
I realize that this site has many people and therefore many different ideas.
I've read an extremely large number of profiles detailing their requirements for friending and contacting them.
I'm not interested in setting requirements for friendship on my profile here, ask and I approve. I clear out the retired ones every once in awhile. I have banned very few people also.
On messages, I prefer to keep it as an ongoing conversation. Many who read this and have contacted me have likely heard it. I picked it up from someone else so I can't take full credit. But instead of it being (greeting here) and me saying Hello (with or without a smiley as I decide) every time. Just hit me with the question, statement or link or whatever.
I'm very hard to offend, but being pushy, rude, or demanding won't get you far. I'm pretty open about my interests and discussions. I'm married, so I'm not available for RL meets. Too many more important demands on my time and attention to go to that level. Just like with the rare request I get, its when it's convenient to me and what is being offered that might encourage me.
So feel free to say Hi when you see me on but it just slows down the conversation.
Published by two48ddds
9 years ago
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Enjoyed the read. When I message you I'll just get straight to it...