bj and as he'd been waiteing so long he hardly got his cock in her mouth and he was shooting into my girls mouth and B drank it down like cool water to a dieing man. As he left I ran in and helped B get up off the floor so we could leave. Cum was dripping from her hair and down both her legs. My car had been pulled to the restroom door and I got B into the seat and almost immediately a wet spot formed on the front of the seat an ran down into the floor. I went to pay for the gas and the older guy said don't worry bout it and cum back any time. These 4 black guys had gotten some young frsh white womens cunt an mouth for $2 worth of gass. I went back to the car and B was rubbing her clit an saying you should have been there,I told her I had watched and B smiled and said find a place to park so we can get the job done. As I said, I am always the last to cum in her and she counts on me making her cum last. We did sweat out her period that month, the 60s was not a time for a white women to have a black baby no matter how much fun we had making it. All though it did become popular just after this happened. TRUE or NOT U B the judge!!!!!
8 years ago