Fake profiles - the scourge of xhamster

I absolutely love xhamster. It's not without its problems of course, least of all the sheer number of fake profiles. I think the main problem is that people tend to see the “dating” section for something that it’s not. It’s not a serious dating website and it never will be. I doubt it was developed to be anything other than an afterthought. A checklist if you like.

The vast majority of female profiles are actually men pretending to be women. A year or so ago I started to get more curious with the profiles and the people I encountered on xhamster. The females I would chat to, comment on and honestly, masturbate over. xhamster is absolutely fantastic if you use if for what it was designed – to watch free porn. Anything else and you’ll quickly discover that it’s an absolute mecca for:

Fake profiles
Hidden agendas
All manner of the weird and wonderful

let me just point out some very (very) obvious things:

#1. The vast majority of women on xhamster are fake. Remember that. Don’t get sucked in. Don’t think this one is different. The genuine women are either web cam models, want to direct you to their fan / websites or they are simply looking for a little online fun. Yes there are plenty of genuine girls out there but they are unlikely to want to meet you and they are notoriously difficult to connect with or get a response from. Why? Because they get hundreds of mail every single day and they pick and choose who they chat with. Can you blame them? Here’s the kicker... Remaining in the friend zone is also notoriously difficult. If you do or say something that irritates them then you’re back to the “unfriend” zone in a heartbeat.

#2. If a woman has uploaded pictures of her face but isn't verified then she's unlikely to be genuine. Think about it guys. With an obvious disregard for their own privacy, why would they not go ahead and just verify their profile to end any lingering doubt that they are genuine? Now, there are plenty of genuine profiles out there that aren’t verified. That’s absolutely true. These women will take their privacy very seriously and will crop out their face, remove tattoos etc. They will never show their face and will never be verified. Why? Because in order to be verified you need to show your face. Xhamster doesn’t provide anyone with a private means of photo verification. So if you see a woman with lots of pictures and she isn’t verified, just have a little look through them. If no faces are on display then she may very well be completely genuine. Just use common sense and quit thinking with your 6” brain.

#3. If a woman reveals any personal details on a public profile on a porn website then she's unlikely to be genuine. Think about it guys. What woman will reveal where she lives, works, etc in a public form. It’s not going to happen!

#4. You’re unlikely to find a woman who wants to “date” or meet you. Stop living in dream land guys. Most of the genuine women here will only want to chat, role play etc. To hope for anything else is just a waste of your energy. She might even tell you she “might” be willing to meet you once she gets to know you – that’s just to encourage you to chat with her so don’t be fooled. I know there are women who will meet you but you need to ask yourself this… Why will she meet you and not the BBC she’s also talking to? Get it?

Stay tuned for the blog series detailing fake users throughout xhamster.com
9 years ago
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backseatplay 9 years ago
Keep up the great work
paddytom 9 years ago
Excellent post. Please keep up the good work !! Well done.
pedroto 9 years ago
You are right, bro. I salute you!
2366stu 9 years ago
Perfect account of what goes on well done.