Past of Wife

My wife won't totally admit it to me but I know she loved sucking and fucking various cocks before we got married. I'm pretty open about being one of those guys who just absolutely loves pussy. I see a woman and I wonder about her pussy. The look of it, shape, wetness, use, fuckability willingness, etc. i could probably just about fuck any pussy. My wife is great in bed. She loves to suck and be fucked. Blowjobs are unreal. Clearly well practiced and enjoyed every minute of thinking about how to be better at it. Fucking is the same. She fucks me back and moves so that mycock goes deeper into her. It's awesome even after more than a decade.
What gets me off even more is getting her to tell me about her past exploits. Taken a lot of work but finally she had started to come clean little by little. She is probably ashamed of some of it or whatever but knowing that it gets me off she has started to share. She used to say she couldn't remember anything but we both knew that was crap.
I'll record some of the details in writing as they come about.

Anyone else got some stories of their Asian Japanese Chinese or whatever wife fucking before marriage or am I solo on interest in this?
Published by MurasakiDragon
9 years ago
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pookalooka 7 years ago
I just posted a blog post about my wifes past...
pookalooka 7 years ago
My Japanese wife has admitted to being with more men than she can remember. She was very promiscuous in high school and freshman year of college. I can't get details out of her though.
breakerdown 8 years ago
A slut asian wife is the greatest!
dousukebegaijin 9 years ago
As the best English-speaking student in an English language school in Japan, you can be certain that plenty of foreign guys have tried their best to seduce and get into your wife's pants in the past. Here's hoping quite a few of them succeeded....and that she, finally, has the confidence and reason to tell you about each of them. Personally, I'm hoping she even let a few of them double-team her. Hopefully a brother or two also got to play with her.
dousukebegaijin 9 years ago
Rest assured, you are not alone in being curious and turned on by their wife's pre-marriage exploits, or even her post-marriage liaisons.
dousukebegaijin 9 years ago
As jotting down notes as she is telling you will put her off ... I suggest you get yourself a little voice activated digital recorder, and discretely record the conversations. You can go back and convert them later to text. She will test you ... relentlessly ... so don't blink.
dousukebegaijin 9 years ago
Here's hoping your wife finally has enough confidence in your marriage, and you, to be able to tell you about her sexual encounters with other foreign men ... before you. I can understand why she is hesitant to do that, for fear of what repercussions there may be ... for fear that it may destabilise your currently happy marriage. You'll just have to keep coaxing her to do so, and reassuring her that you are not only fine with it....but that it turns you on to hear about her past sexual encounters with other men. Start small ... ask her to tell you about the very first foreign guy she ever had a sexual encounter with. Ask her where they met, and get her to tell you the story...of how things moved on from their first meeting. Ask her about the first time they kissed. Ask her about what he did, when he seduced and made love to her. After she tells you about one...I am sure it will get easier. Make no mistake, she will be watching your reaction like a hawk ... for any sign that it is upsetting you in any way. If you blink...she will shut down.