Disappointed in this site [7-2-15]

Per our last update, we were talking about how our content was being posted by other accounts, and how disappointing this was.

We submitted DMCA/copyright complaints in order to have these taken down - they are OUR videos that we WANTED to share with the community. We both knew that there was a risk in posting these because they would be reposted.

The disappointing part is that Xhamster has removed our ORIGINAL CONTENT due to a copyright complaint, while the reposted videos of us are still posted.

Grace and I are really disappointed in our experience here - we enjoyed sharing with you guys, but it has been made very clear that the moderators of this site have very little interest in protecting the users who actually contribute their own personal material to this site.

Thank most of you for supporting us while we were here. However, we consider the removal of our content a personal insult and will not be sharing (on this site) until we feel it is a safe place for people like us to contribute.


Published by azncpl519
9 years ago
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5pawsakademy 9 years ago
Passworded material is best.
lucky_samurai 9 years ago
You might want to look into pornhu b dot com.

I have found many bootlegs of their content on xhamster. While this doesn't protect you from bootlegging, at least their content has intros where it's clear that its porhub content and that it's 'community' content.
azureen 9 years ago
French people support you , please more to share . Just an amazing couple , with gorgeous girl ...
Kuladragon 9 years ago
Sorry to hear the troubles you've been through
While it is sad to have less content to enjoy I fully understand it
woola 9 years ago
This was my problem too before, one reason why I took down a lot of my galleries/videos and watermarked whatever I upload next.
ballboy1982 9 years ago
could you try password protecting the vids and sharing passwords with people you trust?... id hate to see you go really enjoying the content
Lente 9 years ago
With you 100%. Hoping for the best though..:wink:
chet1133 9 years ago
We support ur decisions till den just share da stories of da encounters
to-lurker 9 years ago
Totally understandable.