The Workmen's Hut. Part 1. The introduction.

The Workmen's Hut. Part 1
This story is a combination of true events mixed with some wishful thinking and a little artistic licence, in order to make the story both more readable and more enjoyable. Place names, peoples real names, and personal information have all been changed in the interest of confidentiality and to protect the privacy of any or all parties involved.
The work is copyright protected under all international laws and as such any downloading of, copying of, or posting elsewhere of any of it's content either in its entirety or in part of or in part phrase thereof constitutes copyright theft under all international laws and therefore will be liable to severe civil and legal financial compensations. These actions will be carried out vehemently by both the author of the works and their legal representatives.

The Workmen's Hut.
Part 1. The introduction.

Many years ago, when Mrs R. & myself were in our early 20s we were lucky enough to live in the private and secluded area of a park. I had lived there for many years and inherited the house. Rosie had recently moved in with me. We had only been together for a few months and were besotted with each other. We couldn't keep our hands off each other and were at it like rabbits. We were both very much enjoying the experience and looking foreword to the hot summer days when we could go out and sit on the grass under in the sun where Rosie could stretch out to sunbathe.
Just to describe my wife a little as she was back then, Rosie had mid length, red brown wavy hair that framed perfectly her pretty yet seductive round face, with piercing green 'come to bed' eyes and a constant smile on her cheeky, pouty always cherry red lips. You know the kind of face that I mean. The kind that got your dick hard without even looking at her body.
She was that healthy plump and well proportioned shape that would turn any man on. Rosie had a set of tits on her that were not huge by any means and neither were they small, I would describe them as being bigger than average, yet not out of proportion to her frame. Sitting proud, taught and firm I would often tell her with honesty that . These gorgeous tits would sit on a solid healthy looking and toned torso with the slightest little sexy 'pot' that drove me crazy.
Her bum would stick out slightly making any skirt or dress she was wearing float around and sway about seductively as she would walk. Her hips were fantastic, the perfect shape to rest my hand on as we walked or to grab hold of when we were at it. Together with amazingly sexy looking thighs and calf's she did indeed look fantastic.
Rosie was about 5'6" tall and had a classy yet demure but cheeky look about her. She also had the knack of using those awesome sexy come to bed green eyes and pouty bright red lipstick mouth together with a tilted head to give me "that look" it was enough to make men cum in their pants there and then on the spot.
We had many love making sessions, outside inside here and there you know how it is at that age. During these sessions we would both often mention our fantasies, where we would like to do it, when we would like to do it, other men, other women, sexy situations that sort of thing much as you would expect of a young couple. During one of these discussions I had used the opportunity to let Rosie know one of my 'preferences'. One of liking women dressed in silk or satin clothes, and how I found women being dressed as such a huge turn on for me. As we were talking, I gave her a wrapped parcel which contained a silky, Liquid satin 'baby doll' style outfit that I had bought for her. Rosie immediately accepted both the present and my 'preference' and said that and a very memorable 'session' followed together with many shopping trips for more satin outfits for her to wear.
Anyway, on with the story. One bright warm spring day, we were woken a little earlier than usual by the sound of workmen setting up a few yards from our house. They were there to start their annual grass cutting and grounds maintenance in the park. This was nothing new to myself, as they were there every year and most of them were well known to me, but not to Rosie at the time. Rosie jumped out of bed, slipping on her bright red satin chemise and fresh white pure silk French knickers. The chemise was tight and low cut with an elasticated strip just under the boobs, something like the top part of the well known Marilyn Monroe dress.
Yawning she made her way to the window with me following her after getting dressed, both of us now awake and watching them set up their metal pre-fabricated "Workmen's cabin" where they would all sit to have their tea breaks and lunch etc. They would be there now daily during the week until the autumn. They consisted of the original crew, mainly comprising of older guys in their 40s & 50s and then this years temporary contractors, mainly aged around late 20s to mid 30s. All in all around a dozen or so men.
As Rosie was not expecting them she asked me who they were, so I explained quickly saying that and letting her know that they were a nice bunch of guys saying and so on. said Rosie, , adding !
Rosie opened the windows fully to let in some fresh air while saying to me at the same time ! As she turned to me giving me a kiss, meaning that it was my turn to make the morning coffee. Instantly there was a loud wolf whistle followed by someone shouting ! I recognised the voice immediately, it was Gerald one of the older crew, he was the charge hand, a funny and cheeky typical workman type that everyone immediately took a liking to.
Sticking my head out of the window I laughed loudly and shouted down to him , to which he instantly replied that it was good to see that I had finally got myself a "real woman! With Rosie now blushing and doing the covering her chest thing that women do, she laughed and looked at me with "that look" I knew then that I was outdone by Gerald's reply. Then after a short hi guys, how are you all, this is Rosie kind of small talk, while at the same time noticing some of the men checking out my new girlfriend, I said to Rosie that I would leaving her leaning out of the window chatting away with the guys.
Downstairs in the kitchen with the kettle boiling away and coffee in the cups I was smiling away to myself listening to the giggles of Rosie and the muffled noises of the men's banter with her. After a few minuets Rosie called down to me still giggling away while yelling. ! I then heard her footsteps running back to the window. I couldn't help myself calling back to her, ? There was no answer but lots of loud laughing a few seconds later made me chuckle to myself.
I could hear myself thinking "what the fuck and typical workmen" out loud as I got the stuff for extra coffee but I didn't mind really and got the mugs ready. Then just as the kettle was boiling and the milk and sugars done Rosie came bounding down the stairs and into the kitchen. , she said as she got the tray ready with the mugs on for me to pour in the boiling water. , I said to her, as I poured the boiling water into the mugs, ? I asked her. she responded. Rosie picked up the tray of coffee before I could myself and headed for the back door motioning for me to open it for her whilst saying .
As we walked out of the door, it struck me that Rosie had quickly washed herself, done her hair and applied her makeup but had not dressed. She was still in her flimsy silky little nightie! Kindly hissing at her that she had she replied and that she was . Walking behind her as we rounded to the front of the house, I couldn't help noticing just how sexy she was and the way that her cherry red satin nightie swayed as she walked. Her red patent mid heel shoes making a click, click sound as she walked. The bright sun made the nightie look almost see through, a gorgeous translucent kind of see through. Rosie looked amazing! I could see that she had no bra on and that the outlines of her pert and firm tits were visible under the satin and that the nightie only just covered her arse cheeks, the lace trim of her silk French knickers were clearly visible.
By now we were side by side as we walked around the house and on checking out Rosie's tits, her nipples were rock hard, straining hard as if to break through the thin bright red flimsy material. I could actually see them under her nightie. Whispering to her I said, ? lowering my gaze to her chest as I asked her. Rosie loudly replied with a cheeky grin broadened across her pretty face as she added to her reply, . She was right, my cock was now as hard as her nipples were! Her reply was obviously loud enough for all of the guys to hear because by now we were only a couple of paces away from them. I just laughed with her and said also loud enough for them all to hear, just as we both took the last couple of steps.
So, here was my gorgeous girlfriend, now very turned on, stood in front of 10 other men, out in the open, myself stood at her side. Wearing an almost sheer, bright red, very short & low cut, satin chemise type nightie that barely held her tits inside it. With her nipples standing hard enough to drill right through the thin flimsy material and a warm breeze gently lifting the hem occasionally, to reveal the hottest pussy you have ever seen, covered only by an almost translucent thin layer of brilliant white pure silk, that by now I had noticed had an ever growing wet spot that was so see through that it looked as though she was wearing crotch less French knickers. Her puffy pussy lips on show for all, either side of a perfect camel toe while shouting !
There were soft whistles, sharp intakes of breath, quiet mumbles of "Phwaaar"! and "Fucking hell"! all around the place, as Rosie just stood there. Her left leg tight and straight, her right leg gently bent at the knee and slightly open. Holding the tray full of hot mugs of coffee. her Tits now trying to escape from her nightie and only being held in to it by how hard her nipples were standing to attention against the cherry red satin, holding them in place like dowels! The buzz was incredible, all eyes firmly fixed on Rosie, wandering all over her body and the beaming smile on her face told me that she was loving it!
Martin was the first to take his cup. said Martin, Rosie replied. The mug of coffee was almost touching her right tit. It seemed to take Martin an age to work out where that was on the tray, he just stood for what seemed like hours staring at Rosie's gorgeous cleavage and firm tits under that translucent bright red silky nightie. his hand wrapped around the mug and he hesitated but finally twisted the mug so that the back of his hand brushed against Rosie's left tit. Watching her expressions I could see that Rosie was working out that he wasn't sure of what to do so she pushed herself ever so slightly forward and rocked from side to side a little so that she was rubbing her satin covered tit and hard nipple against his hand. Looking at me as she did so, there was pure lust all over her smile. ? was Rosie's next call, Gerald stepped foreword, . Rosie told him his cup was on his left side front of the tray. I watched this intently as Gerald was the confident type and he knew before even us what the game was all about. He walked in from the other to the side I was standing, so directly face on to me and to the side of Rosie. Placing a hand on Rosie's back while the other hand reached around for his coffee while looking directly into my eyes at the same time looking for the nod of approval from me that I instantly gave him. Then with a huge grin on his face, I could see his hand on her back lowering slowly to gauge the reaction from Rosie, while at the same time pausing the other for a second. Rosie just looked at him and smiled. Gerald took this as Rosie's approval also, so his hand lowered onto her arse cheek, he didn't grab his coffee, he just bluntly grabbed Rosie's left tit and gently squeezed both her arse and tit at the same time over the top of her satin chemise. Everyone could now see this and what was happening as they were all stood directly to the front of the three of us. Rosie in the middle and myself and Gerald on either side of her. Rosie un-consciously tilted her head backwards arching her back thereby sticking her tits out and into Gerald's hand. Then Gerald teasingly and painstakingly slowly, slid the same hand under the front "V" part of the nightie, a finger tip at a time, in order to get a feel of her bare tit while he slid his other hand on her back slowly even lower, caressing her back over the silky red satin as he did so until his hand reached the hem of Rosie's nightie. under the satin it went, to find her silk covered arse that he clenched and squeezed firmly but gently. There he was, openly groping Rosie for a minute or more before keeping both hands still for a few more precious seconds before finally taking his coffee from the tray with a slow and cheeky to Rosie as he went to stand aside. From Rosie's whispering moans and looks, both to me and to Gerald and also his own sounds during this open groping told us all instantly without any words needed that they both very much enjoyed the experience.
Two of the younger men were next up for their coffee, appearing before Gerald could even get fully out of the way! both stood side by side directly in front of Rosie, each reaching for a cup at the same time with me moving around to a slightly more three quarter view I heard Rosie say both young men looked at me and then back at her as if asking for approval. , before adding . With this Rosie looked straight into each of the young men's eyes straightened her legs up, pushed forwards and said . With this both now reached out a hand over the tray and cupped a satin covered tit each, rubbing them and bouncing them gently. One of the guys thumbing her nipple as he did so. Rosie's head now tilted back again and faced sideways looking directly at me as she did so, I winked at her and just as I did so, she let out a soft whimper that turned into a light moan. One of the young men had released one of Rosie's tits from the satin nightie, the other lad had not But both were licking and sucking on them! , said Rosie. . Fucking gorgeous said one of them as they thanked her and also stood aside. Rosie stood still for a few seconds, her uncovered tit glistening from the young man's spittle in the warm bright sun. The other tit still wrapped in bright red semi sheer satin, with a now plain to see large dark red wet area around the nipple and under the tit, Then, still holding the tray, she leaned foreword and the exposed tit sexily slid back under sexy cover to a huge applause and giggle from Rosie.
Now It was obvious to all and they slowly piled in, each groping my girlfriend while I stood watching. God Rosie looked hot! there were hands all over her, I counted four hands on her arse cheeks with two further hands under her French knickers groping her arse all at the same time, I couldn't count the hands all over her tits, under the satin then pulling the satin back over her tits to grope them that way. A couple of hands managed to reach Rosie's pussy and I saw one rubbing her through her silk knickers, while another got his fingers under the silk and was fingering her. Rosie was moaning away in pure ecstasy, still stood upright and still holding the tray, her legs slightly open and hands everywhere all over her with her still holding the tray. I honestly thought I was going to cum in my pants. It all only lasted a few brief seconds but it seemed to be in slow motion and be never ending. shortly they all moved away from Rosie and the tray was now empty apart from our two cups of coffee.
Moving up behind Rosie I now seized my chance. Whispering in her ear that she looked fucking awesome like that, I reached around her waist and cupped one of those satin covered tits in each hand proclaiming out loud that she couldn't move now! Ha, ha Rosie laughed, ? No reason at all I laughed back at her pulling the satin very slowly sideways to expose her nipples then squeezing them together so her tits popped back in and under the satin nightie with the guys quietly cheering and clapping me on. whispered Rosie to me, . she said much louder this time, ! with this I lowered my hands to the hem of her nightie and slid my fingers under and on to her sweet pussy from behind her. ! I exclaimed as I moved my fingers up under her silk French knickers and into her soaking pussy, holding the nightie up with one hand so all could see. Rosie leaned back with her head on my shoulder, shut her eyes and inched her legs forwards and open. Neil was the first to get his cock out, bigger and thicker than mine at about 9" long he stood there silently stroking his cock in front of us. ! I whispered in her ear, Rosie slowly lifted her head and opened her eyes. ! she cried as her eyes met up with Neil's big and fat cock and then his eyes. She suddenly soaked my hand! I genuinely thought the she was pissing herself. !! she hissed at me, . My fingers went back to work to the sounds of her pussy squelching and zips being undone.



Published by randy_lover
9 years ago
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gateman69 5 years ago
Very exciting