John's Geektastic Blog 5

Hello Fellow humans, Aliens, energy beings and monsters of all descriptions and any dimension jumpers out there too my blog

well I've been sick for the past wee while, horrible flu chest infection thingy. Ive been filling up hankies and not in the good way. In fact there's so much stuff been coming out off me there looking like dulux colour charts

at one point I think I was hallucinating Jimmi Hendrix dancing around the room with Elvis Presley and I thought that's it Saint Peters calling me I can hear Freddie mercury singing who wants to live forever thats it. But im ok now so lets crack on with this shit

Batman V Superman Dawn of Justice. I know this ones been getting rather mixed reviews but I liked it is it a great film? No is it a classic not really. The film falls down due to too much going on and there being to many plot-holes and dropped and unfinished story lines. Though there are positives namely Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman this is maybe the closest to the comics batman we have seen he's dark, brooding and it shows him in the the many guises that Batman has namely Bruce Wayne the Playboy, Bruce Wayne the Brooding Loner and The Batman all off these characters fit together greatly and are all seem-less in there portrayal. all the batman scenes are awesome the fights are Brutal and some of the best ive seen in any action movie. Gal Gabots Wonder Woman is also Great her whole theme was awesome and made the final fight really take it up a notch also she seems to be really enjoying herself and is a bit of a berserker during the finale. Im looking forward to seeing her world war 1 set film when its released. Where the film fails is Zack Synder and his use of slow-mo, convoluted storylines and too many side charators. Personally I think it would off been a much better film if it was Just a batman/wonder woman film maybe setting up a Batman V Superman flick. Though there is lots too look forward too with DC the new Suicide Squad looks great as Does Wonder woman so Hopefully they can sort out the issues with this film and turn some off there great characters and storylines onto the big screen.

holy fucking milf hotness batman wonder woman is hot, if there's one thing you have gotta love about the new batman movie its Israeli actress Gal Gabot, she is a stunner just look at those legs and she can kick your arse to in real-life as before becoming an actress she was in the Israeli Army where she taught those Nut-jobs GRAV MATHAFUCKIN MAMGA so she could maybe even fucking kick Batman and superman in tha nuts

ive been asked to do a blog on my 50 favourite films, for me that is FUCKING IMPOSSIDLE TO DO THAT cause I watch way to many films fuck I can list my fifty favourite STAR WARS knock-off films, fifty favourite Zombie movies, fifty favourite anime movies, fifty favourite cowboy films so im going to every so often talk about one off my favourite movies this week

The Outlaw Joesy Wales (western)

Classic Revisionist western set in the days and weeks after the civil war, one of Clint's first directed films and full off gunfights, morally grey people and a full on eccentric cast. Its great to watch Clints Badass former confederate soldier gather this group off people around him including an Injun chief an Injun girl (who wants to get it on with Joesy), some mad pilgrim woman her daughter (who wants to get it on with Joesy) a town full of whores (who you get the picture). You also see him go up against the Union Army and there evil red trousered militia, commenceros and tonnes of weird and wonderful characters

this weeks geeky interview is with Danielle from Danielle92


1.Hey there can you tell us your name and a bit about yourself?

Hello! My name's Danielle, or just Dani for friends and family! I'm a business/management graduate at day and love to troll my friends on xham at night :) Dani the Troll what kind of geeky things do you like?

Hmpf not the nickname I was hoping for haha =pĀ 

Do video games count?! That's definitely at the top of my geeky-list.. I love to experience or develop my own story in a new and original world, like many video games allow you to do.. I used to be into books and reading, but as I grew older my attention span grew shorter and I've just not got the patience to read anymore unfortunately :( I do own a huge collection of 007 books by Ian Fleming :P your a Bond Girl?

Definitely used to be, I'm not a huge fan of the last couple of bond films.. Not sure whether that's because I'm older now, or because the movies have changed.. but I highly prefer the old traditional and almost cheesy ones with Desmond Llewelyn as Q, miss moneypenny and the classic queue-the-bond-music scenes :P I still think the recent ones with Daniel Craig are fantastic movies, just maybe not necessarily 'Bond' movies if that makes any sense.. but hey just my two cents :)

4.think the newer Bond films can be a bit slow

Yea a little bit, which bond film is your favourite? :P


Nice! Mine's Goldeneye

6.favourite Bond?

Roger Moore followed by Pierce Brosnan love for the Original?

Oh plenty of love :P who your favourite bond girl?

Hmmm probably Famke Janssen as Xenia Onatopp in Goldeneye! I don't know why but I've just got a bit of a girl-crush on her..she also plays Jean in the X-men movies.

9.shes my favourite too her and the girl who played Natlia in the same movie

cool :)

10.imagine a 3 way with those two ;)

A serious lack of penetration :P

11.though she does like a good squeeze, so what kind of video games do you play?

Hmm, almost everything really, although I try to steer clear of MMOs and first person shooters these days.. FPS's don't really hold my interest that long and I find that none of the new or current MMOs can't compete with my one true love, the first MMO that I ever played and sunk about 6 years of my life in till finally quitting :PĀ 

I really love gaming franchises - a continuous story, universe and characters that evolve as more games come out. I'm always intrigued to see where the devs take it and can't wait for more.. my favorites are the Witcher and Mass Effect games :)

But then I also just love silly party games like Rocket League which allow me to give me little s*s an arsewooping :P

12. find that I prefer a continuous story I think thats why I prefer tv shows, books and comics to films these days

Yea! I feel the same way, although the risk with games is obvious that the wait is incredibly long and if it isn't exactly what you wanted or expected from it, might end up as a huge disappointment COUGH FALLOUT 4 COUGH :P

13 so what was the MMO that you spent 6 years on?

Anarchy-Online.. not *that* well known, but it was one of the very first, before WoW came out.

14 what was the theme of the game?

So AO is a sci-fi MMO-RPG... A looooooong story short, the theme of the game is basically 2 opposing factions constantly battling each other (Omni-Tek and Clan). This happens through story missions obviously but also lots of PVP, best known as Tower Wars. A guild can claim a tower site and guild members can then place personal towers which give a huge boost in stats. The towers are destructible and once the main tower (control tower) has been destroyed, the site can be claimed by someone else. Tower sites are on a cycle that allow them to be attacked every single day, so the heat never settles. This used to lead to huuuuge battles, talking like up to 300 players on each side (Omni and Clan) fighting each other for control over the sites. So much fun!!Ā 

It also has a very in-depth and extensive 'twinking' system, which allows you to temporarily boost personal stats so you can equip better weapons and armor, unlike any other MMO I've ever seen.. this meant you could actually distinguish your toon from the others at the same level by basically out-mathing all of them, seeing how far you can boost for example your stamina stat so you can equip an armor piece with a high stamina requirement.Ā 

I honestly can't do the game justice without going on about it for hours and hours, it has so much content and so many fun details that no other MMORPG has.

15 it sounds fun,why did you stop playing?

I'm not sure what happened at Funcom, but the dev team was cut down and regular updates and expansions stopped happening. On top of that they had made a bunch of empty promises, promises they either never delivered on or it would literally take them years. Players found ways to break the game - in PVP as well - which would be incredibly infuriating and still the dev team would turn a blind eye rather than fix or update the game. All of this while a subscription still cost like 15 quid a month, and friends and players started leaving.. either due to real life or just departing to other games like WoW :/

And on top of that, the updates that DID make it through were the ones nobody asked for.. generalizing and dumbing down the game to go more mainstream rather than hold onto its strongest point that distinguished itself from all the others - complicated systems and mechanics that don't hold the player's hands through the game..

16 ah I see, do you play console games?

We own consoles but I highly prefer a (desktop) pc.. planning on building my new one towards the end of this year :)Ā 

I'll play console exclusives on em though, like the last of us or tomb raider when it came out. They're also much better suited for couch coop and just having fun with friends or my s*s

17 ive always preferred consoles, though I havent played games in about a year

Ohhh that's a shame, you're missing out on so many good titles!! Time for you to take a month off and come be a couch potato at my place :P

18 I like the sound off that, what games shall we play?

Oh the best game to come out lately was eaaaaasssiiillyyy The Witcher 3, and with the amount of lore and story that game has I think you'd love it too!Ā 

Other than that we'd be playing lots and lots of rocket league so I can kick your bum 1v1, it's hard to find new players these days because its been out for a while :P

19 whos to say i wouldn't kick your bum?

Oh you'd be way too distracted by these tits ;)

20 will you be playing in the nude like?

Haha you tell me, I'm competitive and will do whatever it takes to get the win :PĀ 
Maybe a nice comfy robe, sllooowwwlyy and tactfully letting it fall open to the side a bit...

21 and if im still winning?

Oi what kind of interview is this mister!!

If you're STILL winning after that I'm putting that vibration mode on the controller to good use :P

22 now that might get my attention, so would we have snacks and drinks at our gaming sesh?

I suppose you can feed me g****s if you insist


23 what about churnchie nut cornflakes ;)

yesssssss you can still eat em off my body, even though thats probably the weirdest fantasy in the history of xham :P

24 so what other geeky things are you a fan off?

Oh uh.. other geeky things specifically jeez I'm not sure, I did built my own PC and I like to stay up to date with tech-news, maybe that counts as geeky? :P

25 so you like to build computer equipment?

I do, but it's also an incredibly expensive hobby and ultimately kind of pointless so I try to mostly stay a spectator and encourage friends to build their own systems haha

26 how do you build a pc?

Well first of all you find yourself a rich sugar daddy, and then you convince said sugar daddy that there is no point in buying pc components unless you get the latest and greatest so you won't have to upgrade for the foreseeable future :PĀ 

But seriously - and I hope this isn't incredibly dull or boring talk for your readers - you set a price range for yourself and figure out what your needs are. Do you need a dedicated graphics card or not, do you need a large amount of RAM/cpu power or would you rather buy large amounts of storage?Ā 

I would say that building any kind of system that isn't absolute top of the line is pretty straightforward, you just have to make sure the components you select are compatible with each other. High end / enthusiast grade components is where it gets interested, cause you get to compare benchmarks of different products and rivaling companies and really figure out which component best fits your (excessive) needs :P

27 does your sugar daddy need to be rich and show many computers have you built?

Well yea he has to be rich how else is he going to fulfill all of my wishes silly :P

I've built 3 total, but only one was for myself/personal use which last 5 years until she finally passed last year :c So I'll be assembling a new one soon, exciting :P

28 so what got you into building computors?

That's a great question! I.... I can't remember! hahaĀ 

I think I've always been a little interested in math, optimization and efficiency, so when I was ready to purchase my own first PC a little over 5 years ago, it was very important to me that I got the best system possible. A lot of pre-built systems have pros and cons, but I was just really looking for something with only pros and so it started to make more and more sense to me to just order the components I wanted and put it together myself. That's when I got into comparing benchmarks and reading reviews per component etc, and I was just hooked.. so many interesting things to learn.

29 and yet you arent studying computing

I chose business management cause it allows me to work in different projects or very diverse positions every couple of years.. I get incredibly bored and have a hard time focusing rather quickly, so by going the management-route I hope each new challenge I encounter will keep me interested and engaged.

so I'm perfectly fine with having this as my little side hobby and learning as I go by myself

30 so your a Gamer what do you make of the whole gamergate episode from a few years ago?

can't quite remember what that was all about?

31 it was a online campaign by gamers against corruption withing the Gaming Journalism. it came about when a female game developer made a game and her boyfriend wrote a 10 star review about the game that she made. and when other gamers played it they where like this games shit. then you had people jump in saying that the whole gaming cummunity is sexiest and theres no women gamers and that where there is women gamers they are abused and ridiculed

Ah yes, I remember.. Honestly, I couldn't care less about any of those things :p As long as there is anonymity on the internet, people will be heartless, cruel and complete jackasses. Just look at any forum, YouTube comment section or even on sites like this..Ā 

Regarding the journalism thing - it didn't really affect me personally. Obviously there are integrity issues by covering your girlfriends game without full disclosure. But the kind of person who does that also isn't the kind of person I would personally follow for their opinion or reviews about a game (or any other product) and I don't think they'd be able to run a successful business for very long either. There are very ethical and established reviewers out there - and those are the ones I can trust to disclose any personal relations tied to the product they're reviewing if there are any. That's where I look for my reviews =pĀ 

On sexism in games - Eh.. again, I don't really care. People will often single out examples of games doing it wrong while failing to mention the dozens that are doing it right.

32 well I just look at the amount of strong female Protagonists in games.and theres more and more of them coming out every single year

Exactly my thoughts.. nothing to worry about =p AND some of them are decently clothed, too!

33 yeah armours over rated, who are your top ten badass babes in Gameing?

Top ten holy moly that's so many off the top of my head haha!Ā 

I think my all time favorite *has* to be female commander Shepard from the Mass Effect series. In no particular order I'll list some others that I love, I don't think I could rank them 2-10 though :PĀ 

1 - Liara T'Soni (Mass Effect)Ā 
2 - Ciri, Triss and Yennefer (The Witcher, I love all 3 equally :P)Ā 
3 - Faith (Mirror's Edge)
4 - Elena Fisher (Uncharted)Ā 
5 - Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)Ā 
6 - Tiny Tina (Borderlands)Ā 
7 - Elizabeth (BioShock)Ā 
8 - Ellie (The Last of Us)
9 - Jodie (Beyond Two Souls)Ā 
10 - Commander Shepard (Mass Effect)

34 what is it that draws you to these charactors?

Well for Lara Croft its her amazing tits and ass, obviously :P

I don't know, there isn't just *one* thing that draws me to all of them.. I think each and every single one of them has an awesome story line, one that's their own and lets you relate to them. They're basically just the male equivalent of kicking ass and chewing bubblegum :P

35 are you a fan of they live?

they live?

36 John Carpenter Horror Movie the line "Im here to kick ass and chew bubblegum and Im all out off gum is taken from it" * ("I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum." te proper line :P )

Oh I always credit Duke Nukem for that one, that's where I got it from =P No I've never seen They Live

37 it an awesome film you should watch it

Haha well if thats where the quote originated from it must be awesome, will watch!

38 it was on YOUTUBE not that this page endorses piracy in anyway;) (John Blog Legal department here this blog in one way ever EVER!)

'Course it doesn't!! :PĀ 

I'll be sure to check it out :)

39 oh yeah Piracey is a serious crime that takes millions and millions away from hollywood blockbusters every year and puts the production of movies into serious threat (Johns Blog Legal the authors views in no way represent the views of this Publication)

uh huh :P

40 talking about movies. what kind of films do you enjoy?

Love me some good action, thriller and 'mind fuck' kinda movies.. usually despise slow dramas or romantic movies

41 you like being mind fucked?

sure do, I like a challenge :P

42 tell me some good mind fuck movies

I mean they're usually the fairly well known movies everyone loves :PĀ 

Memento, Shutter Island, The Usual Suspects, The Prestige, Matrix etc..

43 do you like comics?
I do like them but I never got into them or read an entire series unfortunately

44 what comics have you looked at

I used to read a lot of Asterix and Obelix books/comics, because my mum had all of them (Dutch versions) :P That got me pretty interested in all the Roman/Caesar stuff early on

45 oh I loved Asterix and Obelix there actually very cleaver, with all the Gaul charter names being puns in each language they are printed in

yea :) lots of humorous stuff in there

46 so you have an interest in Romans?

not really any interest in particular but I do usually enjoy their history and lore

47 cool :) so you never wore a toga?

haha not an official one, but I did attempt to make (and wore) one with a bed sheet during an ABC themed party :P

48 ABC?

anything but clothes =p

49 ohh sound like my kinda party

hehe yes, very memorable :D

50 so what where people wearing

just all kinds of uninspirational outfits you can fiddle together within 2 hours with cheap supplies from a hardware store :P It was in New Zealand in a super remote little town (and the bar+cabins were even further out) for just about 30-40 backpackers

so lots of bed sheet, plastic bags and shower curtains were used haha

51 well I would like to take this time to thank you for being interviewed it was fun and I hope you enjoyed it and any questions from you?

I did very much enjoy it, thank you for considering me! :D

well thank you very much for joining me and thank you Dani for taking the time to be interviewed

Until we meet again. May the Seven go with you
Published by jonboi18
8 years ago
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edintx99 8 years ago
I hope you are now better, buddy. I remember a really bad virus where I watched a chair walk across the room and say hello to me!

Believe it or not, I haven't gone to see Batman vs Superman. The whole premise of Batman somehow being able to take on Superman (ex a Kryptonite bullet) seems silly. I will see it when it gets to DVD. Though that cameo appearance of Wonder Woman does have me thinking about it...

You had a great interview with danielle92, nicely revealing her geeky-science side. I love the insights you give us in your interviews. However, I am wondering, have a burning question... "How did you manage to focus and ask so many questions when you were seeing that screen shot of her in front of you?" ^__^
nightskies 8 years ago
Another killer blog John, and a great interview with an interesting interviewee. Although I'm sorry to hear that you are still feeling bad, do have to say that I'm partial to Emerald Delight 1, such a deep shade. We've already discussed Batman vs Superman in depth, I would say :smile: but your take on it is spot on. It had some holes and story line issues, but it's basically entertaining. Your current BOW is a great selection though, intelligent and beautiful woman, great choice.

The Outlaw Josey Wales is a classic Western, and the way you put it is, well, accurate, everyone wants to do him. Wonderful interview with Danielle, anyone that enjoys math and builds their own computers for a hobby is awesome in my book! And she's right, The Witcher 3 is an excellent game and visually stunning, possibly the best game of the year last year.
Dark_Witch 8 years ago
coool and i hated Batman VS Superman. D-