Please read this fact about the ohmibod ty!

It doesnt work when it is plugged in so dont be fooled by models who claim it does. The ohmibod is very overrated so beware tippers. I have watched models using it so here is one tip to take note of the remote shuts off after a certain amount of time so you physically have to turn the remote back on. I have watched so many models using ohmibods but I have never seen many turn the remote back on. That means they have it on the level that is running all the time not on the level that picks up sound or somebody could be in the room with them operating the remote control. I know Ill get a lot of crap about this but its all 100% true.

I asked the ohmibod company if it works when it is plugged in & this is what they said: [email protected]
Thanks for reaching out to us with your questions! The Club Vibe 2.OH does not vibrate while plugged in.
Published by hitachilady
8 years ago
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nico1947a 5 years ago
Show me more about your bautyfull body
hollyisadog 5 years ago
thanx for that info sweetie. and by the way . you are sexy inside and out . i can tell you are very warm and caring person. so plz dont listen too anyone that tells ya differently, and those who do, are very ugly people. regardless of how they look plz read my message to you . id like to  buy you a gift card. 
st_john_green 7 years ago
Thanks for the information because I was actually going to purchase one of these for a lady friend of mine and they are not exactly inexpensive, the reviews were not impressive or consistent, and I decided not to. I never thought of the scam part of them that's a great point.
bigcat72 8 years ago
Thanks for the information , I had a feeling it was a scam
I fucking knew it that I always find odd about OMB and I never trust some models that wear/use it because its obvious to me they were faking it. Just saying! Thanks for the info. Cheers!
derrickx 8 years ago
Thanks for the info, I knew some of these ladies were faking. That's your one of my favorites because you always have 100% real orgasms!