The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 18

The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 18

RECAP: The Dimensional Wing is sitting on its landing pad on Tropica, the moon of the planet Heart's Desire. It was on its way to Kandar, the outer moon of Porno to confront the evil Emperor Wing, grandson of Wang, the dastardly inventor of the original infamous Sex Ray which made all those it touched mad for sex. Wing has improved his grandfather's evil invention and changed it so that all those it touches become not only mad for sex but it changes them into their OPPOSITE sex. That's right! It turned Flesh Gorton, the dashing and very masculine hero into Flesh Gorton the sexy, fetching and VERY FEMININE woman that she is today! At the same time, Flesh's girl friend, Dale Ardor, was changed into the masculine opposite of what she had been before! It can get pretty confusing, folks, so pay close attention.

Before they could get to Kandar, the Dimensional Wing was caught by R4-D6 (Rhonda) the humanoid walking computer and her associate, D12PM (Trillian), a more advanced but general purpose humanoid who had been specially trained in social skills. They were both fully functional, by the way, and they brought the Dimensional Wing in by tractor beam to this moon where all were to meet up with reinforcements before going on to Porno to confront Wing.

Flexi Jerkov, Flesh's bisexual associate and nominal captain of the Dimensional Wing, is sitting now in a huge space drome on the moon Tropica, planning the next move with Han Solo. Solo had brought the Millennium Falcon and was planning to meet up with his co-pilot and navagator, Chewbacca, who had come along with Jar Jar Binks aboard the Dimensional Wing.

Meanwhile on board the Dimensional Wing, all the passengers were busy fucking (well, everybody except Binks and Chewbacca. ...and Marvin, the ship's computer, but he doesn't count because he doesn't have sex organs. ...Or any organs for that matter. He's the 41st version of the Hal 9000). But I digress.

When we left off last time, Lapis Lazuli and her s1ster, Lorelei Lee were in their cabin with Michael Valentine Smith and Diogena. Diogena (Gena to her friends) had just recently been zapped with the New Sex Ray and had been changed from a grumpy old man into her present gorgeous, happy and youthful slutty nymphomaniacal self. Lori was fucking Michael Valentine while simultaneously tongue-fucking Gena's magically delicious cookie. At the same time, Lapi was sitting on Michael's face and french kissing Gena. Everybody was involved and every one of them was having the greatest time!

Lori was the first one to cum. Michael's dick was scratching an itch inside her that just wouldn't go away, and Gena's pussy was pure ambrosia to her. She drank of Gena's well while at the same time she felt Michael swell up way up inside her pussy. She shuddered as she felt herself being flooded with Michael's hot sperm, and his spasms triggered her own orgasm. She was so moved that she plunged her tongue deep into Gena's pussy, and that made Gena cum. When Gena came, her kisses conveyed that fact to Lapi, and Lapi clamped down on Michael's tongue, which if you will recall was inside Lapi's pretty parts. And the circle was unbroken! They all came in a ripple effect, each one's climax triggering that of the one he or she was doing, and it was like a chain reaction that just increased in intensity as it rippled around from one to the next! Girls can do that, and Michael Valentine (being Michael Valentine) could, too! He cummed inside Lori and continued to cum as she climbed higher and higher, sending sh0ck waves through Gena, who transmitted her urgency to Lapi, who flooded Michael's mouth with her sweet honey nectar, giving him more and more incentive to cum more into Lori's hungry little maw, which made Lori reach her tongue further and further into Gena's recently acquired little sugar snatch which was already literally humming and inspiring her to french kiss Lapi even more insistently! ---Aren't ménage de quatre 's amazing?!

Lazarus and Leia were enjoying an after fuck interlude, their legs wrapped around each other's, kissing and hugging and doing what couples do after a particularly delicious fuck.

“What do you want to do now?” Leia asked sweetly after several minutes of lovey-doving, time enough to catch her breath and settle into a sensuous purr.

“I don't know. Who haven't we fucked that we'd like to fuck?”

“Well, I've already fucked her, but I have it on good authority that you have not fucked Gena. I'd like to see you do that, although I don't think she wants to fuck you.”

At that Lazarus' memory clicked. He had offered to relieve her of her “cherry” so to speak the day after... He had been talking to Gena the night before... She accompanied him to his cabin and he fell asleep while talking to her about being old and getting rejuvenated. He had been rejuvenated several times before and she had just been given a new lease on life when she (he, the old Diogenes) was zapped by the sex ray. Lazarus had gotten into bed because he was SO very tired, and then he had fallen asleep. He didn't remember Gena leaving...! Then he had a dream about getting a wonderful blowjob from a beautiful lady with the most delightfully soft warm mouth! ...That was it! He DREAMED about getting a blowie! Gena was so very curious about her new role as a woman, she MUST have snuck a peak under the covers at his naked cock and then decided to see what it was like to GIVE a BJ instead of GETTING one! THAT WAS IT!!! Gena was the one who sucked his cock recently!!

With that revelation Lazarus' mind featured Gena's sexy, pouty feminine mouth. And as he thought of it, all soft and moist and desirable and appealing, his cock began to twitch again! She had rebuffed him when he offered to relieve her of her maidenhead. Some women can be so finicky!

“--Let's go see what the others are doing,” Lazarus jumped off the bed, antsy all of a sudden. He wanted to find Gena and convince her to let him fuck her. He had the hots for her now! If that mouth of hers was as delicious as he thought he remembered, her pussy would be absolutely scrumptious! And since she was a newly formed female, he was sure she was curious about how fucking would feel from a woman's perspective! He HAD to get into her box, he did!

Cathy Nunyabusiness and Jubal Harshaw were busy 69ing with Jubal holding Cathy upside down and him standing up. She was having upside-down cock while he was eating her honey pie with relish. And they were both having a marvelous time of it! He would slide his tongue into her snatch and at the same time she would engulf his member. Then she would release him and he would pull his tongue back at the same exact time. In... And out. In... and out. In... and out! IN... and OUT! IN! ... AND OUT!! They had an increasingly urgent rhythm going and both were only seconds away from hearing bells ring and seeing skyrockets in flight. Time stood still for the both of them, though, and all either of them could feel was the IN... AND OUT of their mouths and lips lovingly ass4ulting each others respective private parts!

IN... AND OUT! IN... AND OUT! IN... AND OUT! IN! ...AND OUT! IN!! ...AND OUT!! The itch was building for the both of them! Building. Building! BUILDING!!

Finally, on the in-stroke, when Cathy felt his helmet begin to swell in the very back of her throat she began to flood past his insistent tongue and into his mouth with her dew, for she knew that he was about to blow! And when he felt her essence flow and felt her throat contract around his cock, Jubal's joy juice boiled up from his testicles, raced through his big fire hose and out from the end of his pecker and into Cathy's throat! It spilled out the sides of her mouth, and since she was upside down, it dripped from her nose, too, causing her momentarily to p4nic from not being able to breathe! She knew it would pass, though, so she consciously calmed herself and enjoyed the ride. Her pussy was milking Jubal's tongue with her kegels spasming and her swallowing mouth was giving his cock a thrill, too! Sixty-nine truly is the friendliest number! At least they both felt so at the time...

Anna and Missy and Annapajamas fell away from their daisy chain satiated –for the moment. But they almost immediately began making plans for their orgy. Much was to be considered, like who, when and where. They all three agreed to invite all the newly changed passengers, Gena and Sami, and of course, Flesh and Dale. But that was only one guy to six girls, and they needed more cock than that! Anna and Missy brought up LuckyMike, but Annapajamas was a little reluctant to fuck him.

“Why not??!” Missy cried. “You got something against black men?!”

“Yeah,” Anna teased with a devilish grin. “She's probly afraid of big BBCs! She's probly afraid he'll wreck her little itty bitty k1tty!”

“I am not!” Anna insisted. “I just miss my b0yfriend, is all. Besides, I already did fuck him! ...Well, he fucked me. You two were predisposed back at Milliway's when you were getting it on with mscotton12 Mike. LuckyMike fucked me while I gave Woody my very bestest blowie. --B0y, did they do me! Mmmmmm!”

“Well, then, you wouldn't mind giving LuckyMike another go, then? Maybe this time look him in the eyes while you do him?” Anna asked with a certain bit of amusement.

“Sure...” Annapajamas didn't come across as completely enthusiastic, but the other two didn't pursue it. Seriously though, AP secretly did feel a thrill at the thought of having another round with that monsterous cock of LuckyMike's. Dick is dick when you get down to it, and AP didn't really give a rip about what flavor it came in. Humongous is a plus and skill at using it (which LM had plenty of) was a plus, too. Just thinking about fucking the big Mike made her instantly get sopping wet.

“So, Flexi, what are your plans?” Solo asked. “--What's the deal with all the xHamster passengers, by the way?”

Flexi frowned and thought a moment before he responded. “Well, I THOUGHT they'd be an asset. Since they all get as much nookie as they can stand, I figured they wouldn't be so affected by the Sex Ray. I'm wondering now if maybe I was wrong.” As he said this, Flexi was absently caressing both Rhonda's and Trillian's tits, one in each hand, as they sat on the floor on either side of his chair. Both girls were purring with pleasure. Rhonda had her hand in his lap and was feeling his cock, which was throbbing. She closed her fingers around it and picked it up, aiming it toward her mouth. Without his thinking about it, Flexi's groin rose up to meet her half-way. Her lips closed around his head and he let out a sigh. Her hot, wet lips felt WONDERFUL softly suctioning him into her mouth!

“It would seem that you're a little rutty yourself, old buddy!” Solo chuckled. “Well, you ARE close to Porno. The planet has that effect on people.” Han looked at the two humanoid droids and then back to Flexi. Seeing him look, Flexi realized he was playing with the two ladies titties. He didn't take his hands away, though.

“How come you don't seem to be bothered, Han?” Flexi enjoyed fondling the two ladies breasts. They felt just like a real live girl's titties. Rhonda's lips felt just as soft and wet and HOT and inviting as those of a real girl's, too!

Just then a gorgeous blonde head popped up from under the table. “Flexi, I'd like you to meet the Empress Hallie,” said Solo.

Hallie smiled a big cat-got-the-canary grin and waved her little finger at Flexi. “Hi, Flexi!” she said, “I've heard so much about you!” Without waiting for a reply her head disappeared again under the table.

So now we're both sitting here at this table in this big space ship hanger, and we're both getting our cocks sucked. Flexi thought. Me by an android, even though she is gorgeous and has a delightful, sensuous mouth, and Han Solo by the Empress of this entire planet. --Oh, Flexi remembered that he should ask the Empress if she would sell him the titles to these two beautiful droids. Maybe it'd be best to wait until after she gets done with what she's doing. I wonder how good a cocksucker the Empress is? Flexi thought absently.

He didn't wonder very long, though. Rhonda was doing that munching move on the head of his dick and that just made the sperm boil up and his balls tighten. When a guy has to cum he has to cum. There's no use fighting it, but the best thing to do is relax and let it flow! (No pun intended. ...Well, maybe just a little bit) When his helmet expanded, Rhonda knew she only had a half-a-second before his sperm sh0t out so she opened her throat and engulfed Flexi all the way to his root.

That did it! Flexi cummed so hard into this marvelous mechanical babe's throat it burned all the way from his testicles, up through his cock and out through his cock-head into her hot, wet esophagus! When he finally stopped spasming and spraying he felt like he'd been turned inside out!

Meanwhile, Empress Hallie was giving Han Solo the royal treatment. She slathered his dick and got it nice and wet before getting down to the business of sucking him off. As with any endeavor, the set-up is the most crucial part. Hallie had done this a time or two. Why do you think the name of her planet is “Heart's Desire.” Hallie made sure that every one of her subjects was taken care of. Other monarchs have audiences, well Hallie's audiences are not to be missed! She LOOOVED sucking cock and she'd done it enough to make her one of the most accomplished cocksuckers in the Galaxy. If she liked you, you made a point of touching base with her, so to speak, every so often. If she didn't like you, heh, you might as well slay your own dragon, 'cause she wasn't gonna slay it for you. When she did help with the slaying she sometimes edged her subject just enough that one or another of the ladies of the court got a very special treat. In other words she'd fluff 'em so the other ladies could buff 'em. Heart's Desire is the happiest place on... uh, IN... the galaxy.

Anyway, she absolutely adored Han Solo and she wasn't about to let anyone else slay his dragon but her! After she got his cock nice and wet she dove down on it, engulfing it with her warm inviting mouth, inching her super-soft royal lips slowly along his girth to finally mash her nose against his groin! She held there for a few seconds, squeezing him with her throat muscles just to tease him before slowly letting his cock slide back out till only his crown was left in her mouth. Then she did the best part, she munched his head in her mouth! Few men can take that for very long! Just as he felt like he was about to cum she slid his entire length back down her throat and swiped her nose along his groin again. Back out and munch! All the way in and nose his groin! Out and munch! Han was gritting his teeth, trying not to cum, trying to think other thoughts besides the sensations she was giving him! Then finally, when he thought he couldn't take any more, she let him out all the way. But then she turned around and sat her royal snatch down on his straining dick, engulfing it completely! Not one to let a man simmer, she nipped him with her cunt! He ALL-most lost it! Up she bobbed, only to crash back down, taking him all the way in again! Pausing a second without tantalizing him any further (other than hula-ing on him like some women do), she reared back up and slammed back down, starting to fuck him furiously! Han couldn't take it very long after that! On about her 10th down-stroke he let go and flooded her regal cunny bear with spurts of hot sperm! The Empress groaned and sprawled on top of him, exhausted but shivering and jerking with delight at each hot jet as it sprayed into her vitals!

MEANWHILE: After leaving the ship, Flesh and Dale were exploring the vicinity around the Space Drome. Unlike many other moons, Tropica is far from being barren. Tropica is absolutely rich in flora and fauna, like a tropical island on Earth. Indeed, three-fourths of the moon's surface is covered in water, so what land there is is exactly like any number of Earth's islands spaced mostly around the equator.

Our two heroes walked along a path that led around the Space Drome, first being careful not to encounter anything unsavory, but then seeing nothing untoward they walked a bit faster with more confidence, enjoying the scenery as they walked. They felt almost like Adam and Eve back in Earth's distant past. They KNEW they were naked, though, and they were enjoying the unrestricted freedom immensely. In fact, Dale would cop a feel of Flesh's pretty parts every so often and Flesh would feign displeasure and slap his hand. --She didn't slap it very hard, though. Truth be known, she enjoyed getting felt up and wished he would do it more! After a while she decided to feel HIM up. She would grab at his penis or maybe his testicles. This had a more or less expected effect on them both and they began to look around for a secluded spot where noone would pass by and see them.

Passengers on the Dimensional Wing were wandering one by one, two by two, and however many, into the forward lounge looking for social and other types of intercourse, whichever seemed the most appropriate and appealing at the moment. Most everyone was still in the uniform of the day, which is bare naked, except for Miniskirt-girl, Sami. When she walked in she was dressed in a cute simple flowery mini-dress and high heels. Being the only lady with clothes on, she was instantly the center of attention. Few people knew who she was, since she had changed so much when she got zapped with the sex ray. Whereas before the zap she was Miniskirt-boy, a passable but obvious tranny, now she was a total babe with beautiful legs, little feet and sexy girlish toes, slender feminine waist flaring over a delicious little round butt and hips, perfect little titties with nice puffy nipples that stood up and would meet you half-way. Her chestnut hair was long and beautiful and her face was that of an angel with kissable little lips and a turned up little girlish nose. Her eyes were still blue, but were now the blue of the sky and bigger than before, or at least they seemed that way. Her complexion was perfect and didn't need make up. Like I said, she was a total babe. Having just been zapped, though, she still wasn't quite sure just how appealing she was. She had yet to have social or ANY kind of intercourse with others as a girl.

--I spoke too soon, folks. Two others walked into the lounge with clothes on. Kellykins2u and Lexi Belle came in right after Sami wearing flannel shirts and heavy woolen socks. They looked particularly fetching and just downright sexy with their pretty parts on view for everyone to see and admire under the hems of their shirts. And too, their attire accentuated just how particularly delicious their derrières are! Indeed, Kellykins' scrumptious rear has received acclaim far and wide when she was home in Alaska. During the summer while it was warm enough to sunbathe her butt was voted Most Delightful Rear in the Klondike. And of course it should be no surprise to anyone that Lexi Belle's princess parts, both front and rear, are so delectable as to d1e for. That should go without saying. Lexi should add the last name of “Smuckers” to her name because any scene she's in HAS to be good. Ask Kellykins. Ask Volfy. Ask anyone who's ever had the high honor and distinct pleasure to be with her. Anyway, I'm getting off the story line.

Gena, Michael Valentine and the two Long tw1ns were already in the lounge, and Gena went over to Sami. “My goodness, Sami! You ARE Sami, aren't you?”

“Yes I am. What do you think of me now, Gena?”

“You are GORGEOUS, girl! I heard you got zapped. How do you feel?”

“Actually, I feel wonderful! I still can't get used to it, though.” And in a whisper, “I miss my big clitty!”

Whispering back to her, “It takes some getting used to, but you'll enjoy it!” Gena smiled at her and patted her on the shoulder. “Have you experienced fucking yet?” she said in a slightly more normal voice.

“Not yet,” Sami acted apprehensive --nervous, even.

“Well, we're gonna have to fix that!” Gena beamed at her and hugged her. “By the way, you look so sexy in that dress!” Gena thought a minute. “I'm gonna have to start wearing clothes! I forgot how sexy a girl can be when she's got something on!”

Just then Lazarus and Leia walked in. “--There you are,” Lazarus saw Gena and went right over to her. “Listen, I was out of line earlier. I want to apologize.”

“Fine,” Gena simply said. “How would you like to relieve Sami, here, of her bothersome 'cherry'?”

Lazarus had never heard that exact request put that particular way before, but he instantly knew that it had to be a gotcha question. Now was not the time to approach Gena about making the b**st with two humps. At least not with her. --Yet! “I'll help you OR Sami in any way I can.” Why do I think I just put my foot in it? He thought.

Just then Michael Valentine walked over and saved the day for Lazarus. “My goodness, Sami, you look FABULOUS!”

“Thank you,” Sami felt a bit more at ease with Michael Valentine. He had that effect on people. “Do you really think so?”

“I think you are about as sexy and desirable as any woman I've ever met. Would you care to come over and talk to us? Lapi and Lorie would love to have social intercourse with you, and so would I.”

“That sounds wonderful, but I think I have something going here...”

“OK, then.” he said, “Leia, would you care to join us?”

“I'd love to!” Leia liked both Michael and the tw1ns. She took his arm and walked away from Gena, Lazarus and Sami.

That gave Gena a chance to leave, too. “You be nice to her, Lazarus! She's a virgin, you know!”

Sami and Lazarus looked at each other. Sami was a little nervous and a whole lot excited when she realized he was going to fuck her in her new pussy! “Can we go someplace private, Lazarus?” she pleaded.

“Of course, dear. Would you like to go to my cabin?”

“That would be great.” Sami couldn't help feeling overwhelmed by all this. She did want him to fuck her. She wanted to suck his cock and feel his hands all over her naked body. She wanted... Lazarus was enthusiastic to get this gorgeous creature in the sack, but he also was thinking about Gena. He kept imagining, comparing back and forth between Gena and Sami. Sami was a babe, no doubt about it, but he had his mind all set on Gena. It was like he thought he was gonna have ice cream but realized he was getting sherbet instead.

Inside Lazarus' cabin, he took her in his arms and kissed her. Tenderly at first without a lot of passion in it. Kinda like a goodnight kiss after the first date. He kissed her again, just slightly more ardently like maybe about the 3rd or 4th good night kiss. He let things gradually heat up and Sami slowly warmed up to his kisses. She wasn't used to being treated like a girl. It was a pleasant experience and she was starting to relax and enjoy it, but experience told her to get more involved. Get down on the floor and suck his dick! But then... HE was taking the lead! He WANTED to fuck her, she realized, and then her thoughts moved down to the effect he was having on her. Her pussy –she remembered she HAD a pussy!-- was getting moist! Her clit –her REAL clitty-- was perking up and her pussy lips –PUSSY LIPS!-- were opening as a flower slowly blooming. Her nipples were swelling, too! She only had experiences as a tranny but this time her body was reacting like a real girl! She decided to just let it flow and see what happened.

After a few minutes more of kissing, though, her knees were getting weak. “Can we sit down, Lazarus?”

“Call me Woody.” They sat on the bed. Sami realized it was a bed and her reaction was just a bit alarmed, but then she made herself relax. This man was treating her like a real lady. She wanted to experience that.

She wondered whether she should kiss him back or not. What the heck! She thought. He's being so nice, he deserves a kiss! She smiled and kissed him. He smiled back at her and then kissed her nose, which made her giggle. He kissed her cheeks and then her eyelids. He nibbled her ear lobes and then kissed her neck, which sent shivers down her back. He cupped her breast, and at that she realized that she was dressed.

“Would you like me to take my dress off? ...Uh, Woody?”

“That would be nice.”

She unzipped it and wiggled letting it drop to the floor, then she sat back down, relieved to sit and rest her wobbly legs. He was having just that effect on her. She wasn't used to feeling and BEING TREATED like a girl! She automatically turned her toes inward to point more toward each other. After all, she was completely naked for him now! Oh, my God! He's falling onto the bed and taking me with him! They lay there kissing and feeling the warmth of each other's bodies next to their own. Lazarus caressed her breasts, first one and then the other. Mmmmm, that feels good! Her breasts were very sensitive and her nipples were even sensitiver! A girl takes pride in her titties, and this girl was no exception, as well she should be! They were perfect! She puffed her chest out to make her girls even more accessible to his caresses. Do that some more, Woody, PLEASE! Please, please, PLEASE?!

--But then he leaned down and kissed her nipple, drawing it gently into his mouth! She felt herself getting steamier and more moist between her legs and she was feeling dizzy! She couldn't decide what to do. She wanted to do SOMEthing! All she could think of was to caress his head, to run her fingers through his salt and pepper hair.

This is about where she would normally have been on her knees, sucking his cock in another life, but since he was taking the lead all she could do was let him! As she offered him her other nipple to suck she hugged him to her with her other arm while she continued to run her fingers through his hair. Her fingers danced along his muscled back and down his arms. He moved, leaving her hands empty and slowly kissed down her body, first all around her tummy, giving special attention to her quivering navel, then down, down, DOWN, getting closer and closer to her bald little mons and his target, her wet little furrow below.

And it was wet, too! Wet with anticipation of his mouth, which she imagined she could feel already on her untried little cookie. Lower. Lower! He bypassed her pussy and kissed her quaking inner thighs. With his hands he separated her knees, opening her up to his piercing eyes and expectant mouth and tongue. LICK ME! she thought! Kiss me there! Touch my pussy. --My pussy!-- YESSS! EAT ME! I need it! Her hips bucked up to meet him. They did that on their own! She didn't will them to rise up to meet him, but they did anyway!

Lazarus hesitated for only a second, taking in the sight of this gorgeous creature's delicious open wet prize, waiting –begging-- for him to take it with his salivating mouth. Without waiting any longer he dove down and planted his soft wet lips on her hot, wet, wanting, open gash! His extended tongue entered her tangy opening, cleaving farther and farther into her inner self! She groaned a high feminine whine, startling herself with the pitch of it! She had no idea her voice extended this high, but it told of her emotion when for the first time she felt a tongue –any tongue-- entering her nether lips! For the first time, Sami the Miniskirt-girl was experiencing what it feels like to be a female! She still had the urge to do something for him, though. She tried to scoot around where her face would be close to his groin so she could suck his cock but she just did not have the strength. His lingual attentions to her hungry pussy paralyzed her! The only way she could move was to spread her legs to give him more access. That was IT!

Lazarus ate her out for a long, long time and she came several times until she was shaking with lust and emotion! She still could not move, so he picked her up, placed her naked body in the middle of the bed and carefully spread her legs and and tenderly mounted her. His cock was standing at full erection and he rubbed it along her furrow to wet it and to give her a chance to get familiar with it before he entered her. He took his time preparing her for her maiden fuck.

Sami, though, grew impatient and her loins began bucking up to meet him again, so he centered his dick at the entrance to her hole and slowly, gently pushed.

“Ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Sami exclaimed when she felt his cock SLOOOWLY enter completely into her! She was so overcome with lust and emotion that she began to sob.

“--Am I hurting you, dear?” Lazarus was genuinely concerned.

“Nooooooo!! It... feels... WON-DER-FUL, Woody! Please... don't stop! Do it! Do it... NOW! Fuck me!” she managed to exclaim between sobs. Tears ran down her cheeks and she finally found the strength to lift her legs and wrap them around her lover's waist. Her lips sought out his and she kissed him urgently, goading him on. Her groin began thrusting to meet his, too! She was beginning to really enjoy being fucked as a girl! She'd never known what that was like before, and her nerve synapses were firing off so fast she couldn't distinguish between pleasure and ecstasy and p4in!

Still, she felt like she should be doing something besides lie there and enjoy getting fucked. She wanted that big dick in her mouth, too! ...And also in her ass. Was she becoming a slut ALREADY?! A bimbo?! She wanted all three holes filled at the same time! As well as maybe a dick in each hand and ...and one to rub between her soles. She wanted cock in her armpits and behind the crook of her knees. Her nose flared and she giggled to herself when it occurred to her, maybe I could take two in there! COCK! I want COCK!!

“Woody, may I please suck your dick?” she abruptly but urgently asked. She grimaced as she felt him slowly pull his cock out of her. I don't like that part! she fretted. But as soon as he was out she was on her knees before him with his rock-hard phallus in her hands, staring at it, mesmerized by its big bulbous head right in front of her eyes. Her mouth watered and she petted the huge thing for a minute before she closed her eyes and opened wide to take the head between her lips. Her pussy twinged sympathetically as she slowly took its length completely into her mouth and throat. She was going to deep-throat this big thing even if it made her gag! Woody didn't push her, though. He let her do as she wanted (which took no little amount of will power on his part! Sami DID know how to suck dick, she did)! That was something she knew how to do, and she was very good at it! Heck, she almost be4t Publiccathy (Cathy Nunyabusiness) in a cocksucking contest in the Forward Lounge just a few days ago.

Woody gritted his teeth and thought about the task ahead of confronting Emperor Wing. He let Sami tantalize him all she wanted.

...After what seemed like hours, though, of feeling her swallowing his cock and loving on it he warned her, “Sami, sweetheart, if you keep doing that very much longer I'm gonna cum!”

Sami let him out of her mouth. “Oh. I'm sorry, Woody.” She wouldn't let go of him, though. She held onto it while in a timid voice she asked him, “Woody, would you mind... Can you... I mean, I'd like you to do me in my butt now. --That is if you don't mind!”

“Oh, baby, I don't mind! Whatever you want is what I'll do. Can I rest a minute, though before we start? I need to calm down a little. You suck cock very, VERY well!”

“Hehehe! Thank you, kind sir! I'm always thrilled to hear that!” Finally, reluctantly, she let go of his cock but then she moved both her hands to her own body. She put her right hand on (and into) her cute little honey jar and her left hand went to her breasts. Sami couldn't get enough of her new body. It was so CUTE! Still, she felt more comfortable fucking like she did before. Orally and anally. She missed her boi clit; she used to masturbate it while she was being butt fucked. Well, she could just jill off now instead of jacking. That was just as good. It was just ...different. She supposed she could get used to it. She could probably get used to pussy fucking, too. It's just that she didn't know what to do when her pussy was being inv4ded. These new experiences were all almost too much for her to grok in one setting. She decided to give it time and not form any opinions yet. She DID enjoy her new body, though! She continued to pet her k1tty while she watched Lazarus (Woody) calm down.

His pecker did not calm down, though! It stood out from his body as straight as an arrow and as hard as one, too! Sami was gonna enjoy getting that big dick in her ass hole, stretching it!

“Ready?” Woody finally asked.

Sami whirled around to wiggle her delicious little butt at him in encouragement. “Ready!”

He ran it along her furrow several times to wet it, then he scooped up more of her secretions to poke into her butt hole. Then he aimed his happy muscle directly at her brown hole and slowly pushed.

“Oooooohhhhhhhhhhh!” she exclaimed again.

“All OK?”

“Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck me, d4ddy! Fuck your b4by girl's sh1t hole! Make it H-U-RT!” Sami even drove her butt back, causing his cock to go in faster! Sami's butt hole was used to being inv4ded and even ass4ulted! She was back in familiar territory now, and she fucked him with her ass just as much as he was fucking her with his dick!

They shagged like this for so long, all the while Sami was poking her fingers into her very creamy girly hole, trying her level best to cram her whole hand into it! She even took the hand that was kneading her titties and kneaded her girly clit with it instead. As Woody fucked her butt she was climbing higher and higher toward her fourth or fifth serious “O!” She was ready for him to cum, and he was getting close! Suddenly she pulled herself off of his cock, whirled around and sucked his spasming member into her mouth, feeling the hot seed squirt into her! At the same time her clit throbbed, her pussy swallowed her hand past the knuckle and her cream flooded out and soaked her all the way to her wrist!

MEANWHILE, back in the lounge Kellykins2u and Lexi Belle were getting quite a bit of attention from their fashion statements. Volfy and LuckyMike were both hitting on Kellykins and Gena was telling Lexi how much she really admired her.

“Seriously,” Gena cooed, “I must have watched every video you ever did, Lexi! I loved all the boy/girl scenes you ever did, but I was REALLY turned on by the girl/girl scenes!”

“Well, thank you!” Lexi smiled at her. “I love doing both, you know.” She looked Gena up and down and smiled again.

“I got zapped by the sex ray, you know. I used to be an old dried up has-been, but that didn't stop me from fantasizing about being with you.”

“--And now look at you!” Lexi giggled. “How would you like to do me now? ...You do still like girls, I hope!”

Gena almost fainted, she was so overcome with where they were going with this conversation. “Uh, Kellykins, I'm gonna borrow your roommate for a little while if you don't mind?” she pleaded.

“No, I don't mind. Have fun, you two!” Kelly grinned at them both before turning her attention back to Volfy and LuckyMike. “I'm cold, guys! I think I'm gonna go back to my cabin and take a hot shower. Would either of you care to join me?”

Mike and Volfy looked at each other. “I will!” they both cried in unison. Kelly took each by an arm and they all three walked out the slit of the lounge together.

Flesh and Dale were just getting comfy behind some bushes and were exploring each other's bods with their hands and thighs, kissing and hugging as they did, when they heard a strange buzzing sound break the tranquil silence of the area around them. Peering out through the foliage, they saw a speeder drop something big that bored into the base of a hill nearby before speeding off. They watched it in the distance and it did the same thing at the bases of other hills.

“Let's go see what that is,” Flesh told Dale. Dale groaned and grumbled but followed behind his honey, playing grab-ass with her all the while to make things more interesting. Flesh slapped his hand a few times but finally decided to play the game with him by grabbing his cock, which was waving in the air before him.


Published by George178
9 years ago
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