Please steal and share my videos & photos.

Please share my content with every porn site out there.

I encourage everyone to save as much porn as you can find on to your hard drives.

Take more naked pictures & videos of your girlfriends and wives. (Share online)

Steal porn from other sites & post on other porn sites.

Scan old porn magazines & post on porn sites.

Write/email porn companies and send them your porn ideas

Make your private profile public instead of being a fucking douchbag.

Consider creating your own porn movie company.

Tell your friends & girlfriends that you like porn. Stand up for porn.

Fight porn censorship everywhere.

Stop worrying about fucking copywrite & share your porn. If you post your porn in a public place expect it to be shared online. Don't be a fucking wanker.

Remember: Porn is for sharing not hoarding.
Published by Mgtow111
9 years ago
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ifLower 9 years ago
DJMan1967 9 years ago
FUCKING RIGHT ... I am so very happy to have found you and added you to my profile :wink: