John's Geektastic Blog 3

hello and welcome to my blog I hope you like what you see and you will come and become a regular visitor to our strange wee corner of the Xhamster verse.

with the return of the walking dead TV show to our screens I find myself wondering why Zombies are so popular at the moment?I believe it is due to the fact that Zombies more than any other Horror monster represent Humanity, where Vampires represent pure sexuality, werewolves our a****l side and slashers the insane and damaged among us all. Zombies are society at large, Zombies do one thing and one thing only they consume and follow the herd just like society in general, George A Romero Recognised this with his classic Dawn of the Dead where the Zombies attack the shopping mall trying to get in for no other reasons than they remember that it was important to there human lives a bit like the Zombies who cue up over night to get the latest apple phone and the like.

one creepy motherfucker

Part three of our Scooby gang review with one off the sexiest women I have ever seen (she gave me tingly feelings as a boy) Cordelia Chase Played by Charisma Carpenter (got to love the Alliterative names) Charisma made her name on Buffy playing rich valley girl Cordelia chase before moving on to play the second role in the Buffy spinoff Angel before taking roles in Charmed, the Expendles and the Lying game. Currently she host her own TV show Surviving Evil where she talked to survivors of horrific crimes. With herself being the focus off the first episode due to her and her two friend being survivors of serial killer cop (no I didn't make that up) Henry Hubbard, Jr in 1991. she actually has a scar on her stomach from the attack which can be seen in her role in Buffy.

Last time we looked at the First Doctor Now I believe it is time to look at the men who have played the Doctor in all his incarnations. William Hartnell was Born in 1908 in London to an unwed mother and an unknown father (he tried throughout his life to find out who his father was) as you can Imagine at that time this made life hard on the youngster who drifted into petty crime before joining a boxing club before meeting art collector Hugh Blaker who arranged for Hartnell to train as a Jockey before moving to the stage where Hartnell would find his main love in life acting. Blaker even paid for Hartnell to go to imperial service college where Hartnell unable to fit in ran away from. after running away Hartnell returned to the stage taking a short break during a little known conflict called the Second World War (a lil known conflict which effected every where) as a tank driver before being discharged due to injuries sustained to his head which lead to a nervous breakdown. Hartnell would return to acting after the war playing Mainly Millitary and though guy roles including a Sinister turn in Brighton Rock. Hartnell would be cast as the first Doctor in 1962 playing along side some very talented actors and back-room staff perhaps the only person on the show at the time who believed in the Doctor and what it would grow into. Remember the war injuries from WWII well that would continue to plague his life eventually leading to severe memory loss which made the rambling speech of the Doctor and eventually lead to him bowing out from the show after suggesting that they make the Doctor an Alien that's able to regenerate and he even hand picked his successor Patrick Thronton. Hartnell would pass away in 1974 from a heart attack and left a wife one Daughter and two grandc***dren.

given the recent success of the reimagined Battlestar Galactica I believe we could reboot some excellent tv shows from the 70's and 80's
1. the A-Team the same basic concept as the 1980's Classic only instead of the Vietnam war we update it to the war in Afghanistan during the early 2000's and concerns the team going on the run after being accused off a multi-million dollar heroin smuggling ring. The team would also be updated with the team being made up off the same basic groupset the leader, the number 2/ conman, the big guy mechanic and the crazy goof-ball pilot. Maybe given the modern era we could even have a computer expert. For the cast im thinking Victor Garber as John “Hanidal” Smith, Sam Trammell as Templeton “Faceman” Peck, Adam Baldwin as BA Barcacus and Alan Tudyk as HM Murdock

2. Quantam Leap same mad experment thingy-ma-jiggy that makes Dr. Sam Beckett travel through time only this time played by Zachary Levi with Scott Bakula playing his Hologram best friend Admiral Al Calavicci (see what I did there) the cool thing about this program is it allows you to explore issues such as racism, sexism and all the other big issues while still having fun in an awesome sci-fi environment

3. Miami Vice. Who wouldn't want to watch the coolest tv show ever again? Gritty realism with a touch of that Miami glamour. The Modern setting allows us to explore issues such as Cybercrime, terrorism as well as the old shows staples off d**g smuggling and prostitution(with a view into the darker side off things). Staring Don Johnston as da chief, Idris Elda as Tubbs and Ryan Kwanten as Crocket.

4. Star Trek, now I know they are making a new series in 2017, but we all know how that's going to be about the captain and the command staff. I on the other hand would think it would be cool if we got to see the workers on the starship perhaps the brand new just fresh out off the academy crewman and a hard assed engineer who takes him under his wing. Every episode we can see the events that effect the crew from there perspective we could also see the main character rise through the ranks and maybe even transfer to different starships and star-bases every couple of seasons. I believe this would be cool as we have always been tied to the one ship before and it would spice up what has been an overused formula in the past

5. Firefly THAT IS ALL

in the thrid part off our Geeky interviews we talk to my good friend and fellow geek Richard

1 Hey there can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Hello, my XH user name is nightskies, simply because twilight is my favourite time of day. Most of my friends call me Richard, because that's my name, LOL, some call me NS, use whichever you are comfortable with. What to say? Well I currently am studying for my Ph.D in computer science and engineering and work in consulting on the side. Currently have a wonderful girlfriend that joins me on here form time to time, which is fun. I believe diversity of interests is a key to being a balanced person, so I do my best to be as broad as possible. Obviously I have a love of many geeky pursuits of various types, and think we are kind of in a gold age (to use your term John) for these interests. Traditionally "geek" culture is flourishing, and we are all the better for it. 

2 Can you tell our readers a bit more about the geeky things that you are into?
Sort of a big question there John, because there's a lot of it. Well, it goes without saying that I'm into science and engineering, although that shouldn't be always considered 'geeky' per se. Simply because our entire society is built on the foundations of modern science and engineering. I greatly enjoy sci-fi media, Star Wars, Star Trek, Firefly, the Terminator movies (well the first two, lol), Babylon 5, Battlestar, etc. Lots of good sci-fi books and authors out there too, Dan Simmons' Illium and Olympos, pretty much anything by Ben Bova but especially the Orion series, The Thrawn Trilogy and X-wing series in the Star Wars EU (among all the others), too many to list really. Medieval-ish fantasy works too, A Song of Ice and Fire series, everything that Tolkien has ever written, the Dark Tower series by Stephen King (and all of King's works in general). Actually John, you introduced me to George RR Martin's sci-fi short stories and books, and they are every bit as entertaining as ASOIF. Comic books and graphic novels are great too, with often underrated story telling. 
3 What do you make of the theory that A song of Ice and Fire Series might be set in the "Thousand World Universe"?

Good question, it's a theory I actually have come to adhere to. I've only read the first 12 stories so far, but have kept up with the discussion series on YouTube. When looking at the evidence and the similarities it's hard to dismiss that whatever planet ASOIAF takes place on is some world that was conquered or settled by the Federal Empire. In fact, weather modification done by the Earth Ecological Engineering Corps can easily explain the odd seasons (Long Summer, Long Night/Winter) that takes place in ASOIAF. There is the possibility that the Others are either genetically engineered beings (this could account for the telepaths/psionics in Westeros and Esos as well) or transplanted aliens of some sort. IMHO the ASOIAF planet was probably some backwater world that was forgotten during the Double War. Although there could be a bigger twist, much like what happened at the end of Ben Bova's Orion Among the Stars in which you find out the world he has been tasked with assaulting Laguna, turns out to be the jungle covered Earth, far in the future. Although that is unlikely, because it is said that the Federal Empire retreated to Old Earth and went into isolation. So the ASOIAF planet is more than likely not Earth, unless technology has significantly devolved and their history has become completely forgotten. Which I find unlikely.

4 do you believe the TV show has moved away to much from the books and has lost a lot of the core concepts off Morality, forms of government and also has lost a lot of the more Magical elements such as Lady stoneheart, warging, coldhands, the weirwood network and dreams/visions?

I'll be perfectly honest here; I'm not a huge fan of where the show is headed. I know that is a controversial answer to a lot of Game of Thrones fans, but I think it's true, because of many of the things you bring up. Morality being one of the main themes of the books, and the grey areas between good and evil. In many ways the books to a great job of addressing that particular topic (much like the Assassin's Creed series), but the show has abandoned that for the most part in the search for more sensationalism and shock factor. While the show in several instances has "simplified" the story line and made it more streamlined, I don't necessarily think that is a good thing, as it's was character complexity that really drove the books forward. You're second point is another sticking area for me; the lack of magical elements. Warging is a huge part of the books, in fact at times it becomes a major plot point, especially with Bran and is mostly absent. The weirwood network could answer the big question of R+L=J? and has not even been explained well in the show, but since the writers and showrunners are clearly doing their own thing it may not matter. Coldhands' identity is one of the biggest mysteries of the books and a fan favourite for theories and rumour, so he his missed as well. Like I said, just not happy with the way things are heading at all, don't even get me started on Sansa and Ramsey Bolton, that entire plot-line is disgusting and completely unnecessary.

5 I agree with you on the whole Sansa and Ramsey plot-line it just seemed totality thrown in just to add shock factor not to mention it erased the whole Idea that the previous season and the books had created off Sansa becoming a major Player in the Game of Thrones, I think the writers wanted to have the Fake Ayra/ Jayne Poole plot-line but whereas in the books that serves a Purpose its,hows the lengths the Boltons/freys/Lannisters will go to keep power, the love the Northmen still have for the Starks, its a rallying cry for the mountain clans to Stannis there's just so many things it helps to explain and build up, in the show it just seems like a lets make Sansa Cry idea again we like it when she cry's

shock value is about the best way to put it, when you think about it. I hate to say this, but the entire story-line just comes off as sadly misogynistic and abusive. Which may be what a certain portion of the audience wants to see, in some sick perverted way. There have been numerous Game of Thrones apologists that use evidence of the strength of Arya's character to divert attention away from the rampant depiction of sexual abuse and misogyny. But in fact, Cersei's **** at Jamie's hands (doesn't happen in the book, it's consensual and passionate), Meera's abuse at Craster's keep (doesn't happen in he book), Osha uses sex instead of fighting ability and cunning (doesn't happen in the book), Sansa's entire story-line (doesn't happen in the book), all of it smacks of misogyny and perversion at seeing the subjugation of women. Subjugation that doesn't happen in the books, btw. Why? Because it's easy, and because it's a cheap way of getting attention. The entire Boltons/Frey/Lannister evil quest for power isn't explored as deeply because that reveals complexity in character development and questions of the grey areas between good and evil (both Roose Bolton and Tywin Lannister primarily want a settled kingdom, but how they go about it is seriously fucked up, but their aims are good. In the show, they're just evil people with no higher aims) and how the promises of power can slowly corrupt. Why do that? We might actually have to tell a story! Let's just make poor Sophie Turner cry, she's pretty when she cries... People, Sophie Turner is pretty when talking, walking, or leaning against a bloody wall, you don't need to make her cry every other scene. 

Then there is those people that say, "well the books go into too much detail and it would take to long to film and explain". So, what do they do? They use time that could be used to explain the deeper parts of the story to show boobs and rope scenes, real mature there guys. Personally I would be happy with 25 episodes a season that is truer to the source material, I have a feeling that not too many would argue with me. If you can't tell, my patience with the show is wearing thin. Anyway, rant over, lol. Next question whenever you would like to ask it :)

6 Though there is a lot of rope and pillage in the books, the things Ramsey does to Jayne Poole go way beyond what could even be hinted at in the TV show, not to mention what happens when the Ironborn get started as well as the whole Purging of the riverlands under Ser Gergor Glegane.

I completely agree, and I'm not a fan of it there either. In fact I think Ramsey's character itself could have not existed and the books would be just fine. Although I think Martin is trying to say something about the phenomena of true depravity and evil with his character, when you read the books it's a certain overall feeling that perhaps Ramsey is a bit of metaphor. In the show they just make him a sick fuck (which he is). But you are right, the things with Jayne Poole couldn't be shown on the show without getting protesters in front of your studio and Benioff and Weiss getting death threats (ironic isn't it? People threaten real harm for a depiction of v******e). Oh trust me, I agree completely that the v******e and terrorism in the books is quite apparent, but unfortunately, it's all too accurate to the way things would be (that it shouldn't be that way is an entirely different discussion). It just seems that, at times, the show is making a plot device of individual abuse, simply for shock value and without a lot of substance. The massacres of Gregor Clegane (I will not use "Ser" for him) are evil as well, which is what makes his fight against the Red Viper all that more enjoyable, well that is, right up to the end... 

7 I believe it all plays into George R R Martins anti-war sentiments and that there are no good or bad sides in (most) wars, so what other things are you into?

I agree completely, you can see that theme in his Thousand Worlds series as well (The Double War destroyed all three empires). That is an incredibly difficult and complex subject too. As far as other things; I like the Star Wars EU (now "Legends"), there is a lot of very good writing in that. The Dark Tower series is very good, if a bit dark. The Asian Saga by James Clavell is one of the most detailed and realistic series about the founding of Hong Kong and the movement of the Orient into modern times. Barry Eisler's John Rain series is very entertaining, Eisler actually held a covert position with the CIA, so there is some pretty good realism in those books (and really really good characters). Nonfiction is good too, biographies of various scientists and projects. In fact I just finished rereading Turing's Cathedral, about John von Neumann and his work on the digital computer, based largely on his work alongside Turing at Bletchley Park. Also currently reviewing some of the Deadpool graphic novels before the movie comes out. Love the Assassin's Creed series of games, some of the best storytelling in an video game, ever IMHO. Non classically 'geeky' things, I'm into philosophy (both eastern and western), martial arts, and a bit of a foodie. 

8 does your Interest in Sci-fi influence your interest in Science? 

That is a great question, I've been interested in science since I was a k**. My first love was mathematics, then came physics and biotechnology, later computer science and all it holds. During that time came an interest in sci-fi, so you could say that it's the reverse, that my love of science influences my enjoyment of sci-fi. In many ways sci-fi holds our best dreams and nightmares, usually highly fantastic, but shows us what could be. Then again, sometimes it's just good fun, that can be made more fun by a knowledge of science.  

9 what do you prefer Star wars or star trek?

Another difficult question, because both are so great. They are quite different in actuality, Star Wars is [sword & sorcery] fantasy in space, Star Trek is about exploration. While I prefer the message of Star Trek, because it is hopeful for what we could do as a race, but all in all I like Star Wars better. There is simply more and better content in novels, video games, and the like. That and Star Trek doesn't have Boba Fett.

10 are you a member of any fangroup that is trying to get the EU restarted eg. "Continue The Star Wars Legends Universe" and The Star Wars Expanded Universe Rebellion
Not currently, no. I've only recently become aware of the very active fan groups that are trying to get the EU restarted, which is my fault for not keeping as close an eye on it as I should have. Although, I will be looking into both in the coming weeks. Up until now I haven't looked all that closely at most fan groups, simply because my academic/research schedule doesn't allow me enough time to devote the proper amount of time to the group. This is a subject near and dear to my heart though, so I may need to find the time. 
11 Hopefully they can be successful and get the Legends Canon restarted, I cant see any reason why they cant both exist, is there any particular storyline you would wish to see resolved in the EU?

I agree, they both can exist, because there is room for both. One could easily incorporate them into each other, of if they must, explain them using some sort of Terminatoresque parallel universe plot device. There are several actually, chief among them was the more details of resolution following the second Galactic Civil War and Jaina's marriage to Jagged Fel. Not to mention her psychological state following her killing her brother Jacen. Did Wedge stay retired (probably not)? Far more details about the destruction caused by Darth Krayt and his New Galactic Empire (sounds a bit like the First Order hmmmm....) and more about the life of Ania Solo. It would also be good to hear more about Boba Fett's granddaughter Mirta Gev. I wouldn't mind hearing about the evolution of Rogue Squadron through the Legacy era in detail, in the vein of Michael Stackpole's X-Wing series. Those are just the first things that spring to mind.

12 Do you believe this might be done to a deeper and longer lasting Issue to do with the contempt which Lucas seems to off developed towards the fans over the years?

Quite possibly, yes. "Contempt" is the perfect way to put it, in the last few years, especially, Lucas has an almost visible disdain for serious fans. It's sometimes seems like he cannot stand how passionate people are about Star Wars, and in many cases the EU/Legends. This could be due to the fact that it's so much bigger than he ever intended and, let's be honest, some of he writing is as good and at times better than what he came up with (Stackpole is as good, you could say that Timothy Zahn was at least as good,and  could be considered better, tighter). So there could be an issue that people are fans of something that he, himself, didn't create and that people interpret his work differently. Because of this, Lucas seems hostile, and it's rather sad, really. 

13 I feel sorry for him in a lot off ways he created this huge behemoth of modern culture, watched it grow in a hundred different ways , tried to do his own thing with it, nearly destroyed it, sold it to someone else who has had success with it. though I honestly believe if he had sat down with some of the EU materiel and authors and ask for there input and knowledge then the Prequels would off been as good if not better than the original trilogy

 can definitely see that view, and understand how you can feel sad for him, and to a point I do as well. But that's the thing, I don't think he would have ever sat down with any of the EU authors, at least not for advice. He, after expressing early approval of the EU "they have created this amazing universe that lasts for million of years!", has recently become a victim of hubris. I do think that there is a certain part where he feels a bit of resentment about how well Disney did with Episode VII (a good number of us were pleasantly surprised), and that is indeed sad. But he purposely surrounded himself with yes men during the development of the Prequels, did not heed advice, and they became the rolling mound of crap they were (excepting a few lines delivered by Ewan McGregor). So yes, I feel sad that he became a victim of his personal pride, and it could have been way way better. With all that being said, George Lucas is still an icon of sci-fi that created something that will last for generations of fans. So regardless of current feelings towards him, he deserves our respect.

14 Now we come onto the force awakens what are your thoughts on the film?

(There may be Spoilers) Admittedly I was hesitant about the film when it was first announced, even as a rabid Star Wars fan. Seeing what disasters the Prequels were on several levels I was not confident about a continuation at all. This did not improve when it was announced that the director was going to be JJ Abrams, after what he did to the Star Trek movies. But, like many other fans, I just had to give it a shot, to see. To say I was pleasantly surprised would actually be an understatement, I was awed by how good it was. Defenders of Abrams frequently made the statement that he tried to turn a Star Trek movie into Star Wars, and from this movie, I would have to agree. It was supremely well cast, the addition of Harrison Ford as the great Han Solo was a cherry on top. Daisy Ridley, does a great job as Rey, portraying the hints of strength and capabilities of her character's future depth very well. John Boyega as Finn was excellent too, and you can see his character's evolution in just this film. Poe Dameron (played by Oscar Issac) may well end up being one of the more interesting characters as the Trilogy continues. He to be a little bit of an amalgam of EU expanded Wedge Antilles and EU character Corran Horn, at least to me.  Adam Driver as Kylo Ren, well, what can be said, Kylo is the obvious and worthy heir to Darth Vader, if there can be such a thing. With actual puppetry, animatronics, and practical effects with reasonable and highly skilled CGI, it felt like a modern interpretation of the originals. With that same feel, it's huge and impressive along with being inspiring and touching simultaneously, especially the end when [SPOILERS SPOILERS!!!] we lose perhaps the most iconic character in franchise history. Finding out the true identity of Kylo, and his subsequent turn to the Dark Side, really resonates, way more than Anakin's fall ever did. It's a very good movie, and the one that this unbelievably loyal fan-base deserves. 
15 what makes han solo such a great Character?
Where do I start? When Episode IV begins we see the evil bad guy in Darth Vader, and the captured princess in Leia, then we see idealistic young hero in Luke and then his wise "wizard" mentor in Obi-Wan. It feels a little bit like Lord of the Rings in space, or a similar fantasy. Probably good and squeaky clean, then comes Mos Eisley spaceport and Han Solo. A roguish, not quite trustworthy character who SHOOTS FIRST. He's a smartass, cocky-bordering-on-arrogant, self possessed guy that doesn't take crap and only cares about the cash... at first. At times he seems like a realistic counter to the mysticism of Obi Wan, a guy that is practical to the end. But as the movies progress he shows that beneath all that is a good person who wants to do good things, which shows as he was part of destroying not only one but two Death Stars. He goes into the cold, against orders, to save Luke on Hoth and then goes to great lengths to save people escape when Vader arrives with the Executor and a portion of the Imperial fleet. From smuggler to Rebellion General, he perhaps has one of the greatest character evolution in the series. All through that, he is still "cool", he never loses his swagger and attitude, and at the end of the day it makes Solo awesome. Even at the end, he shows how much cares about those close and dear to him. That he was so well played by Harrison Ford of course is a big part of that, which is one of the reasons why fans so appreciate Mr. Ford. 

16 not to mention that in the old EU he had a Jedi wife, brother-in-law, three Jedi k**s, a sith lord for a father in law, was surrounded by special forces teams, bounty hunters and the assorted awesomeness of the galaxy and Princess leia still said he was the Most dangerous man in the Galaxy  when he gets that look in his eye 

What you just said sums up Han Solo perfectly. That is such a good way of putting it, the EU expanded his character, introduced his deadly, force sensitive c***dren. He drinks with Wedge Antilles, who has more kills as a snubfighter pilot than anyone, is friends with both Airen and Pash Cracken (how could I have forgot the Crackens?) and casually spends time with both Luke and Mara Jade (well, as casually as Luke does anything, he can be intense) and like you pointed out "he was the most dangerous man in the Galaxy when he gets that look in his eye". It's because you know things might absolutely go sideways, in fact Han might want them that way, and when things look their worst, Han grabs it by the reins and beats it into some kind of victory. 

17 what do you want to see in the next Star Wars Film?

My wishes for the next movie are pretty generic, I hate to say. I would like to see the return of Luke Skywalker and more information about his maturation as a Jedi and how he handled the legacy of his father and his death. Of course I want to learn more about SL Snoke, to see the extent of his powers (if there truly are any, remember we don't know for sure), and hopefully see him in person. The continuation of the Rey, Finn, and Poe story arcs, which probably goes without saying. I also look forward to an expanded background of the overall war between the New Republic and the First Order as well as the politics of the NR funding the Resistance in an insurgent like conflict.

18 do you think with all the star wars projects coming out now we may be overloaded with it?
I want to say no, there cannot be too much Star Wars. But I can't say that, because there can be. I think most people will be happy with it as long as the content is high quality and well thought out. However, if it becomes to feel like nothing more than a commercial tool (we know that it's profitable, which is good, because if it wasn't we wouldn't have it, that's business) than the people and eventually fans will grow tired of it quickly. Star War is something a lot of people love, we don't want to see it commoditized. 

19 That is my big fear with star wars, Though I believe one (maybe 2) movies a year and a animated and live action TV show would be plenty to keep the fans happy.

A major movie (Trilogy continuation) every two years and a side movie (like Rogue One) or two during the release cycle of the Trilogy and Rebels would be perfectly acceptable. A Netflix-based live action series would be a welcome bonus. So we're in agreement about that, it's about the perfect amount of Star Wars without it seeming like a nothing more than a profit center. If they decide to do a fourth Trilogy (Episodes X, XI, XII) than they should wait a few years and let anticipation build. 
20 You seem to prefer what I term the classic star wars (Han, Luke, Leia) over the old republic era is that the case?
Yes, for the most part. Especially if you're referring to the prequel trilogy, which was not great at all and could have been so very much better. I like some of the Old Republic era, the Infinite Empire is rather interesting, as is Tale of the Bounty Hunters which tells the history of each bounty hunter on board the Executor in Episode V, much of that takes place during the Old Republic and the rise of the Empire. Books categorizing the origins of the Sith is pretty good too, but for the most part I prefer classic Star Wars and the Legacy era of the EU. Both the Thrawn trilogy, and the Yuuzhan Vong war were compelling reading.  

21 on the whole I tend to agree with you in terms of the classic trilogy EU, though I do like the old Knights of the Old Republic and rise of the sith Graphic novels. moving on from star war what comics and books do you enjoy reading?

The rise of the Sith graphic novels are excellent, and the art itself is great. Although, admittedly, I haven't played KOR, although I've heard good things. What else do I enjoy reading? Well as far as comic books I like Marvel, X-Men, Deadpool (especially), Venom and The Punisher. I also like Todd McFarlane and his Spawn series. Alan Moore goes without saying, while his work is usually very dark but it's also thought provoking and brilliant. As for books, a huge diversity, I like historic fiction, modern fiction and sci-fi (think Jurassic Park and Sphere), non-fiction in the subjects of mathematics, computer science, physics, food culture, and biographies. Then of course I enjoy the classic authors, Jane Austen, Oscar Wilde, Byron, Hemingway, Lee, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and many others. I enjoy the older classical authors from time to time; Shakespeare, Milton, Marlowe, Dante and I love The Prince by Machiavelli. There is very good modern fiction out there, James Clavell'sAsian Saga is good without an exception, a lot of Stephen King (not everything he writes is horror), Anne Rice is a guilty pleasure as is Michael Crichton. For instance I just finished The Nasty Bits by Anthony Bourdain (culinary culture non-fiction) and just started The Twelfth Enchantment by David Liss (a supernatural thriller about Lord Byron in the style of Jane Austen). 

22 Not a lot off people know that Stephen king has wrote as much Sci-fi and fantasy as he has horror though all his works are linked together if you can find the links  

Indeed he has, The Stand, The Tommyknockers, Under the Dome, 11/22/63, Cell, The Crate (Sci-fi/horror), Revival, and one can make the case that the entire Dark Tower Series has strong sci-fi elements, and that's only naming a few. He's also written highly emotional work like The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon and Hearts in Atlantis. Both of which are wonderful books, with little horror and a lot of feeling. Ted Brautigan, a character in the first story of Hearts in Atlantis (Low Men in Yellow Coats) frequently references classic science fiction books and their authors in his mentoring of Bobby Garfield. Very correct, all of this works are indeed linked, or at least most of them are. The linking mechanism is the Dark Tower series, his magnum opus if you will. Roland Deschain's (the series protagonist) world is one of the lynch pins of existence and reality, and a lot of the works tie through that. In fact the DT series answers a lot questions and resolves some things. It has been one of the most enjoyable series I've ever read, as what Mr. King refers to as a "Constant Reader". 

Do you collect anything?
Yes, I suppose you could say I collect books. I have a couple thousand in my home. With a couple of early additions in there for good measure. I collect bladed weapons as well, swords, knives, that kind of thing. Nothing ornamental though, I prefer full functionality, not as pretty but actually useful. Mostly European weapons, but I have a couple Japanese swords and one Chinese Dao. I own several firearms too, of various types. I'm building a small cabinet of curiosities, have some medical antiques (scalpels, a trephine set, a couple of syringes, a set of trocars, etc) some scientific antiques (a brass microscope, pre-WWII laboratory scales, some old chemistry glass) a few fossils and a Victorian-era human hand articulated for medical use. I really want a Bauchene skull, but haven't acquired one yet. Have some neat "geeky" stuff throughout my house, a large plasma globe, a ferrofluid display (need to build an electromagnet for it), the chaotic stick pendulum from Iron Man 2. I like paintings and various kinds of art too, have some nice prints, and a couple of originals painted by a former girlfriend, and a couple pieces of art glass. 

24 I collect several different things as well, books, comics, a few knives, Millataria and football badges (mostly Glasgow Rangers ones) I also have a collection of curiosities, Including some lucky rabbits feet, weird old musical instruments and just weird things that I have found in Junk shops (a picture of a dog made from dogs hair lol) 

It seems that we have the collection of eclectic items in common, I think it is a fun activity, educational, and usually a good conversation piece among guests. You've spoke about your devotion to the Glasgow Rangers, so it's of no surprise that you would collect badges, a great way to follow the history of your club. As regards to militaria, I believe you have spoken about a collection of ribbons and combat badges, I would think some of that would be worthy of a blog post of some sort, during appropriate dates of historical importance. What type of medical instruments do you have, it's always interesting to hear about others collections? That picture of a dog made from dog's hair, is that anything like Victorian hair art? 

25 Its Musical Instruments that I collect, I have a lot of British army cap badges, one off them lead to a funny incident when I was at university actually. I had a Royal Scots Dragoon Guards cap badge lying on my side table and I brought a German girl home for dinner and she seen it and thought I was some kinda Nazi cause off the eagle on it. I had to explain the whole history of the Imperial eagle and Napoleon to her. the Picture off the dog was from some mad woman that my mother (a home help) goes to and she just gave it to my mum and I have kept it ever since cause it creeps her out

My mistake John, I've been in the supercomputer lab all day and my eyes are a little tired. I must have misinterpreted that, no offence. Now that's very interesting, I would certainly like to hear more about that. I own a nice digital piano (as I play) and an electric guitar (as I try to play, lol) but nothing special. So what types of instruments do you collect? That is pretty funny, can just hear it now "ah, John, I didn't know you were a Nazi, ah..." that would have been a little awkward until you explained the difference between the Imperial Eagle captured at Waterloo and the reichsadler of the Nazi party. But hey, you may have taught her something, which is always a good thing. Hair art creeps a lot of people out, not just your mom. Now I don't have any Victorian hair art, but I've seen it at various antique shops, and a lot of people consider it eerie for some reason. 

26 hair art tends to creep folk out due to a lot off it being Victorian mourning pieces

You have it exactly, it's like a death mask, makes people think about death which most are uncomfortable with. Then there's something about hair itself, because in the proper conditions it can last for thousands of years, hair has been found on mummies for instance. So there is a feeling of a lasting vestige of the person from whence it came, and that persons hair became artistic material, so maybe people consider it morbid.

27 fun question time now, has ZARDOZ changed your life?

Oh unquestionably. He taught me that "the gun is good and the Penis is evil" and that the gift of death is the most important thing in an eternal life. I will forever when seeing a large stone head wish for guns to start pouring from its mouth. The highest goal in life would be to become an exterminator. ZARDOZ!!! Seriously though, if a person likes bad sci-fi than this is a classic, it's actually worth watching just because. In it's own way, it's strangely entertaining.

28 what other bad sci-fi films do yo secretly enjoy?

I have a secret love of Howard the Duck, it's bad but so bad it's good. Maximum Overdrive is awful, but funny. Johnny Mnemonic, the acting in that is soooooo bad it's funny. Splice is terrible on every level, effects, acting, weird alien concepts. I promise it's entertaining. Then there's Battlefield Earth John Travolta in dreadlocks laughing maniacally, need I say more? Watch it, just once. That's the one's I can come up with off the top of my head. 

29 We haven't talked about cartoons do you watch any?

Not a huge amount. Of course I like Star Wars Rebels, that goes without saying. I watch the occasional episode of family Guy or American Dad. Sometimes classic Simpsons works it's way in there from time to time. The Venom/Carnage Saga of Spider-Man is surprisingly close to the comics and I have it on DVD.

30 well I think we've have covered a lot even though its mainly been star wars and a song of ice and fire, we will need to do a follow up interview at some point where we chat about some off our other interests . though before we finish up is there any thing you would like to ask me?

Indeed we have covered a lot, and even though it's focused on two main area, those two main areas are favourites of a lot of people. So perhaps your readers will enjoy the conversation and can relate. I'm all for a follow up interview, where we diversify the conversation into other, but related, topics. Just let me know. Now for my question(s) to you: 

In keeping with the theme of the interview I have two questions if that is acceptable:

1) Choose your Captaincy: and Impstar Deuce or the starship Enterprise (whichever version you choose)

2) What is the most beautiful star/space ship in sci-fi and why?

although I love star destroyers in all there forms (check out my star destroyer gallery) I would have to go with the Enterprise especially the Excelsior class Enterprise A as seen in Star Trek the Voyage Home to the Undiscovered country as I believe it is the most beautiful of all the starships to bear the Name and its Just more Iconic, plus look at the curves its the Federation Ferrari.

As for the space ships well theres so many too choose from so here is a list off some off my favorites.

The Go'auld Hatack its a flying fucking Pyramid what more can you want?

The Battlestar Galactica (re-imagined) awesome the toughest ship in the Galaxy and humanitys last hope

The Lexx its a flying fucking cock (those freaky germans)

the white stars

the Borg Cube you see it your fucked!

Yuuzhan Vong  worldship Deathstar meets big freaking rock

the TARDIS cause it a freaking TARDIS plus I like the paintjob

Nell just look at the thing (also designed by James James James Cameron the gallant Pioneer)

the Nostromo its a horror castle in SPACE

Space Battleship Yamamoto cause its a Battleship in space

the Bebop cause it doubles as a boat (so practical)

The Serenity

the Millennium  Falcon Say no more

Once again thank you for Joining me and my Special Guest Richard be sure to Join us next time
Published by jonboi18
9 years ago
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edintx99 9 years ago
I also meant to say how much I liked the back and forth real interview with your and Nightskies. The information exchanged was great, of course. It also allowed both your and his personalities show through. Great job!
nightskies 9 years ago
Want to say first thing is what an honor it was to be interviewed, it was a lot of fun. For all those readers of this, I am very wordy, so I apologize in advance. Thank you John, I appreciated it.

Zombies fascinate us because, much as you and Ed pointed out, they ARE us. Humans are neurologically predisposed to a herd/mob mentality, and zombies feed right into that fact. Then there is the fact that zombie fiction takes place in a usually post-apocalyptic backdrop, which is something that both fascinates and terrifies people. The breakdown of society and what could happen, it's just a bit of dark fantasy.

I had no idea about the history of the original Doctor, what an inspiring story. What ordeals he went through to ply his craft and form a legend, sci-fi wouldn't be the same without his effort. Great remake ideas too, every single one of them. I like Don Johnson returning as the Lieutenant, highly ironic.

Great choice in Charisma Carpenter, I always thought that story of her surviving the serial killer cops was absolutely crazy, that poor woman. But, it helped for her as a person, in some strange way. She's obviously beautiful and sexy, which do not always go together.

I loved the graphics in the interview area, they were context appropriate and hilarious. The original Enterprise is a beautiful ship, without question. Not to mention highly iconic. Great selections for the most beautiful crafts in sci-fi, it is hard to pin down just one.

Thanks again John, it was so much fun.
edintx99 9 years ago
Once again a very extensive blog. I'll comment on parts.
Zombies are truly creepy and scary because they ARE us. There's a part of us that worries that a real human might still be trapped inside and, as you said, they're whole focus is to consume us.

Charisma Carpenter, forever the physically hottest babe of sci-fi. Well, until you post the next one.... ^__^

Thumbs up on the suggesting to bring back those A-Team, Firefly, and Star Trek sequels! Miami Vice... pfft... Quantum Leap? I'm enjoying the TV version of 12 Monkeys for now.

I would refuse to make a choice between Star Trek and Star Wars!

It will take me days to get through your interview with fellow geek and friend Richard!

Thanks again for the great read.