It's been a wild and crazy ride the last year and a half. Have learned more about myself and the things I am willing to do now that I would never have thought of doing before. Kind of funny what being faced with your own mortality unleashes, you hear the dreaded C word (cancer) and your whole perspective on live changes. Got that whole diagnosis about 4 years ago, and all is well no more issues there, however, it took a while before I decided to let go and just have some fun. Life should be fun RIGHT?! Not spent wishing we had done but get out there and just do. As long as no one is getting hurt then what difference does it make? If people don't like it they don't have to look at it, read it, watch it or participate in it, but do not judge those of us that choose to partake and have fun. Well I have decided that I am going to be doing more shows here and letting the world and my friends have a glimpse into the wild fun that has become my life. Of course all involved are in by choice and fully aware of what may be shown, the choice is theirs to participate or not, and I respect that decision. After all broadcasting your sex life and self pleasure to the world is not for everyone. There will be more to cum and I welcome your suggestions and comments. Let's have some naked, nasty and sometimes naughty fun together shall we!
9 years ago