Nude camps and nude beaches.
I remember when I went to a nude camp sometime ago in Missouri. I didn't know what to expect, but I thought this time while on vacation, I'm going to let it all hang out. The camp was in in unincorporated area where you had to travel down some dirt roads to get to it. The area offered camping space to rent for RVs and tent campers, some rooms in the main house, and a trailer with two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. I had booked way in advance, so I was able to rent the trailer and I had it all to myself. At the main house, the people hung out, around the pool, and the hot tub, in their birthday suits, of course. The first day that I was there, I didn't know what to expect, but I was on vacation, so I thought, "here goes". Naturally I stripped down, and was hanging around mostly men at first, ( I thought "awkward"), but then I didn't give it much thought. It was summertime, I was going to relax, no work. I met a young couple who lived in trailer around the way. They were in the habit of visiting this camp. While I made friends with them, we didn't have a threesome or anything. I should have pushed the envelope, but I didn't. It would have been great if I did. So the first night, some ladies came through. There was a lot of flirting, naked dancing, music and fun. 2 guys had to be kicked out of the camp due to one of the guy's advances was not welcome by the couple ( the one that I should have had the threesome with ) and the man of the couple was about to kick his ass. The other guy must have made some unsolicited moves to one of the ladies who worked with the owner of the camp. I had to break up the fight with the first situation, and the second situation, after the guy had gone I had comforted the lady. Apparently she felt that since I wasn't trying to put the moves on her, she started to put the moves on me. I had my van ( fuck truck ) parked nearby and we went inside. But then she asked "Didn't you rent the trailer? Why don't we go there?" Duh! So we went to the trailer, and had some great sex. I had to represent well, since she had told me that I was the first black guy that she had been with. A few days later, I was still staying at the camp, and there was this couple who were regulars there. I was advised by someone that they were swingers, and that they might want something to do with me. Later that day I was in the house using the computer to look at houses over the internet, as I was planning to buy a house that year. The lady that I had relations with prior told me at first that we should hook up again that night, but later, she faked out on me, and retreated to bed early. The lady of the swinger couple was then over my shoulder, looking at houses with me while I was on the computer. Then she told me that I needed to stop looking at them houses and suck them titties! Naturally I ignored her and continued to look at the houses. I am fucking joking! No, that is NOT what I did! I did what the lady said to do, and started sucking them tig ole bitties! There was not too many people around the house or outside recreational area that day, so we went outside near the pool and the hot tub. I asked her if I could fuck her. She said "yeah", as long as I had condoms. Well, we were fucking by the pool, and her husband comes along. While I did not know how he was going to react, the sight of my dick in his wife must have turned him on because while I was fucking her, he was gagging her with his dick in her mouth! I suggested that we do a Double Vaginal, but he didn't want to, even though his wife did. He left us alone to do what we were doing. What a great guy! All of a sudden the son of the other woman with whom I had had prior relations, busted out the door from the house to the back yard and busted us in the act, saying "What are you two doing?" We stopped, until he left, but after that, I couldn't get hard again. No one wanted it to end that quick, so we sat in the hot tub, and I fingered her until she came. The next day I was confronted by the other woman who asked me what did I do that night. I told her in the voice of Bill Clinton, "Yes, I did have relations with that woman! You abandoned me last night, what was I to do?" All in all, I had a great time at that camp. I went to another camp in Indiana the following year. While I did get laid, it wasn't as much fun as the one in Missouri. I went to a nude beach in New Jersey last year ( Gunnison Beach), and while I am totally used to being nude in public, everyone there was so clickish, so I didn't make any friends. Hopefully I will go to another nude camp one day and have the fun that I had in Missouri. Would love to meet up with someone to make that happen!
9 years ago