A strange idea
hi everybody.
maybe you remember that i did write about this film the last time and how that talking hole in the wall featured in it kind of turned me on. so recently, i had some time on my hands, i decided to play around with photoshop a bit. i ended up taking some of my favourite pictures, edited out the respective hole and then put it on a blank skin coloured page to get a clean and pure, disembodied orifice. it was a very strange experience. my attention continuousely shifted from arousal to concentration and back again during the whole process which i enjoyed very much as it took me several hours and i had to be very precise. has anybody of you done something similar?
let me know.
ps: i am not sure if i should post some of my experiments here... what do you think?
maybe you remember that i did write about this film the last time and how that talking hole in the wall featured in it kind of turned me on. so recently, i had some time on my hands, i decided to play around with photoshop a bit. i ended up taking some of my favourite pictures, edited out the respective hole and then put it on a blank skin coloured page to get a clean and pure, disembodied orifice. it was a very strange experience. my attention continuousely shifted from arousal to concentration and back again during the whole process which i enjoyed very much as it took me several hours and i had to be very precise. has anybody of you done something similar?
let me know.
ps: i am not sure if i should post some of my experiments here... what do you think?
9 years ago
und ja da wurde es auch immer wärmer zwischen meinen Beinen... dann wieder volle Konzentration um ein
schönes und plausibles Ergebnis zu erhalten... und wann alles schön harmoniert dann konnte ich mir
zur Belohnung wundervoll einen darauf runterholen und mein Sperma verspritzen... auf die Illusion...oh jaaa
Abenteuergeschichten geschrieben habe. Hatte dabei immer so einen halbsteifen und ab und zu hab
ich mich gestreichelt... so etwas an der Vorhaut gezogen und mein Vorsaft tropfte auch ganz doll...naja
Ich hab dann wenn ich zu erregt war wirklich pausen machen müßen.. dann habe ich mich so lange berührt
und gestreichelt bis dieser milchige Saft aus der Öffnung meiner Eichel gequollen ist.
Das hat sich sooooo schön angefühlt und mich wundervoll entspannt...mmhh