3 years later

Chapter One

The last flush of the toilet signaled to Barbara--my de facto mommy, that I was finished in the bathroom, having finally spent the warm, soapy enema she'd administered twenty minutes earlier.
This was all the more obvious, since the door was wide open as it was required to be on those rare occasions when I was allowed into the bathroom.
Stepping out sheepishly, I looked up into the lovely blue eyes of Barbara.

"All done, Sweety?" she asked pleasantly.
"Yes Mommy," I replied.

Daily enemas were Barbara's way of avoiding messy diapers with me and the truth was, I couldn't remember the last time I'd had a normal bowel movement. I was afraid to imagine how weak my muscles might have become should I ever go a morning without an enema. After living three years in Barbara's house, I was now hopelessly incontinent and diapers were an absolute necessity.

Having pulled off the pair that I had soaked last night to give me my enema, I was now naked except for my fuzzy Strawberry Shortcake diaper shirt and frilly pink anklets.
Barbara reached down and grasped my hand, leading me firmly back to my nursery.

"How's mommy's little girl today?" she asked brightly.
"Good, Mommy," I replied, gripping her warm hand tightly.
I felt not only naked but vulnerable outside of my nursery and I was anxious to get back to where my toys and stuffed a****ls awaited me.

Padding down the hall, we entered the bright and warmly lit room that was home for me 95% of the time. The morning sunlight streamed into the room through soft, gauzy pink curtains, filling the nursery with the makings of a new, happy day.

My room was decorated much like any little toddler's, with soft pastel colors and a wonderful Disney Princess theme throughout. A large pink and white baby's crib dominated the room, now open and revealing the nursery print waterproof mattress cover that helped guard against leaks during the night. To the right was my changing table, a slightly raised surface also covered with a practical vinyl plastic for my frequent diaper changes. On the other side stood my pink dresser with my extensive doll collection arranged across the top. Inside the drawers were a vast collection of diaper shirts, onesies, frilly anklets, and bonnets.

On the opposite side was my playpen with its soft padded rails and plastic lined floor where I spent most of my afternoons when Barbara was busy. A large diaper pail sat nearby and even though the lid was tightly sealed, a distinctive aroma of stale pee nevertheless pervaded into the room, serving as a constant reminder of my c***dish incontinence.

Stepping over to the changing table, Barbara helped me to take my place upon its shiny plastic surface, gathering a fresh set of diapers for my morning use.
"Looks like your diaper rash is much better this morning, Chrissey," Barbara observed happily.
"Yes, Mommy," I replied, relieved that the generous slathering of ointment she had applied to my bottom the last few days had done it's trick.

Lifting my legs by my ankles, she slid a thick trio of bunny soft cloth diapers under my upturned rump.
"Say hello to your diapers, Babygirl," she said with her beautiful smile.
I giggled merrily as she powdered me generously, filling the air around me with that all too familiar but wonderfully babyish scent. Breathing deeply, I sighed with pleasure as I watched Barbara select a pair of Duckie headed diaper pins.

Today she was wearing a short skirt that showed much of her fabulous thighs--firm thighs that I was frequently bent over, either for my morning enema or more rarely, for a sound spanking. Fortunately, those had become much more infrequent although there were still occasions in which she felt my behavior warranted a session with her hard oak paddle. Not one to tolerate any nonsense, Barbara wouldn't hesitate to punish me, whether alone or in front of company if she felt I deserved it. Her spankings never failed to leave sobbing like a baby with tears streaming down my face and incoherent apologies tumbling out of my mouth.

But today she was happy and I was happy to be her baby. I couldn't imagine a life without her.
As she bent forward to pin the side of my diapers, I gazed in admiration down the front of her nearly see-thru blouse. This morning, she was wearing a snow white top that her big, round, milk-laden br.easts filled to capacity, straining mightily against the buttons. I smiled as I noted the smooth edge of her bra, plainly visible from my vantage point.

Barbara was a goddess by any standards. Although she was in her late thirties, she was in far better shape than many girls in their teens. Tall in stature, with a skinny waist and massive, jaw-dropping br.easts, she turned heads wherever she went. All that and a face that stopped traffic with her pretty blue eyes had me head-over-heels in love with her years ago.

But as she bent forward to pin the other side of my diapers closed, I couldn't help but be entranced by the heavy sway of her beautiful bosom. Any other guy of 29 would be rock hard at the sight but that was quite impossible for me. Years ago, when Barbara had first taken me in to become her baby girl, she had immediately taken the measure of placing my little pen-s into a foolproof chastity device which has remained forever locked since that first fateful day. Since then, I haven't been able to get hard, play with myself, or have an orgasm of any kind, regardless of the circumstances. So despite the fantastic view that was before me, my insignificant noodle remained imprisoned and controlled, just as every other aspect of my life was controlled by Barbara.

With both pins now in place, the thick cloth of the triple diapers forced my legs apart which I knew from experience would cause me to waddle as I toddled around the nursery. This was not really much of an issue, since there was virtually no place for me to walk to. Confined to the inside of Barbara's house, I spent most of my time crawling around from one side of my nursery to the other. Even some parts of the house were off limits to me, like the garage, the spare bathroom, and of course, Barbara's master bedroom. And with the sole exception of my nursery, Barbara never let me out of her sight for one minute. Even when I was allowed out into the living room, more often than not, I was restricted to the playpen she kept there so she could keep an eye on me.

She was humming to herself now as she sifted through the overflowing drawer of plastic panties.
"Let's see...what does mommy have for her precious little babykin's..." she mused aloud, "How about these?"
Stretching a pair of semi-translucent pink panties with bunnies on it between her fingers, she beamed down at me expectantly.
"Uh-huh," I nodded breathlessly.

I loved the super soft vinyl of these cute panties which were heaven to wear.
Gathering them at the legholes, she worked them over my feet and slid them up my calves. I mewled babyishly as she raised them up my skinny thighs and began tugging them up and over the thick, yet comforting bulk of my diapers. Once it was enclosed, she worked her manicured fingers around the elastic waistband making sure all the cloth was on the inside and then did the same with the leg holes. I shivered with delight as her silky fingers touched the sensitive skin of my inner thighs.

As a finishing touch, she powdered between my legs, leaving a whitish layer between my skin and the vinyl of the panties.
"Well--just look at you, Miss Prissy Pants!" she exclaimed eagerly, "All diapered and ready for the day."
I blushed slightly and looked away, even though my sense of safety and security felt palpable now that I had been changed.

"Now we just have to find a sweet baby dress for mommy's little sissy," she said as she patted the fat front of my diaper playfully.
Standing up, she went over to my open closet and began carefully looking through the vast selection. There were countless dresses and rompers, most in pink, yellow, white, or baby blue.

After moving through the first third, she selected a white sailor suit with soft pink satin lace and a big pink floppy bow over the traditional bodice.
"How about this, sailor sissy?" she asked enthusiastically, "Are you ready for the high seas?"

Despite the beguiling smile on her pretty face, her tone was one reserved for toddlers and c***dren and I couldn't help but hear what sounded like sarcasm.
"Yes Mommy!" I replied immediately. Even though it was still humiliating after all this time, I still enjoyed playing her game if only to bask in her intoxicating beauty.

Dropping the light frilly garment over my head, she turned me slightly and as my arms went through the short, puffy sleeves, she zipped up the back behind my neck. Kneeling down, she took my Mary Janes and buckled them over my feet which were still wearing the frilly white anklets. Taking my hand, she gently stood me up and had me look at the large, full length mirror permanently mounted to the opposite wall.

As I gazed at my sissyish reflection, I was amazed at how babyish I looked. My hair was short and curly, with a Shirley Temple style Barbara had permed years ago. The sailor dress was so short it barely covered the waistband of my plastic panties, leaving my babyish thick diapers fully on display. And my soft, smooth legs seem to compliment my girlish appearance, lacking any muscle tone or hair at all. If they had ever looked boyish before (and I couldn't remember them being so), they certainly weren't now.

Turning around, I admired the perfect round curve of my thickly padded and pantied bottom. I sighed with satisfaction as Barbara bent down to softly pat my seat.
"Aren't you just the CUTEST little girl on the block?" she whispered with a proud smile.

I blushed again, embarrassed at my own sissyness.
Still looking at my our mutual reflection in the mirror, Barbara bent down slightly to speak closer at my level.
"Do you want to wear some rumba panties with your dress or leave your plastic panties on display?" she asked with interest.
"Umm, I think I'll go with just these," I said shyly, casting my eyes at the floor.

"Can you tell mommy why you don't want some rumba panties? " she asked softly.
"Ummm," I said hesitantly, "cause I um...like the bunnies," I said barely audibly as I pointed at the colorful yellow bunnies decorating the shiny pink vinyl panties.

"Okay Chrissey," she said with a giggle that made me blush crimson, "you can wear these pretty panties by themselves."
As she gently stroked the thick seat of my diapers, her beautiful bosom jiggled and I shivered with delight.
"I love you Mommy!" I suddenly blurted out, throwing my arms around her slim waist. Because she was so much taller than I was, I found my face mashed against her big, soft br.easts.

"Mommy loves you too, Sweety," she said with amusement, hugging me in return.
"And mommy has a special surprise in store for her baby girl," she said as she led me over to the side of my crib. Sitting down on the edge of the plastic lined mattress, she guided me next to her and produced a slim catalog with a sexy woman on the cover dressed like a baby.

"My little sweety's birthday is coming up and I thought you'd like to pick out some new baby outfits," she explained as she put her arm around me.

It always gave me an electric thrill to have her touching me, partly because I'd never been touched by a female except for my real mom, but also because she was so incredibly sexy. Sitting next to her on the edge of the crib mattress, I had the opportunity to gaze surreptitiously at her tremendous br.easts that were threatening to burst out of her snug top. Barbara didn't like me staring at them, and in fact, she'd spanked me in the past for doing it blatantly but at the moment, there was no way to avoid it.

"Oh yes, Mommy!" I exclaimed, "That would be wonderful!"
I was used to Barbara making every conceivable decision for me, whether it was what I was to wear, eat, or when my bedtimes were, so this was an extraordinary privilege.

Flipping past the first few pages to a section on dresses, she smoothed the catalog out over our laps.
"Here's a lovely play dress," she pointed out, indicating a cute little dress with designs of ducks and bunnies on the bodice.
"How do you like that, Chrissey?" she asked.

"I like it very much, Mommy," I admitted shyly.
"And here's one in pretty pastel yellow--just look at all that lace, Honey!" she exclaimed.
"Uh-huh," I acknowledged.
Between the cute, babyish clothes and the warm proximity of Barbara's sexy body, I was starting to become very aroused. My tiny pen-s was starting to throb anxiously and I tried hard not look at the luscious curves of her br.easts that were each, nearly the size of my head.

Flipping the page, she pointed out a diaper shirt and chuckled with amusement.
"Oh--here's one that's just right for you, Chrissey--see what it says on the chest? 'Still a bedwetter'."
I blushed with embarrassment.
"Yes Mommy," I whispered.

"Would you like that top, Baby?" she asked in a seductive voice.
"No Mommy," I shook my head.
"I think we'll get it anyway--its so perfect for my little sissy."
Sometimes Barbara asked me questions for which I knew she'd already decided the answer beforehand. This was apparently one of those times.

"I just love these tops with the cute phrases," she continued, "here's another one...read what it says, Chrissey..."
I cleared my throat and paused awkwardly.
"Sissies wear diapers," I squeaked.
"Wouldn't that be a perfect shirt for you, Chrissey?" she asked eagerly.

"Umm...I guess so," I replied uncertainly.
"Chrissey--you're mommy's special little sissy and you'll always be in diapers," she assured me confidently.
Looking up into her gorgeous, smiling face, I felt her love for me and I sighed happily.
"Yes Mommy."
I'm so glad we could share this mother-daughter moment," she said as she hugged me closely. I savored the feel of her plump br.easts pressing against my cheek.

"Me too, Mommy," I agreed.
Flipping the page, we got to my favorite section, the page with the panties.
"Baby likes her pretty panties, doesn't she?" Barbara cooed.
"Yes Mommy," I admitted.
Truth was, I'd always had a secret fetish for girl's panties and though it was unlikely I'd ever get to wear them, my preference had shifted to baby panties and diaper covers.

"Ohh, now look what they have here," she said, "It looks like you can get lace around the legs and waistband of any of these plastic panties. Wouldn't that be cute?"
"Uh-huh," I agreed.
Suddenly, and without any warning at all, I felt the cloth between my thighs growing warm and wet. I was peeing freely with a strong surge and I only barely managed to stop the flow. Even so, a few good squirts still managed to add to the already saturated cloth, before I could bring it to a halt.

"M-Mommy!" I squealed, "I wet my diapers!"
Barbara looked up from the page and casually placed her hand on the warm, cushiony front of my vinyl panties.
"That's okay, Honey," she said calmly, "It can still take quite a bit more--I'll just change you after breakfast, okay?"
I sniffled and nodded, knowing she was right. Even my daytime diapers were extra thick, enabling multiple wettings before a change was necessary. The down side of that was that I was often wearing a wet diaper more often than not.

"Now--tell me which panties you'd like to get for your birthday," she urged me.
"Umm...I kinda like these," I said, pointing to a pair of nursery print plastic panties with clowns and blocks.
"Oh yes, those are very cute, aren't they," she concurred, "would you like lace around the legs too?"
"Uh-huh," I said, too embarrassed to look her in the eye.
"How about some satin rumba panties? Do you like the pink ruffles on this one?" she asked.

My little pen-s was starting to throb inside the chastity tube although at this point, it wasn't too painful, just a growing ache that was making me conscious of my ever present need to c-m.
"Mm-hm," I nodded.
"These would look super special with the pink party dress Pamela got you, don't you think?"

I blushed beet red at the mention of my ex girlfriend. Years ago, before she sent me to live with Barbara, I used to manipulate her at my whim. Now the roles were reversed and she never hesitated to humiliate me whenever she came to visit.
"Yes Mommy," I mumbled as I looked away.
"You know, I've got another surprise for you Chrissey," she said excitedly, "Today I'm going to take you to the park and let you play in the k**die's sandbox--won't that be fun?"

My mouth hung open in shock as I turned to look up into her beaming smile. Suddenly, I felt another strong flow of pee soaking the cloth between my legs again and I cried out in angst.
"Oh!" I whimpered in my high-pitched girlish voice.
Barbara's face took on a look of confusion.

"What's the matter Sweety? Don't you want to play outside? I thought you'd be dying to get back out again after all this time."
It was true that I hadn't been outside the house or backyard for nearly three years. Barbara had kept me cooped up inside here for so long I had forgotten what it was like in the outside world. At first, I'd been deeply resentful and thrown numerous temper tantrums to force her to my will. Without fail, these always resulted in my being pulled over her lap for a blistering spanking. After becoming intimately familiar with her unforgiving wooden paddle, and after countless tears had been shed, I learned not to question her rules.

Some time later, after I got settled into a lifestyle befitting a toddler, I tended to forget about my previous life and in fact, after my initial bout of resistance, I actually came to enjoy being babied.
Now she was talking about taking me not only outside, but out in public where others would see me.
"Am...am I gonna go out d-dressed like this?" I asked with a shaking voice.

"Oh course, Honey, what else would you wear?"
"B-but--everyone will see me--you know...dressed as a b-baby."
"That's because you ARE a baby, Chrissey. How else would you be dressed?"
She seemed honestly perplexed at my question.
Looking down at my bare legs, my bulging diaper and the lacey hem of my sissy pink sailor suit, I was terrified to think what people would say if they saw me in the park.

"No Mommy--I can't!" I squealed.
Barbara reached forward and calmly grasped the large pink rubber pacifier that was permanently kept on a loop around my neck.
"Open up Chrissey," she said with her classic, confident smile.
In my rising panic, I felt another strong surge of pee soaking my already soaking wet diapers.

"No Mommy--no!" I cried just as Barbara pushed the familiar object between my pouting, quivering lips, stifling any further argument from me.
"There," she grinned triumphantly as she patted me on the head condescendingly, "I just know you'll have a wonderful time."
Chapter Two

About an hour later, I found myself strapped into a carseat in the back of Barbara's SUV, making our way across town. Every stoplight we came to brought fresh stares at the oversize baby sitting in back wearing a white and pink sailor suit and diapers. At a distance of three feet, it was plainly obvious that I was a 29 year-old guy dressed as a toddler, rather than a bonafide baby.

I blushed vividly as a pair of high school girls rolled down their window and made sneering comments at me, asking me humiliating questions that made me squirm with discomfort. I tried to look the opposite way but there was little escaping their laughing and condescending remarks until our van finally turned down a different street.

Although it had been three years since I'd been outside, I was now more than ever filled with apprehension about the day and Barbara's plans for me.
"Mommy, I wanna go home," I whimpered miserably, but the words were completely unintelligible with the fat rubber pacifier filling my mouth.

"Now Chrissey," Barbara chided me as she guessed my fears, "you'll feel much better when we get to the park. Aren't you looking forward to playing in the sandbox?"
"Uh-uh," I whined, shaking my head.

"Don't worry, Sweety, you'll have a great time today--you just wait."
I slumped down in the raised carseat, although that did little to hide my appearance from the people in the cars that kept coming by all around us.

Looking down at my colorful, shiny plastic panties, bulging from the fresh diapers Barbara had recently changed me into, I now regretted my earlier choice of panties. Not that the rumba panties she had in mind for me would have made me look any more adult. But there was certainly no mistaking the look of nursery print plastic panties and it spoke volumes about what I'd become. I was foolishly trying to hang on to the fantasy that I was a still a regular guy. The fact was, I was a big sissy who couldn't keep his pants dry for more than an hour and I needed diapers just like the baby I was dressed up as.

As we pulled into the parking lot, I was still hoping against hope that nobody would be there but as Barbara started driving slowly down the rows of cars, I realized to my dismay that the place was packed. We were driving slow enough, occasionally stopping, that everyone walking alongside could take a good, long look at me. My breathing increased and my hands grew clammy as mothers stared in at me, not knowing what to make of the teenager su-king feverishly on his pink pacifier.

Loud, urgent su-king noises could be heard from the backseat as I whimpered and whined, fidgeting nervously against the harness that held me in so securely.
Up ahead, a car was pulling out and Barbara had stopped while waiting to take the vacating car's spot. An attractive girl in her twenties passed by our SUV and as she looked at me oddly, I felt my bladder's floodgates suddenly bursting open without warning.

Hot, urgent pee flooded into my diapers uncontrollably, soaking them in moments as I squirmed and shook my fists in frustration. Not again! I was really hoping to get through this outing without a humiliating diaper change. My hopes were dashed as the pooling wetness seeped thoroughly into my seat and upwards into my crotch. Suddenly, I couldn't take it anymore. As my pacifier tumbled out of my mouth, I burst into tears, wailing an incomprehensible deluge of regrets.

Barbara had just parked and shut down the car when she turned to face me, motherly concern all over her pretty face.
"What's the matter, Baby?" she blurted out in surprise.
Without waiting for an answer, she jumped out of the driver's seat and ran around the front of the van, yanking the side door open as if I were choking to death.

With her maternal instincts spot on, she bent over me, her soft hand going down between my legs and cupping the fat bulk of my diapers.
"Aww, mommy's little baby just wet herself, that's all," she cooed as she scooped up my pacifier and pushed it back between my trembling lips. With her gorgeous face just inches from my own, she leaned forward and kissed me tenderly on the cheek.

"Don't you worry, little sugarplum--mommy's going to change you into a nice fresh set of diapers in no time!"
I was mortified at the thought of her changing me here where so many people were walking by and I stomped my feet in frustration and anger.

"No! No! No!" I wailed but of course, it sounded more like 'wo-wo-wo' instead.
Barbara beamed at me with what looked like pride as she unbuckled the harness holding me in. Pulling me out of the seat, I could feel the familiar wet, sticky feeling of a soaked diaper clinging to my backside.

In between the front seat and the bench seat I was on, the floor was at least three feet wide and after laying a vinyl changing blanket down over the carpet, Barbara set me down upon it.
I was still whimpering loudly, waiting impatiently for Barbara to close the door but she made no move to do so. Before I knew it, she was tugging my clinging plastic panties over and off my diaper and down my skinny thighs. Knowing there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop her, I cried tears of shame as my pee soaked diaper came into view.

Without a second thought, Barbara shook the vinyl panties out over the edge of the van and folded them up before putting them in a plastic bag. Humming to herself, she busied herself with unpinning the diapers themselves and pulling them back. Until now, this had all seemed like a bad dream but as I felt the cool air against my smooth, hairless crotch, the reality of it all hit me like a stack of bricks.

"No Mommy--no!!
My pacifier fell once more from my mouth.
Without a moment's hesitation, Barbara grasped my ankles and lifted them up high, abruptly exposing my bare bottom to the entire outside world. I squealed in dismay as her other hand came swooping down to deliver a sharp, punishing swat to my bare, dampened cheeks.
"OWWW!!!" I wailed, loud enough to attract the attention of another mother and her k**s. I tried to kick my feet but her grip holding my ankles was like steel and she delivered another stinging swat right on top of the first reddening handprint.

"Time for you to settle down, young lady!" she scolded me as she wagged her long finger in my tear-stained face.
I sobbed in shame as she pushed my pacifier back into my pouting mouth, muffling my whimpering protestations. Then, as if nothing had happened, she began her usual task of wiping my diaper area clean with some baby wipes when a voice of greeting was heard behind her.
"Barb? Is that you?"

Barbara popped the baby wipe in the plastic bag and turned to face the young woman coming up behind her. There was only a brief pause before Barbara recognized her friend.
"Hello, Norah!" she exclaimed eagerly, "How have you been?"
An attractive woman about 30ish strode up and threw her lithe arms around Barbara. My eyes just about bugged out as I observed her giant br.easts mashing against Barbara's own huge melons. The scene made me stop crying and I gaped in amazement at the voluptuous woman.

"Its been what--two years? Since I last saw you?" her friend inquired.
"Yes--yes. How have you been?" she asked excitedly.
It was apparent that I was immediately forgotten in the course of Barbara getting re-acquainted with her sexy friend. At home, I would have hardly minded but here in the middle of a parking lot with my hairless and locked genitals displayed for everyone to see, I was aghast with embarrassment. Trying desperately to cover my shame, my hands flew down to cover my crotch.

"Simmer down, Missy," Barbara said as she absently slapped my hands away, "If I have to tell you again, I'll be putting you over my knee."
In mute frustration, I was forced to keep my hands by my side, although Barbara didn't appear to be in any particular hurry to finish changing me. On the contrary, other than an occasional glance in my direction to make sure I was behaving, she completely ignored me.

Her friend was nothing short of incredible, with a big, beautiful bosom barely contained by the tight lemon colored top she was wearing. Her long brunette hair spilled over soft shoulders, fortuitously leaving an unobstructed view of her fabulous curves. I momentarily forgot my exposed circumstances as my pen-s struggled to become hard.
"So this must the little sissy you're taking care of," Norah said as she finally took notice of me with a broad smile upon her beautiful face.
"Yes, Norah--this is Chrissey--Chrissey, meet my good friend Norah."

Without removing my pacifier, it was quite impossible to articulate any sort of greeting. Instead, my muffled response sounded like more babyish gibberish.
"Aww, he's so cute," she said as she beamed down on me.
I blushed at the unwanted attention and tried to will her to go away so Barbara would finally finish changing me.
"Well, and what do we have here?" she asked excitedly as she caught sight of the small, metal device encasing my pen-s. Bending down, she held the hard metal chastity tube in between her slim fingers.

"That's just a little something I had custom made for Chrissey when I first started taking care of her. She was a chronic masturbator when she arrived and that little gem solved the problem once and for all," Barbara replied proudly.
Norah's pretty features furrowed slightly as she looked closer at my diminutive, captive pen-s.

"Oh my--I've never seen such a tiny wee-wee except on real babies. Did it shrink after you locked it up?"
Obviously, she had a hard time believing a 29 year-old guy could have such a small wiener.

"Just a little, but it was half sized even when I met her. That's why I had to get the device custom made--she would have fallen out of the normal ones."
Norah kept handling my package as she examined it with obvious fascination from all angles. She was gentle in her handling but it was mortifying to be examined in such an impersonal manner.
"What's the relief schedule you have him on, Barb? Once a month? Every other month?"

For a second, a look of confusion crossed Barbara's face but she quickly recovered.
"Oh no, silly," she giggled, "Chrissey here hasn't had an orgasm in three years--babies don't have orgasms--that kind of pleasure is only for adults and as you can see, Chrissey is certainly no adult," she said emphatically.

Norah smiled and nodded in complete understanding.
"But isn't it harmful to keep all that um...fluid, trapped inside him?"
"That's true," Barbara acknowledged, "which is why she gets milked once a month. As a matter of fact, Chrissey here is due to be milked this very afternoon."
I sucked anxiously on the fat piece of rubber filling my mouth.
"Do you have to remove his chastity device for that?"
"No, not at all. I have a slim rubber tool that I slide into her bottom to massage the prostate gland with. In about three minutes, she starts dripping like a faucet. It takes about ten minutes to drain her completely but you'd be surprised at the quantity," Barbara remarked.

"I see," Norah nodded with interest, "I can't imagine a real man letting someone take control of his orgasms like that--my husband certainly wouldn't tolerate it for one second."

"No, of course not. No real man would ever let that happen but Chrissey here isn't a real man--not by a long shot. She's the prissiest little sissy I've ever come across. She just loves dressing up in her frilly dresses and panties and being a sassy toddler girl--don't you, Sugarplum?"
I blushed a deep shade of bright red and looked the other way as I chewed on my pacifier anxiously.

"No...Chrissey here knows that she'll always be my precious little baby girl and that means she'll never have another orgasm again. Of course, that's the way it should be for all sissies, don't you agree?"
"Oh, without a doubt," Norah nodded, "I think this was the best thing you could do for him. By locking up his little nub, he won't be tempted to play with it as so many sissies are," she reasoned.

"Exactly. And sissies don't need to c-m anyway--they get enough satisfaction just from dressing the part."
Norah nodded again as she looked down and saw the object of my distracted gaze.

"You know, your little baby here seems very interested in my br.easts," she said as she dangled her slim, manicured hand over her bosom and giggled with amusement, "His little package has been twitching and he can't seem to take his eyes off my cleavage."
Barbara chuckled.

"Oh, don't be concerned about that, Chrissey is breastfeeding everyday and she's naturally entranced by well-endowed women."
Norah stood back, placing her hands on her hips which only caused her big, plump br.easts to thrust out even more prominently.
"Ha ha! Sorry to disappoint you Chrissey, but only real men get to touch these. I'm afraid this is as close as you'll ever get to them."
Her haughty, superior attitude hurt my feelings and I choked back a tear of shame and envy. Despite her rejection of me, I still found her incredibly sexy and appealing and her denial of me only made me want her more.

"Well, I better get back to putting Chrissey's diapers on--she really has no control and I'm afraid she might wet herself as we speak," Barbara explained.
"Of course," Norah agreed, "No sisssy should be without his diapers."

Taking a thick stack of fresh 'Bedwetters' from my Minnie Mouse diaper bag, Barbara slid them under my upraised bottom and then set my legs back down.
"He must be a heavy wetter, hm?" Norah remarked as she gazed down at the soft, bulky Birdseye cloth that Barbara was pulling between my widely spread legs.

"Oh my--yes," Barbara exclaimed, "these are Bedwetters brand--they have a nice thick soaker pad sewn in down the middle and as you can see, each individual diaper is very thick on its own."
"So soft too," Norah said appreciatively, "I'll bet you're little baby just LOVES wearing these."
"Oh yes," she agreed, "She certainly does. Chrissey loves anything that makes her look and feel more babyish, but truth be told, she's wearing these diapers out of necessity, not preference. The little sissy wets so much that anything less than three diapers and she risks leaking. So all her plastic panties are nice and snug to make sure her wetting stays right where it belongs."

My cheeks blazed crimson with shame as I lay there, helpless to deny her remarks.
Barbara was snaking up a pair of see-thru polka dot plastic panties over my diaper as an older lady happened to walk by.
"Excuse me, but...isn't he a little old to still be wearing diapers?" she asked skeptically.

"Oh no--some boys never outgrow the need for diapers and plastic panties," Barbara replied without a moment's hesitation.
The lady didn't seem entirely convinced and she shook her head as she strode off without any further comment.
Barbara giggled to herself but I whimpered with embarrassment at all the exposure I was getting. She proceeded to powder between my legs and then she announced me ready to go.

"There you are Sweety, all safe and secure again."
I blushed as Norah giggled at my appearance.
"Well, I better be getting on," she told Barbara.
"It was great to see you. Stop by the house sometime, I'll show you Chrissey's nursery."

"I'd love that," Norah replied eagerly, "See you next time, Chrissey."
I waved feebly, still laying on my back with the bulk of my diapers forcing my legs apart.
After Norah left, Barbara helped me climb into the oversize stroller she had brought in the back of the SUV. I still didn't know how I was going to cope with people seeing me dressed the way I was. I could only hope the canopy top would provide some measure of anonymity to me as she pushed me along the path. Nervously, I suckled from my pacifier as she pushed me along.

About five minutes down the mostly deserted path, Barbara got a call on her cell phone and she halted our movement long enough to take it. I sat in place, completely incapable of going anywhere due to the construction of the stroller. Not only was it awkward to get in and out of, but Barbara had taken the extra precaution of having a seat belt installed so that I wouldn't be able to climb out on my own. It secured to a locking clip located on the back of the stroller and was totally out of my reach. Like it or not, I was staying put until she decided to release me.

With little else to do, I sat and watched the only thing of interest in my field of view, a young couple sitting on a park bench, their attention completely devoted to each other. The girl looked to be about my age or slightly older, a pretty blonde wearing a clinging pink crop top which revealed a firm and tanned tummy. My pen-s twitched with interest as I took in the perfect round curves of her br.easts and her narrow waist that complimented her perfect body. How I envied the guy that was stroking her bare thigh! What I would have given to be in his place!
I watched in vicarious angst, as his hand slid slowly up, caressing her curvy hips and then moving on to her sexy waist. My wiener was throbbing now, my libido raging as I watched and wished it were me doing the touching. His hand moved up from her waist now, cupping those full, perfect br.easts one by one. I chewed my pacifier anxiously and whimpered as she sighed with pleasure and kissed him passionately in return.

By now, Barbara had finished her phone call and she appeared before me with a large baby bottle in her hand, partially blocking my limited view.
"I'll bet mommy's baby is thirsty now, hmm?" she asked as she bent down before me. I had just been able to discern the cute blonde's perky nipples poking through the thin material of her snug top as a result of her boyfriend's attentions when Barbara proceeded to completely obstruct the love fest taking place a short distance away.

I squirmed and whimpered, trying to crane my head to see the sexy girl but Barbara was holding the bottle poised before my mouth.
"Open up Sweety, time for num-nums," she said with an accomodating smile.
Apparently oblivious of my distraction, Barbara removed my pacifier and as a string of saliva followed the rubber soother, she pushed the warm and dripping rubber nipple of my baby bottle into my open mouth.

"Owmmph," I squealed as I pulled away trying to avoid her ministrations. Unfortunately there was nowhere to go and as my head found the back of the canopy, Barbara held the bottle in place making sure I nursed from the warm breastmilk milk she'd pumped earlier.
"That's my baby," she cooed.

I squirmed in my seat, frustrated that I couldn't see the sexy girl not twenty feet away. My little pen-s was still throbbing from the image burned into my memory of her incredible body and I pouted helplessly.
It was times like this that I hated my life as a baby. Yes, I had lots of fun normally, wearing my sissy dresses and wetting myself without a care in the world but this was the reverse side of that coin. I was so horny I couldn't stand it and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

The guy that was fondling that girl would be getting his rocks off in no time, probably within the hour, if he played his cards right. And I'd still be here, horny and frustrated, wishing I could do something as simple as rub myself to an orgasm. Full time chastity was one facet of my life I could never quite get used to. If it wasn't Barbara herself that was constantly arousing me, it was someone else, like this girl on the park bench. And it wasn't like I could get some quick relief and then be done with it. I was forced to endure my frustration, day after day, without any hope of respite. It was so cruel!
Chapter Three

I was still thinking about the amorous couple at the park when we came back home an hour later. With all the visual stimulation I'd received, I was desperate to try and alleviate my horniness but I was completely at Barbara's mercy and in the last three years, she'd shown me none at all in that department.
Strapped into my carseat, I was re-living in my mind for the thousandth time, the scene of the couple making out when I saw my ex-gf's car pull up behind us in the street.
That was all I needed.
It used to be that I had the upper hand with my gf, manipulating her with my whining and complaining but now the tables had been irrevocably turned. Barbara had seen to that. And now my gf reveled in her ability to make me do her bidding, ordering me around and using her new authority to emphasize my subservience.

Anxiously, I wondered what it was that had prompted her visit today. Barbara closed the driver's door and came around to open the sliding side door, just as a cool breeze blew the short, frilly hem of my sailor suit up.

I squealed loudly, although the fat rubber pacifier filling my mouth muffled my cries considerably. I struggled to push the hem back into place but it really made little difference. With the cross straps of the c***dseat buckled in place, my bulging diapers were on full display no matter what I did. And needless to say, I didn't dare touch them. The last time I had unbuckled myself, Barbara had pulled me over her lap, taking only enough time to pull down my diapers before she blistered my bottom. I could still remember her lecture on 'safety' as she gave me swat after stinging swat of her paddle...

Just then, Barbara caught sight of my ex.
"Hello Pamela, great to see you again!"

They said their hellos while I squirmed uncomfortably, knowing there was nothing I could do that was going to get me inside any faster.
After an interminable conversation, Barbara finally unbuckled me and led me inside.

"You're just in time, Pam," Barbara told her as she put her purse and keys away, "Chrissey's due for her milking today--you'd asked to watch next time I did it."
"Yes! Well, what a wonderful coincidence!" my former girlfriend exclaimed.

Barbara was still holding my hand, afraid to let me be free even for one moment until she'd put me in my highchair, playpen, or the nursery. So despite the fact that we were home, I had to stand there, a virtual prisoner, to wait until Barbara decided what she wanted to do with me.

Knowing what was in store for me, I shifted my feet and visibly pouted. I really resented getting milked and as I stood in place, I stamped my feet in bitter frustration. It meant that all the built up c-m that was driving my libido would be drained from me, while I'd get no satisfaction whatsoever. It had to be one of the most emasculating experiences to have my balls drained by a woman determined to prevent me from cumming.

Barbara ignored my fussiness as she led me into the nursery and placed me into my playpen. It was a net sided box of sorts, very much like a real toddler's except that the sides were about three and a half feet tall. I could just barely climb into it and Barbara had placed bells around the edges as a precaution so she'd hear me if I tried to get out by myself.

Sitting on the soft, cushioned vinyl surface of the playpen, I watched sullenly through the mesh netting as Barbara got a few things together.
"So as I recall, you said that this is the only time her chastity device ever comes off right?" my ex girlfriend inquired.

"Yes, it's also a good time to make sure she's nice and clean down there--and after we're done, I'll be sure to lock her little thing right back up again," Barbara replied.
"I think you were so smart to do that--she really shouldn't have free access to her willie," Pamela praised her.

"You're very kind, Pam. It's always been my rule with sissies to put them under strict chastity at the very first opportunity. We were only delayed in Chrissey's case because she was so small, I had to have her device custom made."

"Those are worth their weight in gold. And you just need to milk her every month for health reasons then?" she asked.
"Yes, I've found once a month is more than adequate. She gets edgy and fussy if I go longer than that," Barbara explained.

It was bad enough that I had to endure this humiliating routine but it was rubbing salt in the wound to have my old girlfriend here to watch the whole thing. I took one of my dolls and slammed it down on the padded floor but it went unnoticed by the other two.

"Okay Chrissey, let's get started," Barbara finally told me.
Reaching down, she pulled me out of the playpen and stood me up.
"Did you wet your pampers, Chrissey?' she asked me pointedly.
Blushing with embarrassment, my pacifier still in my mouth, I shook my head no. Sometimes it seemed like every word out of her mouth was specifically intended to humiliate me.

I felt her cool fingertips slip inside the elastic waistband of my plastic panties and pull them down, working them off the bulging cloth and then down my smooth, hairless legs. I whimpered in protest, knowing the fuel for an explosive orgasm would all too soon be taken from me against my will.

With little effort, she pushed my thick diapers down around my ankles and helped me to step out of them. I knew very well the procedure and without being told, I stood in place while Barbara recovered the small key. Bending over me, I gazed idly down the front of her blouse, marveling at her yawning cleavage and her big, beautiful br.easts. Her skin was so smooth and creamy...it was impossible to not be distracted by her.

"Didn't you glue that lock shut some time ago?" Pamela asked.
"Yes, but I found I really couldn't keep her as clean as I wanted--and we want our baby girl to always be squeaky clean--don't we sissy?" Barbara asked as she looked directly into my eyes.
I nodded my head obediently in response.

"So I had the lock removed and I got a custom titanium one made. As you can see, it's super small and it can't be picked--not like Chrissey would ever have the opportunity to do it anyway."
Pamela chuckled as she came closer to look down at my miniscule caged pen-s.

Slipping the narrow, uniquely shaped key into the bottom of the lock, Barbara twisted it and freed the hasp after which she removed it and placed it on the dresser top. Gently, she grasped the ringed metal tube of my chastity device and pulled it away from the pins that kept it in position. My pen-s was already in an excited state from earlier and staring at Barbara's big, round br.easts made it spring to life as she pulled the tube away from the rest of the device. She chuckled as she held my little wiener in her hand, watching as it grew to its full length of about 3 inches.

"Looks like you've lost another quarter inch since the start of the year, Chrissey," she said smiling eagerly.
I gasped in angst and bunched my fists in mute frustration. When I first met Barbara, my pen-s was already undersized, for reasons I never knew--it just seemed to stop growing when I got into grade school. But since it had been kept under lock and key within the restrictive confines of my chastity device, it had begun to gradually shrink over the course of time. Now, it truly looked ridiculous as I gaped at the twitching pencil stub in her warm hand.

"Is that as big as it gets now?" Pamela asked incredulously. Her wide eyed expression showed that she was clearly having difficulty believing what she was seeing.
"That's it," Barbara laughed, "Honestly, I think Chrissey really was born the wrong gender, but as you can see, we're making steady progress towards correcting that mistake."

The two laughed together and my cheeks blazed with shame.
Her demeaning comments were also having a negative impact on my erection, despite my horny state, and it gradually began to wilt before the two of them. I squirmed uncomfortably, blushing with embarrassment as it shriveled even smaller, to half its size, looking like no more than a small nub in between Barbara's larger thumb and forefinger. I bit my lip anxiously as I was made to stand there while they examined my diminutive organ.

"Okay, Sweety, let's get down to business," Barbara said as she led me over to the crib and had me kneel down before the open side. A wide rimmed glass on top of a vinyl changing pad had been placed on the floor between my legs to catch the eventual discharge. Placing my hands on the nursery print waterproof mattress cover, I breathed deeply from the smell of stale pee that had gradually permeated the plastic surface over time. I soon felt Barbara's soft hands guiding me and positioning my rump so that it faced outward to them at the proper angle. In my embarrassed state, I clutched my big pink teddy bear for comfort.

My ex girlfriend watched closely as Barbara slipped a rubber glove on and dipped her finger into a jar of Vasoline to get a good dollop of lube.
"Spread your legs, Baby girl," Barbara instructed me as she knelt down behind me.
I complied with reluctance and felt her other hand on the side of my hip to steady me.

No matter how much she gave me advance warning, I still winced when I felt the cold gooey tip of her finger invade my back hole.
"Ohh!" I squealed as my pacifier tumbled out of my mouth.
My sphincter puckered as she slid her slippery finger deep into my rectum, twirling it around to give me a good coating. My little pen-s twitched nervously in anticipation and then when she was satisfied, I felt her withdrawing her finger
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Barbara reach down to pick up the milking tool she always used.
"This little item is called an Aneros," Barbara told Pamerla, holding the smooth, thumb-shaped dildo in her hand. It was about three and a half inches long with two tabs that extended 90 degrees off the end and formed a handle of sorts. Rolling it into the jar of Vasoline, she coated it liberally before positioning it back at my bashful, quivering hole.

"Sit still and take it like a good girl," my ex commanded me unnecessarily.
"Here it comes, Baby," Barbara sang gleefully.
I knew better than to resist her but I didn't want to entirely submit without a fight.

I felt the first indication of pressure against my anus by the slippery tool.
"No...mommy...unh...wait--" I whimpered weakly.
Barbara ignored me and she gently pushed the greasy rubber phallus deeply into my back passage.

"OHHH!!!" I cried and I gripped teddy tightly as I felt my hole suddenly being filled by the soft, pliable invader.
Within seconds she established a consistent rhythm and as she found my prostate, I slowly relaxed and began to breathe heavier. Her ministrations were soon bringing waves of pleasure to me and her other hand gently patted the buns of my spread cheeks.

For once, my tiny pen-s was free, and now that it was no longer restrained by my chastity device, it grew to a full erection (or as full as mine ever got). Oh, how I longed to reach back and give it several satisfying strokes! I even leaned back out of instinct, my right hand surreptitiously slipping ever lower but Barbara saw the movement right away.

"Hands back in front, Chrissey," she commanded me firmly.
In utter frustration, I fussily complied and knelt there captive as she pumped me rhythmically and steadily, massaging my prostate and causing my pen-s to harden even further. For her, it was a completely non-sexual activity, like kneading bread, and just a routine that needed to be done once a month for my own good.

In my excitable state, I knew it would only take a few quick rubs against the waterproof mattress cover to blow my accumulated load of a month but with Barbara's paddle in such close proximity, I didn't dare to try it.
"You know what to do, Chrissey," she said with calm confidence.
Pamela looked at her quizzically until Barbara explained.

"As I massage his prostate gland, Chrissey here gets very close to ejaculating...but she knows she has to tell me before it happens so I can stop the massage and let her cool down."
My ex giggled at her control over me.

"Ohhhhh...." I moaned weakly, the waves of pleasure washing over me. A drop of precum appeared at the tip of my tiny tool and I clutched my teddy bear close for security.
My pen-s throbbed urgently and the vision of the blond girl from this afternoon floating back into my consciousness. God, she had a fantastic body, I reflected and as I felt an explosive orgasm bubbling up from deep within me, I moaned helplessly again.

"Oh--ohhhhhh," I cried, "M-Mommy...I...I..."
Barbara stopped her rhythm and my pen-s, without anything to further sustain it, throbbed and flexed, unable to reach climax.
It was maddening and I grit my teeth, anger replacing my frantically horny feeling as I waited impatiently for Barbara to resume. As usual, she was in no hurry and instead, she slowly rubbed and squeezed my bottom, holding the Aneros in place, buried to the hilt with her free hand.

At long last, she began slowly pumping me again and my eyes rolled into the back of my head.
"Ohhh...," I moaned.
I felt drunk from the sensations she was making and I couldn't keep my eyes open. My pen-s was once again rock hard and throbbing and I wanted to c-m more than I'd ever wanted anything in my life.

"M-Mommy...I-I-I have to...to...I have to c-m," I mumbled deliriously.
Barbara stopped immediately and she gently rubbed my buns again, my pen-s twitching miserably with impotence.
One yank and I'd blast a shot of c-m like nobody's business but I knew Barbara would never let it happen.

I pouted and quivered with anger--it was so unfair!! Every other guy was free to c-m and c-m and c-m til he couldn't c-m any more. But not me! I was to be denied that most basic of human functions, for the rest of my life!
In frustrated anger, I slapped the smooth surface of my crib mattress, making a loud 'whap!' against the vinyl covering.

"Its not fair!" I whined miserably, trying to grind my hips against the stationary dildo buried deep inside me, hoping for just enough stimulation to bring about an orgasm.

"Chrissey!" my ex snapped, shocked at my display of disrespect.
"It's okay Pam," Barbara assured her, "we're about halfway done here and then Chrissey will be going over my lap for a much deserved spanking."

I winced at her casual statement and a tear of frustration trickled down my cheek. Not only was my orgasm to be taken from me but now I was going to get paddled on top of it!

"We're just about there..." Barbara said as she carefully reached between my legs and grasped my tiny twitching pen-s. She could read my erection like a book and she knew I'd already gone past the point of imminent climax. Putting her thumb and index finger together to form a ring, she slowly pulled it down the inch length of my shaft towards the jelly bean-sized tip. At first nothing happened but by her second attempt, a long string of semi-clear fluid began to dribble down from the end into the glass

I gasped in dismay as I felt my orgasm being inexorably extracted from me while I knelt there, docile with lamb-like compliance as I whimpered and clutched my stuffed bear. When the first stream of semen petered out into the glass, she resumed her rhythmic ministrations with the dildo; in and out and around in a circle...

I moaned helplessly and this time, my pen-s didn't grow nearly as hard.
"See that?" Barbara smiled, "I should be able to get at least two more squirts out of her and then she'll be done."
After a couple of minutes, she once more ran the ring of her fingers down, tugging on my organ and being rewarded with another thicker stream of gooey c-m for the glass.

"So she's not feeling any sort of climax during this?" my ex asked skeptically.
"Oh no--not at all," Barbara said as she carefully pulled another stream of sticky gunk from my pen-s, "Its almost as if she's just peeing, and there's not the sort of pleasurable reaction that would normally happen during ej-c-lation."

"Oh...oh...nooo..." I protested weakly as I felt the last bit of c-m gradually being milked from my softening pen-s into the waiting glass.
"There, that should do it," Barbara said satisfied as she gave my noodle one last tug to be sure. A large pool of goo had accumulated in the glass between my legs and I looked down at it filled with regret and an acute sense of loss, knowing it would eventually be going back inside me in a very different way.

Setting the Aneros down, Barbara helped me to my feet and then led me over to the spanking stool which was kept in the corner. Pulling it out away from the wall, Barbara casually picked up the paddle and took a seat, smoothing her skirt down with her usual meticulous care.
"Chrissey, do you know why you're getting a spanking today?" she asked.

I nodded my head sadly, my heartbeat increasing rapidly.
"Tell Pamela why you're going to get your bottom spanked," she instructed me in her usual condescending manner.
I blushed hotly and stared at Barbara's smooth, silky thighs, unable to face my mom.

"Be-because I complained during my milking," I mumbled.
"That's right Sissy, and you know what happens to babies who complain about getting milked, don't you?" she said as more of a statement than a question.
"They-they get spanked," I said bitterly.
"Yes, they do--they get spanked hard," she told me firmly as she looked me hard in the face.

I began whimpering and fidgeting as she carefully pulled me over her lap, moving me into a helpless position where my feet and outstretched hands could barely touch the ground. Tears were filling my eyes and I sniffled in anguish about my imminent punishment.
"Say you're sorry to your mommy," Barbara told me as she gently rubbed the hard wooden paddle across my soft, bare buns.
"I-I-I'm s-sorry Mommy," I babbled nervously, dreading that first, terrible swat.

It came before my mom could respond, smacking both my tender cheeks with a harsh, blistering impact.
"OOOWWWW!!!" I wailed, just as a steady succession of hard, crisp swats came raining down after the first.
I kicked and sobbed, flailing my hands in the air as Barbara paddled me soundly and without pause. Tears streamed down my face in endless profusion and I cried unashamedly like a baby. Despite the fact that I was twenty nine now, I felt as c***dish as a toddler, lying passively over Barbara's lap as she spanked me vigorously, taking little effort to hold me in place. I knew better than to try to get up, which would have been futile in any case. In the three years since I had come to live with her, my physical strength hadn't increased measurably--in fact, I was probably weaker and more delicate, due to my inactive and sedentary lifestyle. To be sure, I was no match for Barbara who was both taller, stronger, and in perfect physical shape.

As she continued to thoroughly pepper the entire surface of my bottom with her hard paddle, I slapped my hands on the floor, helplessly bawling as I received my just punishment. Five minutes ago, I was angry about being deprived of an orgasm but now that paled in comparison to my urgent desire to have this terrible spanking end. Of course, that wasn't going to happen until Barbara was sure I'd learned my lesson and been thoroughly punished.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, her paddle seared itself one last time upon my flaming red bottom. I was hoarse from crying and my breath came in ragged gasps. Setting the paddle down, she helped me to my shaky feet and led me over to the changing table. I was loathe to sit down on anything, even the padded vinyl surface of my changing table but Barbara didn't offer me any choice.

Picking up the tube of my chastity device she'd set aside earlier, she knelt down to mate it with the cuff ring that was still in place around the base of my genitals. My shriveled pen-s easily slipped back into the familiar tube and Barbara threaded the lock into the front pin, pushing it closed with a crisp click. My chest was still heaving from my crying as she pushed a thick stack of soft diapers beneath my cherry red rump and then powdered me with a thick coating of baby powder. The infantile scent surrounded me once more as she pulled a pair of white nursery print plastic panties over my feet and up my skinny legs. Still sobbing, I leaned back on my elbows as she worked them over the fat, bulky cloth and fitted the snug elastic waistband to ensure everything was fully encased.

With a look of maternal concern, my ex Pamerla came over and took my hand, gently lifting me up and leading me over to the loveseat that was used exclusively for my breastfeeding sessions.
Wiping my arm across my wet, tear-stained face, I tried to say some words of protest but it all sounded incoherent with my uncontrollable, c***dish sobbing. With nothing but love for me, she sat down and laid me across her lap on my back, so that her big, swollen br.easts were mere inches from my face.

"Don't cry little baby," she cooed softly as she unbuttoned her blouse, "Mommy's got a nice warm surprise for her little sissy."
With her buttons undone, she pulled her top aside, exposing her plump, milk-laden br.easts within the silk cups of her nursing bra. I mewled and shook my head but she undid the flap in front and revealed her damp nipple, hard and pink as if impatient to be suckled from. With tears still trickling down my face, she brought my cradled head up and forced me to accept her br.east. With a sob of defeat, I opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around her warm aureola.

Almost immediately, I was rewarded with a steady stream of her mammary milk, filling my mouth as I swallowed gulp after gulp. I continued to fidget and fuss until she gave my bare thigh a stinging slap.
"That should quiet her right down," Barbara said with an approving smile.

Helpless to resist her, I settled down and began nursing without protest. I still whimpered weakly but my ex smiled down on me with obvious pleasure.
"It's such a wonderful transformation you've made with Chrissey," she marveled, "And these hormones you recommended have kept my br.easts practically bursting--its quite a relief to finally have her taking some of the strain off them."

"I know exactly how you feel," Barbara concurred, "And don't let her fussiness deceive you--she loves suckling from the real thing much more than any bottle."
"Oh yes, I'm sure of it," my ex agreed.
"Please feel free to stop by anytime when she's not in her crib--Chrissey's naptime is from 2 to 5 and her bedtime is 7:30."

"Thank you, I think every three days or so, I'll need to stop by so she can nurse from me, given all the milk I'm producing now," my ex told her.
"It's just what a pampered sissy needs," Barbara assured her.
Pulling her right br.east from my puckering mouth, she positioned the left one which was still straining from the milk inside.
I shook my head no and closed my mouth but my ex looked down on me disapprovingly.

"You're not done yet, baby--you still have a ways to go," she said with a smile as she rubbed the dripping nipple across my pursed lips. I squealed timidly but did nothing as she pushed her bursting nipple past my lips. In moments, I obediently resumed my nursing as she dried my face of spent tears.

"That's mommy's baby..." she whispered, "that's it...get your fill of mommy's milk. Diaper wetting sissies need to breastfeed just like little babies, don't they?"
I blushed but kept up a steady pace until I felt my belly growing full.
"I think we'll put Chrissey down for her nap early today," Barbara announced, "that way, we can have a chance to catch up over coffee."
"Uh-uh," I moaned, although it was completely muffled by the nipple filling my mouth, sounding more like 'muh-muh'.

"That would be great," my ex said eagerly, ignoring my disgruntled face.
Ever so gently, she pulled her big br.east out of my mouth and pulled the flap back over her nipple. Barbara cam closer with the glass of my milked orgasm saying, “open up for your dessert sissy!” Slowly I opened my mouth not wanting any more spankings and she slowly poured the contents of my milking glass into my mouth while I lay in my ex girlfriends lap.
Barbara helped me up and I stood fussily, pouting that my day was being cut short so soon. Normally, I would have an hour or two to play with my toys but now Barbara was sending me to my crib early. I wanted to say something in protest but my bottom was still blazing from the five alarm fire of my recent paddling.

With businesslike efficiency, Barbara removed my sailor suit top and pulled a fuzzy pink fleece diaper shirt over my outstretched arms.
"What does that say?" my ex asked as she looked closer at the script on the top of my shirt.

" 'Bedwetter in Training' ," she read for herself and let out a delighted giggle.
I blushed again as my lower lip trembled with frustration. This day had started out so good!
Without any further delay, she turned to my crib and pulled the Disney Princess blankets down, revealing the crinkly nursery print waterproof sheet underneath.

"Beddie-bye time, Chrissey," she sang merrily, guiding me firmly into the crib.
Sniffling in defeat, I crawled into bed as Barbara pulled the baby blankets back over me.
"Here's your teddy bear, Sweety," she said warmly as she tucked my stuffed bear under my arm.

I accepted it passively, not looking forward to another long afternoon in my crib. The only break I could expect in the tedious boredom would be when I inevitably wet myself and I stared miserably up at Barbara as she eased my pink rubber pacifier between my lips.
"Sweet dreams, Chrissey," Barbara said as she brought the side of the crib up and closed it with a click.

I sniffled with resentment as the two walked out of the nursery, closing the door behind them. The light went out and I was left to ponder my life, not as a 29 year-old guy, but a baby toddler girl who couldn't keep his diapers dry for one hour.

Published by Bambinodl
9 years ago
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