The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 14
The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 14
Recap: Flexi Jerkov allowed Annapajamas to fly the Dimensional Wing into orbit around Mondas in preparation to head to their final destination of Porno to f1ght the infamous Emperor Wing, grandson of Wang. In appreciation, Anna gave Flexi a handy. Then before launching to Porno several passengers enjoyed each other's company. Anna and Missy had Mike (mscotton) over for tea and then when they walked him out they noticed luckymike getting his knob polished out in the hallway by Doris (Dumb_Slutty_Bimbo) and were so impressed by said knob that they both went back into their cabin and had tea again with each other. AskMe and Taylor Swift continued to have tea, as did Volfy and the redheaded Russian girl. Gena (searcher12) discovered tea for one (incognito, as it were, unbeknownst to her tea server, Lazarus Long). Hey, you wanna know the sordid details? Read Episode 13. I'm up to page 70 on this epic! I'm on a roll and the best I can advise you is to stay up to speed.
Anna decided to go by the lounge and look for Kellykins2u or anybody else she knew. Maybe Luckymike or Lazarus Long. Luckymike does have a nice big pecker! She remembered. God, that was one heckuva DP he and Lazarus gave me. I don't think I'll ever forget that! She shivered with lust at the memory of it. Lazarus had his cock all the way down Anna's throat while Mikey was all the way up her honey hole. ALL the way! She never felt so full of cock as she did then! EVER! And then to feel them both flood into her at the same time! She almost bl4cked out from that!
Doris DSB was still standing in the hall when Anna turned to go through the slit in the wall into the lounge. Inside, Volfy and the redheaded Russian girl were still going at it. The girl was all sweaty from her exertions riding the Volf. Anna looked at them and then at AskMe and Taylor, then back at Volfy and the redhead. Anna didn't like Taylor for some strange reason. She didn't care for Lexi Belle, either, truth be known. Something about Lexi doing a gang bang once upon a time. Anyway, that's neither here nor there. Anna sat down next to Volfy and the redhead. She liked the redhead, and Volfy was sometimes funny, which Anna liked.
“How's it going, Anna?” Volfy asked her.
“Oh, it's going OK, I guess.” Anna was down in the dumps.
“I heard you took us into orbit,” Volfy was trying to be conversational while the redhead rode his cock.
“Yeah,” Anna didn't take the bait.
“Hun,” said the redhead, “Would you like to spell me? I've been riding this guy for more than an hour since he last came. I think maybe he's got something stuck in his pipes or something. Maybe a fresh pussy is just what he needs.”
“Nah, you go on, “ Anna said. “I'm not in the mood.”
“Jeez, Anna, you ARE down in the dumps, babe! What's wrong?” Volfy was concerned now. “Give it a rest, Red,” he looked up at the Russian girl. She got off his cock and gave him a hand up. They both sat there looking at Anna.
“I don't know, guys. I'm just in a down mood is all. I'm OK.”
“Could it be you miss your BF, sweety?” The redhead sympathized.
“YES!” Anna burst into tears. “We were all the way across the Universe from him. Now we're going half way across the GALAXY!! We're light years away from Earth! LIGHT YEARS! --Light CENTURIES!! We're never going to get back home! NEVER!!”
“Oh, my gosh! “ Taylor Swift heard from across the room. “I didn't think of that! My family! My caree...”
“Now ladies! Don't let's go there!” Volfy tried to interject. “We're on a mission. If we don't succeed at that mission there won't be a home to return to!”
“Yeah? And what IS that mission?! I don't even know why we're going on this 'mission!'” Anna spat.
“You saw what happened to Dale and Flesh. And searcher, didn't you?” he asked. “Do you want that to happen to everyone on Earth?! Anna, think about your b0y friend!” He looked at Taylor. “What would it be like if your family became opposite sexed? What if your girl fans became guys and the guys became girls? That'd really make a difference, wouldn't it?”
The redheaded Russian interjected. “Cupcake (she was talking to AskMe. Le petite gateau is French for “little cupcake.”) “Cupcake,” she said, “Come over here and do to Anna what I do to Taylor.” Red walked over to where AskMe and Taylor were sitting, sat down, took Taylor's face between her hands and kissed her on the lips. AskMe did the same to Annapajamas. Both Anna and Taylor were taken back at this but they both went along with it. At this Volfy thought he'd get out while the getting was good, so while Red and AskMe were consoling Taylor and Anna he quickly got dressed and left.
Since it was only going to be a day-and-a-half till Porno, Volfy decided now would be a good time to get some breakfast and then turn in for a good night's rest.. When he got to the dining room he found that a lot of other people seemed to have had the same thought. Right in front of him in the que were Kellykins2u and Lexi Belle. He and they said their greetings and then they decided to dine together. Ahead of them in the que were Lapis Lazuli and Lorelei Lee with Michael Valentine. Then there were Public(onmyfaceplease)Cathy, along with Jubal Harshaw and Katie, Chewbacca and Jar Jar Binks. Already seated with their food were Flesh, Dale and Flexi.
All the ladies there were still in their Naked Friday attire, since it was still Friday. ...Somewhere, anyway. And many of them, ladies and gentlemen both, thought it would be a good idea to continue this delightful new tradition indefinitely. After all, it's not like they hadn't seen each other nekk** before. Many of them had already had... tea together. Many more of them wanted to. When you get a spaceship full of xHamsterites, all doing each other, what would you expect? And with a spaceship full of xHamsterites, being nekk** together seemed like a sensible and logical conclusion. It saves time and effort to be ready for tea whenever the the opportunity for tea presents itself. Some of the ladies were even encouraging the men to follow them in their pursuit.
Lapi and Lori had no trouble convincing Michael Valentine to join them in their nudity. Having been raised on Mars, he was still kinda stifled by clothing, anyway. “You should, Mikey,” Lapi encouraged. You're a hunk in clothes, I bet you're an even bigger hunk naked.”
“Yeah, Mikey,” Lori interjected. Take your clothes off and stay a while! I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours.” They both beamed like two k1ds opening presents for Christmas. “C'omon, Mikey, be our valentine!” they asked him in unison.
Mike looked at Jubal. He always checked with Jubal when he had a tough decision to make. “Go ahead, s0n,” Jubal advised. “Let 'em see what you're made of. Never tell a lady 'no' when she asks you to get nekk** with her.”
Michael Valentine stood up, unzipped his jump suit and took it off. Then he sat down quickly. His short time being among humans made him bashful undressing in front of people. He soon relaxed, though, especially after both girls went for his tea pot.
“Anyone else?!” Publiccathy was excited to see one man's dinkus; she wanted to see more. How 'bout it, Jubal? Show us whatcha got!” She smiled at him while she fondled his package.
MEANWHILE: Gena was just waking up. Jeez! What a dream that was! It seemed so real! ...But wait a minute! Was that real?! Did I do that?! She giggled. I dreamt I sucked a man's cock! Then it dawned on her, I'm a GIRL! I was h1t with the Sex Ray and got changed into a beautiful chick! She touched her boobs. Then she touched her pussy with her other hand. Oh, my God! I really am a girl! She threw off the covers and jumped up to look at herself in the mirror. And there... there in the mirror staring back at her was the nude body of a gorgeous female! She sat down on the bed and let the memory of what happened seep back into her mind. First she got zapped with the Sex Ray through the big window of the forward lounge right in front of everyone there. Then she went to her cabin and inspected and explored this sexy new feminine bod of hers. Then Annapajamas and Kellykins2u burst in to see what she now looked like and they caught her jilling off. All three wound up doing a triple lesbian lick-fest. Jeez, but that felt SOOO good! And satisfying! Then later she'd gone to the forward lounge again and found AskMe and Taylor Swift making out naked while Publiccathy did an oral gangbang with several dozen males. Miniskirt-boy came in and searcher quizzed him on how a girl should act. He suggested a new name for her: Gena. She liked that name, so she adopted it. Then she brazenly asked him if he could tell her where she could find a dildo vibrator. He had just bought several, and he graciously offered to give her one. She'd taken the new toy to her cabin and fucked herself silly with it. Then later she found Lazarus Long in the lounge and walked him back to his cabin. He was tired and fell asleep as soon as he got into bed, and she waited until she thought he was sound asleep before she decided to actually suck his cock! He came in her throat! She then tiptoed out without waking him up and went back to her cabin. She remembered passing Doris (Dumb_slutty_bimbo) in the hallway and they both smiled at each other. She felt a kinship with Doris because they'd each had just sucked a guy off! She felt a delicious sluttiness as she retired to her cabin. She was exhausted from the day's happenings and she immediately went to bed.
Now that she was fully awake and realizing that she had been fundamentally changed she began to go over the positives and negatives of the situation. For the first 70 odd years of his life, searcher had been a male. He enjoyed a nice sex life, such as it was, as a man. Men get shot down by some women and score with others. In his younger years he had gotten his share of nooky. ...Well, for a man. How many men actually get as much sex as they want? Every m0ther's s0n of them will tell himself that he doesn't get enough. Casanova probably never thought he got enough nooky. Men live for the hunt, and some of them score a conquest and then move on to conquer their next lovable lady. Some men actually settle down with a nice schnookums and they both live happily ever after. He might look at other women but he doesn't act on anything. He is true blue. Those men are rare, though. Ask any woman. “All the good ones are taken.” Well, searcher was a good one several times over with several different wives.
But now things are completely different. Searcher (I mean Gena) is an absolute babe and knows it. Well, she remembers how it was as a man and she can tell you objectively that yes, she is indeed a babe. No doubt about it. Pretty face, nice tits, SCRUMPTIOUS pussy (!) long luxurious red hair (Looking in the mirror she wishes her hair was a touch more auburn, but hey. It ain't bad for a 70 year old man!) She sure wouldn't kick herself out of bed if she could fuck herself.
And that brings us to now. Where IS that vibrator?! She rummages around under her covers and finds it. She holds it up close to her face and switches it on. Cross-eyed, she's mesmerized by its pulsing vibrations. Her pussy tingles as she imagines how it will feel when she fucks herself with it. She touches it to her face, rubbing it around her cheek and across her lips. She licks the tip while it vibrates. She puts the tip into her mouth and feels the vibrations tickle her lips. She bites it gently and feels the buzz go through her whole head. So this is what it feels like to be a bimbo? DSB is onto something, there! The vibrations make her a little dizzy. She turns up the speed of the thing and it makes her even more dizzy. God! This reminds me of when I was a k1d and twirled around on the pl4yground until I got dizzy from it. Mmmmmm! It makes me feel giddy!
She reluctantly takes the vib out of her mouth and trails it down her chin, along her neck and down to her breasts. When she touches it to her nipple she almost feels a sh0ck, it's so delicious! That nipple pops up from the intense sensation. She trails it over to the other nipple and it stands up. Squeezing that breast with her other hand, she trails the vibrator slowly down and around her tummy, and she feels butterflies inside, it's so delightful! My pussy is drooling already and I haven't even come close to it!
She rubs her wonderful toy around and around her belly and relishes the tickly sensation, and her pussy itches for the relief that this marvelous little machine is going to give it! Teasing herself with the vibrator, she touches a finger to her little man in the boat. Oooooooo! Electric! She touches the tip of the dildo to her hand and lets the sensation flow down to the finger touching her clit. Mmmmmmmm! Ahhhhhhh! Quickly, she put the vib back into her mouth and bit down on it again, reliving the dizzying pulsations going into her head, and she rubbed her pussy furrow with her other hand, trying to relieve some of the itch but just making herself lubricate that much more. She relishes the almost numbing feeling of the vibrations in her skull. Dumb_Slutty_Bimbo, Doris, you definitely are onto something, babe! Switching the vib back to low so as not to gag herself, she takes more of it into her mouth and fucks her mouth with it. Still, the reduced vibrations transmit to her brain, only at a lower pitch, bringing her to mindless, numbing sexual pleasure. Continuing to fuck her mouth with the vib, she rubs her pussy lips harder, letting herself go and relishing the feel of her lubrication flowing freely and coating her fingers completely. Still sucking, she rams two wet fingers deep into her hole and tries to fist herself! Now she's sawing one hand in and out of her twat, making her wetness flow down onto her ass, while with the other hand she is fucking her face with the vibrator.
Suddenly she has an idea. She takes her hand out of her honey hole and rubs her fingers along her ass, wetting it. Then she takes the vibrator out of her mouth and lines it up with her brown flower and pushes! The dildo, still on low, slides into her rectum, stretching the ring as it goes into her. Oh, that feels good, too! She fucks her butt with the vibrator, then getting another idea, she feels around and turns the dial up to medium and the vib alternatively buzzes loudly and then quietly as she pushes it into her ass hole and then pulls it out. She continues sawing it in and out of her brown hole and uses the other hand to fuck her own pussy. Her ass ring clinches the plastic phallus and her kegel muscles squeeze the fingers she has in her pussy. She's cumming and cumming and cumming!
Elsewhere, Lazarus was just waking up. That was the best night's rest I believe I've had in years! He yawned and stretched and felt like a new man. He'd gotten a very nice blowy from Annapajamas at Milliway's Restaurant at The End of the Universe the day before. It's really nice having a pretty girl suck your cock! He thought. BJ's are almost better than fucking. ...Well, they both have their attractions. Maybe she and luckymike will go for a repeat, only this time maybe Mike will change places with me. Then he remembered, Lapi and Lori were on board! So many possibilities! --And then there's that y0ung lady, ...what was her name? GENA! Now there is probably a firebrand if there ever was one! Man turned into a woman, and what a woman! Gorgeous! Red hair, too! God, I think I'd like to eat her out! I saw that lady's pussy! It's the real mccoy, it is, and a nice plump juicy one at that! Lazarus stood up, stretched again, and then looked in his closet for a fresh jump suit. This day promises to be a good one; I can feel it in my bones. As he walked out through the slit in his wall he wondered: I bet Gena could easily be a snapper! I'll need to ask her. If she isn't, maybe I can talk her through it and teach her how!
MEANWHILE, back in Wet052389's cabin Missy is slamming the ham to Anna's A-hole with their trusty feeldoe and Anna is moaning and groaning and carrying on, loving it. “How's it feel, slut?!” Gritted Missy. “Are you thinking of that big black bone?”
“No, I'm thinking of YOUR big bone, fucking me in my ass hole!”
“Is it big enough for you? His meat slab is gonna be twice as big as mine and...”
“Huuuuuh! Would you please just fuck me, Missy?!” Missy pulled the feeldoe out of Anna's backdoor and slid it up and down Anna's butt groove while she poured more lube onto it. “Ooooooooh!” Anna moaned when Missy r4mmed it back into her.
“How's it feel, bitch?! Wouldn't you rather have me licking your ass hole than fucking it like this?”
YES! --I mean no! I mean... Oh, just keep fucking me, Missy!” Anna was rubbing her own pussy fur1ously while she was getting butt-fucked. She was cumming and cumming continuously. Missy quickened her pace and rammed her lover like a steam engine! “Ooooooohhh, baby, I'm cummming!” Anna told Missy. Missy rammed deeply into her ass one last time, grinding into her, then pulled back and the feeldoe came out of Anna's ass. Then she flopped down on her back and scooted under her friend, clamping her mouth over the other girl's vulva and began to suck the nectar that was flowing freely from her pussy hole. They both moaned loudly.
Back in the dining hall, Jubal Harshaw had stripped off his jumpsuit at Publiccathy's urging and was getting a handy from her while Katie (remember Katie?) was giving him a soul kiss. Lori and Lapi were both playing with Michael Valentine's cock while they took turns kissing him on the face, neck and mouth.
“Don't mind us,” Volfy joked, “We're all just sitting here waiting for the morning bus to come by.” Kellykins and Lexi Belle giggled and they emulated on Volfy what those ladies were doing to Jubal and Michael Valentine. Kelly kissed him on the mouth while Lexi slid down his jumpsuit zipper and fished around inside for his cock.
“You haven't taken your clothes off for us, Volfman,” Lexi chided him. “I guess we gotta go looking...” She pulled his pecker out of his clothes and proceeded to jack it up and down several times before going down on him and loving on the head of it with her warm, soft, wet mouth.
“My bad,” was all Volfy said before leaning back, rolling his eyes up in their sockets and relaxing for the double assau1t on his person by Kelly and Lexi. Kelly sucked his tongue into her mouth while Lexi sucked on the head of his inflating dick. The Volf started dueling tongues with Kelly while his cock ballooned in Lexi's mouth. He put one paw –I mean hand-- around Kelly and the other around Lexi's head, cr4dling it tenderly while she sucked on his big volf cock.
Anna and Missy lay arm in arm giggling and glowing from their sexual exertions while they caught their breath.
“I'm hungry!” exclaimed Anna finally. “Let's go get something to eat.”
“OK,” said Missy simply. They both jumped up and raced to the wall slit, then out into the hall. Both ladies scrumptious breasts jiggled tantalizingly as they sprinted down the hall.
...And straight into Luckymike as he left his cabin.
“Oops! I'm sorry, ladies. I didn't see you coming.”
“Well, you could have paid attention to where you were going!” grinned Missy. The grin gave her away, though. “We're just going to the dining room. Are you hungry, Mike?”
“As a matter of fact, I was just heading that way. Would you ladies care to dine with me?” They looked at each other.
“OK,” Anna agreed, “if you like. Just watch your step. We wouldn't want you to bump into anyone else.” They all three laughed at that. Anna took one of Mike's arms and Missy took the other and they all marched down the hall to the dining room.
“ Like dip da dip da dip do whap de dobby do! Like dip da dip da dip do whap de dobby do. Boogdy boogdy boogdy. Shooby do wap she bop!
Chang chang changity chang shoo bop! Wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-waa!
Like boogdy boogdy boogdy boogdy shooby do wap she bop. Chang chang changity chang shoo bop!
“Settle down, Jar Jar! We've got another full day yet before landfall!” Luke Skywalker tried to soothe Jar Jar Binks.
“ Ramma lamma lamma, ka dinga da dinga dong.” Jar Jar said a bit more quietly. “ Shoo-wop sha whada whadda. Yippidy boom da boom.”
“--Chang chang changity chang shoo bop!” He had to throw that in. You know how Gungans are.
“Folks, since most of you are here, I'd like to give you a little info about what to expect when we get to Porno.” Flexi began. “We'll be landing on the dark side of Kandar, the outer moon of Porno. There we'll meet up with reinforcements from the Corellian Resistance, the Alderaanian Resistance and the Nizon Free Republic. Luke, I believe Han Solo will be there, too, with The Millennium Falcon?”
Luke nodded.
“And we'll have a number of X-Wing Starfighters parked there. That's what the Space Cadets will be flying. ...I hope we have enough Cadets. If not, some of you will have to pilot what's left. Hopefully, the Emperor's Storm Troopers will not be aware that we're coming, but I'll warn you that once they know we're there we'll have a messy fight on our hands!
“I'll fly an X-Wing,” Luckymike volunteered.
“Me, too,” said Lazarus, who just walked in.
“MMMMNNNUUUAAAHHHH!” Chewbacca announced.
“Chewbacca, you'll need to navigate for Solo.” Luke and Flexi both said in unison.
“We'll fly them!” announced Lapi and Lorie together.
“--You'll fly an X-Wing, Lucky Mike?” Missy gushed as she brazenly batted her eyes at the big black man. “Our hero!” She was getting hammy, now. She put her arms around his neck and reached up on tippy-toe and kissed him.
“Now who's the slut?” Anna whispered in Missy's ear. The pretty brunette wrinkled her nose at her friend.
“I don't know; seems like the closer we get to Porno the hornier I get,” Missy confessed. “Whaddya say, Mike? Ya wanna fuck?” (You never get anything unless you ask for it, I always say).
Fuck-it! Gena thought. She threw the vibrator on the bed. As drippy hot as she was she wanted the real thing! Gawd, but I'm really turning into a real fucking slut! She remembered the old lady in the commercial on TV: “Where's the beef?!” I want some beef! Gena thought. I wanna suck some dick and then I wanna get fucked! I wanna use this pussy! I wanna see what it's like to be plowed by a big, juicy hard cock! I always loved it when I could just lie there and have some babe ram her twat down on my dick and make me cum with her snapper pussy; now that I'm a woman I wanna BE that woman! I wanna lie there and take somebody else's dick into this sweet wet pussy until I can't take it any more! I wanna see what it's like to be fucked like a woman until I cum as a woman! She looked into her mirror and swayed her hips. She jiggled her delicious tits and giggled to herself. I am a babe, I am! I just wish I could fuck myself! I'd fuck me till I couldn't take it any more and then I'd fuck me some more! “Look out, people! Gena's gonna go get her some dick!” she muttered to herself as she wiggled as seductively as she knew how out through her slit in the wall, naked, bald pussied, and head held high.
She tiptoed down the hall. Since her conversion she was a lot more light on her feet than before and she usually walked on the balls of her feet. She turned into the slit in the wall marked “Dining Room” and walked smack into Lazarus Long. “Hi, Woody!” she smiled at him. “Get a good sleep, did you?”
Lazarus looked at her and something almost clicked in his head. He hadn't remembered that she was the last one who sucked his cock, but there was something... “Yes, thank you. ...Gena, isn't it?”
“Yeah,” she said warmly. She looked around the room. “OK, I'll bite. Why is everybody here naked except you?”
I might ask you the same thing.”
“I asked you first.” she giggled.
“Well, they were all naked when I got here. Now. Your turn.”
Gena ignored him. She was watching everyone else. Volfy was kissing Kellykins while Lexi Belle sucked him off. Nice cock you got there, Volfy. I'm gonna have to get some of that before this is over. Then on farther, Missy was handling Luckymike's manly appendage. Good God, Rachel! It must be true what they say about black men and their cocks! Gonna have to get me some of that later, too! ...while Anna was kissing Mike on the mouth. Mike had one arm around Anna while his other arm was on Missy's shoulder. She was about to kneel in front of him. Her mouth was open. Publiccathy was already on her knees and was about to swallow Jubal's dick which was hard from her jacking him up. Katie was kissing Jubal. Lapi was bouncing up and down on Michael Valentine's lap while Lorie was kissing him and Lapi both. Flexi Jerkov was talking about something while Flesh and Dale were busy screwing each other. Everyone seemed to be having a great time of it. Except Lazarus.
“Uh...” she remembered her conversation with Lazarus. “I'm naked because it's fun. I'm a good looking woman, ain't I, Woody old b0y?” She smiled at him again. “I see you're not frowning or looking away. Aren't these nice tits?” She jiggled them for his benefit. Lazarus didn't say anything. “Nice pussy, too. It's bald. I always did like a bald pussy. Now I got one. Ya wanna touch it? ...Aw, come on, touch my cunt. It won't bite. Never has yet.” He still didn't say anything. “You like my hair? I always liked red, but it's just a little bit too orangey. I need to get it colored darker...”
“I told you last night, you talk too much!” Lazarus boomed. “Yes, you're a good looking woman. Yes, you have nice tits and your pussy looks delicious. Your hair looks great; it's just the right color of red. Now, as for why I'm dressed, I always like to keep my weapons handy. You never know when you might need them.”
“But you won't need your weapons around me. I'm a lover, not a fighter. Always have been.”
“Yeah, well. What is it you want from me, anyway, y0ung lady?”
“Well, if you're going to put it that way, not a d4mn thing!” She turned and started toward the food que. Ten... nine... eight... she counted, smiling and giving her ass a wiggle just for him.
“Wait a minute!” I got him! she giggled as she slowly turned around.
“Yesss?” she teased.
“I'm sorry I gruffed at you. Hell, you oughta understand. You used to be a gruff ole man, too.”
“Yes, I was, but now I'm a cute y0ung girl with a fuckin' great bod! A FUCKING great FUCKING bod! A FUCKING great Fucking bod that's never been fucked yet! I'm a VIR-fucking-GIN, damn it! Show a girl a little consider-fucking-ation!” Her own outburst startled her.
Now the shoe was on the other foot. Lazarus knew then what was on Gena's mind and he chuckled to himself when the understanding hit him. “Well, since you put it that way, y0ung lady, let's go take care of that little problem of yours.”
“What do you mean, 'no?' Do you want to get fucked or not?”
“Well... yes I do. But I don't think I want you, you dirty old fart, to do the honors! You're an old fart with a bad attitude, and I'm a cute, sweet, pretty y0ung chick who deserves a little respect. You don't fit that bill, buster. Sorry.” She did a hair toss as she whirled around and walked away from him, making sure to wiggle her butt some more at him as she went.
Luke Skywalker happened to be nearby with his s1ster, Princess Leia, and they both heard the conversation Gena and Lazarus had just had. Ever gallant, Luke stepped up to Gena and tried to console her. “I'm sorry Lazarus treated you that way, Gena. He is a little gruff.”
Leia added, “Would you care to sit with us, Gena? We're just enjoying the scenery.” Leia laughed. “You couldn't buy this kind of entertainment, not even on Porno.”
“You've been to Porno?” Gena stopped and asked.
“Yes. It's really not a bad place if you know where to go. Wing used to be in the Federation, you know?”
“Tell me about Porno,” Gena pleaded.
“What do you want to know?”
“Well, I want to know about the Sex Ray. I was s7ruck by it.”
“Yes, I heard. Luke and I are both fascinated. Did you have any ill affects from it?”
“Not really. One nice thing is that I was rejuvenated by it. I was an old man and now I'm young again.”
“But now you're a girl. You LOOK like a girl, anyway. How do you FEEL?”
“I feel fine. I never felt better! I'm still going through some changes with my emotions, though. I still feel quite a bit like a male, but I'm starting to get the urges a real girl might feel.”
“You ARE a real girl, dear. Right down to the last atom of your being. ...Why don't you come with Luke and me to our cabin and we'll show you some proof? It's just next door to the Dining Hall.”
“OK,” Gena agreed. They all three left, passing right by Lazarus with Gena and Leia both wiggling their bottoms for his benefit. Luke walked normally.
By this time, Missy was seriously sucking on Luckymike's licorice stick while Mike was tongue-fucking Anna's honey hole. Mike's tongue is as loooong as Volfy's is and it was touching Anna's thrill spots. --God, but that lady's spots are thrilling! But I digress.
Missy was having a r0ugh time getting Mike's dick in her mouth, but she was making up for it with her tongue and her handies. Mike wasn't disappointed. Any time he gets his pole polished he enjoys every lick and kiss, and Missy does know how to kiss and lick! The Tree of Mike was growing. Missy couldn't help herself; she rose up and, turning her back on him, rubbing her butt against his stomach, she started scissoring his dick back and forth between her thighs. --That really got his juices coursing through his veins as well as it did hers. Anna saw where this was going and reluctantly pushed away from Mike's tongue, telling them, “Excuse me. I'll be back in a minute.” She padded out of the room, her juices pouring down her legs as she went.
Missy was getting more and more excited, what with Luckymike's log going back and forth between her legs. She'd never had a dick that big to play with in her life! She was lubricating pretty good and the more she scissored him the wetter she got, and the wetter she got the easier she could glide along his h0g leg, and the easier she glided along his h0g leg the more she lubricated! “Mike,” she asked shyly, “do you think you could maybe make it go in? I think I'd like you to fuck me.”
What a request?! Mike took himself in hand and aimed his head at her pussy lips. “Are you ready?” he asked. “Relax and just let me do all the work.”
She arched her back so that her hole lined up with his pecker and said simply, “Go!”
He gently eased his helmet past her labia, inching sloooowly into her. “Oooooo,” was all she could say. She moaned and he eased ever-so slightly further, going as slow as he could so as not to h2rt her. Several times she told him to stop so she could catch her breath and get used to his invasion, and several times he did as she asked. Finally, she felt he had bottomed out so she pushed back at him to test the waters, so to speak. He was all the way in! She then consciously relaxed as much as she could, and as she did that made it feel better for her. Jeez, but he's filled me up! She marveled. Gawd! If he cums in me he'll sh00t me across the room! He then picked her up and walked her out of the room, her feet dangling as he walked along. He was holding her up with his arms, but the only other support holding her up was his cock stuck in her pussy, and he is taller than her.
They met Anna coming back in the hall and Mike told her, “Let's turn around and go to your cabin, Anna. I don't think any of us'll want to do this in the dining hall!” When they got to their room he laid Missy gently on the bed and then got on top of her, still connected and making sure he rested his weight on his knees and elbows. When they were situated he jiggled inside her to let her know he was still there. She moaned, so he gently began to fuck in and out of her pussy. Gently. A man like Luckymike never fucks hard until he's sure it won't h2rt the lady he's fucking. Anna got behind him and caressed his ass while he pumped in and out of her friend. She marveled at how small, skinny and muscular his ass was for a man his size. The muscles on his back were massive, as was his dick. She looked around and watched that dick going in and out of her lover's cunny. He was stretching it to the limit, and Anna was seized with envy of Missy. The girl looked like she was loving every second, –every inch! “Don't cum in her, Mikey! I want you to fuck me, too!”
“Don't fret dear one!“ Mike grinned at Anna while he shagged her friend. Missy was still moaning, but not able to say anything else. She was so full of cock and so enjoying it she had tears in her eyes, but she was smiling a huge smile. Anna got off of Mike, laid down next to her friend and started to soothe her and wipe her tears. Then she began kissing her tenderly as Missy got royally fucked. Missy just laid there, reveling in the attentions that they both were giving her, hardly able to move and only moaning every so often. Her mind was blank, save for the hedonistic euphoria that blanketed her whole being.
Gena invited Leia and Luke into her boudoir. Both girls got comfy on the bed while Luke sat in the chair at the cabin's desk. “Let me see your lady parts,” Leia asked Gena. Gena obligingly laid back and opened her legs as wide as they would go. “My goodness, Gena, you are beautiful! From head to toe you ARE a woman, and a most appealing one at that! Tell me please, dear! How do you feel? Mentally, physically, emotionally, I want to know everything! And don't leave a thing out!
Gena proceeded to tell Leia all about being h1t with the Sex Ray, how it felt, how it seemed to look, what she felt and when. She went into great detail about what she thought when she first looked at herself in the mirror, even how she played with herself for the first time as a woman, how she experienced her first female orgasm, her encounter with Kellykins and Annapajamas, including how they all had a lesbian tryst and how it felt to cum for another woman. She paused when she noticed Leia seem agitated at her narrative. Is Leia bi? she wondered. She looked the Princess up and down. Her nipples do seem to be getting puffy! she noticed. She continued explaining about watching the ladies in the lounge and talking to miniskirt-boy. She even confessed about the vibrator that he'd given her and how she used it, how she practiced sucking it and then fucking herself with it. She left nothing out, but with each juicy part she watched Leia's reactions. Then when she got to the part about encountering Lazarus and then about surreptitiously sucking him off she looked at Luke to get his reactions, too. His cock was turgid. That part about sucking a guy off got him going. She stopped and caught her breath, but didn't start up again. She waited for one of them to react to what she'd just told them. Finally, neither of them said anything so she asked, “Well?”
Leia was definitely turned on. After an awkward silence Leia started,”Let's do a little experiment, Gena. Will you let us try a little test to see how much of an emotional change has come over you?”
“Sure. What kind of test?”
“Luke, come over here and get comfy with us. Lie down here. Gena, Luke and I are going to lie side beside and I want you to tell us which of us appeals to you the most, Luke or me. You can touch either of us or both of us. Do anything you like. It's all good. I am bi, if you haven't figured that out yet, so both of us will welcome your touch equally. Isn't that right, Luke?”
“Surely,” Luke smiled first at Leia then at Gena. He and Leia both lay one on each side of the kneeling girl. Gena first looked longingly at the beautiful Princess, then at the handsome Jedi. Back and forth she looked for several minutes, and then she put both her hands out and ran them lightly up and down both their legs.
“May I touch your genitals?”
“Of course,” they both smiled at her. She touched lightly around first Leia's groin area and then Luke's. She caressed them both, first one and then the other. She moved up and felt delicately around Leia's breasts and then Luke's chest, touching every spot she could think of on both of them. They both were wonderfully well built, and oh, so very sexy! Gena wasn't sure if either of them appealed to her more than the other, and she told them both that. “Kiss us,” Leia told her.
Gena kissed Leia on the lips and then she kissed Luke. “You BOTH are turning me on!” she giggled. “Neither of you turns me on any more than the other, but you're both definitely getting to me!”
“OK, which of us would you rather have sex with?”
“Either! BOTH! I want you both! I want to eat you, Leia, and Luke if you don't play with my pussy I”m going to scream! I want to suck your cock! I want you to fuck me! I want both of you to fuck me until I can't st4nd it any more, and then I want you to fuck me some more! --BOTH of you!”
Missy couldn't take it any more. She began to whimper. She could feel her orgasm build and build and build until her whole body tensed up and then it seemed like every nerve in her body fired at once. She experienced the most amazing release she'd ever felt! She d1ed a most delicious orgasmic de4th complete with skyrockets and roman candles and big booming bells ringing in her ears. Mike was continuing to steadily fuck in and out of her gushing pussy without let up while Anna rained kisses over her entire face and neck, and all Missy could do is lie there and take it. She was in absolute, complete and utter bliss!
...And then her nerves all fired again.
...And then again.
...And again, and again and again ...and AGAIN!
MEANWHILE... In the dining room, Kellykins2u was sucking on Volfy's tongue while Lexi Belle was sucking his dick. After Luckymike's big dick, Kelly was having no trouble taking his tongue far into her mouth and even past her tonsils, and Lexi, being Lexi was taking his long Volf cock just as easily. Volfy wanted SOO much to buck up into the gorgeous pornstar's mouth, but he braced himself and stayed still, relishing both ladies' hot, soft, wet mouths. After a while, Kelly couldn't help herself but raised up and spread her legs around Volfy's head, sitting onto his face and grinding as hard as she could against his tongue. Obligingly, he stuck out his tongue and began to lick all around the entrance to her love cave, going in just a little way to tease her and then licking around her lips some more before plunging in again just a little bit more. This tantalized Kelly so that she wiggled around to get his tongue to explore farther and farther up her wet channel. Lexi was taking more and more of his cock into her throat, too, and it seemed to the Volf that even as he pushed his tongue into Kelly, so Lexi took more of him into her mouth. He was fucking them both; they were both fucking him. And all three of them were reaching closer and closer to Nirvana.
Missy was lying perfectly still, not moving a muscle as she gradually came down from her emotional orgasmic high. By being perfectly still she felt she could prolong the ecstasy that she'd just reached. Luckymike ever so gradually withdrew his still stiff cock from her, finally coming completely out, and Anna moved around to suck the mixed cum off of it. It's not often I get to suck such a magnificent dick, especially one tasting so good! So much like pussy, and ESPECIALLY tasting like my favoritest pussy in the whole world, that of my love, Missy. She delighted in licking him completely clean. Then she realized: Now it's my turn! She chuckled at the thought, cooperatively scooting back around and opening her legs for him to enter her. She smiled up at him with her eyes sparkling and waited expectantly. Mike didn't make her wait, but immediately plunged his log into Anna's lubricating pussy. Again, sloowly.
“Oooooooooooh,” Anna moaned at the invasion. She knew to relax completely and she did, knowing that he was going to treat her just as royally as he did Missy. Even so, she was taken back to feel such a huge member entering her! Their feeldoe wasn't nearly this big.
Missy slowly came back to l1fe as Mike finally reached bottom and nudged Anna's cervix, and flexing her lax muscles, Missy turned toward her love and began kissing her on the lips, forehead, cheeks and neck just as Anna had kissed her while she was getting fucked. As she did so she could feel the sperm leaking out of her whenever she moved. I've been totally and completely fucked! Missy marveled to herself. Now Anna is going to know how it feels! She was so very glad for her love! She relished the luxurious feel of the cum oozing out of her throbbing pussy and began to think of how amazing it was going to be to feel it oozing out of her other hole in a few minutes! She knew her ass was going to be utterly and completely dilated and she was going to be s0re there, but she was nervously looking forward to it with great anticipation anyway, knowing well that Mike was an awesomely magnificent lover.
Recap: Flexi Jerkov allowed Annapajamas to fly the Dimensional Wing into orbit around Mondas in preparation to head to their final destination of Porno to f1ght the infamous Emperor Wing, grandson of Wang. In appreciation, Anna gave Flexi a handy. Then before launching to Porno several passengers enjoyed each other's company. Anna and Missy had Mike (mscotton) over for tea and then when they walked him out they noticed luckymike getting his knob polished out in the hallway by Doris (Dumb_Slutty_Bimbo) and were so impressed by said knob that they both went back into their cabin and had tea again with each other. AskMe and Taylor Swift continued to have tea, as did Volfy and the redheaded Russian girl. Gena (searcher12) discovered tea for one (incognito, as it were, unbeknownst to her tea server, Lazarus Long). Hey, you wanna know the sordid details? Read Episode 13. I'm up to page 70 on this epic! I'm on a roll and the best I can advise you is to stay up to speed.
Anna decided to go by the lounge and look for Kellykins2u or anybody else she knew. Maybe Luckymike or Lazarus Long. Luckymike does have a nice big pecker! She remembered. God, that was one heckuva DP he and Lazarus gave me. I don't think I'll ever forget that! She shivered with lust at the memory of it. Lazarus had his cock all the way down Anna's throat while Mikey was all the way up her honey hole. ALL the way! She never felt so full of cock as she did then! EVER! And then to feel them both flood into her at the same time! She almost bl4cked out from that!
Doris DSB was still standing in the hall when Anna turned to go through the slit in the wall into the lounge. Inside, Volfy and the redheaded Russian girl were still going at it. The girl was all sweaty from her exertions riding the Volf. Anna looked at them and then at AskMe and Taylor, then back at Volfy and the redhead. Anna didn't like Taylor for some strange reason. She didn't care for Lexi Belle, either, truth be known. Something about Lexi doing a gang bang once upon a time. Anyway, that's neither here nor there. Anna sat down next to Volfy and the redhead. She liked the redhead, and Volfy was sometimes funny, which Anna liked.
“How's it going, Anna?” Volfy asked her.
“Oh, it's going OK, I guess.” Anna was down in the dumps.
“I heard you took us into orbit,” Volfy was trying to be conversational while the redhead rode his cock.
“Yeah,” Anna didn't take the bait.
“Hun,” said the redhead, “Would you like to spell me? I've been riding this guy for more than an hour since he last came. I think maybe he's got something stuck in his pipes or something. Maybe a fresh pussy is just what he needs.”
“Nah, you go on, “ Anna said. “I'm not in the mood.”
“Jeez, Anna, you ARE down in the dumps, babe! What's wrong?” Volfy was concerned now. “Give it a rest, Red,” he looked up at the Russian girl. She got off his cock and gave him a hand up. They both sat there looking at Anna.
“I don't know, guys. I'm just in a down mood is all. I'm OK.”
“Could it be you miss your BF, sweety?” The redhead sympathized.
“YES!” Anna burst into tears. “We were all the way across the Universe from him. Now we're going half way across the GALAXY!! We're light years away from Earth! LIGHT YEARS! --Light CENTURIES!! We're never going to get back home! NEVER!!”
“Oh, my gosh! “ Taylor Swift heard from across the room. “I didn't think of that! My family! My caree...”
“Now ladies! Don't let's go there!” Volfy tried to interject. “We're on a mission. If we don't succeed at that mission there won't be a home to return to!”
“Yeah? And what IS that mission?! I don't even know why we're going on this 'mission!'” Anna spat.
“You saw what happened to Dale and Flesh. And searcher, didn't you?” he asked. “Do you want that to happen to everyone on Earth?! Anna, think about your b0y friend!” He looked at Taylor. “What would it be like if your family became opposite sexed? What if your girl fans became guys and the guys became girls? That'd really make a difference, wouldn't it?”
The redheaded Russian interjected. “Cupcake (she was talking to AskMe. Le petite gateau is French for “little cupcake.”) “Cupcake,” she said, “Come over here and do to Anna what I do to Taylor.” Red walked over to where AskMe and Taylor were sitting, sat down, took Taylor's face between her hands and kissed her on the lips. AskMe did the same to Annapajamas. Both Anna and Taylor were taken back at this but they both went along with it. At this Volfy thought he'd get out while the getting was good, so while Red and AskMe were consoling Taylor and Anna he quickly got dressed and left.
Since it was only going to be a day-and-a-half till Porno, Volfy decided now would be a good time to get some breakfast and then turn in for a good night's rest.. When he got to the dining room he found that a lot of other people seemed to have had the same thought. Right in front of him in the que were Kellykins2u and Lexi Belle. He and they said their greetings and then they decided to dine together. Ahead of them in the que were Lapis Lazuli and Lorelei Lee with Michael Valentine. Then there were Public(onmyfaceplease)Cathy, along with Jubal Harshaw and Katie, Chewbacca and Jar Jar Binks. Already seated with their food were Flesh, Dale and Flexi.
All the ladies there were still in their Naked Friday attire, since it was still Friday. ...Somewhere, anyway. And many of them, ladies and gentlemen both, thought it would be a good idea to continue this delightful new tradition indefinitely. After all, it's not like they hadn't seen each other nekk** before. Many of them had already had... tea together. Many more of them wanted to. When you get a spaceship full of xHamsterites, all doing each other, what would you expect? And with a spaceship full of xHamsterites, being nekk** together seemed like a sensible and logical conclusion. It saves time and effort to be ready for tea whenever the the opportunity for tea presents itself. Some of the ladies were even encouraging the men to follow them in their pursuit.
Lapi and Lori had no trouble convincing Michael Valentine to join them in their nudity. Having been raised on Mars, he was still kinda stifled by clothing, anyway. “You should, Mikey,” Lapi encouraged. You're a hunk in clothes, I bet you're an even bigger hunk naked.”
“Yeah, Mikey,” Lori interjected. Take your clothes off and stay a while! I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours.” They both beamed like two k1ds opening presents for Christmas. “C'omon, Mikey, be our valentine!” they asked him in unison.
Mike looked at Jubal. He always checked with Jubal when he had a tough decision to make. “Go ahead, s0n,” Jubal advised. “Let 'em see what you're made of. Never tell a lady 'no' when she asks you to get nekk** with her.”
Michael Valentine stood up, unzipped his jump suit and took it off. Then he sat down quickly. His short time being among humans made him bashful undressing in front of people. He soon relaxed, though, especially after both girls went for his tea pot.
“Anyone else?!” Publiccathy was excited to see one man's dinkus; she wanted to see more. How 'bout it, Jubal? Show us whatcha got!” She smiled at him while she fondled his package.
MEANWHILE: Gena was just waking up. Jeez! What a dream that was! It seemed so real! ...But wait a minute! Was that real?! Did I do that?! She giggled. I dreamt I sucked a man's cock! Then it dawned on her, I'm a GIRL! I was h1t with the Sex Ray and got changed into a beautiful chick! She touched her boobs. Then she touched her pussy with her other hand. Oh, my God! I really am a girl! She threw off the covers and jumped up to look at herself in the mirror. And there... there in the mirror staring back at her was the nude body of a gorgeous female! She sat down on the bed and let the memory of what happened seep back into her mind. First she got zapped with the Sex Ray through the big window of the forward lounge right in front of everyone there. Then she went to her cabin and inspected and explored this sexy new feminine bod of hers. Then Annapajamas and Kellykins2u burst in to see what she now looked like and they caught her jilling off. All three wound up doing a triple lesbian lick-fest. Jeez, but that felt SOOO good! And satisfying! Then later she'd gone to the forward lounge again and found AskMe and Taylor Swift making out naked while Publiccathy did an oral gangbang with several dozen males. Miniskirt-boy came in and searcher quizzed him on how a girl should act. He suggested a new name for her: Gena. She liked that name, so she adopted it. Then she brazenly asked him if he could tell her where she could find a dildo vibrator. He had just bought several, and he graciously offered to give her one. She'd taken the new toy to her cabin and fucked herself silly with it. Then later she found Lazarus Long in the lounge and walked him back to his cabin. He was tired and fell asleep as soon as he got into bed, and she waited until she thought he was sound asleep before she decided to actually suck his cock! He came in her throat! She then tiptoed out without waking him up and went back to her cabin. She remembered passing Doris (Dumb_slutty_bimbo) in the hallway and they both smiled at each other. She felt a kinship with Doris because they'd each had just sucked a guy off! She felt a delicious sluttiness as she retired to her cabin. She was exhausted from the day's happenings and she immediately went to bed.
Now that she was fully awake and realizing that she had been fundamentally changed she began to go over the positives and negatives of the situation. For the first 70 odd years of his life, searcher had been a male. He enjoyed a nice sex life, such as it was, as a man. Men get shot down by some women and score with others. In his younger years he had gotten his share of nooky. ...Well, for a man. How many men actually get as much sex as they want? Every m0ther's s0n of them will tell himself that he doesn't get enough. Casanova probably never thought he got enough nooky. Men live for the hunt, and some of them score a conquest and then move on to conquer their next lovable lady. Some men actually settle down with a nice schnookums and they both live happily ever after. He might look at other women but he doesn't act on anything. He is true blue. Those men are rare, though. Ask any woman. “All the good ones are taken.” Well, searcher was a good one several times over with several different wives.
But now things are completely different. Searcher (I mean Gena) is an absolute babe and knows it. Well, she remembers how it was as a man and she can tell you objectively that yes, she is indeed a babe. No doubt about it. Pretty face, nice tits, SCRUMPTIOUS pussy (!) long luxurious red hair (Looking in the mirror she wishes her hair was a touch more auburn, but hey. It ain't bad for a 70 year old man!) She sure wouldn't kick herself out of bed if she could fuck herself.
And that brings us to now. Where IS that vibrator?! She rummages around under her covers and finds it. She holds it up close to her face and switches it on. Cross-eyed, she's mesmerized by its pulsing vibrations. Her pussy tingles as she imagines how it will feel when she fucks herself with it. She touches it to her face, rubbing it around her cheek and across her lips. She licks the tip while it vibrates. She puts the tip into her mouth and feels the vibrations tickle her lips. She bites it gently and feels the buzz go through her whole head. So this is what it feels like to be a bimbo? DSB is onto something, there! The vibrations make her a little dizzy. She turns up the speed of the thing and it makes her even more dizzy. God! This reminds me of when I was a k1d and twirled around on the pl4yground until I got dizzy from it. Mmmmmm! It makes me feel giddy!
She reluctantly takes the vib out of her mouth and trails it down her chin, along her neck and down to her breasts. When she touches it to her nipple she almost feels a sh0ck, it's so delicious! That nipple pops up from the intense sensation. She trails it over to the other nipple and it stands up. Squeezing that breast with her other hand, she trails the vibrator slowly down and around her tummy, and she feels butterflies inside, it's so delightful! My pussy is drooling already and I haven't even come close to it!
She rubs her wonderful toy around and around her belly and relishes the tickly sensation, and her pussy itches for the relief that this marvelous little machine is going to give it! Teasing herself with the vibrator, she touches a finger to her little man in the boat. Oooooooo! Electric! She touches the tip of the dildo to her hand and lets the sensation flow down to the finger touching her clit. Mmmmmmmm! Ahhhhhhh! Quickly, she put the vib back into her mouth and bit down on it again, reliving the dizzying pulsations going into her head, and she rubbed her pussy furrow with her other hand, trying to relieve some of the itch but just making herself lubricate that much more. She relishes the almost numbing feeling of the vibrations in her skull. Dumb_Slutty_Bimbo, Doris, you definitely are onto something, babe! Switching the vib back to low so as not to gag herself, she takes more of it into her mouth and fucks her mouth with it. Still, the reduced vibrations transmit to her brain, only at a lower pitch, bringing her to mindless, numbing sexual pleasure. Continuing to fuck her mouth with the vib, she rubs her pussy lips harder, letting herself go and relishing the feel of her lubrication flowing freely and coating her fingers completely. Still sucking, she rams two wet fingers deep into her hole and tries to fist herself! Now she's sawing one hand in and out of her twat, making her wetness flow down onto her ass, while with the other hand she is fucking her face with the vibrator.
Suddenly she has an idea. She takes her hand out of her honey hole and rubs her fingers along her ass, wetting it. Then she takes the vibrator out of her mouth and lines it up with her brown flower and pushes! The dildo, still on low, slides into her rectum, stretching the ring as it goes into her. Oh, that feels good, too! She fucks her butt with the vibrator, then getting another idea, she feels around and turns the dial up to medium and the vib alternatively buzzes loudly and then quietly as she pushes it into her ass hole and then pulls it out. She continues sawing it in and out of her brown hole and uses the other hand to fuck her own pussy. Her ass ring clinches the plastic phallus and her kegel muscles squeeze the fingers she has in her pussy. She's cumming and cumming and cumming!
Elsewhere, Lazarus was just waking up. That was the best night's rest I believe I've had in years! He yawned and stretched and felt like a new man. He'd gotten a very nice blowy from Annapajamas at Milliway's Restaurant at The End of the Universe the day before. It's really nice having a pretty girl suck your cock! He thought. BJ's are almost better than fucking. ...Well, they both have their attractions. Maybe she and luckymike will go for a repeat, only this time maybe Mike will change places with me. Then he remembered, Lapi and Lori were on board! So many possibilities! --And then there's that y0ung lady, ...what was her name? GENA! Now there is probably a firebrand if there ever was one! Man turned into a woman, and what a woman! Gorgeous! Red hair, too! God, I think I'd like to eat her out! I saw that lady's pussy! It's the real mccoy, it is, and a nice plump juicy one at that! Lazarus stood up, stretched again, and then looked in his closet for a fresh jump suit. This day promises to be a good one; I can feel it in my bones. As he walked out through the slit in his wall he wondered: I bet Gena could easily be a snapper! I'll need to ask her. If she isn't, maybe I can talk her through it and teach her how!
MEANWHILE, back in Wet052389's cabin Missy is slamming the ham to Anna's A-hole with their trusty feeldoe and Anna is moaning and groaning and carrying on, loving it. “How's it feel, slut?!” Gritted Missy. “Are you thinking of that big black bone?”
“No, I'm thinking of YOUR big bone, fucking me in my ass hole!”
“Is it big enough for you? His meat slab is gonna be twice as big as mine and...”
“Huuuuuh! Would you please just fuck me, Missy?!” Missy pulled the feeldoe out of Anna's backdoor and slid it up and down Anna's butt groove while she poured more lube onto it. “Ooooooooh!” Anna moaned when Missy r4mmed it back into her.
“How's it feel, bitch?! Wouldn't you rather have me licking your ass hole than fucking it like this?”
YES! --I mean no! I mean... Oh, just keep fucking me, Missy!” Anna was rubbing her own pussy fur1ously while she was getting butt-fucked. She was cumming and cumming continuously. Missy quickened her pace and rammed her lover like a steam engine! “Ooooooohhh, baby, I'm cummming!” Anna told Missy. Missy rammed deeply into her ass one last time, grinding into her, then pulled back and the feeldoe came out of Anna's ass. Then she flopped down on her back and scooted under her friend, clamping her mouth over the other girl's vulva and began to suck the nectar that was flowing freely from her pussy hole. They both moaned loudly.
Back in the dining hall, Jubal Harshaw had stripped off his jumpsuit at Publiccathy's urging and was getting a handy from her while Katie (remember Katie?) was giving him a soul kiss. Lori and Lapi were both playing with Michael Valentine's cock while they took turns kissing him on the face, neck and mouth.
“Don't mind us,” Volfy joked, “We're all just sitting here waiting for the morning bus to come by.” Kellykins and Lexi Belle giggled and they emulated on Volfy what those ladies were doing to Jubal and Michael Valentine. Kelly kissed him on the mouth while Lexi slid down his jumpsuit zipper and fished around inside for his cock.
“You haven't taken your clothes off for us, Volfman,” Lexi chided him. “I guess we gotta go looking...” She pulled his pecker out of his clothes and proceeded to jack it up and down several times before going down on him and loving on the head of it with her warm, soft, wet mouth.
“My bad,” was all Volfy said before leaning back, rolling his eyes up in their sockets and relaxing for the double assau1t on his person by Kelly and Lexi. Kelly sucked his tongue into her mouth while Lexi sucked on the head of his inflating dick. The Volf started dueling tongues with Kelly while his cock ballooned in Lexi's mouth. He put one paw –I mean hand-- around Kelly and the other around Lexi's head, cr4dling it tenderly while she sucked on his big volf cock.
Anna and Missy lay arm in arm giggling and glowing from their sexual exertions while they caught their breath.
“I'm hungry!” exclaimed Anna finally. “Let's go get something to eat.”
“OK,” said Missy simply. They both jumped up and raced to the wall slit, then out into the hall. Both ladies scrumptious breasts jiggled tantalizingly as they sprinted down the hall.
...And straight into Luckymike as he left his cabin.
“Oops! I'm sorry, ladies. I didn't see you coming.”
“Well, you could have paid attention to where you were going!” grinned Missy. The grin gave her away, though. “We're just going to the dining room. Are you hungry, Mike?”
“As a matter of fact, I was just heading that way. Would you ladies care to dine with me?” They looked at each other.
“OK,” Anna agreed, “if you like. Just watch your step. We wouldn't want you to bump into anyone else.” They all three laughed at that. Anna took one of Mike's arms and Missy took the other and they all marched down the hall to the dining room.
“ Like dip da dip da dip do whap de dobby do! Like dip da dip da dip do whap de dobby do. Boogdy boogdy boogdy. Shooby do wap she bop!
Chang chang changity chang shoo bop! Wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-waa!
Like boogdy boogdy boogdy boogdy shooby do wap she bop. Chang chang changity chang shoo bop!
“Settle down, Jar Jar! We've got another full day yet before landfall!” Luke Skywalker tried to soothe Jar Jar Binks.
“ Ramma lamma lamma, ka dinga da dinga dong.” Jar Jar said a bit more quietly. “ Shoo-wop sha whada whadda. Yippidy boom da boom.”
“--Chang chang changity chang shoo bop!” He had to throw that in. You know how Gungans are.
“Folks, since most of you are here, I'd like to give you a little info about what to expect when we get to Porno.” Flexi began. “We'll be landing on the dark side of Kandar, the outer moon of Porno. There we'll meet up with reinforcements from the Corellian Resistance, the Alderaanian Resistance and the Nizon Free Republic. Luke, I believe Han Solo will be there, too, with The Millennium Falcon?”
Luke nodded.
“And we'll have a number of X-Wing Starfighters parked there. That's what the Space Cadets will be flying. ...I hope we have enough Cadets. If not, some of you will have to pilot what's left. Hopefully, the Emperor's Storm Troopers will not be aware that we're coming, but I'll warn you that once they know we're there we'll have a messy fight on our hands!
“I'll fly an X-Wing,” Luckymike volunteered.
“Me, too,” said Lazarus, who just walked in.
“MMMMNNNUUUAAAHHHH!” Chewbacca announced.
“Chewbacca, you'll need to navigate for Solo.” Luke and Flexi both said in unison.
“We'll fly them!” announced Lapi and Lorie together.
“--You'll fly an X-Wing, Lucky Mike?” Missy gushed as she brazenly batted her eyes at the big black man. “Our hero!” She was getting hammy, now. She put her arms around his neck and reached up on tippy-toe and kissed him.
“Now who's the slut?” Anna whispered in Missy's ear. The pretty brunette wrinkled her nose at her friend.
“I don't know; seems like the closer we get to Porno the hornier I get,” Missy confessed. “Whaddya say, Mike? Ya wanna fuck?” (You never get anything unless you ask for it, I always say).
Fuck-it! Gena thought. She threw the vibrator on the bed. As drippy hot as she was she wanted the real thing! Gawd, but I'm really turning into a real fucking slut! She remembered the old lady in the commercial on TV: “Where's the beef?!” I want some beef! Gena thought. I wanna suck some dick and then I wanna get fucked! I wanna use this pussy! I wanna see what it's like to be plowed by a big, juicy hard cock! I always loved it when I could just lie there and have some babe ram her twat down on my dick and make me cum with her snapper pussy; now that I'm a woman I wanna BE that woman! I wanna lie there and take somebody else's dick into this sweet wet pussy until I can't take it any more! I wanna see what it's like to be fucked like a woman until I cum as a woman! She looked into her mirror and swayed her hips. She jiggled her delicious tits and giggled to herself. I am a babe, I am! I just wish I could fuck myself! I'd fuck me till I couldn't take it any more and then I'd fuck me some more! “Look out, people! Gena's gonna go get her some dick!” she muttered to herself as she wiggled as seductively as she knew how out through her slit in the wall, naked, bald pussied, and head held high.
She tiptoed down the hall. Since her conversion she was a lot more light on her feet than before and she usually walked on the balls of her feet. She turned into the slit in the wall marked “Dining Room” and walked smack into Lazarus Long. “Hi, Woody!” she smiled at him. “Get a good sleep, did you?”
Lazarus looked at her and something almost clicked in his head. He hadn't remembered that she was the last one who sucked his cock, but there was something... “Yes, thank you. ...Gena, isn't it?”
“Yeah,” she said warmly. She looked around the room. “OK, I'll bite. Why is everybody here naked except you?”
I might ask you the same thing.”
“I asked you first.” she giggled.
“Well, they were all naked when I got here. Now. Your turn.”
Gena ignored him. She was watching everyone else. Volfy was kissing Kellykins while Lexi Belle sucked him off. Nice cock you got there, Volfy. I'm gonna have to get some of that before this is over. Then on farther, Missy was handling Luckymike's manly appendage. Good God, Rachel! It must be true what they say about black men and their cocks! Gonna have to get me some of that later, too! ...while Anna was kissing Mike on the mouth. Mike had one arm around Anna while his other arm was on Missy's shoulder. She was about to kneel in front of him. Her mouth was open. Publiccathy was already on her knees and was about to swallow Jubal's dick which was hard from her jacking him up. Katie was kissing Jubal. Lapi was bouncing up and down on Michael Valentine's lap while Lorie was kissing him and Lapi both. Flexi Jerkov was talking about something while Flesh and Dale were busy screwing each other. Everyone seemed to be having a great time of it. Except Lazarus.
“Uh...” she remembered her conversation with Lazarus. “I'm naked because it's fun. I'm a good looking woman, ain't I, Woody old b0y?” She smiled at him again. “I see you're not frowning or looking away. Aren't these nice tits?” She jiggled them for his benefit. Lazarus didn't say anything. “Nice pussy, too. It's bald. I always did like a bald pussy. Now I got one. Ya wanna touch it? ...Aw, come on, touch my cunt. It won't bite. Never has yet.” He still didn't say anything. “You like my hair? I always liked red, but it's just a little bit too orangey. I need to get it colored darker...”
“I told you last night, you talk too much!” Lazarus boomed. “Yes, you're a good looking woman. Yes, you have nice tits and your pussy looks delicious. Your hair looks great; it's just the right color of red. Now, as for why I'm dressed, I always like to keep my weapons handy. You never know when you might need them.”
“But you won't need your weapons around me. I'm a lover, not a fighter. Always have been.”
“Yeah, well. What is it you want from me, anyway, y0ung lady?”
“Well, if you're going to put it that way, not a d4mn thing!” She turned and started toward the food que. Ten... nine... eight... she counted, smiling and giving her ass a wiggle just for him.
“Wait a minute!” I got him! she giggled as she slowly turned around.
“Yesss?” she teased.
“I'm sorry I gruffed at you. Hell, you oughta understand. You used to be a gruff ole man, too.”
“Yes, I was, but now I'm a cute y0ung girl with a fuckin' great bod! A FUCKING great FUCKING bod! A FUCKING great Fucking bod that's never been fucked yet! I'm a VIR-fucking-GIN, damn it! Show a girl a little consider-fucking-ation!” Her own outburst startled her.
Now the shoe was on the other foot. Lazarus knew then what was on Gena's mind and he chuckled to himself when the understanding hit him. “Well, since you put it that way, y0ung lady, let's go take care of that little problem of yours.”
“What do you mean, 'no?' Do you want to get fucked or not?”
“Well... yes I do. But I don't think I want you, you dirty old fart, to do the honors! You're an old fart with a bad attitude, and I'm a cute, sweet, pretty y0ung chick who deserves a little respect. You don't fit that bill, buster. Sorry.” She did a hair toss as she whirled around and walked away from him, making sure to wiggle her butt some more at him as she went.
Luke Skywalker happened to be nearby with his s1ster, Princess Leia, and they both heard the conversation Gena and Lazarus had just had. Ever gallant, Luke stepped up to Gena and tried to console her. “I'm sorry Lazarus treated you that way, Gena. He is a little gruff.”
Leia added, “Would you care to sit with us, Gena? We're just enjoying the scenery.” Leia laughed. “You couldn't buy this kind of entertainment, not even on Porno.”
“You've been to Porno?” Gena stopped and asked.
“Yes. It's really not a bad place if you know where to go. Wing used to be in the Federation, you know?”
“Tell me about Porno,” Gena pleaded.
“What do you want to know?”
“Well, I want to know about the Sex Ray. I was s7ruck by it.”
“Yes, I heard. Luke and I are both fascinated. Did you have any ill affects from it?”
“Not really. One nice thing is that I was rejuvenated by it. I was an old man and now I'm young again.”
“But now you're a girl. You LOOK like a girl, anyway. How do you FEEL?”
“I feel fine. I never felt better! I'm still going through some changes with my emotions, though. I still feel quite a bit like a male, but I'm starting to get the urges a real girl might feel.”
“You ARE a real girl, dear. Right down to the last atom of your being. ...Why don't you come with Luke and me to our cabin and we'll show you some proof? It's just next door to the Dining Hall.”
“OK,” Gena agreed. They all three left, passing right by Lazarus with Gena and Leia both wiggling their bottoms for his benefit. Luke walked normally.
By this time, Missy was seriously sucking on Luckymike's licorice stick while Mike was tongue-fucking Anna's honey hole. Mike's tongue is as loooong as Volfy's is and it was touching Anna's thrill spots. --God, but that lady's spots are thrilling! But I digress.
Missy was having a r0ugh time getting Mike's dick in her mouth, but she was making up for it with her tongue and her handies. Mike wasn't disappointed. Any time he gets his pole polished he enjoys every lick and kiss, and Missy does know how to kiss and lick! The Tree of Mike was growing. Missy couldn't help herself; she rose up and, turning her back on him, rubbing her butt against his stomach, she started scissoring his dick back and forth between her thighs. --That really got his juices coursing through his veins as well as it did hers. Anna saw where this was going and reluctantly pushed away from Mike's tongue, telling them, “Excuse me. I'll be back in a minute.” She padded out of the room, her juices pouring down her legs as she went.
Missy was getting more and more excited, what with Luckymike's log going back and forth between her legs. She'd never had a dick that big to play with in her life! She was lubricating pretty good and the more she scissored him the wetter she got, and the wetter she got the easier she could glide along his h0g leg, and the easier she glided along his h0g leg the more she lubricated! “Mike,” she asked shyly, “do you think you could maybe make it go in? I think I'd like you to fuck me.”
What a request?! Mike took himself in hand and aimed his head at her pussy lips. “Are you ready?” he asked. “Relax and just let me do all the work.”
She arched her back so that her hole lined up with his pecker and said simply, “Go!”
He gently eased his helmet past her labia, inching sloooowly into her. “Oooooo,” was all she could say. She moaned and he eased ever-so slightly further, going as slow as he could so as not to h2rt her. Several times she told him to stop so she could catch her breath and get used to his invasion, and several times he did as she asked. Finally, she felt he had bottomed out so she pushed back at him to test the waters, so to speak. He was all the way in! She then consciously relaxed as much as she could, and as she did that made it feel better for her. Jeez, but he's filled me up! She marveled. Gawd! If he cums in me he'll sh00t me across the room! He then picked her up and walked her out of the room, her feet dangling as he walked along. He was holding her up with his arms, but the only other support holding her up was his cock stuck in her pussy, and he is taller than her.
They met Anna coming back in the hall and Mike told her, “Let's turn around and go to your cabin, Anna. I don't think any of us'll want to do this in the dining hall!” When they got to their room he laid Missy gently on the bed and then got on top of her, still connected and making sure he rested his weight on his knees and elbows. When they were situated he jiggled inside her to let her know he was still there. She moaned, so he gently began to fuck in and out of her pussy. Gently. A man like Luckymike never fucks hard until he's sure it won't h2rt the lady he's fucking. Anna got behind him and caressed his ass while he pumped in and out of her friend. She marveled at how small, skinny and muscular his ass was for a man his size. The muscles on his back were massive, as was his dick. She looked around and watched that dick going in and out of her lover's cunny. He was stretching it to the limit, and Anna was seized with envy of Missy. The girl looked like she was loving every second, –every inch! “Don't cum in her, Mikey! I want you to fuck me, too!”
“Don't fret dear one!“ Mike grinned at Anna while he shagged her friend. Missy was still moaning, but not able to say anything else. She was so full of cock and so enjoying it she had tears in her eyes, but she was smiling a huge smile. Anna got off of Mike, laid down next to her friend and started to soothe her and wipe her tears. Then she began kissing her tenderly as Missy got royally fucked. Missy just laid there, reveling in the attentions that they both were giving her, hardly able to move and only moaning every so often. Her mind was blank, save for the hedonistic euphoria that blanketed her whole being.
Gena invited Leia and Luke into her boudoir. Both girls got comfy on the bed while Luke sat in the chair at the cabin's desk. “Let me see your lady parts,” Leia asked Gena. Gena obligingly laid back and opened her legs as wide as they would go. “My goodness, Gena, you are beautiful! From head to toe you ARE a woman, and a most appealing one at that! Tell me please, dear! How do you feel? Mentally, physically, emotionally, I want to know everything! And don't leave a thing out!
Gena proceeded to tell Leia all about being h1t with the Sex Ray, how it felt, how it seemed to look, what she felt and when. She went into great detail about what she thought when she first looked at herself in the mirror, even how she played with herself for the first time as a woman, how she experienced her first female orgasm, her encounter with Kellykins and Annapajamas, including how they all had a lesbian tryst and how it felt to cum for another woman. She paused when she noticed Leia seem agitated at her narrative. Is Leia bi? she wondered. She looked the Princess up and down. Her nipples do seem to be getting puffy! she noticed. She continued explaining about watching the ladies in the lounge and talking to miniskirt-boy. She even confessed about the vibrator that he'd given her and how she used it, how she practiced sucking it and then fucking herself with it. She left nothing out, but with each juicy part she watched Leia's reactions. Then when she got to the part about encountering Lazarus and then about surreptitiously sucking him off she looked at Luke to get his reactions, too. His cock was turgid. That part about sucking a guy off got him going. She stopped and caught her breath, but didn't start up again. She waited for one of them to react to what she'd just told them. Finally, neither of them said anything so she asked, “Well?”
Leia was definitely turned on. After an awkward silence Leia started,”Let's do a little experiment, Gena. Will you let us try a little test to see how much of an emotional change has come over you?”
“Sure. What kind of test?”
“Luke, come over here and get comfy with us. Lie down here. Gena, Luke and I are going to lie side beside and I want you to tell us which of us appeals to you the most, Luke or me. You can touch either of us or both of us. Do anything you like. It's all good. I am bi, if you haven't figured that out yet, so both of us will welcome your touch equally. Isn't that right, Luke?”
“Surely,” Luke smiled first at Leia then at Gena. He and Leia both lay one on each side of the kneeling girl. Gena first looked longingly at the beautiful Princess, then at the handsome Jedi. Back and forth she looked for several minutes, and then she put both her hands out and ran them lightly up and down both their legs.
“May I touch your genitals?”
“Of course,” they both smiled at her. She touched lightly around first Leia's groin area and then Luke's. She caressed them both, first one and then the other. She moved up and felt delicately around Leia's breasts and then Luke's chest, touching every spot she could think of on both of them. They both were wonderfully well built, and oh, so very sexy! Gena wasn't sure if either of them appealed to her more than the other, and she told them both that. “Kiss us,” Leia told her.
Gena kissed Leia on the lips and then she kissed Luke. “You BOTH are turning me on!” she giggled. “Neither of you turns me on any more than the other, but you're both definitely getting to me!”
“OK, which of us would you rather have sex with?”
“Either! BOTH! I want you both! I want to eat you, Leia, and Luke if you don't play with my pussy I”m going to scream! I want to suck your cock! I want you to fuck me! I want both of you to fuck me until I can't st4nd it any more, and then I want you to fuck me some more! --BOTH of you!”
Missy couldn't take it any more. She began to whimper. She could feel her orgasm build and build and build until her whole body tensed up and then it seemed like every nerve in her body fired at once. She experienced the most amazing release she'd ever felt! She d1ed a most delicious orgasmic de4th complete with skyrockets and roman candles and big booming bells ringing in her ears. Mike was continuing to steadily fuck in and out of her gushing pussy without let up while Anna rained kisses over her entire face and neck, and all Missy could do is lie there and take it. She was in absolute, complete and utter bliss!
...And then her nerves all fired again.
...And then again.
...And again, and again and again ...and AGAIN!
MEANWHILE... In the dining room, Kellykins2u was sucking on Volfy's tongue while Lexi Belle was sucking his dick. After Luckymike's big dick, Kelly was having no trouble taking his tongue far into her mouth and even past her tonsils, and Lexi, being Lexi was taking his long Volf cock just as easily. Volfy wanted SOO much to buck up into the gorgeous pornstar's mouth, but he braced himself and stayed still, relishing both ladies' hot, soft, wet mouths. After a while, Kelly couldn't help herself but raised up and spread her legs around Volfy's head, sitting onto his face and grinding as hard as she could against his tongue. Obligingly, he stuck out his tongue and began to lick all around the entrance to her love cave, going in just a little way to tease her and then licking around her lips some more before plunging in again just a little bit more. This tantalized Kelly so that she wiggled around to get his tongue to explore farther and farther up her wet channel. Lexi was taking more and more of his cock into her throat, too, and it seemed to the Volf that even as he pushed his tongue into Kelly, so Lexi took more of him into her mouth. He was fucking them both; they were both fucking him. And all three of them were reaching closer and closer to Nirvana.
Missy was lying perfectly still, not moving a muscle as she gradually came down from her emotional orgasmic high. By being perfectly still she felt she could prolong the ecstasy that she'd just reached. Luckymike ever so gradually withdrew his still stiff cock from her, finally coming completely out, and Anna moved around to suck the mixed cum off of it. It's not often I get to suck such a magnificent dick, especially one tasting so good! So much like pussy, and ESPECIALLY tasting like my favoritest pussy in the whole world, that of my love, Missy. She delighted in licking him completely clean. Then she realized: Now it's my turn! She chuckled at the thought, cooperatively scooting back around and opening her legs for him to enter her. She smiled up at him with her eyes sparkling and waited expectantly. Mike didn't make her wait, but immediately plunged his log into Anna's lubricating pussy. Again, sloowly.
“Oooooooooooh,” Anna moaned at the invasion. She knew to relax completely and she did, knowing that he was going to treat her just as royally as he did Missy. Even so, she was taken back to feel such a huge member entering her! Their feeldoe wasn't nearly this big.
Missy slowly came back to l1fe as Mike finally reached bottom and nudged Anna's cervix, and flexing her lax muscles, Missy turned toward her love and began kissing her on the lips, forehead, cheeks and neck just as Anna had kissed her while she was getting fucked. As she did so she could feel the sperm leaking out of her whenever she moved. I've been totally and completely fucked! Missy marveled to herself. Now Anna is going to know how it feels! She was so very glad for her love! She relished the luxurious feel of the cum oozing out of her throbbing pussy and began to think of how amazing it was going to be to feel it oozing out of her other hole in a few minutes! She knew her ass was going to be utterly and completely dilated and she was going to be s0re there, but she was nervously looking forward to it with great anticipation anyway, knowing well that Mike was an awesomely magnificent lover.
9 years ago