Crazy Talk: Go Black, Go White and everything else

I see this a lot of times in captions and comments :
"Once you go black, you will never go back
Once you go white, you will never see the light "

Yea, right, whatever the fuckk happened to the brown people and the yellow people, and the Hispanics, what about them.

I am making this up for all those people left behind, this is for all you brown, yellow, Hispanic and other folks....

Once you go brown, you will never hear a sound.
Once you go Hispanic, you will start to panic.
Once you go yellow, you will win a buffalo !
Once you go Spanish, you will get banished ( i don't know where, but you will get banished )
Once you go Portuguese, you will crave for cheese !
Once you go dutch, you will like it much.
Once you go Eskimo. yea, I don't think you would go Eskimo, bit of a long shot.

If this were to be true then don't ever get gang banged with all of them together, or you may end up in a lot of trouble. But if you decide to, the following could happen :
Black : never go back: you will be trapped
White : never see the light : you will get blind
Hispanic : you will start to panic : panic attack (trapped with no sight, you are bound to panic )  
Brown : never hear a sound : you will go deaf
Yellow : win a buffalo : i don't know how the buffalo got involved in all this, but its your headache now
Spanish : get banished while being deaf, blind, panicky and with a buffalo ( dam that buffalo again, it just keeps following)
Portuguese : craving for cheese, good luck finding cheese, while you are blind, deaf, banished and a stupid buffalo following you ( wtf, this buffalo again, how do I get rid of it )
Dutch : like it much, i doubt you are going to like anything by now.
Eskimo : you should have just gone and made it out with an Eskimo, and none of the above would have happened.

Published by evrhorny
9 years ago
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