Spring in Moscow part one: Tuesday and Wednesday
Spring in Moscow arrived suddenly and with a vengeance. A week after the last wet snow had fallen, the streets were now dry and hot. As usual, during the May holidays, the family and I moved out of town to our dacha. However, this year, 2015, there was a gap between the Labour Day holidays and the Victory Day holidays. This meant I had to spend four working days in town, commuting between home and the office. My wife and I decided that she would stay out of town with the k**s.
Early morning on Tuesday, I was going to take the commuter train -elektrichka- from the dacha village - rucksack with laptop on my back and dressed casually but smart enough for the office. On the platform it was already hot, well over twenty degrees centigrade. It was rush hour, and many people were waiting. Most of them were, like me, dressed for work. Most women were wearing skirts or dresses, as the weather finally allowed them to. Some were visibly wearing stockings, but in most cases, their legs were bare. I love spring in Moscow, as Russian women often take no half measures in looking good and attractive. The results may vary.
The elektrichka arrived and people queued to get in. In the wagon, all seats were taken and people were standing in the aisles. I took position somewhere in the center of the wagon, in order not to be bothered too much by people moving in and out of the train. As the train started moving noisily, I thoughtlessly looked around, while holding on to a hande on top of the bench. I was standing next to a bench with three passengers on it. Closest to me was a woman who had been successful in dressing well. She wore a formal skirt at knee length, and a blouse that was light enough to show that she was wearing a bra underneath, but buttoned up enough that so that no cleavage was shown. Her long brown hair was held up by a hair clip, adding to her formal looks. She looked stylish and certainly good for her age, which I estimated around forty five. Opposite the woman sat a younger lady, whose attempts to look attractive were visible, yet less successful. Or, rather, successful in a whole other way. She wore a long dress that was bright blue and one or two sizes too small. The result was most of her thighs were visible and her breasts were almost bursting out of the dress. She was not unattractive, but the dress made her look ordinary rather than stylish. Still, the result was somehow sexy. And, as her dress kept on creeping up, and she kept on moving it back towards her knees, I was able to catch some upskirt glances. I tried not to stare and when at some point our eyes met, I felt like I was blushing. She had blonde or, rather, bleached hair and light brown eyes. She wasn't chubby, but not skinny either. A bit like a mother with good genes and the ability to stick to a diet, but enjoying life as well. Mid-thirties, I reckoned.
As we approached a station, people started moving towards the exits. I noticed that my rucksack was bothering people as they moved along me, so I took it off and stood it between my feet on the ground. My back felt already wet with sweat.
The train stopped and some people got out. A lot more, however, got in. As an old lady approached, the woman in the blue dress got up, offering her space. At first the old lady refused, but the woman told: "It's no problem, I am getting out at the next station." The old lady thanked the woman, who took position in the aisle, behind me. As she grabbed the same bench handle I was holding, her bossom shortly made contact with my back. Then, as the train started to move with a shock, again. Once on cruising speed, I felt the woman's bossom again pushing against my back. This time, however, it didn't seem accidental. I looked sideways, and immediately into her blue eyes. I felt her hand moving on my buttocks. A slight smile on her face. All-right, I thought, why not? Her hand now moved towards my free hand, her index finger subtily rubbing mine. I looked sideways again. She pretended to look away, but I saw her smiling. Her hand pulled mine slightly, as if to encourage me. So I moved my hand untill it "accidentally" met her thigh. A slight shock through her body, but the smile got wider.
That naughty teaser! She got me hard! But before we could take it further, the train started slowing down, and the woman allowed for the movement to push her body against mine. And as the braking of the train became stronger, she pushed harder, and for a moment, through the fabric of her dress, I felt her crotch on the back of my hand. However she pushed so hard that she pushed me closer to the neat, stylish woman in the blouse and formal skirt. As she sat, her shoulder was at the height of my hip. And sure, as the train came to a halt, the intercom announcing Novaya station, for a second or two, my erection pushed against her shoulder. She pretended not to notice. The lady in the blue dress pinched my ass shortly, rubbed her breasts against my back for a last time and walked towards the exit of the train. I didn't follow her, but moved a few benches away from the stylish woman who, during the rest of the journey, threw angry looks at me.
At the Kazansky train station, it was the usual organized rush hour chaos, with hundreds or thousands of people making it in and out of the trains and the subway. And, again, it struck me how so many women had made an attempt to look good in their summer clothes. Results varied. They ranged from not sexy to ultra sexy and from stylish to down right sluttish. As I went into metro cars, changed lines at stations and went up and down stairs and escalators, there was a continuous flow of hits and misses when it comes to dressing for the weather, there were countless accidental bumps, good smells and bad smells. All the time I focused on women and girls and it was never boring. Apart from many dresses and skirts that probably revealed more skin than intended, I noticed how the legging had made a come-back. Some girls apparently preferred the tightes leggings imaginable, often combined with a string underneath. Black, of course. One girl, in her twenties, petite and gorgeous, wore black leggings so thin, that they were practically transparent: her white panties covering her little butt cheeks clearly visible. And as I was on the escalator going up, on my way out of the metro station, I stood behind a tall girl with bright pink leggings. They were wrapped so tightly around her body, that I had the best two minutes on an escalator ever, staring into her cameltoe. As a result, when I finally arrived at the business center where the office is, I was horny as hell.
In and around the building, women were dressed more or less formally, but again it was a visual feast of short skirts, leggings and revealing dresses. Arriving in the office, I noticed that even here the ladies had done their best. In the corridor, home to the coffee machine and printer, Natasha was filling up the paper tray, much to the pleasure of many colleagues. Even in winter it would be a pleasure, because of her supermodel meets pornstar looks, but now that she was wearing a short skirt, it was almost porn. Alisa from admin, as petite as they come, but with firm and relative large breasts, was dressed in a wide pettycoat skirt, wearing her hair in a pony tail, looking like a pure fuck doll. Alexandra from personnel was wearing grey leggings and a tight, matching t-shirt, leaving hardly anything to the imagination. And I noticed that I was not the only man studying the women, but that all male colleagues were. And the ladies looked at us as we looked at them, enjoying the hungry stares. It was not just me being horny - everybody was!
I managed to focus on work, but every smoke break outside in the sun was walking into a public show of exhibitionists. At around seven in the evening, I joined the herd of office workers making their way to the metro and travelled home to my apartment, on the way treating my eyes to legs, butts, cleavage, upskirts. At the supermarket, I bought a six-pack of beers and some food, and my favorite cashier Mashka (of which you will definitely read more) treated me to a look into her blouse as she handed me the change. At home, I opened the window and a can of beer and had a smoke while staring out of the window. I calmed down a little bit, but the horniness remained. I wanted to get laid and I wanted it badly.
I killed that feeling by drinking more beers, watching upskirt movies on this website and finally relieving myself by jerking off. I fell asleep early and woke up at 6:30 the next morning. A few minutes later, enjoying a first coffee and cigarette, watching the first commuters walking past the apartment building, the feeling was back. And I was rock hard.
As I exited the apartment building, I could smell spring in the air. It was warm. And as soon as I went out of the courtyard and turned around the corner, I got treated with a nice view, walking a few meters behind a slim girl in leggings. I wondered if she even wore panties, as the black fabric perfectly exposed her ass. And a cute ass it was! She was quite small, around 150 cm I guess, and she had her dark hair cut above her shoulders in a bobline, exposing her neck. She wore a light, transparent blouse and a black top with spaghetti straps under it. She walked in a selfsure way, almost like a model, and as I stared at her, walking behind her, my dick got hard.
I followed her as she made it to the temporary bus stop, where shuttle buses arrive and go, in order to replace the temporarily shut metro station. As we waited for the bus, I got to see her face. She was very pretty, with big dark eyes that constantly seemed to spot things in her environment. For s split second, we had eye contact, but she seemed to completely ignore it.
The bus was rather full and I waited until most people had gotten in, so I could stand near the door. As I got in, the girl seemed to hesitate between getting in and waiting for the next bus. At the last moment she decided to get in and there she stood, right next to me. I was holding my rucksack at its top handle right in front of me. The girl's ass was only centimeters away from my hands that held the rucksack in front of my waist. The girl looked out of the window, not paying attention to me. I noticed that she smelled lovely, wearing a light but spicy perfume. As the bus crossed a bump in the road, I saw her small, pointy breasts shake in her black top. No bra, I concluded, and tried to keep myself from staring at her tits and at her nipples pressing at the fabric of her top. Oh, she was lovely, she was hot. I felt my dick pulsating with excitement.
The last turn before the arrival point came up. I realized that the girl wasn't having a lot of grip and that the force of the bend would probably push her towards me, and for a few seconds I held that thought. And yes, I was right! The girl swung towards me and as the bus took the corner quite fast, I was the only support for the girl. Her butt, much to my delight, pushed against my hands and I felt how she first flexed her muscles to resist the movement, but then relaxed them in acceptance. After the ten-or-so seconds it took to take the corner, the bus started braking. The girl looked at me and apologized with a smile. "Not a problem," I said, and the girl then looked down as if she was ashamed. But the smile remained. She uttered a polite goodbye as she got out of the bus and then our ways parted. I looked at my watch. 9:23 AM. Nice start of the day.
The metro ride was without incidents and outside the station near my job, again there were countless attractive ladies to look at while making it to the job. I arrived at the office building and as I took the stairs to the second floor, I got treated to a double upskirt view by the two ladies from the investment company office next to ours. One, a lady in her thirties, seemed to notice but didn't mind. A bit older and slightly less attractive than most of her colleagues, she was probably glad with the attention.
Early evening I left the office and joined the crowd leaving towards the metro station. Again, there was enough to watch. I took the metro, got out and walked towards the shuttle bus stop. In the bus I got on the first seat I saw, but there were not a lot of passengers. Just before the doors closed, a young woman got in and took the seat next to mine. I tried not to pay too much attention that she was, again, attractive in her knee-length skirt, with her petite figure and a nice smelling perfume. I looked out of the window. The lady poked my by accident while retrieving her phone from her handbag. She said sorry, I knodded, and she started to make a call.
She obviously rang a friend or relative, as the chat was rather meaningless and mentioning the heat of today. What stood out was her voice, which sounded girly and a bit hoarse. The kind of voice you expect from a porn star and want to hear making sex noises. And as I sat there, it occurred to me that I didn't just want to watch, hear and smell female beauty. I wanted to feel it.
I took a look at the bare, thin knees of my copassenger. I would want to touch that skin. I wanted those thighs around me and penetrate that undoubtedly tight, sweaty pussy. I wanted to feel moving hips, squeeze those buttocks, suck on hardening nipples. I wanted hot, dirty sex. I wanted it bad. And, I realized, I wouldn't get it though. On my way from the bus stop, I got some groceries and another six pack. At home, I took a shower, and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.
Early morning on Tuesday, I was going to take the commuter train -elektrichka- from the dacha village - rucksack with laptop on my back and dressed casually but smart enough for the office. On the platform it was already hot, well over twenty degrees centigrade. It was rush hour, and many people were waiting. Most of them were, like me, dressed for work. Most women were wearing skirts or dresses, as the weather finally allowed them to. Some were visibly wearing stockings, but in most cases, their legs were bare. I love spring in Moscow, as Russian women often take no half measures in looking good and attractive. The results may vary.
The elektrichka arrived and people queued to get in. In the wagon, all seats were taken and people were standing in the aisles. I took position somewhere in the center of the wagon, in order not to be bothered too much by people moving in and out of the train. As the train started moving noisily, I thoughtlessly looked around, while holding on to a hande on top of the bench. I was standing next to a bench with three passengers on it. Closest to me was a woman who had been successful in dressing well. She wore a formal skirt at knee length, and a blouse that was light enough to show that she was wearing a bra underneath, but buttoned up enough that so that no cleavage was shown. Her long brown hair was held up by a hair clip, adding to her formal looks. She looked stylish and certainly good for her age, which I estimated around forty five. Opposite the woman sat a younger lady, whose attempts to look attractive were visible, yet less successful. Or, rather, successful in a whole other way. She wore a long dress that was bright blue and one or two sizes too small. The result was most of her thighs were visible and her breasts were almost bursting out of the dress. She was not unattractive, but the dress made her look ordinary rather than stylish. Still, the result was somehow sexy. And, as her dress kept on creeping up, and she kept on moving it back towards her knees, I was able to catch some upskirt glances. I tried not to stare and when at some point our eyes met, I felt like I was blushing. She had blonde or, rather, bleached hair and light brown eyes. She wasn't chubby, but not skinny either. A bit like a mother with good genes and the ability to stick to a diet, but enjoying life as well. Mid-thirties, I reckoned.
As we approached a station, people started moving towards the exits. I noticed that my rucksack was bothering people as they moved along me, so I took it off and stood it between my feet on the ground. My back felt already wet with sweat.
The train stopped and some people got out. A lot more, however, got in. As an old lady approached, the woman in the blue dress got up, offering her space. At first the old lady refused, but the woman told: "It's no problem, I am getting out at the next station." The old lady thanked the woman, who took position in the aisle, behind me. As she grabbed the same bench handle I was holding, her bossom shortly made contact with my back. Then, as the train started to move with a shock, again. Once on cruising speed, I felt the woman's bossom again pushing against my back. This time, however, it didn't seem accidental. I looked sideways, and immediately into her blue eyes. I felt her hand moving on my buttocks. A slight smile on her face. All-right, I thought, why not? Her hand now moved towards my free hand, her index finger subtily rubbing mine. I looked sideways again. She pretended to look away, but I saw her smiling. Her hand pulled mine slightly, as if to encourage me. So I moved my hand untill it "accidentally" met her thigh. A slight shock through her body, but the smile got wider.
That naughty teaser! She got me hard! But before we could take it further, the train started slowing down, and the woman allowed for the movement to push her body against mine. And as the braking of the train became stronger, she pushed harder, and for a moment, through the fabric of her dress, I felt her crotch on the back of my hand. However she pushed so hard that she pushed me closer to the neat, stylish woman in the blouse and formal skirt. As she sat, her shoulder was at the height of my hip. And sure, as the train came to a halt, the intercom announcing Novaya station, for a second or two, my erection pushed against her shoulder. She pretended not to notice. The lady in the blue dress pinched my ass shortly, rubbed her breasts against my back for a last time and walked towards the exit of the train. I didn't follow her, but moved a few benches away from the stylish woman who, during the rest of the journey, threw angry looks at me.
At the Kazansky train station, it was the usual organized rush hour chaos, with hundreds or thousands of people making it in and out of the trains and the subway. And, again, it struck me how so many women had made an attempt to look good in their summer clothes. Results varied. They ranged from not sexy to ultra sexy and from stylish to down right sluttish. As I went into metro cars, changed lines at stations and went up and down stairs and escalators, there was a continuous flow of hits and misses when it comes to dressing for the weather, there were countless accidental bumps, good smells and bad smells. All the time I focused on women and girls and it was never boring. Apart from many dresses and skirts that probably revealed more skin than intended, I noticed how the legging had made a come-back. Some girls apparently preferred the tightes leggings imaginable, often combined with a string underneath. Black, of course. One girl, in her twenties, petite and gorgeous, wore black leggings so thin, that they were practically transparent: her white panties covering her little butt cheeks clearly visible. And as I was on the escalator going up, on my way out of the metro station, I stood behind a tall girl with bright pink leggings. They were wrapped so tightly around her body, that I had the best two minutes on an escalator ever, staring into her cameltoe. As a result, when I finally arrived at the business center where the office is, I was horny as hell.
In and around the building, women were dressed more or less formally, but again it was a visual feast of short skirts, leggings and revealing dresses. Arriving in the office, I noticed that even here the ladies had done their best. In the corridor, home to the coffee machine and printer, Natasha was filling up the paper tray, much to the pleasure of many colleagues. Even in winter it would be a pleasure, because of her supermodel meets pornstar looks, but now that she was wearing a short skirt, it was almost porn. Alisa from admin, as petite as they come, but with firm and relative large breasts, was dressed in a wide pettycoat skirt, wearing her hair in a pony tail, looking like a pure fuck doll. Alexandra from personnel was wearing grey leggings and a tight, matching t-shirt, leaving hardly anything to the imagination. And I noticed that I was not the only man studying the women, but that all male colleagues were. And the ladies looked at us as we looked at them, enjoying the hungry stares. It was not just me being horny - everybody was!
I managed to focus on work, but every smoke break outside in the sun was walking into a public show of exhibitionists. At around seven in the evening, I joined the herd of office workers making their way to the metro and travelled home to my apartment, on the way treating my eyes to legs, butts, cleavage, upskirts. At the supermarket, I bought a six-pack of beers and some food, and my favorite cashier Mashka (of which you will definitely read more) treated me to a look into her blouse as she handed me the change. At home, I opened the window and a can of beer and had a smoke while staring out of the window. I calmed down a little bit, but the horniness remained. I wanted to get laid and I wanted it badly.
I killed that feeling by drinking more beers, watching upskirt movies on this website and finally relieving myself by jerking off. I fell asleep early and woke up at 6:30 the next morning. A few minutes later, enjoying a first coffee and cigarette, watching the first commuters walking past the apartment building, the feeling was back. And I was rock hard.
As I exited the apartment building, I could smell spring in the air. It was warm. And as soon as I went out of the courtyard and turned around the corner, I got treated with a nice view, walking a few meters behind a slim girl in leggings. I wondered if she even wore panties, as the black fabric perfectly exposed her ass. And a cute ass it was! She was quite small, around 150 cm I guess, and she had her dark hair cut above her shoulders in a bobline, exposing her neck. She wore a light, transparent blouse and a black top with spaghetti straps under it. She walked in a selfsure way, almost like a model, and as I stared at her, walking behind her, my dick got hard.
I followed her as she made it to the temporary bus stop, where shuttle buses arrive and go, in order to replace the temporarily shut metro station. As we waited for the bus, I got to see her face. She was very pretty, with big dark eyes that constantly seemed to spot things in her environment. For s split second, we had eye contact, but she seemed to completely ignore it.
The bus was rather full and I waited until most people had gotten in, so I could stand near the door. As I got in, the girl seemed to hesitate between getting in and waiting for the next bus. At the last moment she decided to get in and there she stood, right next to me. I was holding my rucksack at its top handle right in front of me. The girl's ass was only centimeters away from my hands that held the rucksack in front of my waist. The girl looked out of the window, not paying attention to me. I noticed that she smelled lovely, wearing a light but spicy perfume. As the bus crossed a bump in the road, I saw her small, pointy breasts shake in her black top. No bra, I concluded, and tried to keep myself from staring at her tits and at her nipples pressing at the fabric of her top. Oh, she was lovely, she was hot. I felt my dick pulsating with excitement.
The last turn before the arrival point came up. I realized that the girl wasn't having a lot of grip and that the force of the bend would probably push her towards me, and for a few seconds I held that thought. And yes, I was right! The girl swung towards me and as the bus took the corner quite fast, I was the only support for the girl. Her butt, much to my delight, pushed against my hands and I felt how she first flexed her muscles to resist the movement, but then relaxed them in acceptance. After the ten-or-so seconds it took to take the corner, the bus started braking. The girl looked at me and apologized with a smile. "Not a problem," I said, and the girl then looked down as if she was ashamed. But the smile remained. She uttered a polite goodbye as she got out of the bus and then our ways parted. I looked at my watch. 9:23 AM. Nice start of the day.
The metro ride was without incidents and outside the station near my job, again there were countless attractive ladies to look at while making it to the job. I arrived at the office building and as I took the stairs to the second floor, I got treated to a double upskirt view by the two ladies from the investment company office next to ours. One, a lady in her thirties, seemed to notice but didn't mind. A bit older and slightly less attractive than most of her colleagues, she was probably glad with the attention.
Early evening I left the office and joined the crowd leaving towards the metro station. Again, there was enough to watch. I took the metro, got out and walked towards the shuttle bus stop. In the bus I got on the first seat I saw, but there were not a lot of passengers. Just before the doors closed, a young woman got in and took the seat next to mine. I tried not to pay too much attention that she was, again, attractive in her knee-length skirt, with her petite figure and a nice smelling perfume. I looked out of the window. The lady poked my by accident while retrieving her phone from her handbag. She said sorry, I knodded, and she started to make a call.
She obviously rang a friend or relative, as the chat was rather meaningless and mentioning the heat of today. What stood out was her voice, which sounded girly and a bit hoarse. The kind of voice you expect from a porn star and want to hear making sex noises. And as I sat there, it occurred to me that I didn't just want to watch, hear and smell female beauty. I wanted to feel it.
I took a look at the bare, thin knees of my copassenger. I would want to touch that skin. I wanted those thighs around me and penetrate that undoubtedly tight, sweaty pussy. I wanted to feel moving hips, squeeze those buttocks, suck on hardening nipples. I wanted hot, dirty sex. I wanted it bad. And, I realized, I wouldn't get it though. On my way from the bus stop, I got some groceries and another six pack. At home, I took a shower, and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.
9 years ago