Slave Applications CLOSED for now

I'm leaving the text up, but applications are closed now.
Thanks for understanding.

I, Mistress Miyoko, am now officially accepting slave applications.

Iā€™ve gotten so many PMs stating that they want to become my slaves.
If that is so, put your cocks and pussies where your mouth is.

Serious applications only!

Application if you have a cock:
Get a boner and write my name on your cock. Whiteboard markers work well, I also donā€™t care if you use permanent marker. Having my name on your cock is an honour by itself.
Take one or several pictures of your artwork and upload a gallery to your profile with the password ā€œMistressMiyokoā€ (without the quotes). Once Iā€™ve confirmed you may make the gallery public.
If your application is acceptable, I will give you another task

Application if you have a pussy:
Since I like females more, you have a choice if you have a pussy.
Write my name above your pussy (or on the legs) and spread wide (or, as an alternative, write my name on your foot/feet) and one or several pictures. Whiteboard markers work well, I also donā€™t care if you use permanent marker. Having my name on your body is an honour by itself. Then upload a gallery to your profile with the password ā€œMistressMiyokoā€ (without the quotes). Once Iā€™ve confirmed you may make the gallery public.
If your application is acceptable, I will give you another task.

Tips and points to consider:
ā¤You can use Roman letters or Japanese kanji: ē¾Žäø–子
ā¤Be creative. Use pretty shoes, anime figurines, fashion accessories or other sexy objects in your pictures to get more points.
ā¤Here are a few examples from my slave no. 0001, who completed all tasks I set for him:






ā¤If you have a pussy, you can earn extra points by printing out one of my slave no. 0001ā€™s cock pictures and do something naughty to it. Use your fantasy and be creative. ā˜†
You will find many pics in his profile here:

ā˜…Donā€™t say you have no camera. Everybody has a smartphone these days, and all those have cameras. If you canā€™t take pictures for some reason, tough luck, no application from you.
ā˜…If you fail to follow the instructions this may lead to disqualification, but you may apply again, because Iā€™m a merciful Mistress.

If your application is successful you will receive a Slave Certificate like this and you may officially call yourself a proud slave of Mistress Miyoko:


Published by mistressmiyoko
9 years ago
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i know that the aplication is close, but i left this,Ā as a your tribute.Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā
geil252 7 years ago
mistressmiyoko Publisher 9 years ago
Waiting for your application then.