Wife's gangbang

Wow! Awesome story. I love when girls pass out. One time ,of course ten years ago we ( my wife and I ) went to this party at her co workers house. It was actually a small farm,really nice15 acres. When we got there I knew nobody and my wife is the star. After a hour of this I was done but she wasn't leaving. I realized she's drinking a lot and getting fucked up ,I have to drive so I took a walk around the farm as it was a full moon and not bad. I must have walked around for a half hour when I'm coming back I get a whiff of pot then come to a corner and stop dead in my tracks,it's my wife and four male coworkers smoking away. I went into this small barn / office so I could get a better view. So I open the door just enough so I can see and I dam near shit. My preppy wife always dressed to the nines is making out with one of the guys and another is feeling her up. I know what I should do but I didn't . Yup, undid my pants and dropped them to the ground and started stroking my little 5" dick! Don't laugh but I came in thirty seconds and now I'm jealous ,wtf. Just then all five of them start start coming my way with two of the guys holding up my almost passed out wife in tow. I went into a empty stall and hid as they came into the barn and headed for the office. As the lights went on I was shocked as it had this pretty big window ,no shade. The first two immediately start disrobing her which wasn't difficult as she only had a long dress on . My dick is hard again as I watched in shock! They bent her over the couch and one went down and started licking her ass while removing her pink panties. As this is going on they're all smoking and drinking . All the guys are taking their close off and then it happens, the guy eating her stands up and sticks his cock right in and starts fucking her hard for about thirty seconds and shoots his load in her. One attempted to put his cock in her mouth but not happening as she was out of it so they just took turns fucking her and shooting loads in her little pussy. This goes on for almost an hour and all but one leave with her still over the couch. He is sitting there when he looks up and starts playing with her pussy again only I realize he's sticking a finger in her ass then gets up his cock is hard and tries to put it in her ass but not happening( he was like a thick 8" ) . He then succumbs to the alcohol and passes out too.
So here I am in this smelly horse stall watching the last guy trying to fuck my wife in the ass. (Her ass is tiny too with very little hair ) so I walk in talking so maybe they would wake up but neither one does. What I did next surprised me . The who is laying there has a shirt but no pants and I found myself staring at his cock ,it was so much bigger and fatter than mine. Kneeling down I got close and touched it and it twitched so I did it again and it was growing ,it was crazy. What was I thinking I started
stroking him softly first and then a little faster and he's moving his hips and I though he was waking so I stopped . After waiting about five minutes I went back but this time while stroking him and his hips moving I did it! My mouth went right over it and I could only get about four inches in my mouth. There was so much love juices on him and I didn't care I had to have it. My own cock was hard now and I was playing with own ass inserting my finger working it. While rubbing my ass I took cum from my wife's pussy and lubed up my ass . I though now or never and I sat on his cock playing with it for like fifteen minutes and then it happened,it was in. It took a little time but got adjusted to,it and started riding his 8" cock up and down and sensed his breathing so I knew he was coming and boy did he. As I got off he's still snoring and cum is everywhere . I'm still excited cause I didn't cum so I push my cock in my wife's pussy and it was gooshy and loose so I pulled out and slowly put it in her little ass balls deep and she starts moaning. It was all of thirty seconds and I filled her ass with my cum,loved it. I then got the car drove back to the barn and somehow got her in .( no clothes on either) I helped her into our condo NUDE! My neighbors love me now,lol. Put her to bed and she sleeps to almost noon comes out and starts calling me a asshole. I'm thinking she knew I was watching but no she s pissed as her dress has all dirt and hay on it. She thinks she and I fucked in the barn. Oh and she wants to know what got into me as her pussy and ass both hurt.oh those were the days. I never told her what a whore she was that night. We still see those people time to time and I can tell the guys try to hit on her but she's to preppy for them, HA
Published by Jelly1111
9 years ago
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alibodge 1 year ago
 not into the drug scene, but would have used the lady at home afterwards ...fringe benifits
pete1233333 3 years ago
wow, wonder how many other men have had their wife used in similar ways when out of it
gateman69 4 years ago
Very exciting
voyu 6 years ago
alcohol and weed, great combination!
colin51 7 years ago
next time I want to join you with her