Seeing my mom's pussy / first mature vulva

I grew up in quite a liberated house, at least from my mother's side. My brother and I was often allowed to see her naked, and I was still quite young when I realized she was different from me, having huge (to my c***d's mind) breasts and this strange, densly black-haired thing between her legs where I had a tiny penis and scrotum. As for her “thing” you could not see much, it was -very- hairy, so no lips or slit which I now know about, just this huge, dark, mysterious bush at the base of her belly. She was not showing herself on purpose, it happened mostly naturally when she was bathing and once or twice when I walked past my parents room.

She was also differently shaped, what I now realize are feminine curves, hips, thighs, and so forth. Obviously she had breasts (and what I now realize were -nice- ones.)

At the time I noticed this I just found it interesting, not arousing or sexual in any way, I must have been about four or five. Obviously I had to idea about sex or anything like that.

Fast forward to when I was about eleven. I one day went into the bathroom and found this strange plastic tube in the bathroom cupboard – it looked like a hollow tube with a plunger, like a syringe but had a blunt tip. It was about as thick as two fingers. Next to it was what looked like a toothpaste tube, but it was a “vaginal cream” - now I know she probably had a yeast infection and this was medication for it, but then it was completely mysterious to me.

Still being a c***d, and innocent, but very curious (I still am!) I took this to her, showed it to her and asked what it was.

She was a little taken aback as I remember, and stumbled over her words. I knew of the birds and the bees at that time, she had laid it all out, but it had merely been another fact – I had no idea it was supposed to feel good, that love was supposed to be involved, or how it looked when people... fucked. I did know a “penis” went into a “vagina” and later a baby came out, but that was about it. I didn't know about erections, orgasms, what a vulva looked like, nothing.

She then asked me if I remember about where babies come from, and that the mommy has something called a “vagina”. She then explained that sometimes it could become sick too, just like any other part of anyone's body, and that she used the plastic tube to draw up the medication in the toothpaste like tube and then put it into her vagina, and then squeezed out the medicine in there.

I couldn't understand how it worked, having never seen a vagina, I knew her flat, dark bush, but... how? It was just a clump of hair to me, I had no idea what was underneath, or how it fitted with a penis – there was no internet back then, and the books we had (my parents were both biologists) seemed to jump from showing the gross anatomy to a pregnancy already in progress, and was frustratingly vague on the specifics or how “it” actually happened.

For some reason I asked her to show me how she used it. To this day I still don't know why I did that. I do remember that she gave me a strange look, and was silent for almost half a minute, just looking at me. I had started getting uncomfortable, but then she looked down and said yes. She also said she'd show me that night, and that I must not tell -anybody- about the tube or how it was used, or that I'd asked her to explain and demonstrate.

I kind of forgot about it for the rest of the day, played with my brother, and had a normal day. There was no anticipation or anything, I had no sexual awareness at all, it was just another interesting thing my mom would teach me about, just like when she had let me look through a microscope when she was working on her degree.

We had dinner as a family, and eventually my b*o and I went to bed, and I was vaguely disappointed that my mom had not honored her promise to show me how she used the vaginal medicine applicator on her vagina.

Late that night (it must have been around eleven) she woke me up with a hand on my head.

She had the hall light on, and showed me to be quiet with a finger on her lips. My brother was fast asleep across the room. She beckoned me to come with her. I felt a sense of anticipation, she was going to show me her vagina! I followed her into the hall and across to the bathroom.

She was wearing a bathrobe, and I could smell that she had just had a bath. She had me close the door to the bathroom and whispered that I must be quiet. She put her hands on the bathrobe's cord and seemed to hesitate, again admonishing me to not tell anybody about this. I promised not to.

She hesitated a few more seconds, then untied the cord, and let her robe fall open. I was curious, but not excited in any way, still incapable, not nearly at puberty or anything. From memory I can now see (with maturity on my side, and some sexual experience) that she was quite hot and very beautiful – she was about 32 at the time of this.

Her skin was very white, and her breasts about apple sized, she let the robe fall open and then kind of brushed it aside to reveal her breasts and belly and mound. Her nipples were a dark toffee color, about as big as my pinky finger's tip, and I seem to remember her areolas were a darkish brown. She had slightly bulging belly, and below that her extremely hairy venus mound. Now I wonder about it as she was completely hairless everywhere (not her legs or belly had a single hair) but her pussy was a dark jungle of incredibly dense black curls. I actually bent forward and she seemed to freeze and let me look. It smelled... funny but all I can see (and remember) where these long dark curls of hair growing so densely you could not see her vulva or mound's skin beneath.

I still could not see how a penis or that plastic tube could go “somewhere” in there, it was all just a huge amount of hair, growing in a flat-sided triangle between the top of her thighs. After a few seconds she kind of shuddered and turned round. She had the tube there, and squeezed the medication out of it into the tube. I didn't find it remarkable then but now I can understand – her hands were shaking slightly. Decades later I'm convinced she was definitely sexually stimulated by the whole thing, showing her son her furry vulva and her naked body. But back then I was none the wiser.

I do often wonder though what exactly would have happened if I'd reached out and touched it...

Anyway, she turned back and again kind of hesitated, her fingers nervously playing with the plastic tube, now full of medication. She again admonished me not to say a word about what I was to see. I agreed eagerly, fascinated, staring at her jungle-like venus. I could see drops of moisture hanging in it, probably form her bath, but now I'm not so sure, and think she might have been wet (sexually).

She lifted her right leg, placed it on the edge of the bath. The thing between her legs changed shape, kind of... wedging open and spreading. I still could not see much, it was just a bush of hair changing slightly. The light was not that bright either, and the mystery of it was veiled in shadow. She reached down, pushing the fingers of her left hand into the hair, seeming to press them down in the wild bush and then moved them apart. I wanted to drop to my knees to see and come closer to it, but she told me to stay where I was, her voice suddenly warning, and hard.

I guess now she suddenly had an attack of conscience, but back then I froze, already fascinated, and not wanting to spoil the experience which I somehow knew was very special.

With her other hand she brought down the plastic tube, and to my enduring amazement, positioned it somewhere in the wild busy triangle near where the fingers of her other had was holding something open... and it -disappeared-. I couldn't quantify it later as a c***d, and now I obviously understand, but then... it was cathartic. She kind of... pushed and it slipped up and into her, disappearing from view. There didn't appear to be any pain involved and she let out a soft sigh.

When just the plunger part of it was protruding from her hairy pussy, she pushed it in too (thereby emptying the tube inside her cunt). I could not see any lips or her hood or anything, it was still just a mass of hair with the top bit of the tube sticking out of the jungle. After a few moments she pulled it out of the bush, its sides glistening and the plastic wet with... something. She let go of herself with her other hand's fingers, lowered her leg (the bush changed shape again) turned round, placed it back in the medicine cupboard, then turned back to me.

She asked if I understood, and I just nodded yes. It had indeed been very interesting. She stood a few more seconds, letting me look, almost appearing indecisive. Then she seemed to reach a decision. She gathered up her robe and closed it, hiding her jutting breasts and furry pussy, then told me to go back to be, and reminded me to tell NOBODY about this.

Anyway, decades later and with some experience of sex and women, I still wonder if she really had been aroused, what would have happened if I had just reached out and touched her sex when it had been so close, and just what she had been trying to decide in that few seconds after pushing out the medicinal paste into her vagina and had stored the applicator away, and had stood naked before me with her enormous hairy cunt, just looking at me. When I eventually reached puberty and started learning about girls and sex, the episode came back and I realized I'd have probably been able to push my entire hand and wrist into her at that time, and / or that she'd probably could have had me lick her pussy or something similar if she had wanted me to. Obviously she had had sex before (my brother and I was the result) and I'm sure she could have, well, ****d me – rubbed my penis until it got erect and then forced or had me insert it into her pussy. But she did not.

For a long time I was convinced that all vulvas looked like her, just this enormous bush, but only much later after discovering internet porn and seeing other, living, breathing vulvas (and playing with and passionately licking them) did I learn that they were as unique as faces, each one different but all beautiful.

That was how I saw my first mature woman's vulva, and the only time I saw my mom that close and was allowed to stare at her mysterious and very hairy genitals. To this day I'm fascinated by older women and especially older women with hirsute vulvas.

Anybody else had this kind of experience?
Published by boshcak
9 years ago
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thighfan 1 year ago
I could have only hoped. Had I asked about things, Mom was very nurturing, so maybe I would have gotten a lecture with visual aids......
sxstory5 1 year ago
In our our house we have always been very open about nudity within the family, my wife and i have always shaved pubic hair so when we're showering and washing together our k**s can see all. For us, it's just a natural thing.
funpics70 3 years ago
what a great mum
dearandy 3 years ago
Ich kenne das ist schon.wahnsinn.solche erfahrungen zumachen.  So um die 17 wars mutter witwe gute figur mit grossen festen bruesten . Ich entdeckte die maedchen und zuhause meine mutter. Ob im bad oder schlafzimmer ich versuchte heimlich sie zu beobachten wenn sie nackt war , und dann von.selber spuerte ich wie es zwischen.meinen.beinen hart wurde und ich dieses gefuehl genoss. Tolle anblicke so nackt ihren koerper zusehen.ihre brueste und die reifen fotzenlappen und zu geniessen wie ihre haende sie beruehrten. Ihr reifer koerper.machte mich verrueckt vor geilheit . Es war der anfang fuer eine gute zeit die dann kommen sollte
alibodge 7 years ago
sadlyi must report that my mother was older, and though no prude, she did little to alleviate a boys curiosity, though she would change in front of me, it was done so that apart from the odd show of a breast it did little to sort out my curiosity, hence now i still have the desire for older women and the wish... oh never mind lol, if it happens it happens...
maxwellq 8 years ago
Thank you for sharing your story. I found it very erotic and arousing. I wish that I had had such an experience with my mother. I do have vivid memories of seeing her naked a few times when I was young. The sight of her breasts with their pink areolas and darker pink nipples and most especially the dark brown triangle between her thighs of her pubic hair still illustrate my fantasies. Like you I was too naive and timid to do anything more than stare. As I got older I sought opportunities to talk to her while she dressed or changed clothes and did see her in just panties and bra, but never again totally nude.
1shedawg 8 years ago
very nice. wish I was there
anrianri 8 years ago
kintamasama 8 years ago
Never seen my mother naked, except for her breasts. What a very well written story, thank you so much!
gisroth 8 years ago
Very hot story, thanks
sexysonofsam 8 years ago
Nope I cannot say that I have...but sounds rather fascinating...I remember once seeing my mothers cunt when she was lying sleeping on the bed, but only through her panties and there was not too much to see at the time though!