My first time
I was 13, I was alone in houses and suddenly I wanted to masturbate, went into the bathroom and started, but something is not received, moist fingers and began to massage the anus, I felt how excited my cock solidify, fumbled finger in my ass, and shuddered penetration move their fingers deep inside and on the outside, but it did not satisfy me enough, trembling with excitement, we had a knife which has a handle in the shape of a phallus, seeing it imagined penetrates in close my buttocks, anus my throbbing moist handle and started gently insert it into my anus, but it was very tight, then I took one of the lilies of my mother and anointed phallus-handle, and tried again, I was sweaty and agitated , shuffle slowly head the handle when she got into the rectum me, I felt a supreme pleasure, scored all handle in her ass while her makes getting off, I feel supreme, insertion and removal handle-phallus getting faster and faster, my anus throbbed of supreme pleasure, I kept insertion and removal phallus my ass walls of excitement of the game with the phallus and my ass, I was stopped by getting off, and suddenly I felt how it will be empty, but do not stop to move phallus faster while jet semen sprayed me right in the face, I was exhausted by pleasure agitation, twitching and slowly pull the handle-phallus of my ass, I smeared it with my sperm, and it penetrated into my ass blown that throbbed with joy.
9 years ago