

I know I know I know. The term “cocksucker” is derogatory. Males use it to describe or to put down other males. On the other hand, what guy doesn't like to get his own cock sucked by some cutie? You show me a girl who smokes the bone and I'll show you a lady who is the most popular, most sought after girl in sch00l! ...Of course when the other girls talk about her (and they most surely do!) what do they call her? They might be one themselves, too, and they might love it better than she does –or then again they might be horrible at it and she might be better or she might just be quicker, you know? The early bird catches the worm, so to speak.

I don't consider the term “cocksucker” to be disparaging, though. It's descriptive. It's delightful! It's WONDERFUL to get one's cock sucked, it is! I cannot think of a whole lot of things that are more awesomely enjoyable than getting a blowie! Not even chocolate is better for the soul! You give me the choice between chocolate and a blow job and I'll choose the BJ every time. ...Well, if it's dark chocolate I might pause for just a split second, but that's all the time I'll take. Blow job it is, hands down. Final answer.

I saw a scene once upon a time in which a girl very proudly announces to the viewer at the beginning, “Hi, my name is ...(I forgot her name! Darn!)..., and I'm a professional cocksucker!” I thought that comment was a show stopper! But then she proceeds to show us her skill at said profession. --I wish I could find that scene again! She did do justice to her chosen field, she did! She made that guy's whacker-do stand up and bark!

While I was dating my first wife she surprised me (she did that a lot! She was my “Audacious Girl Friend.” I've mentioned her before.) one evening when we were playing huggy-bear kissy-face. Out of the blue she unzipped me, pulled my dick out of my pants and went down on me. How well I remember that moment! It was one of those “Kodak moments” that I'll surely think about when I'm sitting in that wheel chair in the nursing home and ogling the cute ladies in their little white uniforms. All you have when you're in that wheelchair is your memories and your eyesight, however good that might be.

Her name was Barbara, it was. Barbara Jane. Is that not apropos?! Barbara Jane. B.J.! Anyway, she wasn't the first girl who ever gave me a blowie, but as of that point she certainly was the best in my assessment of the moment, and I told her so. I said, “You're the best little cocksucker in the world!” And at that moment I meant it! ...What the heck? I was getting my cock sucked! Guys should not be held accountable for things said in the heat of such moments. Contracts should definitely not be made and promises should not be expected to be kept. Of course once the dick is in her mouth, his mouth should definitely be shut. An appreciative moan might be well received, and heavy breathing is expected, but words won't get her to take you any farther; she's doing her level best. So shut up and just enjoy it!

She did pause when I said that, but then she went right back to sucking me off. Oh, and in case you're wondering, she did swallow, too. First time I ever came in a girl's mouth. Ah, the memories!

When I google xHamster's videos and search for “cocksucker” I get a lot of male scenes. I'm not into male cocksuckers. I have nothing against the male peter puffer. Really I don't. It's just not my thing. I do hear (although I cannot verify it) that CDs and TS's and folks of that persuasion can be outstandingly awesome blowers of the bone. People who are challenged do tend to try harder. I've watched a video or two of that type of cocksucker and I must admit that they do seem to enjoy what they're doing. Some even suck the guy off with relish! I like that in a cocksucker! One who eats their weenies with relish! Enthusiasm is everything.

The more passable ones even seem appealing. I wouldn't mind trying a particularly effeminate tranny. You might say I'm tranny curious. I don't think I'd push her away if Bailey Jay wanted to suck my dick. I wonder if she gets offended if you call her a cocksucker? I would hope not!

I don't really see any offense in using the term “cocksucker.” I certainly wasn't being offensive with my girlfriend when I told her she was the best cocksucker there ever was. I was being honest. At the time I thought I was being objective! Right after I said it, though, I thought I maybe shouldn't have. Political correctness has crept into everything we do, including our sex lives! --I didn't ask her where she learned to do that so well. I didn't care where she learned it! All I cared about was that she was doing a b4ng up job of it on MY pecker!

There are a number of terms in the sex lexicon. “Fuck” is the first one that comes to mind. Back in Merry Olde England when two people got married they were allowed to Fornicate Under Consent of the King. That's one of those interesting little ditties I learned way back when. I'm full of 'em. Seriously. Trust me. “Hooker” and “Red Light District” were terms coined during the American Civil War. During quieter moments of the campaign, General Joseph Hooker would allow the local ladies to visit soldiers in their tents. It was good for morale! (Morale is everything to a soldier!) To tell other soldiers to leave them alone, each customer, as it were, would hang a red lantern on the outside of his tent.

Then there are “Slut,” “Whore,” “Bimbo...” Those are politically incorrect, disparaging words when used by anyone other than the lady herself. If she calls herself those names it's fine, but it's generally not nice for someone else to call her that. Personally, I think sluts and bimbos are fascinatingly fun ladies to be around. I have no opinions on whores. Whores are simply sluts who are entrepreneurs. I'm one who believes in the capitalistic system. That's all I'm gonna say about it except to say that I've searched my whole life for ladies who identify themselves as sluts and/or bimbos. They. Are. A Hoot!

Ever do anything you wouldn't ordinarily do, but did because you were wearing a mask? Ever thought about it? I should think it would be great fun! It's not you doing it! No! No! No! It's Incognito! He or she can do a lot of things that we wouldn't even consider doing in a million years, but once that mask is on you're transformed into a super hero (or heroine)! SU-PER FUCKER! Super sucker! Super-whatever-it-is-you'd-never-do-in-a-million-years-but-have-fantasized-about-doing-for-ever-and-a-day.

Ladies, have you ever been to a gloryhole? If not, have you ever fantasized about going to one? Would you if you knew you'd never be identified? If you have been to one, would you ever go again? Would you if you knew you'd get away with it without being caught? Wear a mask! Suck off 10 or 15 guys one after another? Incognito did it; that wasn't me! Do a bukakke and get cummed on by 50 or a hundred? Incognito again! --B0y was she drenched! SWIMMING in it, she was! Turn around, sweety! There's a square inch behind your left ear that hasn't been cummed on yet! Ahhhhh! There ya be! COVERED, you are!

Ever done a cum walk? Would you if you knew noone would recognize you? How about just a plain ole ordinary every day streak? ...Say, how about sitting outside on a public street, petting your kitty?! With cum all over your face?! (Well, all over your mask, anyway). That'd be a heckuva sourvenir to hang on your mirror, wouldn't it? A cum-covered mask! Your best girlfriend comes over. What's THAT?! Doris, have I got a story to tell you! By the way, have you ever wanted to do something but didn't because you didn't want to get caught doing it? Here, put this fresh mask on! BINGO! INCOGNITO lives! SUPER-(insert favorite fantasy)!

...Could I suggest “SUP-ER COCK-SUCKER?”

It being Halloween, that'd be a neat persona to go with if you're an adult, ladies! Super Cock-Sucker! It puts new meaning into the term, “Trick or treat!” --Be sure and wear your mask, though. And make sure you only suck off other adults!

Published by George178
9 years ago
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moor1 9 years ago
Never knew the origin of the word"hooker".
Another great post G.
Happy Halloween!
penelopeslut 9 years ago
Trick or treat