Out Saturday night :)

Hmmm.....well, I am not sure what happened the last 6 hours of my night as I had too much to drink :$ I have just shame walked home in the wind and rain with no panties from some random house I woke up in. My ass is sore, my plug is missing, my dress is torn, I have like rope burn marks on my wrists and ankles. My throat is sore, my hair feels like it has been pulled lots. I have cum in my hair and a redish sore eye so probably some in there too. I just have NO idea what happened lol

The last thing I remember was dancing on a coffee table in the middle of the lounge with like 20 guys clapping me and yelling "lift it up, or take it off. lift it up, or take it off " lol. I need to chat to some people and find out what happened.... post the full story later when I know myself :)

Update 7:20pm, Not sure weather to believe Sarah but she reacons one of the guys told her bf that at least 15 guys had my ass after I passed out last night! OMG!

Published by uptheassgirl
13 years ago
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scubadeep 13 years ago
that ass needs that kind of attention babe:grinning:
bagabwa 13 years ago
wow,want to migrate to nelson and be part of this great fun.gal i'm on my way to make ur ass even more sore
uptheassgirl Publisher 13 years ago
Just put a pic up of my ass taken today :smile:
bored_guy 13 years ago
15?! Damn
it sounds like you had a run in with me and my guys... i love a skinny little whore who can take a gang fucking without crying about the pain for weeks afterwards. you - your actually wanton! lol
johnson81 13 years ago
wow sounds like a very hot tempting night
uptheassgirl Publisher 13 years ago
Soke to a friend on FB just before, she said she last saw me up against a wall in a blow bang with Jen holding my arms up!

Looking for a plug replacement and someone sent me this. Looks perfect! http://www.tube8.com/anal/dirty-anal/765401/?Landing=D