Windy Gust, Inspires Teenage Lust
Wedding, Robin's side of the family. Walking across the parking lot on a gusty afternoon. Robin and three other women were in front of myself and three other men. Her older brother, her nephew, and her nephew's teenage son. My wife wore a knee length wrap around skirt that fastened in the back.
One moment us guys were chatting and the next there was silence as we all stared at my wife's thigh highs, and naked ass. It was a new skirt so perhaps she wasn't aware of the display. The gust finally stopped and she was once again covered. Her brother finally said, "That must make it easy." Nervous laughter which had no more ended then the exposure was repeated. I should have said something, but I didn't half suspecting my show-off wife did know what was taking place.
When her nephew said perhaps we should tell her I was quick to say hell no I'm enjoying the show. Laughter. Her side of the family all seem to possess the same sex drive. Limitless. When we started up the steps the wind gods smiled on us again, and this time given the difference in height the view was truly spectacular. We weren't the only ones to notice either.
I was reminded that my mother had put on a similar exhibition on the steps outside of our church when I was a teenager. She had however been wearing panties, but her dress had gotten hung up on the hand railing while she was doing her suck up number with the parish priest. I had been thoroughly embarrassed, and angry which resulted in an ugly scene when we got home but as they say that's another story.
Our wives were escorted down the aisle. I held Robin back so we were last along with the teenager. I had him walk with me, and insisted he sit next to my wife. I wanted him close enough to inhale her perfume, and feel her warm body. With a little luck her nipples would get erect at sometime during the ceremony. All I needed was a few minutes alone with my wife. As she has mentioned it's been harder for her to get off lately, and wonderful husband that I am I thought her knowing what had happened might help at a later date. Like that night if I was lucky.
Cathlic wedding which as you might know can be fairly long. My chance came as we walked up to receive communion which was pretty pagan of us, but easier than explaining why we didn't. "The wind blew your skirt apart, and the boys got several great shots of your bare ass. Matt probably shouldn't be taking communion because of all the impure thoughts running through his mind."
Spring brings forth blooming, and it must have been the time of season for Robin's nipples as well. After we were once again seated years of practice came into play as she displayed a healthy portion of thigh given the length of skirt. She leaned over to whisper words to Matt a few times once illiciting a giggle.
k** didn't realize he was in the hand of a seasoned predator.
He had been with his parents, but Robin latched onto him after the ceremony, and made sure she was in front of us as we walked to our car. Only got one shot, but it was a dandy. I might have remarked to Matt that she had a great ass for an old woman. He of course was too bashful to do anything but murmur his agreement. An hour to kill before the reception/dance started, and several of us decided to hit one of the bars in the small town.
Not old enough to drink, or drive for that matter, but he didn't have to be pushed to sit next to my wife this time. Robin did her touchy/feely number as she quizzed him about school, sports, and of course girlfriends. Not surprisingly he admitted to not being a good dancer. He just hadn't been with a good one Robin informed him.
When we hit the car she insisted he sit in the front sit while she sat directly behind me. I heard the beeping noise indicating she'd taken her selt belt off. What's up I asked.
"These damn thigh highs keep slipping down." Right. "I'm going to have to take my skirt off for a minute. Don't you guys peek."
Like I hadn't seen the view thousands of times already, and since when had she ever had a problem with them staying in place. Even if Matt didn't look (and he didn't) just knowing my wife was half naked right behind him had to be sending blood to his groin. Hell, at his age what didn't.
Fast forward. Not sure she showed him any dance steps, but surely showed him how to dance close enough that he could feel her breasts pushing against him and as I found out later he returned the favor with his stone hard cock. She had to be careful of course because we were surrounded by her relatives and I was certain at least two of them had sampled her charms decades earlier.
Matt went to the can, and Robin and I danced. One because I like to, two I wanted to an update, and three she needed to be seen with her husband on the dance floor.
"I so want to fuck him." There was the update.
"Logistics honey. How are you gonna manage that?" Aware that she hadn't as of yet asked my permission.
"His parents said he had to stay here until ten, and then he could take off with some friends, and he has to be home by midnight."
"Okay, but I don't know where we're at. Does he know what you want, and he's ready, or you haven't broached the subject of fucking."
I could have used another word there, but hey, it's what she was after not love.
"Not exactly, but he's been hard since the second dance, and I've been whispering into his ear and that makes his whole body shudder. He wants to see my tits in the worst way. I could make him cum on the dance floor. Show him the pictures on your smart phone. That way I can tell him you're okay with it because you can't fuck anymore, and even whey you could your dick was so small it never satisfied me. You just want me to be happy."
"Jesus really? I've got to play the cuckold again? Why can't we just go with us being swingers? Simpler, and you'll get the same result."
"This isn't swinging, and I don't want him telling anyone that. I'm going to have sex with another man, you know about it, and not only don't mind but it turns you on...and he'll fuck me bareback...I'll tell him I can still have k**s, but don't care, and neither do you. Makes you a cuckold doesn't it? "
"Fuck Robin. At least leave out the part about me not being able to fuck you anymore, and by the way you haven't asked if I'm okay with you screwing him."
"He's going to fill my pussy with his sperm. Tons of it. At his age he'll probably do me three times. He's got you beat in the size department too. My pussy will be so sloppy and loose when he's done using me I won't even feel your little dick unless you clean all of his goo out first."
She knew which buttons to push. I was dealing with my own arousal.
"What's even more delicious than any of that...he'll need a ride home when he's done banging your wife. Whatever will the two of you talk about? I wonder what he'll say when his parent's ask him what he did after he left the wedding? Oh, I just spent a couple of hours trying to knock up Howwee's wife because he can't get it up anymore."
"You fucking bitch." But it came out weak, and submissive. Game, set and match to my wife.
Robin spent her time putting on the, "Wow, have I had too much to drink number." while I asked Matt if he'd like to see some pictures of my hot wife. Surprise, he did, and althoug none of them were nude they did show large portions of her breasts. After which they danced and she dropped the cuckold number on him. She never used the actual word, but he did so we weren't dealing with a complete innocent.
Matt left before we did Robin having given him her keys. We left fifteen minutes later with her "needing" my support given her drunken condition. She got in the backseat with Matt, and was all over him. He was a wee bit taken aback with her forcefullness given my proximity.
"Oh don't worry about him baby he loves watching me with my lovers."
Robin had him release the button holding her skirt on leaving her pussy and backside bare followed immidiately by her top and bra effectively leaving her naked in the car as I positioned the mirror to watch.
"Mmmmm...mmmmm...mmmm...oh lover yes...suck my big fat nipples...bite them baby...yes...oh yes baby...finger me Matt...feel how wet I am for you..."
I heard him groan when he sampled the temperature between my wife's legs.
"God." He was impressed with what he'd found.
It was a twenty minute drive to our motel which I spent trying to keep my eyes on the rode rather than the show behind me. My wife came screaming on his fingers before we arrived. There was an outside entrance and Matt gasped when his date walked to the door wearing nothing but her high heels, and hose. I grabbed her clothes and followed them into our room where she was already on the bed while he stood there trying to figure out where I was going to be during there fuck session.
"Thanks honey, be a dear and leave us alone now, but be back in time to take Matt home so he doesn't get in trouble with his parents."
I found a bar and sipped on beers watching the clock on the wall. My phone rang at twenty till, and I knew it was my wife without checking.
"Quick come get him or he's going to be late. He's showering all of the pussy smell off. Wouldn't do for his folks to catch a whiff of me would it darling?"
"That's fairly crude."
"But the truth. Don't come to the door he'll walk out, and you be nice to him he's anxious about your reaction to what he did to your wife."
"No shit."
I was nice. We talked about "Game of Thrones." Robin must have told him that we both watched, and he thought it was cool that old (not the word he used) people like us watched it when his folks didn't even want him watching the program. The good-by was awkward as might be expected.
"Um, thanks for the ride and everything."
Yeah anytime you want to fuck my wife just call. No, I just said good night.
I popped the door open and took in my wife's condition. One thigh high was still on, but the other had been used to bind her wrists together. Her legs were bent up at the knee and spread wide revealing a mess around her pussy and upper thighs. Her nipples and breasts had been used and abused. She rolled over far enough to display her red ass cheeks. She had a very contented look on her face.
"Have a good time did we?" I'm known for my snappy wit.
"He was afraid to get in the car with you. I told him to think about your face in my pussy cleaning up his cum. There wasn't anything to worry about from a creampie eater. That's what he was imaging...your face covered in goo. Now hurry up and fuck me so you can clean up this mess, and don't untie me...I want it this way."
Seems she just kept asking him, if he'd ever questions, and when the answer was no she would then ask him if he wanted to try it with her. The bondage and spanking were high lights, it being a given that pussy ranked number one. He told her he was a virgin, but had received oral gradification on his condom covered cock. Later he admitted to having sex twice before but was afraid his performance would be sub-standard so he'd lied. It was however the first time he hadn't worn a condom. When she mentioned that she still had regular periods, and therefor might get pregnant even though the possibility was remote his first reaction was one of concern.
"Oh lover don't worry if you knock me up I'll be so happy, and no one would ever know except my husband (who is by the way clipped) and he's a cuckold. I want to feel your bare cock in my pussy when you fill it with your seed."
Concern turned to lust at the thought of breeding a married woman. As is my wife's custom she trash talked during intercourse and encouraged him to follow suit which he did with gusto. She let him take some pictures of her boobs and red ass to show his friends so they'd believe he'd fucked a cougar. He requested more, but she drew the line, and reminded him that if he wanted a repeat no names could be mentioned.
My wife's recent problems achieving climax were cured by the age of her stud. He was fifteen by the way, or two years older than her optimum mate, and of course he wasn't a true virgin. We should all be glad her goal in life was not to teach at a middle school level. She should as well because her ass would probably be in jail.
One moment us guys were chatting and the next there was silence as we all stared at my wife's thigh highs, and naked ass. It was a new skirt so perhaps she wasn't aware of the display. The gust finally stopped and she was once again covered. Her brother finally said, "That must make it easy." Nervous laughter which had no more ended then the exposure was repeated. I should have said something, but I didn't half suspecting my show-off wife did know what was taking place.
When her nephew said perhaps we should tell her I was quick to say hell no I'm enjoying the show. Laughter. Her side of the family all seem to possess the same sex drive. Limitless. When we started up the steps the wind gods smiled on us again, and this time given the difference in height the view was truly spectacular. We weren't the only ones to notice either.
I was reminded that my mother had put on a similar exhibition on the steps outside of our church when I was a teenager. She had however been wearing panties, but her dress had gotten hung up on the hand railing while she was doing her suck up number with the parish priest. I had been thoroughly embarrassed, and angry which resulted in an ugly scene when we got home but as they say that's another story.
Our wives were escorted down the aisle. I held Robin back so we were last along with the teenager. I had him walk with me, and insisted he sit next to my wife. I wanted him close enough to inhale her perfume, and feel her warm body. With a little luck her nipples would get erect at sometime during the ceremony. All I needed was a few minutes alone with my wife. As she has mentioned it's been harder for her to get off lately, and wonderful husband that I am I thought her knowing what had happened might help at a later date. Like that night if I was lucky.
Cathlic wedding which as you might know can be fairly long. My chance came as we walked up to receive communion which was pretty pagan of us, but easier than explaining why we didn't. "The wind blew your skirt apart, and the boys got several great shots of your bare ass. Matt probably shouldn't be taking communion because of all the impure thoughts running through his mind."
Spring brings forth blooming, and it must have been the time of season for Robin's nipples as well. After we were once again seated years of practice came into play as she displayed a healthy portion of thigh given the length of skirt. She leaned over to whisper words to Matt a few times once illiciting a giggle.
k** didn't realize he was in the hand of a seasoned predator.
He had been with his parents, but Robin latched onto him after the ceremony, and made sure she was in front of us as we walked to our car. Only got one shot, but it was a dandy. I might have remarked to Matt that she had a great ass for an old woman. He of course was too bashful to do anything but murmur his agreement. An hour to kill before the reception/dance started, and several of us decided to hit one of the bars in the small town.
Not old enough to drink, or drive for that matter, but he didn't have to be pushed to sit next to my wife this time. Robin did her touchy/feely number as she quizzed him about school, sports, and of course girlfriends. Not surprisingly he admitted to not being a good dancer. He just hadn't been with a good one Robin informed him.
When we hit the car she insisted he sit in the front sit while she sat directly behind me. I heard the beeping noise indicating she'd taken her selt belt off. What's up I asked.
"These damn thigh highs keep slipping down." Right. "I'm going to have to take my skirt off for a minute. Don't you guys peek."
Like I hadn't seen the view thousands of times already, and since when had she ever had a problem with them staying in place. Even if Matt didn't look (and he didn't) just knowing my wife was half naked right behind him had to be sending blood to his groin. Hell, at his age what didn't.
Fast forward. Not sure she showed him any dance steps, but surely showed him how to dance close enough that he could feel her breasts pushing against him and as I found out later he returned the favor with his stone hard cock. She had to be careful of course because we were surrounded by her relatives and I was certain at least two of them had sampled her charms decades earlier.
Matt went to the can, and Robin and I danced. One because I like to, two I wanted to an update, and three she needed to be seen with her husband on the dance floor.
"I so want to fuck him." There was the update.
"Logistics honey. How are you gonna manage that?" Aware that she hadn't as of yet asked my permission.
"His parents said he had to stay here until ten, and then he could take off with some friends, and he has to be home by midnight."
"Okay, but I don't know where we're at. Does he know what you want, and he's ready, or you haven't broached the subject of fucking."
I could have used another word there, but hey, it's what she was after not love.
"Not exactly, but he's been hard since the second dance, and I've been whispering into his ear and that makes his whole body shudder. He wants to see my tits in the worst way. I could make him cum on the dance floor. Show him the pictures on your smart phone. That way I can tell him you're okay with it because you can't fuck anymore, and even whey you could your dick was so small it never satisfied me. You just want me to be happy."
"Jesus really? I've got to play the cuckold again? Why can't we just go with us being swingers? Simpler, and you'll get the same result."
"This isn't swinging, and I don't want him telling anyone that. I'm going to have sex with another man, you know about it, and not only don't mind but it turns you on...and he'll fuck me bareback...I'll tell him I can still have k**s, but don't care, and neither do you. Makes you a cuckold doesn't it? "
"Fuck Robin. At least leave out the part about me not being able to fuck you anymore, and by the way you haven't asked if I'm okay with you screwing him."
"He's going to fill my pussy with his sperm. Tons of it. At his age he'll probably do me three times. He's got you beat in the size department too. My pussy will be so sloppy and loose when he's done using me I won't even feel your little dick unless you clean all of his goo out first."
She knew which buttons to push. I was dealing with my own arousal.
"What's even more delicious than any of that...he'll need a ride home when he's done banging your wife. Whatever will the two of you talk about? I wonder what he'll say when his parent's ask him what he did after he left the wedding? Oh, I just spent a couple of hours trying to knock up Howwee's wife because he can't get it up anymore."
"You fucking bitch." But it came out weak, and submissive. Game, set and match to my wife.
Robin spent her time putting on the, "Wow, have I had too much to drink number." while I asked Matt if he'd like to see some pictures of my hot wife. Surprise, he did, and althoug none of them were nude they did show large portions of her breasts. After which they danced and she dropped the cuckold number on him. She never used the actual word, but he did so we weren't dealing with a complete innocent.
Matt left before we did Robin having given him her keys. We left fifteen minutes later with her "needing" my support given her drunken condition. She got in the backseat with Matt, and was all over him. He was a wee bit taken aback with her forcefullness given my proximity.
"Oh don't worry about him baby he loves watching me with my lovers."
Robin had him release the button holding her skirt on leaving her pussy and backside bare followed immidiately by her top and bra effectively leaving her naked in the car as I positioned the mirror to watch.
"Mmmmm...mmmmm...mmmm...oh lover yes...suck my big fat nipples...bite them baby...yes...oh yes baby...finger me Matt...feel how wet I am for you..."
I heard him groan when he sampled the temperature between my wife's legs.
"God." He was impressed with what he'd found.
It was a twenty minute drive to our motel which I spent trying to keep my eyes on the rode rather than the show behind me. My wife came screaming on his fingers before we arrived. There was an outside entrance and Matt gasped when his date walked to the door wearing nothing but her high heels, and hose. I grabbed her clothes and followed them into our room where she was already on the bed while he stood there trying to figure out where I was going to be during there fuck session.
"Thanks honey, be a dear and leave us alone now, but be back in time to take Matt home so he doesn't get in trouble with his parents."
I found a bar and sipped on beers watching the clock on the wall. My phone rang at twenty till, and I knew it was my wife without checking.
"Quick come get him or he's going to be late. He's showering all of the pussy smell off. Wouldn't do for his folks to catch a whiff of me would it darling?"
"That's fairly crude."
"But the truth. Don't come to the door he'll walk out, and you be nice to him he's anxious about your reaction to what he did to your wife."
"No shit."
I was nice. We talked about "Game of Thrones." Robin must have told him that we both watched, and he thought it was cool that old (not the word he used) people like us watched it when his folks didn't even want him watching the program. The good-by was awkward as might be expected.
"Um, thanks for the ride and everything."
Yeah anytime you want to fuck my wife just call. No, I just said good night.
I popped the door open and took in my wife's condition. One thigh high was still on, but the other had been used to bind her wrists together. Her legs were bent up at the knee and spread wide revealing a mess around her pussy and upper thighs. Her nipples and breasts had been used and abused. She rolled over far enough to display her red ass cheeks. She had a very contented look on her face.
"Have a good time did we?" I'm known for my snappy wit.
"He was afraid to get in the car with you. I told him to think about your face in my pussy cleaning up his cum. There wasn't anything to worry about from a creampie eater. That's what he was imaging...your face covered in goo. Now hurry up and fuck me so you can clean up this mess, and don't untie me...I want it this way."
Seems she just kept asking him, if he'd ever questions, and when the answer was no she would then ask him if he wanted to try it with her. The bondage and spanking were high lights, it being a given that pussy ranked number one. He told her he was a virgin, but had received oral gradification on his condom covered cock. Later he admitted to having sex twice before but was afraid his performance would be sub-standard so he'd lied. It was however the first time he hadn't worn a condom. When she mentioned that she still had regular periods, and therefor might get pregnant even though the possibility was remote his first reaction was one of concern.
"Oh lover don't worry if you knock me up I'll be so happy, and no one would ever know except my husband (who is by the way clipped) and he's a cuckold. I want to feel your bare cock in my pussy when you fill it with your seed."
Concern turned to lust at the thought of breeding a married woman. As is my wife's custom she trash talked during intercourse and encouraged him to follow suit which he did with gusto. She let him take some pictures of her boobs and red ass to show his friends so they'd believe he'd fucked a cougar. He requested more, but she drew the line, and reminded him that if he wanted a repeat no names could be mentioned.
My wife's recent problems achieving climax were cured by the age of her stud. He was fifteen by the way, or two years older than her optimum mate, and of course he wasn't a true virgin. We should all be glad her goal in life was not to teach at a middle school level. She should as well because her ass would probably be in jail.
9 years ago
She too stole my virginity ...well not steal so much as I was a willing participant . Which is why , I guess , to this day I like long blonde hair , 38DD tits and tan lines .