Prolly get me in trouble but ...

So I have been reading this story about a gypsy that can cast a spell and turn any man in to a bombshell of a woman. Not just a woman a fully functional woman :). It is kind of a revenge slash you did not do what I wanted you to do so I turned you unwillingly into a woman. Now personally I have absolutely no problem with either way, I will even volunteer if I were asked. The thing that I do not get is why every story leaves the victim guy transitioned as a slightly younger but still old woman usually in her 20's. Now I know there are many laws (why there are laws around this I am not really sure) that dictate when a girl/boy can marry and most of them say 18 is the age of consent. But if you really think about it, and I have, the average girl has wasted 72 eggs by age 18. And some of those same now of consenting age girls end up having fertility issues later on. Yes a long time ago the age for marrying a girl was as soon as they became a woman some sooner. I understand that it is not truly fair to expect that as that would put a 13 year girl marrying and possibly (probably) getting pregnant and there are all kinds of complications associated with that. I understand woman have rights (I want those rights too) and they should but what about her right to get married and have c***dren if she wants. Why is there an age restriction on something as natural as that. Everyone talks about a woman's right to choose but it is really a woman's right to choose after a certain age and as long as it does not interfere with what the social norm's and government have set forth. Anyways I am getting off the point. The point is I would much rather be transformed to a girl at the start of womanhood, at the start of learning all those wonderful things about being a woman, body and soul rather than doing it in my 20's.

So if anyone knows of a Gypsy Witch with a spell to make a pussified man a woman please send her my information or give me hers so that I can have my dreams come true.

I just want to clarify that I am not saying that woman should be married at any earlier than they want to be I am just pointing out the obvious about today's deficits as I see them. Were I a girl at 13 and becoming a woman I would want the right to choose; after I just got the responsibility of the world placed on my shoulders and it is mine and mine alone should I not get those rights?
Published by sexyashleigh
9 years ago
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CozmoQween 9 years ago
Actually women never run out of eggs so it's nothing to worry about until someone nears the age of menopause. But just because the body matures it doesn't mean the brain does to. Choices like that have a lot of responsibility and at that age a child is not capable of understanding everything that goes along with making them nor can they predict the consequences of a wrong choice or how it would change their life. That only comes with wisdom and wisdom comes from life experience. Heck the brain doesn't even fully mature until a person's in their twenties! Lol