Disappointed with some people

It saddens me ever so much when some people are quick to judging, an example coming from particular people who thought it was a smart idea to leave a comment on my page, then blocking me so that I can't find out why they blocked me or that they don't want to accept my friend request. So because these people are at like "legendary" status on this site, do they really have to have their heads so far up their ass? If you're going to block me, you could at least tell me why you made this drastic decision because it just makes you look like a coward if you just remain silent.

So because of this I deleted the comments so that I'm blocking your capability of free speech on my page. Also just because I appear as a "newbie" does not mean I'm new to this site, I've had accounts before but I deleted them because some drama went down, so because of this, don't be a bitch and instantly judge and assume I'm adding you just so I can see pussy, because I'm pretty sure if I went anywhere near it I'll probably catch something horrific.

Anyway, to those who are my friends and remain being my friends, thank you, have a great weekend.
Published by Kuraa
9 years ago
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people disappoint me a lot too :pensive:
MinamiKousaka 9 years ago
I'm so sorry about what happened.