Castlebridge Hall Consequences.
Castlebridge Hall Consequences
The more observant viewers of my profile may have noted a new addition to the entries under the title âMy online novelsâ. Yes I have a new literary offering unleashed upon an unsuspecting world! My new novel âCastlebridge Hall Consequencesâ has been published with Silver Moon publications; a division of the Fiction4all publishing group dedicated to erotic literature.
My regular readers of this blog will of course recognise the Castlebridge Hall label because the stories of that grim edifice of discipline and correction first appeared in these pages. Indeed I originally penned the stories specifically for the Xhamster community, with the first episode some three years ago. The new novel is in fact an extended and much more polished version of a story that appeared in this blog called âThe Beating of Brenda Bridesheadâ and will form (hopefully) the first in a series of Castlebridge Hall tales with the new publisher.
One of the necessary and unfortunate results of my publishing the story with a commercial publisher is of course that I have had to delete the original stories from my blog. This is not something I have any choice about. The exclusive rights to the story are part of the conditions of my contract with the publisher and they're liable to get pretty peeved about one of your stories appearing in print elsewhere!
Having said that, the published versions are not simply copies or reincarnations of the original series. I put a considerable amount of work into revitalising the tales and expanding them into short novels. âCastlebridge Hall Consequencesâ is typical. It is more than twice the length of the original three part story but, as a short novel of some 49,000 words, it is hopefully not too intimidating in length.
The decision to serialise the Castlebridge Hall saga into short novels of around the 50 thousand word mark was an editorial decision of the publishers and, I am bound to concede, a sensible commercial approach. Left to my own devices, I am apt to waffle on interminably. My novel âToggenburgâ was far too long for instance and I realise, in hindsight, that it would have been far more sensible (and commercially interesting) to cut the thing into parts and serialise the story. The actual commercial aspects of publishing are still a bit of a mystery to me and it was high time that a professional publisher took me in hand and advised me properly in this regard. This âadviceâ might be more than I bargain for! My editor did suggest that, should my manuscripts be unsatisfactory in any way then (and I swear I'm not making this up!) he would be obliged to call me into his office to be disciplined! He was joking of course in the light of the nature of the Castlebridge Hall series and I'm sure he would do no such thing (dammit!).
To those readers who are not familiar with the Castlebridge Hall saga, a brief summary may be in order. The stories are unabashedly erotic with a heavy BDSM/corporal punishment theme. They are set in the stately home of Castlebridge Hall; a fictitious seat of the earls of Castlebridge and presided over by the figure of Lord Castlebridge; a pompous, self righteous, misogynist disciplinarian who rules his little empire with the rod and is a firm believer in the efficacious use of corporal punishment for maintaining discipline in the household. In this view he is aided and abetted by his senior household staff; most notably, Greenwood, his majestic and austere butler, his grim head of housekeeping and his vindictive and sadistic personal secretary. Ameliorating this severe group is his beautiful and cunning wife, Lady Castlebridge who is usually up to some scheme of her own aided by her own personal maids. Beneath this hierarchy is a whole small army of housemaids and servant girls whose mischief and, the subsequent retribution for it, provides most of the erotic entertainment of the stories.
The first story is typical of an average week at Castlebridge Hall. There is hanky panky in the servants' wing; Lady Castlebridge plays with her maids; Greenwood solemnly instructs his locum understudy in the art of caning with the unwilling assistance of a hapless chambermaid; Lord Castlebridge orders a crack down on discipline while planning to take his secretary off for a weekend of uninhibited domesticity in Zermatt; four maids are ordered to collect birch twigs to be fashioned into switches for their own punishment; Lady Castlebridge receives the cane for squandering money on the horses at Ascot and the wife of one of his Lordship's executives is ordered to Castlebridge Hall to be strapped down over the infamous caning stool in the library to suffer the soundest thrashing of her foolish and profligate life. Just your normal week at Castlebridge Hall!
To be honest, the stories do not represent my most serious writing but they are, if I say so myself, well polished tales with my usual attention to detail, strong characterisation, twists of plot and a creative fantasy world. They are what they say on the packet... erotic stories for those of us with a kinky interest in having our bottoms spanked but, I think, well executed ones which is why presumably the publisher was so interested in publishing them.
Talking of packets, the cover for the book was not my choice but one produced by the publisher. I'm pretty certain that it's a still from a well known erotic movie company known for its spanking films. It's not the cover I would have chosen but hey... whatever sells!
I hope it does sell anyway. The price is a little more expensive than my novels on Amazon but again that is not something I have control over. The price was set by the publishing company. I don't think it is excessive by any means and I think the quality of the stories makes the price decent value. I assume that the other episodes in the saga will be in the same price range.
Having said all that, I hope that some of my regular readers at least will purchase a copy and perhaps a few others of you might be tempted. If so I do so hope that you enjoy the tale and follow the series as it unfolds. Pretty please.... buy a copy! I'm an impoverished writer living on boiled dish rag!
In case I have tempted you here is the link to the book;
If you do join the list of those who have ventured into the world of Castlebridge Hall then I bid you welcome and advise you to stay well away from the library!
Loads of love
Michaela xxxxx
The more observant viewers of my profile may have noted a new addition to the entries under the title âMy online novelsâ. Yes I have a new literary offering unleashed upon an unsuspecting world! My new novel âCastlebridge Hall Consequencesâ has been published with Silver Moon publications; a division of the Fiction4all publishing group dedicated to erotic literature.
My regular readers of this blog will of course recognise the Castlebridge Hall label because the stories of that grim edifice of discipline and correction first appeared in these pages. Indeed I originally penned the stories specifically for the Xhamster community, with the first episode some three years ago. The new novel is in fact an extended and much more polished version of a story that appeared in this blog called âThe Beating of Brenda Bridesheadâ and will form (hopefully) the first in a series of Castlebridge Hall tales with the new publisher.
One of the necessary and unfortunate results of my publishing the story with a commercial publisher is of course that I have had to delete the original stories from my blog. This is not something I have any choice about. The exclusive rights to the story are part of the conditions of my contract with the publisher and they're liable to get pretty peeved about one of your stories appearing in print elsewhere!
Having said that, the published versions are not simply copies or reincarnations of the original series. I put a considerable amount of work into revitalising the tales and expanding them into short novels. âCastlebridge Hall Consequencesâ is typical. It is more than twice the length of the original three part story but, as a short novel of some 49,000 words, it is hopefully not too intimidating in length.
The decision to serialise the Castlebridge Hall saga into short novels of around the 50 thousand word mark was an editorial decision of the publishers and, I am bound to concede, a sensible commercial approach. Left to my own devices, I am apt to waffle on interminably. My novel âToggenburgâ was far too long for instance and I realise, in hindsight, that it would have been far more sensible (and commercially interesting) to cut the thing into parts and serialise the story. The actual commercial aspects of publishing are still a bit of a mystery to me and it was high time that a professional publisher took me in hand and advised me properly in this regard. This âadviceâ might be more than I bargain for! My editor did suggest that, should my manuscripts be unsatisfactory in any way then (and I swear I'm not making this up!) he would be obliged to call me into his office to be disciplined! He was joking of course in the light of the nature of the Castlebridge Hall series and I'm sure he would do no such thing (dammit!).
To those readers who are not familiar with the Castlebridge Hall saga, a brief summary may be in order. The stories are unabashedly erotic with a heavy BDSM/corporal punishment theme. They are set in the stately home of Castlebridge Hall; a fictitious seat of the earls of Castlebridge and presided over by the figure of Lord Castlebridge; a pompous, self righteous, misogynist disciplinarian who rules his little empire with the rod and is a firm believer in the efficacious use of corporal punishment for maintaining discipline in the household. In this view he is aided and abetted by his senior household staff; most notably, Greenwood, his majestic and austere butler, his grim head of housekeeping and his vindictive and sadistic personal secretary. Ameliorating this severe group is his beautiful and cunning wife, Lady Castlebridge who is usually up to some scheme of her own aided by her own personal maids. Beneath this hierarchy is a whole small army of housemaids and servant girls whose mischief and, the subsequent retribution for it, provides most of the erotic entertainment of the stories.
The first story is typical of an average week at Castlebridge Hall. There is hanky panky in the servants' wing; Lady Castlebridge plays with her maids; Greenwood solemnly instructs his locum understudy in the art of caning with the unwilling assistance of a hapless chambermaid; Lord Castlebridge orders a crack down on discipline while planning to take his secretary off for a weekend of uninhibited domesticity in Zermatt; four maids are ordered to collect birch twigs to be fashioned into switches for their own punishment; Lady Castlebridge receives the cane for squandering money on the horses at Ascot and the wife of one of his Lordship's executives is ordered to Castlebridge Hall to be strapped down over the infamous caning stool in the library to suffer the soundest thrashing of her foolish and profligate life. Just your normal week at Castlebridge Hall!
To be honest, the stories do not represent my most serious writing but they are, if I say so myself, well polished tales with my usual attention to detail, strong characterisation, twists of plot and a creative fantasy world. They are what they say on the packet... erotic stories for those of us with a kinky interest in having our bottoms spanked but, I think, well executed ones which is why presumably the publisher was so interested in publishing them.
Talking of packets, the cover for the book was not my choice but one produced by the publisher. I'm pretty certain that it's a still from a well known erotic movie company known for its spanking films. It's not the cover I would have chosen but hey... whatever sells!
I hope it does sell anyway. The price is a little more expensive than my novels on Amazon but again that is not something I have control over. The price was set by the publishing company. I don't think it is excessive by any means and I think the quality of the stories makes the price decent value. I assume that the other episodes in the saga will be in the same price range.
Having said all that, I hope that some of my regular readers at least will purchase a copy and perhaps a few others of you might be tempted. If so I do so hope that you enjoy the tale and follow the series as it unfolds. Pretty please.... buy a copy! I'm an impoverished writer living on boiled dish rag!
In case I have tempted you here is the link to the book;
If you do join the list of those who have ventured into the world of Castlebridge Hall then I bid you welcome and advise you to stay well away from the library!
Loads of love
Michaela xxxxx
9 years ago
Those on here who have taken the time and effort to read my comments of your excellent literary posts on here will be aware of my thoughts on them. I have maintained for a long time that they are so good that they should be read and enjoyed by as wide an audience as possible and now they will be.
A new star is rising in the literary skies and will shine bright.
Go for it michaela and never doubt your unique talents in this field, you will always have my full unconditional support in your ventures.