Order In The Court - Part 3

Order In The Court - Part 3

Two Days Ago....................

The three ring leaders of the escape were held separate from the others. The group of failed escapee's lay sprawled in the large Quonset hut back of the courthouse. There were other slave's there in another pen. The escapee's, huddled close together in small groups listened to the moans & cries coming from other parts of the nearly dark room. Lights mounted on the wall were dim & provided the men little in the way of seeing where the moans were coming from. Their anger at the three men who had planned the ill fated escape fell dead as they soon learned that they were not among them here in the dark.

'You' The Woman's voice cut thru the darkness causing the huddled men to strain to see where it was coming from. The tall raven haired young woman stepped into the dimly lit enclosure as the men & boys watched her approach. She stopped before a thin young man crouched by himself away from the others.

'Come now' the Woman told him. When the boy didn't move the woman grabbed the young boy by his hair. The crack of the short whip she wielded drew screams from the boy & scared cries from those closeby. The boy, his arms hugging his naked chest stood & followed the Woman into the darkness.

'You'll never see that boy again' came a voice far away from the huddled group. The men looked to each other, the fear in their faces as they wondered what would become of the boy. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't them but their relief was short lived as they remembered where they were. More importantly.......What they were.


Jackson Byrd was one of the men who had planned the failed escape. The other two men, one his younger brother Dan & their friend Cristian had already been taken from the cell they had shared that night. Jackson had watched Dan & Christian being led away.
Christian, their friend stood 6' 3" a tall black native Islander who had promised to look after Danny should they be separated. Christian, stone faced, showed no emotion when he was being led away that morning. Danny looked back at him, his older brother, & Jackson could see the fear in his eyes. The quivering lower lip & the helpless look as he was led away.
Jackson's chains rattled as he pulled at them, his fists clenched as he watched. The tall black girl with the whip smiled at him as she cracked the whip, slicing a red welt across his bare chest.
'I'll take good care of your little brother Slave' she told him as she locked the small cell. The black Amazon jerked Danny's leash bringing him to his knees on the dirt floor of the Quonset hut. Jackson heard Danny cry out as he strained to see in the dim light.
'I'm sorry Dan' Jackson screamed out, breaking into tears, blaming himself. He knew Dan only went along with it because of him, his older brother.
The black Amazon pulled Danny's head back by his hair as she straddled his face. Jackson could see the back of the Amazon in the dim light but not his brother.
Danny cried out as his head was jerked back. He could hear the rattle of chains & Jackson calling out to him. The dark sweaty pussy invaded his mouth when he tried to call to his brother. Jackson heard a muffled cry as he called out again, his muscles tense as he pulled against his bonds.
Danny's mouth flooded with the warm acrid piss. He gagged, crying out. 'Swallow Slave' The Amazon told Danny. Jackson screamed his brother's name as he heard Danny gagging.
Jackson fell to his knees onto the dirt floor as he listened to the Amazon tell Danny to drink it all, calling him a good Slave, a natural toilet for a young Mistress as Danny swallowed. The Amazon wanted Jackson to know what she was doing to his little brother.
The tall Blond holding Cristian's leash watched her friend use the young boy. Cristian's looked at Danny, his face frozen, emotionless, as he was led away.

Jackson saw Danny still on his knees once the black Amazon moved away. He could barely see Danny's face in the dim light but he could hear his young brother gasping, gagging as he cried for Jackson to help him.
Jackson slumped further down in his cell pounding the dirt floor as Danny was led away.


Sunlight streaming thru the high windows of the Quonset & the sounds coming from all around him brought Jackson to his feet. He watched the parade of shackled men being led away.
The cries of the men made Jackson remember the night before. Danny, he said aloud as he watched the line go by. Heads down as they shuffled along. In the light Jackson noticed that all the men were bald. They looked broken, defeated. Some looked at Jackson, some crying others moaning. Jackson saw a young white boy fall to his knees. He was facing Jackson, pleading for help. The crack of a whip brought screams from the boy as well as others as the boy was forced to his feet.
There were so many Jackson thought. He wondered where they were being taken. He thought again of Danny & Christian as the Black Amazon from the night before stood smiling at him as she unlocked his cell.


Kevin's face was dripping sweat as light flooded in. Nana had risen from the wicker chair. Kevin heard her struggle as she tried standing up.
The flood of light was blinding for a few moments but the fresh hot air filled his lungs as he sucked it in. The warm air even felt cool against his sweat covered face.

Kevin whimpered as he tried lifting the chair off him. He had to get away, he had to try. The huge black foot smashed into his crotch.
Kevin screamed as he looked up at the face smiling down at him thru the hole.
'Don't try that again Slave or Nana will crush them little raisins for you....you hear me boy?' she cackled down at him.
Kevin heard the clink of ice cubes. He licked his lips as he watched the woman drink from the glass of lemonade. Kevin tasted his lips, his tongue. He gagged as he swallowed.
'Taste good boy?' Nana asked him laughing as she stared down at him.
'Nana's gonna have some more fun while my girl's are away Slave' she told him as her body blocked out the light. Kevin watched her huge black ass coming down when suddenly his whole face was engulfed between Nana's cheeks.
Kevin's body twisted, his legs kicking as Nana's ass slammed down onto his face. Nana gripped the sides of her wicker chair. It wasn't easy for her to sit sometimes. Nana leaned forward putting her glass on the small table by her chair.
'Lick boy' Nana told him, one foot slipping under Kevin's loose shorts ready to crush his balls.
'Lick the sweat from Nana's ass slave' she told him & Nana will play footsie with your little white cock if you do a good job she told him.
Kevin licked between the dark cheeks. The smell, the dirty sweat that coated his tongue.
Nana sighed feeling the boy's tongue. The beads of sweat rolling down her spine actually felt cool as they ran down into the crack of her ass & onto her slaves tongue.
Nana sipped her lemonade enjoying the white boy's tongue licking her hole.
'Suck it now boy' she told him looking down between her huge thighs. 'Suck it boy & Nana will give you some of my lemonade' she added.
'This is good practice Slave' she told him as she felt Kevin's mouth sucking on her hole. 'Dani & my girl's shouldn't have to smell anything when using the new white toilet.....Slave' Nana called down to the slave.
Kevin felt the bile rising as he sucked. Nana's words burned into Kevin's mind as he swallowed what he had sucked out what his lips had loosened.
Nana sipped loudly at her lemonade as the slave's mouth sucked at her hole.
Kevin, his face covered with sweat & Nana's stink tugged with his lips at the pucker in his mouth. The long wet fart filled his mouth as Nana's laughing filled the cottage.
Kevin gagged. He tried to pull his face away but there was little room. He was crying as he felt Nana shift her huge body in the chair.
'Suck Nana now boy' she told him as she dribbled lemonade from her mouth down over her belly & into the hole.
Kevin tasted the warm lemonade. He opened his mouth, licked wanting more. Nana dribbled more telling him to suck her cunni. Kevin licked the dark bush, his tongue searching for more sweet drops when his mouth filled with warm piss.
'Drink boy' Nana told him as he toes stroked his semi hard cock. Kevin strained, trying to push his cock against the fat toes. He drank to sour piss as his cock grew hard. He was crying, knowing how weak he was as he swallowed.
'Make Nana cum boy' she told him rubbing her foot on his hard shaft, pressing it against his belly.
Kevin sucked, ignoring the awful taste or piss & sweat in his mouth. Nana moaned as she came into the whiteboy's mouth. Nana eased her foot away, her toes & sole slick with the boys precum. She watched the cock bob under the loose shorts & felt the warm breath of her slave as he moaned into her cunni.
'Maybe next time Slave' Nana told him as she lifted off his face.
Kevin heard voices. The girl's were back. Four smiling faces looked down at Kevin as the chair was lifted off him. Danielle kicked Kevin as she yanked on his leash. Kevin got onto his knees as he watched Danielle slip out of her sneakers & pull off her sweaty socks. The shorts she wore for softball were next. Kevin stared up at the dark bush. The black hairs shiny with sweat.
'No panties Pantysniffer' Danielle told him as she straddled his face. Danielle's Mother & sisters looked on from the kitchen along with Nana as Danielle used her white slaveboy.


The Next Morning - Court Day

Katie led Christian into her cottage. Her shift at the courthouse over, her slave doing what was asked of him. The blond six foot Amazon looked up at Christian. At 6'3" Cristian was an imposing figure as Katie led him into her cottage.
Katie loosened Christian's shorts letting them fall to her floor. She ran her fingers over the thick black cock before wrapping her hand around it. Christian moaned even as Katie slipped the thick velcro cockring around the shaft moving down to his heavy balls before tightening it. Katie ran her fingers across the fat head before she began stroking it.
'You did well Slave' she told him.
'Thank You Mistress' Christian moaned as Katie's hand, now slick with precum gripped his hard cock.
Katie led her slave into her bedroom. The thin curtains swirled in the ocean air coming in of the water. Later she would have to close up & turn on the AC but for now the early morning ocean breeze would feel good on her hot skin.
Cristian lay on the bed. His swollen cock bobbing as Katie undressed. Straddling his broad chest she lowered each breast to his lips enjoying her slaves long tongue & mouth as her nipples hardened.
Katie rubbed her bare cunni across the hard black shaft, teasing it as Christian's hips rose up trying to enter her. Katie slowly lowered herself down the hard black body of her slave until her face nestled against the hot hard shaft.
'Are you my Slave?' she asked Christian as he moaned.
'Yes Mistress' he moaned as Katie's warm tongue licked slowly up the shaft to the fat head. Katie licked the precum oozing from her slave's cock before taking the head into her mouth.
Christian's moans filled the room as Katie sucked gently on the fat cock head.
'Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm' Katie sighed, her hand gripping the shaft stroking it.
Katie moved up her slave's body rubbing her swollen cunni lips over his cock & leaving a wet trail behind as she eased up onto his face.

Christian sucked up the sweet cunni juices. He licked & sucked, his large mouth surrounding his Mistress's cunni easily fitting his mouth around it. The warm piss filled his mouth as he swallowed & swallowed. His cock bobbed against his taut belly. If not for the cock ring he would of cum. He ignored the painful spasms as he drank from his Mistress. He knew she would let him cum if he pleased her.

As Katie filled his mouth with her morning piss he gave no thought about what he had done. Like Katie had told him, there was no way to escape.
Katie's warm piss was followed by her sweet cum. Christian licked, cleaning his Mistress & when she slid down over him again pressing an armpit to his lips he licked & sucked one them the other. He cried out when he felt his strained cock slip inside. He felt his balls tighten, the pain making him cry out as his Mistress road his hard cock.

Katie watched her slave's face contort in pain as she rode him. His huge cock filled her, so thick & hard. She heard his moans as he cried out. Sitting back she reached down. The ripping sound as she tore free the velcro burying his cock deep inside as he came made her cry out along with her slave.

Both Katie & Christian, sweat boring over their bodies as they lay tangled together. Katie eased herself off the still rigid cock & moved up over her slaves face once more.
Christian opened his mouth catching the thick ropes of white cum. His eyes meeting Katie's as she squeezed watching his mouth fill. Katie lowered her swollen cunni to her slave's mouth. Christian sucked & swallowed, drinking until he was rewarded by his Mistress's sweet cum.


Kevin's face was surrounded by Danielle's black thighs as his mouth filled with sweaty black cunni. The thick globs of thick pussy sweat covered his tongue as Danielle rocked slowly on his mouth.
The warm piss trickled out both sides of his mouth until Danielle's hands grabbed handfulls of his hair forcing his mouth tight against her.

Gasping, Kevin felt the bile rising in his throat as Danielle stepped away. His face soaked with piss & sweat he felt his head being jerked back as Danielle's sister Delia straddled his face.
'Open up Slave' Delia said almost in a giggle. Her piss spewed out over Kevin's face before he got his mouth around her.
'Bad Slave' Delia said laughing as she slapped his head several times.

Kevin drank. He was feeling sick as he forced himself to swallow. When Delia moved away her Mother Fran grabbed his leash & half dragged him out the back. With one good push she sent Kevin down the patio steps onto the hot beach sand where he threw up his guts.
'Ewwwwwwww' Roni the youngest sister cried causing all of them to break out laughing as the slave dry heaved now onto the beach.
Fran was quick down the steps grabbing Kevin by his hair & dragging him up the steps to the patio. Kevin lay there covered in sweat & beach sand while the four women looked down at him.

'Get the hose 'Fran said. Kevin rolled onto his knees, his stomach still spasming as the cold water hit him. Danielle held the hose on Kevin as he rolled around on the deck. The cold water felt good, he even tried drinking some which had the women laughing.
Kevin cried when Danielle turned off the hose. His skin tingled, the sand & puke washed away. He lay there wishing he could get away. He looked down to the beach. The tide was out, Women were walking thru the mild surf. It might as well be a thousand miles away he thought as fresh tears filled his eye.

The sudden jerk of his leash & Danielle grabbing him by his hair Kevin was forced head first into the bottom of the larger wicker chair by the patio table. Roni, the youngest sister looked down at him before dropping her brown ass into the hole.
Fran opened Kevin's shorts & pulled them off him. Three pairs of feet began poking & rubbing his cock as Roni told him to open wide. The warm piss covered his face before finding his open mouth.
Kevin cried, his cock growing hard as toes & soles rubbed his cock. When the piss stream ended he raised his mouth to the young hairy pussy & began licking & sucking all the while his hips rising to meet the warm soles rubbing his cock. He was so close when he saw Roni's face glaring down between her slim legs.

'Open Slave' She told him. Kevin could smell it. His hips rising, his cock throbbing. The feet were gone.
'Nnooooooooooooo' he cried.
'Open Slave & we'll let you cum' Danielle voice floated down from between Roni's open thighs. Kevin gagged as the slim rope lowered to his face. He opened his mouth under it. Roni sighed, letting out the breath she had held as she pushed.
It fell into Kevin's mouth, folding, & with a soft hiss it broke free.
Kevin felt the toes scratching his shaft before a soft warm sole began rubbing. Kevin ate the soft serve, swallowing, swallowing, his cock jumped, spurts of cum covering Danielle's soles, oozing between her toes as he cried.

Published by tekkar
9 years ago
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