Random Not Safe For Facebook Thoughts

As my friends on here that have become Facebook friends with me know I have random funny thoughts I like to post on Facebook. Well sometimes my thoughts just cant be posted on there because honestly do you want your grandmother knowing that you jerk off to gloryhole videos. And the little blurb thing they give you on here just doesn't have enough space sometimes. So I decided to write them here.

2/16/16- "Had my first sex dream ever today where I could remember the woman's face. Wasnt as good as I was hoping. Damn you Betty White"
Published by jimmysmith3625
9 years ago
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ScotttyS 8 years ago
Allways good to find the Facebook friends that have the same mind set as you/we do
1267123 8 years ago
Somehow I've never noticed this blog post before sweetie, actually you can post sexy, silly private stuff on face-book, I'm in a x-rated private group on fb with several of my friends here from the hammy, it's fun to post there, if we ever become fb friends, I'll add you to the group!! :wink:
oral4u2enjoyme 8 years ago
LOL... I've had several sex dreams that you were the star!
driverdavid 9 years ago
Wow what's your Facebook add Sharon