Sexual Orientation in Penisland
I haven't updated the world on my adventures in Penisland for awhile.
So, in the normal world, a person is born. They go through puberty, and mature. During this period of change, they find themselves sexually attracted to other individuals. It's at this stage that their sexual identity and orientation start to coalesce into something tangible.
Guys and gals experiment, sexually, and discover truly what they're attracted to. Then, as a society, they label themselves (or are labeled by others) to describe this orientation. These arbitrary labels assist others in determining whether or not there's an opportunity for mutually beneficial interpersonal, sexual, and/or romantic relationships. That's how sexual orientation works in the real world.
In Penisland, it's slightly different.
In Penisland, an individual's core sexual orientation is defined by the community. Then, the labels are applied. For example:
I received a friend request by a male in Penisland. Accompanying this friend request was a message that said "oh, never mind, you're lesbian".
Now, to put things in perspective; I'm not a lesbian. In the shortest terms possible, I'm a straight gal, who's relatively "vanilla". In more elaborate terms; I'm a cis-Woman, primarily sexually attracted to men (although I have slight bi-sexual tendencies), but have never been in a romantic/intimate encounter with another woman. I am also sexually aroused by intercourse between gay men, or men/women with transexuals. I tend to enjoy seeing a lot of penis in my porn. Although, I have masturbated to lesbian porn as well.
But, I am not a lesbian.
Apparently, because my body may be considered "alternative" or "unconventional" (seeing as how I'm a little bit fluffy), and since I don't pile on makeup, prance around in skinny dresses, and possibly have a lesbian scene in my Favorite Videos section, this has caused the denizens of Penisland to determine that I'm a lesbian.
Penisland is not without its contradictions, just like the real world.
While the male citizens of Penisland determine your sexual orientation, the female citizens of Penisland determine your gender.
Gender is determined in the real world by chromosomes during cell division while an embryo is gestating during pregnancy. That extra bonus X chromosome ensures that an embryo will develop into a male. When the offspring is born, it's born with a penis due to that chromosome.
In Penisland, it works slightly different.
In Penisland, your gender is determined on a case-by-case basis by the individual female citizens of Penisland. When you approach one of the females in Penisland, they glance at you, hear what you have to say, and (on the spot) determine what your gender is for you. This can rapidly change from day to day, and a person's gender is indeterminate by the male citizens of Penisland.
So, if I comment on a woman's videos, I may receive a message saying "You're a man". Tada! Just like that, my gender has been shifted to male. Whereas, later, I might be discussing another woman's husband in their videos, and she might mention that she'd like to watch me fuck her husband, because she enjoys seeing her husband with other women. Tada! Just like that, my gender has been shifted back to female.
In conclusion; in Penisland, your gender is determined moment to moment, by the observations of individual females, and your sexual orientation is dictated by the males (more research is needed to determine if sexual orientation is, in fact, collectively determined or is determined on a moment to moment basis).
So, in the normal world, a person is born. They go through puberty, and mature. During this period of change, they find themselves sexually attracted to other individuals. It's at this stage that their sexual identity and orientation start to coalesce into something tangible.
Guys and gals experiment, sexually, and discover truly what they're attracted to. Then, as a society, they label themselves (or are labeled by others) to describe this orientation. These arbitrary labels assist others in determining whether or not there's an opportunity for mutually beneficial interpersonal, sexual, and/or romantic relationships. That's how sexual orientation works in the real world.
In Penisland, it's slightly different.
In Penisland, an individual's core sexual orientation is defined by the community. Then, the labels are applied. For example:
I received a friend request by a male in Penisland. Accompanying this friend request was a message that said "oh, never mind, you're lesbian".
Now, to put things in perspective; I'm not a lesbian. In the shortest terms possible, I'm a straight gal, who's relatively "vanilla". In more elaborate terms; I'm a cis-Woman, primarily sexually attracted to men (although I have slight bi-sexual tendencies), but have never been in a romantic/intimate encounter with another woman. I am also sexually aroused by intercourse between gay men, or men/women with transexuals. I tend to enjoy seeing a lot of penis in my porn. Although, I have masturbated to lesbian porn as well.
But, I am not a lesbian.
Apparently, because my body may be considered "alternative" or "unconventional" (seeing as how I'm a little bit fluffy), and since I don't pile on makeup, prance around in skinny dresses, and possibly have a lesbian scene in my Favorite Videos section, this has caused the denizens of Penisland to determine that I'm a lesbian.
Penisland is not without its contradictions, just like the real world.
While the male citizens of Penisland determine your sexual orientation, the female citizens of Penisland determine your gender.
Gender is determined in the real world by chromosomes during cell division while an embryo is gestating during pregnancy. That extra bonus X chromosome ensures that an embryo will develop into a male. When the offspring is born, it's born with a penis due to that chromosome.
In Penisland, it works slightly different.
In Penisland, your gender is determined on a case-by-case basis by the individual female citizens of Penisland. When you approach one of the females in Penisland, they glance at you, hear what you have to say, and (on the spot) determine what your gender is for you. This can rapidly change from day to day, and a person's gender is indeterminate by the male citizens of Penisland.
So, if I comment on a woman's videos, I may receive a message saying "You're a man". Tada! Just like that, my gender has been shifted to male. Whereas, later, I might be discussing another woman's husband in their videos, and she might mention that she'd like to watch me fuck her husband, because she enjoys seeing her husband with other women. Tada! Just like that, my gender has been shifted back to female.
In conclusion; in Penisland, your gender is determined moment to moment, by the observations of individual females, and your sexual orientation is dictated by the males (more research is needed to determine if sexual orientation is, in fact, collectively determined or is determined on a moment to moment basis).
8 years ago