Story: Induction Day

Log of a Roleplay I did sometime last year, Young Emily finds out that it isn't quite the finishing school she thought it was.

Sophie Thorne: sits behind her desk filing her long red nails. Her long black hair hanging down as she bends forward. She had heard the knock but it did good to let them wait a little bit she found, she wondered what this new one would be like. She stood up, out of the chair, and walked to door, pulling a riding crop off the back of it which had been hanging there, holding it in her hand at her side and stood back a bit. "Come in" she said in a clear voice

Emily Johnson rapped on the door with her knuckles twice in quick succession, hearing a chair scoot across the floor and footsteps shuffle across floor stopping on the other side of the door. A soft voice telling the student to enter. Emily's hand extending and turning the knob, swinging the door open and stepping into the office, her eyes immediately locking with the woman and drifting up and down sizing her up. Emily's locking in on the riding crop casually being held to the side of the woman's body, standing there in the office. The delinquent girl pursing her lips together waiting for the teacher to speak.

Sophie Thorne was dressed in a full length black latex dress which was tight around her body. The dress covered her chest completely and did up around the neck, sleeveless and backless and a slit up to her hip through which you can see a stockinged leg. She tapped the crop on her thigh making a little slow tap-tapping rhythm. She looked at the girl before her peering down at her, a not too impressed look on her face. “Name?" she said bluntly and continued "And why do you think you are here?”

Emily Johnson watched the end of the leather crop tap rhythmically against the woman's latex dress in a rather menacing manner. The woman's tone cold and matter-of-fact as she asked the girl's name and why she thought she might be in her office. The brief introduction enough to make Emily bristle, unused to being addressed in that manner. Emily's face blank and her tone flat as she responded, "I am Emily VANDERKAMP, and I am here because your shitty little school is lucky to have me!". The girl emphasizing her prestigious last name.

Sophie Thorne smiles her red lips and licks them clearly going to be enjoying this. She walks casually round her "Emily Vanderkamp, ooo, " she coos as looking at her, "school lucky to have you, well aren't we the lucky ones. Well Miss Vanderkamp..." she stands behind you apparently not to phased by your illustrious past. She takes the riding crop and pushes the tip of it just under your dress and begins lifting it slowly. "and how do you see your time here at the school working out?" she asks pleasantly as you notice the crop running up the back of your thigh.

Emily Johnson tenses trying to appear confident and in control as the woman sarcastically mocks her name, circling behind her like a shark might circle it's prey. Her voice softly carrying into the girl's ear from behind, feeling an increasing draft of cool air breeze up her the hem of her dress. Emily taking a second to realize what was happening, lurching forward and stepping away from the teacher's crop. The girl feeling absolutely enraged, her tone indignant. "Well, since my father is one of the primary donors to this schools budget, and since he essentially pays your salary. I see my stay here going quite smoothly if you want to keep your job."

Sophie Thorne grabs her by the shoulder spinning her round and pushes her forward across the desk leaning over behind her. Her hand suddenly in Emilys hair grabbing a handful and bringing the crop down across the the side of her leg and bum, firmly, she can certainly feel it through the clothing. She whispers hotly in her ear. "Well that's not how things are going to be. Your father is such a big donor because we let him come here and fuck the girls and do as he pleases. That's why he pays the big bucks and you want to know why he sent his daughter here?" she feels her hot breath in her ear, calm and in control. "You really want to know why you are here Emily Slut" she took her time saying the word slut allowing her tongue to roll over the L with a sharp T at the end.

Emily Johnson has no time to react, the teacher moving with a surprising quickness as her hand sank into the girl's shoulder roughly. The woman's other hand violently gripping a fistful of Emily's hair and forcefully making her bend over the desk. Emily's cries of protest suddenly changing in tone as she cried out in pain. "Hey! what the fuck are you doi...ahhh! ohh! stop! stop!" The whizzing sound of the crop filling her ears as it sliced through air with a lightning quickness, making contact in a sudden rapid succession across the back of her thighs and thinly covered ass. Emily trying to pull away rather futilely, the teachers cruel words sinking in, her breath hot on the girl's ear. It all starting to make sense to her.

Sophie Thorne smirks hearing for the pleads for her to lets stop and brings the riding crop down with a switch on the the other side of her legs again in quick succession but harder encouraged by the cries. "Your here to learn to do whatever is wanted of you. We provide a variety of.." she pauses for second "Specialist training courses which you will be signed up to and attend. How well you do in those courses is the only way to progress here. We want to see eagerness and passion which will be rewarded, bad behaviour will be disciplined. she stands with her arms crossed, and the crop by her side with pursed lips. "Lets get you dressed and inducted properly. Take your clothes off, we have a new uniform here for you that you will be wearing from now on"

Emily Johnson whimpers as the crop snaps over and over again against the delicate skin around the back of her thighs. The teacher's words echoing in her head, the information to terrible to be true. Emily internally knowing that what she was being threatened with was very real. She had heard of schools like this before when she accidentally overhead her father affectionately talking about the school with his business partners during one of his late night poker games. The whip's strikes suddenly subsiding and the woman's hands withdrawing from the girl as the teacher stepped back commanding Emily to remove her clothes.

Emily Johnson blinking back tears as she remained bent over for a second before slowly standing up, pursing her quivering lip defiantly. "and if I don't..?"

Sophie Thorne: smiles waking slowly up to her. "I was hoping you would say that." She brings her hand up to her hair again, forcing her head back and walking round her turning her as she went till she reached the desk and sat down on it. "Rule 1: Do as your told" she brings her forward roughly over her lap, unbalancing her, making her fall forward further till her head was a few inches from the floor. Sophie put a hand on her back holding her their her ass high in the air and her skirt falling revealing her panties. "Are you ready to get undressed now or do I have to strip you." She lets her fall to the floor and stands over her?

Emily Johnson screamed helplessly as her head was forcefully made to bend over the woman's lap. The teacher sitting on the edge of the desk and crudely steering Emily til she was off balance and exposed. The girl's ass positioned skyward and her head almost hitting the floor, a true feeling of fear washing over her for the first time Emily could remember. The helpless feeling engulfing her, protesting desperately as her skirt was(( lifted up and a sharp smack rang out across the room. The teacher's hand a blur as she offered no mercy, her cupped hand spanking Emily's ass alI go over to a large cupboard in the corner of the room, opening it up, again and again.

Emily Johnson gritting her teeth through the pain, trying hopelessly to wriggle away as she could feel her skin reddening. The stinging sensation growing more painful with each spank. The punishment suddenly subsiding as she crashed to the floor abruptly, the woman asking her if she;s ready to obey. The young girl blushing, feeling no way out as she wordlessly nodded before rising to her a feet. A solemn expression covering her face as she removed her clothes in utter silence, finally standing before the teacher stark naked.

Sophie Thorne prods and flicks the girl with the crop until she is standing with her arms to her sides. She steps back in front of the girl pursing her lips looking at her breasts then down her body. She reaches with the slick black crop onto the girls inner thigh and tracing it upwards till she feels it touch her plump pussy lips where it trails along the groove a little. "Your cunt is to be shaved, clean and ready at all times and it will be spotless, there will be inspections at any time and often. Failure in personal hygiene is not an option" She notices the girl looking at her and pushes the crop under Emily's nose "Eyes down when I am in the room girl". She makes her way round the girls body and views the rear, looking at her ass.

Emily Johnson muffled cries echoing off the rooms walls as the girl casually snaps the crop against her arms and legs. Not hard enough to really hurt her but hard enough to send a sensation of fear shuddering through her. Feeling completely vulnerable, the young girl tensing as the tip of the crop is forced between her thighs. The tip slowly sliding back and forth over her pussy lips, the humiliation unbearable for her. Miss Thorne's voice uncompromising as she explains that she is to always have it shaved and ready for inspection. Emily struggling to come to terms with her new way of life, the crop whirring through the air stopping right under her nose. The teacher explaining that she is to always keep her eyes lowered when she was in the room. Emily reluctantly complying, as the woman circled behind her.

Sophie Thorne sees Emily behaving "Good girl, you are a fast learner. You were right I think we will be pleased with you". She turns going to the cupboard opening the door with a click and pulling our a length of black rope, about 1/2 inch thick maybe, quite slim and slick. She turns coming back to stand behind but up close. Placing the middle of the cord around her neck and forward, allowing the ends to fall down low nestling between her breasts. "Stay still" she commands "What I am doing now you will wear under your clothes anytime a mistress in the school thinks it is necessary. All new girls get it the first day to start their training" she grabs the ropes from behind pulling then hard against her crutch, letting them dig in her cunt and slip into the groove of her ass before tucking it under the initial neck loop.

Emily Johnson whimpered her mind filled with the "fight or flight" instincts as the black rope was looped around her neck loosely hanging across her body. A feeling of humiliation hard to ignore, admitting to herself that she was too much of a coward to fight back as her teeth clinched together in a grunt of pain and surprise. Miss Thorne explaining she would essentially wear this rope at all times, as the coils tightened menacingly around her neck. The cord then deliberately wedged between her smooth pussy lips and then pulled even more taught digging in deeply and sending a strange sensation of pain and pleasure shuddering through her body. The teacher's motions deliberate and meticulous as the rope parted her ass cheeks as well before being looped back through the loop around her neck.

Sophie Thorne pushes the rope around her and across her breasts forcing them apart then round one along the top and bottom of the breasts holding them firm and pointed. Then down crossing behind her back and to her front. Sophie kneels down in front of you inches before her little pussy as she was about tie the last knot just above her clit which would push the hood up and keep the little bud out in the open and press against it. She holds the ropes with one hand, with the other she slid a finger along the groove crooking her finger a little and tickling around the hole before removing it and tasting her. "mmm, I think you're going to be my favourite" She finished tying the knot and pushed it against her making sure it pressed against her clit properly and gave it a firm push. "Now your uniform." she goes back to the cupboard and fetches a small pile of clothes, a small pair of white cotton panties, A lilac bodice with purple laces threaded threaded through small purple eyelets down the front. A little pale blue miniskirt which she would find only came half way down her ass and a pair of white stockings. "Put these on over the top. This is your uniform this week"

Emily Johnson pursed her lips as the rope was roughly pulled and knotted forcing her breasts apart and then tightly looped so as to squeeze them outwards. Emily almost impressed with the woman's skill as she purposeful guided the cord back across her pussy, making her let out an exasperated cry. Feeling her hood forcefully pulled back to expose her clit, Miss Thorne's soft finger extending and teasingly rubbing against her exposed sex. Her tone mocking as she called her her new favourite, making Emily's face flush red with shame. The young girl refusing to respond as the woman walk over to cupboard and produced a unbearably skimpy outfit for her to wear. The outfit making her protest pathetically. "I...I can't be seen in that.."

Sophie Thorne reaches up grabbing Emily roughly by the hair again forcing her head down as she marches her to the door. She flings the door open, outside are a number of men who were passing and they turn to see the commotion. She squeals as she sees her father among them. "You are forgetting Rule 1. and also you seem to think I care. If you wont wear the clothes you go as you are," She pushes the girl on her butt out the door with her foot, sending her sprawling, face first, across the floor. Sophie appears at the door again and throws the clothes after her. They land on her head before falling slowly to the floor, except the panties which hang from her hair. She hears her father laughing "Excellent they'll have her trained in no time" he says. "Show her to her dormitory" Sophie says to a nearby prefect "Training starts tomorrow at 9 sharp Emily Slut and you better not make me come find you" She turns slamming the door shut behind her.

Published by erudite33
9 years ago
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