Your Top 10 Sexiest Female Bodybuilders

Who are your top 10 ?

Here are mine :

1) Colette Guimond

2) Denise Masino

3) Cory Everson

4) Brandi Mae Akers

5) Alina Popa

6) Lenda Murray

7) Heather Armbrust

8) Dayana Cadeau

9) Tazzie Colomb

10) Yaxeni Oriquen-Garcia

Published by fbbfan34
9 years ago
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flexpopp 8 years ago
Cindy Landolt Oana Hreapca Alina popa Lindsey Spitler Lyndsay Dejager Katka Kyptova Ko Maria Wattel rapture Margie Martin.
6ft1swell 9 years ago
Tough question but 10 who have remained favourites over time are:

Gina Davis
Denise Hoshor
Natalia Murnikoviene
Melissa Coates (pre cosmetic surgery, of course!)
Sarah Dunlap
Paula Suzuki
Zuzana Korinkova
Marja Lehtonen
Tazzie Colomb
and Michelle Neil

Ten more contemporary favourites who might make the all-time list one day would be:
Alina Popa
Margie Martin
Oana Hreapca
Aleesha Young
Marthe Sundby
Theresa Ivancik
Shannon Courtney (bodybuilding or not, she is one gorgeous hunk of feminine beefcake)
Alana Shipp
Tarna Alderman
and Dani Reardon
jlelmariachi 9 years ago
Below are mine.. :grinning::grinning:

1. Yaxeni Oriquen (Just celebrated my 2000 cum loads to her)
2. Alina Popa
3. Debi Laszewski
4. Heather Armbrust
5. Lisa Auckland
6. Brigita Brezovac
7. Sarah Hayes
8. Janeen Lankowski
9. Helle Nielsen
10. Marja Lehtonen

Old School

1. Tazzie Colomb
2. Cory Everson
3. Lenda Murray
4. Laura Creavalle
5. Kim Chizevsky
6. Denise Rutkowski
7. Andrulla Blanchette
8. Bev Francis
9. Nikki Fuller
10. Laura Binetti
pumped_musclez 9 years ago
no one said sarah hayes :frowning:
winger6049 9 years ago
1) Kristy Hawkins
2) Tina Lockwood
3) Michele Maroldo
4) Dena Westerfield
5) Rhonda Dethlefs-Rydell
6) Amy Pazzo
7) Kelly Dobbins
8) Valerie Picarella
9) Sharon Marvel
10) Denise Hoshor
muscleup 9 years ago
In no particular order:
Betty Pariso
Christa Bauch
Annie Rivieccio
Yaxeni Oriquen
Kim Chizevsky
Rita Bello
Cristina Franzoso
Lisa Giesbrecht
Bonnie Pappas
Autumn Raby
purefetish 9 years ago
aleesha young
alina popa
larissa reis
lisa cross
carla gutierrez
yaxeni aurique-garcia
monica martin
tazzie columb
nursel gurler
dienise hoshor
fbbmax 9 years ago
Ok, here we go (all time) :

1) Tazzie Colomb
2) Isabelle Turell
3) Betty Viana
4) Dayana Cadeau
5) Zuzana Korinkova
6) Paula Suzuki
7) Lora Ottenad
8) Elena Seiple
9) Dena Westerfield
10) Colette Guimond
ccpumper 9 years ago
Hard to name a top 10 since I'd probably keep changing, but here goes in random order:

Angela Salvagno
Denise Massino
Brandi Mae Akers
Melissa Sarah Wee
Shannon Courtney
Dana Lin Bailey
Yeon Woo Jhi
Amber Deluca
Yvette Bova
Aleesha Young
Lisa Cross
Megan Avalon
and I think I already went over 10 and have several others I keep thinking of
georgegre33 9 years ago
Difficult choice. Maybe:

1) Suzie Kellner
2) Allison Moyer
3) Katka Kyptova
4) Virginia Sanchez Macias
5) Tazzie Colomb
6) Cindy Landolt
7) Kortney Olsen
8) Jana Linke Sippl
9) Mikaila Soto
10) Gayle Moher

Some of my choices are fitness models though and not bodybuilders.
fem_muscle 9 years ago
Impossible to say top 10. I add these names to the other lists: Angela Salvagno,Nuryie Evans,Annie Rivieccio and
Amber Deluca