The Workmen's Hut. Part 2. Getting friendly.

The Workman's Hut.
Part 2 The "REAL" Introduction.

First the usual copyright stuff.
This story is a combination of true events mixed with some wishful thinking and a little artistic licence, in order to make the story both more readable and more enjoyable. Place names, peoples real names, and personal information have all been changed in the interest of confidentiality and to protect the privacy of any or all parties involved.
The work is copyright protected under all international laws and as such any downloading of, copying of or posting elsewhere of any of it's content either in its entirety or in part of or in part phrase thereof constitutes copyright theft under all international laws and therefore will be liable to severe civil and legal financial compensations. These actions will be carried out vehemently by both the author of the works and their legal representatives.

The Workman's Hut.
Part 2 The "REAL" Introduction.

There is definitely something so primal in a man when he hears that squelch, squelch, squelch sound, as he finger fucks a hot and gorgeous sexy woman, with her coming and squirting absolute streams all over his hand. None of us guys were any different at this point in time. The tray and coffee cups now long gone, and somewhere on the grass. Rosie looked as though she was shivering, she shook and visibly trembled at the sight of all 10 men wanking their hard cocks to her while she was being finger fucked in this way. All of them about a step away from her and in a semi circle in front of her.
Rosie had tried to bend her wide open legs at the knees, and was leaning back onto me. So I slowly lowered myself onto all fours so that she could 'sort' of sit on my right shoulder but on her lower back instead of her bum. Next she twisted her upper body slightly, so that she could lean back more fully. Supporting herself with her upper body weight and by using her left hand on the floor if need be should she ever loose her balance, all while still being able to watch the 10 guys wanking themselves. She opened her knees and firmly planted her feet in her red patent shoes directly under them, propping her lower half up. Her soaking wet, silk clad, wide open and dripping pussy now fully on view to all the guys. I raised my right hand off the floor and twisted it around so I now had a comfortable reach to her soaking wet and waiting, silk covered pussy. A little like being mid way to scratching my shoulder with my right hand, while being on all fours.
So, my fingers found her inner left thigh and I traced it towards her slit until I reached the lace part of her silky Frenchies. Easing my finger around and upwards, following the edge of the lace hem on her left leg I got to the top (front) of her thigh. Then outside of the knickers I moved up her thigh towards her belly until I reached the middle of the elastic waistband. Grabbing it and really slowly, I began lowering it, with the knuckle of my thumb tracing her pussy line as I lowered the top part of her silk knickers down and under her. Fully exposing her full pussy to the guys. After leaving her puffy pussy lips on full view for a few moments, both of her hands went down to her inner thighs and then to either side of her pussy lips and Rosie then pulled her pussy wide open for them all to see. After a few seconds I heard one of the lads say 'go on Rosie play with yourself for us babe'! Rosie obliged, holding the waistband down herself now with one hand, her other hand went to work. I could hear and feel her fingers slide in and out of her sweet sexy pussy, slowly getting faster and faster, with the associated moans and shakes as she brought herself to an orgasm. I could see all the guys from my position and they were all wanking for a few seconds, then stopping, then wanking again, all in order to stop themselves coming. After a couple of Minutes she said to me 'your turn again I think' I giggled and said back to her 'you lazy bitch you' this had the effect of bringing both Rosie and all the guys out in fits of laughter for some reason.
Upon reaching my right hand up again to continue in it's previous post, I dutifully carried on where I had left off. Rosie had returned the silk knickers waistband to its original position so I resumed with my hand going up the leg of the French knickers, being determined to get another squirt or two out of Rosie in this position. Rosie Finger curled two of the guys over to her and stood them by her side. It was big Tim and Nick. reaching for Tim's huge cock and wrapping her cute fingers around it she started slowly wanking him, my hand was now doing overtime on her pussy under her silk knickers and she started to moan as she slowly wanked Tim's huge cock, then as they were changing places Rosie's voice broke through with 'tell you what I'll do it with this' and I felt the back of the red satin nightie tighten as Rosie wrapped Nicks cock in her red satin nightie and slowly wanked him. All the men had now gathered to within inches of us, and Rosie had changed cocks to play with. There were lots of Mmm's and oooh fuck's going on noises and in between them Rosie stuttered, 'don't cum yet anyone' I felt a hand joining mine under Rosie's knickers as Pair of legs after pair of legs shuffled into the place where Rosie was wanking man after man with the loose part of her satin nightie. All trousers were now on the floor, Rosie let out a low growl of a moan just as another hand joined the already two under the other loose leg of Rosie's silky sodden French knickers and reached her pussy.
As three of us finger fucked her pussy underneath her silk full cut French knickers, our knuckles and the shape of our hands straining against the silk as we slid our fingers in and out of Rosie's sticky and wet slit must have been one hell of a sight from above! add to this the sight of all other hands obviously roaming all over and playing with her tits underneath and on top of that low cut flimsy almost sheer satin little nightie as well as any other part of her body as she wrapped the free bit of satin around each cock in turn and wanked it! It must really have looked an incredible sight. Rosie was moaning constantly and the squirt started. Squirt after squirt & loads of it! Covering our fingers and hands, I could hear it hit the grass floor and it ran down and all over me. Her legs now buckling underneath her from her orgasms and I knew that If It didn't stop soon then we would all fall in a heap on the floor. I eased up with my fingers and the others understood and did too. Rosie rolled herself off my back and onto the floor out of breath and panting. Laying splayed out flat on her back, with her legs wide open recovering her body as I sat up by her side panting and out of breath myself. We both laughed "that out of breath laugh" as we sat there for a few Minutes with the guys sitting around us too just to recover and chat for a bit. Most of the guys moved in close and joined me in just stroking Rosie's body like a mini massage while we were all chatting away. All the front & both sides of her Scarlet red little satin nightie was now covered in darker streaks with loads of them up by & on her tit area, all caused by all the pre cum from the cocks that had been rubbing up against it. There was also a large round wet area, where she had stroked them all at least 3 or 4 times each, while I had been on all fours underneath her back acting as her chair. Now looking at her silk French knickers, they were sopping wet, I mean her cum juice was actually dripping off them. It actually looked as though she wasn't wearing any. Dorian, one of the original crew piped up at this point 'Shit I have never seen any woman look more sexy than you do right now in those pre-spunk stained sexy clothes'. There was then a quiet but plain rush of similar compliments towards Rosie. she blushed and thanked them all one by one. I asked Rosie quietly if she wanted take her dripping knickers off to make herself more comfortable, she just looked at me yearningly and whispered 'no, I want to leave it on - ALL OF IT'! That seemingly harmless statement took a few seconds to sink in for both of us, it posed a joint question in both our minds. That question was 'just how far do we both now want this thing to go'? We both looked at the men who had now started to wank to her again, as Rosie had now lifted her knees but her feet still open. then back at each other, Rosie placed her hand into mine and looked into my eyes. I just smiled at her and said 'You say when to stop - and it stops - THEN AND THERE - OK'? My gorgeous girlfriend smiled back at me with those eyes of hers, nodded her head in agreement and said out loud 'COME ON LETS HAVE SOME REAL FUN'! with that, we both stood up so I pulled her close and kissed her, told her that she was an incredible person, and that I loved her so much. Rosie answered me with a smile the like of which I had never seen before and the words 'God, I so love you too! Right soppy time over now back to the fun' we both laughed.
Standing there with her now and starting to feel her tits again with both my hands Rosie looked down at them and said 'so this is why so many men like to see us girls in sexy outfits' turning her head sideways to look at the guys, she said 'I have just had an idea' then turning sharply back to me, looking me straight in the eyes she said 'wait here I will be two minutes' she then stepped over to the middle of the guys muttered a couple of quiet words to them and off she went, back to the house. As she was running, the guys looked at me questioningly and Neil asked me "if any of them had upset her"? Or "if they had taken it too far with her"? Quickly, I reassured them, but admitted that I didn't know why Rosie had gone back to the house, other than "she said that she had an idea". The lads seemed relieved that it seemed to be just a short break for her and there followed some chatting between myself and the guys. All of it very complimentary, they said some very nice things about Rosie and myself as well as the likes of "fucking hell mate she is on fucking fire" and "that is one horny little woman" and "well I am going to have trouble not coming I am". I thanked them all for being so respect-full and gentle with her and with that, we heard the 'clip, clip, clip' of Rosie's shoes on her way back. Rushing back up to me, Rosie was carrying our large "sports holdall bag" she laid it down on the floor and then wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. Then she kissed me again a tongue in mouth Minute long kiss. Rosie had not changed or washed or freshened up and was still soaking wet in her silk knickers. Rosie pushed her bum out, reached down and undid my jeans button seductively and slowly. Looking around Rosie noticed Tim. Now Tim was a true gentle giant, a huge man, strong as an Ox but as kind and gentle as you would ever find. Lowering my zip with one hand Rosie motioned to Tim with her other hand for him to come closer. Tim stepped up and stood at her side. Now releasing my rock hard cock from its place Rosie picked up the hem of her nightie, wrapped it around my cock so delicately that it was barely touching my skin, then closed her fingers around my cock keeping the same barely touching feel and started wanking me in it. Tim had by now released his monster. Reaching out with her free hand she did the same to Tim's cock. Rosie lowered herself to her knees and leaned in and kissed my cock head then slowly for all to see she lowered her pretty red lips onto it, just an inch or two at first and then backed off then she went to town on me, bobbing her head up and down and holding my balls at the same time as she stroked Tim. Stopping for a moment, she called Martin's name and he was there almost before she had finished calling him. Turning her back to the watchers Rosie swapped her hand on Tim's cock for the other one then held her other hand out for Martin to plant his cock in her other hand. On her knees and wanking a cock in each hand. Rosie's lips were now firmly attached back on my cock and her head bobbing up and down while she stroked away with her lipsticked lips.
Fuck it must have looked incredible for the other guys! Rosie? I called, 'hey I can't keep going like this for long or I am going to cum and I don't want to quite yet'. Ppfffloppp was the noise as she deftly removed her mouth from my cock. 'Why not she asked me'? my answer was 'I'll show you why right now'. Then saying to Martin 'you and Tim pick her up, one either side of her'. Rosie stood up and looked at me wondering what I meant, they moved in and I told them 'one hand under each knee, the other around her waist' and said to Rosie 'put your arms over their shoulders'. Martin and Tim Now picked her up like this and they both instantly got the idea! Moving in, I now eased Rosie's knees apart and she was now sitting there, in two men's arms, like she would in an arm chair they held her at just the right height. I slid my hands From her knees slowly up her thighs easing them further apart as I did so until my hands reached her silken clad soaking pussy, The penny finally dropped to Rosie and she opened her legs as wide as they would go. Holding my cock I moved forewords and moved the gusset of her silk French knickers to one side with my thumb, then eased the head of my cock into her. 'Oh shit'! She hissed as i slid my length deeper into her. Tim and Martin played with her tits with their free hands as Rosie looked for more cocks to stroke with hers.
There was no fear of a shortage of cocks, as all the guys now moved in and surrounded us. There were men's hands all over her, and her hands were all over their cocks. I absolutely fucked the guts out of her like this, while all the other men were groping every inch of her they could lay either their hands or cocks on. they were weighing her tits, popping them out of her nightie to grope, popping them back into her nightie to grope as they bounced about from my hammering her pussy. they were groping and grabbing what bits they could reach of her arse cheeks, All the while I was pounding my cock into he like a mad man. They were sticking fingers in her mouth for Rosie to suck and finger fucking it, two hands were on the top of her French knickers squeezing the very top of her now gaping slit (without touching my cock) beneath the sodden silk all as I slid my cock in and out of her relentlessly. Rosie was squelching & slurping as I thrust away. Constantly moaning with mmmph and aarrrrh or huh,huhhuh & hmmmphs in between. The sight of her like this was too much for me 'Oh fuck Rosie, I am going to cum' I shouted! Rosie yelled back at me her eyes wide, 'NOT IN ME.. ON ME'!! then repeated herself, 'ALL OF YOU!! .. NOT IN ME.. ON ME AND THATS AFTER YOU'VE BEEN IN ME'!! Then once more screaming it this time 'AFTER YOU BEEN IN ME ----FUCKING CUM ON ME!! FUCKING CUM ALL OVER THIS NIGHTIE--- FUCKING DRENCH THE FRONT OF IT'!! All the time her wide green eyes transfixed on mine. Well that was it for me, I pulled out of her and watched her wanking a guy with a bit of her loose satin nightie that seemed to have become a "wank rag" and stroking another with her other hand while yet another two men stood either side of her and finger fucked her lips while at the same time the two men with their hand over her silk knickers squeezing the top of her pussy lips now replaced my cock with their fingers up her fanny. I grabbed hold of my cock and within 2 short strokes, shot stream after stream after stream of cum all over her red satin flimsy nightie. Great long ribbons of hot spunk shot all over it, some on her satin covered tits, some reached her face and hair, just spunk all over her front. all turning the nightie dark red then translucent where it lay for a few seconds. Rosie bucked and squirted, moaned & screamed in ecstasy and bit her lip as I did so. The cocks fucking her hands didn't stop, nor the two sets of fingers up her pussy or the guys finger fucking her mouth, and neither did her moans as she simply stared blankly into my eyes all the time I was coming for her. Then I just stood there for a moment, completely & totally spent, taking in the scene unfolding before me, slowly I stepped backwards and everything slowed down again in time with my very short steps. Rosie called out 'somebody get the baby oil from the bag, no fuck it, get the bag and carry me like this to the hut'. All of us cocks still out, Rosie holding on to Tim's and Martin's cocks while they carried her and one of the younger guys chose the sports bag, made our way the 25 yards or so over to the "Workmen's Hut'!



Published by randy_lover
9 years ago
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dee7460 9 years ago