Sleepless nights

Two days awake , no sleep due to pain , sitting here listening to the light rain.
Dressed in only shorts I go sit in the screen house sitting quiet as a grey mouse,
waiting on kympain meds to come in the mail, so my back pain would bail.
The longest time I have gone with no sleep I did with out meds was three quarters of the week,
zombified stumbled into work couldnt think straight, acting like a dork.
When my meds did come in I slept for two days straight, leaving my life in the hands of fate,
this makes it hard to find a mate, sleeping during the day, not enjoying the sun not a way of life I call fun.
My friend has trouble of her own but I can understand what going days withmout sleep is like,
being up all hours of the frigging night.
So my friends if you think this is joke drink a, coke and try to go five and half days with no sleep see
just how your body feels, do it with out any speed or pills , body feeling like its of fire, no relief no matter how you lay, being on meds to kill the pain is the only way.
What would you do in my shoes? How would you pass the night? I sit here on xhamster talking to friends with delight. If my friends are not on, I have three hundred books on this tablet I have read them all . Watching tv bores the shit out of me, not much on after three.
Again I ask what should I do? How to pass my nights when I cant sleep in to much pain even to beat my meat.
Published by wolfrider2121
9 years ago
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halinaplays 9 years ago
looking man and you can snap that full face photo. You like mature, BBW women. Those women are not looking for a male model. They just want to see your entire face. I guarantee if you take that photo, get on local dating sites, aim for older big women, send them a charming message...your nights will be spent chatting and you will forget the pain. And always remember I'm here for you.
halinaplays 9 years ago
yard sales and thrift stores for new books. That is money well spent. One last suggestion is that you set up an okcupid or plenty of fish profile. There are lots of local women who would love to message you all night. Even if you don't find someone to message, it is fun to read people's profiles. It is a writing exercise to send them a first initial message. If you try local dating, there is one thing you need to do. You need to take a selfie photo of your entire face. You are a good loo
halinaplays 9 years ago
school with a pen, paper and notebook and start a private journal that no one will ever read. Fill it with your most personal thoughts, emotions and memories. This doesn't work for me but it is a lifesaver for some people. Try very simple puzzle and strategy games you can get for free on the internet. If you have read every book on your tablet, look for more free options. A friend showed me that all the classics are free. But, nothing beats a book in your hand. Money is tight, but try yar
halinaplays 9 years ago
You did great. However, if you do google each word you can't spell you will get better. I'm sorry you're in pain. I'm sorry you can't sleep. I know those problems and they can drive you crazy. After five days with no sleep I become psychotic and hell bent on suicide. You are going to be stuck with time to kill. Here are my suggestions: stretch and exercise even if it hurts, I know money is tight. The best ten dollars I spend each month is for netflix. It has changed my life. Go old sc
halinaplays 9 years ago
phrases that don't seem to flow you end up with something far more powerful. Simplicity is the key. This will be much easier for you when you have a keyboard and not a tablet. I truly wish I had the cash to send you a nice cheap computer because you deserve a keyboard. I will also tell you how I become a better writer. It was a pain in the ass. Every single time, my computer informed me a word was misspelled, I googled it and fixed my mistake. Don't think I'm busting you for misspelling.
halinaplays 9 years ago
Dan, that was my favorite thing you've written so far. I am not blowing smoke up your ass when I say you genuinely write incredible rhymes. Sometimes, I don't like the word poetry. Poetry reminds me of whispers and a rhyme is a roar. You know, I will always encourage you to write. If I was you, I would focus on rhyme. You have rhythm and style. What I learned when I write rhymes is to walk away for a few days and come back to what I've written. When you edit out unnecessary words or phra