Ch 3 - Show you mine

My meetings with Judith went on regular as clockwork, every six months or so, alternating between each other’s houses.
It was sometimes difficult, as the passing time between each occasion would make us a little awkward around each other, with hindsight I guess it was the shared knowledge of what we had done and what, in all likelihood we would do again.
The next few times all went along similar lines, looks and glances and something engineered in such a way as to leave her in some kind of debt to me, although not in a material way like prostitution, but where a dare or bet was lost.
Looking back, it’s strange that there was not touching and it was entirely a one way street. It was always her showing me and never the other way around. Its wasn’t that I wouldn’t have completed the cycle, as it were, of I’ll show you mine, it just never happened. In a way, although it obviously was sexual, it was never acknowledged in that was and I suppose that affected that way we went about it.
She wasn’t my girlfriend or anything close to that, it was just something she did
She never asked and I never lost so we would often find ourselves in the shed or garage or local woodland, her with her panties around her ankles and me a foot or so away on my knees, gazing at her soft hairless glory followed by her shuffling around and bending over and reaching around to pull her cheeks apart, to give me a good look at her puckered little ring piece. Although I had only told her to do this on the very first time, she had continued to do it each and every time and I just loved the way her pussy lips peeped between her legs and the roundness of her butt
Again, with hindsight (some of which is coming as I recall these events now) I believe she enjoyed showing off. She didn’t have to dare or bet, but if I hadn’t manoeuvred the situation to she would step in and make things happen.
A few years pass couple of years or some (maybe on the fourth occasion) something looked decidedly different. Her pussy had a soft almost downy look to it, golden and almost translucent.
We were in a local piece of woodland about half a mile from my house and it was late afternoon on a summer’s day. There was a cover story we were both paying cursory attention to, although we both really knew why we going. She had dared me to walk along the top of a wall, bordering a walkway with a 30ft drop off on one side, which I had done, early in the day. I didn’t even need to tell her what her dare was, she just told me she would pay this afternoon.
As usual, her lips, although small and very neat, had a slight glisten to them, but on this occasion, there was what looked like a bead of dew so I asked her what it was. She quickly snatched her panties up and march off towards home.
Chasing after her I asked her what was wrong and she stopped, turned to face me (still taller than me at this strange) and said “you are you little pervert, this is never going to happen again!” and turned back and marched off again.
Crestfallen I stood staring after her until her rounded the corner and disappeared from sight, knowing that something that id grown to look forward to would no longer be part of my life.
She was true to her word and from then on we didn’t speak about it or refer to it in any way, in fact we drifted apart a little over the next couple of years as she matured ahead of me (she still didn’t develop any breasts) nut her hips flared and her arse became even move divine..
Shortly after my birthday, 37 years ago (I’m 49) id discovered masturbation, Oh what a joy! I could have wanked myself into oblivion!
This lead me onto a journey of discovery, some of which ill retell on her as times goes on, but for now it meant time in my bedroom, relentlessly beating my meat.
A few months later and I start to ejaculate proper spunk, not just the dry bliss, I must have been a proper man!
That summer, as we did every year, we went on holiday and sometimes, we would go with another family and this year it was Judith’s. We had a big static caravan each with our folks and the run of the town, beaches and countryside.
My parents were always looking for activities and as one of my hobbies was fishing, they would generally try and fix something up while we were away. These somethings were often dropping me off, alone and retrieving me many hours later, which frankly I really didn’t mind as I would provide me with the opportunity to masturbate somewhere new!
This week was no different, they had researched the local fishing spots and found one a couple of miles from the caravan site and that was where I was due to spend the following day.
In the morning, my parents suggested that maybe Judith would like to come with me as she had shown an interest before (as you might guess, that previous interest was more down to activities we wished to undertake rather than any real interest in fishing), however, to my surprise, she seemed quite enthusiastic, so off we went.
This was the height of the summer and, although an English one, was a baking hot day, so we were dressed appropriately lightly.
I was in shorts and a t-shirt, which was very quickly discarded and her in a pair of cut-off denim shorts and a bikini top, (still barely more than a fried eggs) but beautifully lithe and athletic and that arse just kept getting better.
We were dropped off and set up our gear. I had spare kit so set up for her to and once we had bait in the water and our little “camp” consisting of our chairs, lunch, drinks etc. all as we wanted it, we set off for a little bit of exploring our immediate surroundings.
Very are at the edge of a medium sized pond but can’t really make any progress around either bank as they are blocked by large walls of what appears to be maybe an old church, but behind us is a tunnel leading under the road and out to the fields on the other side, so it really didn’t take us very long at all to tire of it and make our way back to camp.
Judith liked being outdoors and laid out a towel to sunbath. As she was doing this, I need a pee, so I headed into the tunnel to relieve myself.
I was shaking off, when I peered out and saw Judith, with her back to me, taking down her shorts to reveal her bikini bottoms, clinging to the gorgeous curve of her bum and I was hard in an instant.
She then sat down and started pouring tanning oil into her hands and spreading it over her firm young body.
I stood transfixed, staring at her, pumping my cock, until I heard a car coming down the road and suddenly snapped to and, with some difficulty, managed to tuck myself away.
“You took your time” she quipped as I settled back down. “I thought you may have been pulling your pud” she laughed!
Blushing I brush it off and we go quiet for a minute.
She then tells me about a boy she knows, back at home, who masturbated in front of her in the same woods we used to visit and she seemed quite interested in the whole thing, although she was in a group of girls and didn’t really get to see.
I then take a deep breath and ask her if she remembers what we used to do, to which she immediately replies that she does, but wouldn’t do it now.
We are quiet for another few moments and I say that I was actually offering to return the favour.
She turns and looks at me and then realisation dawns on her face and it breaks into a broad smile and she nods.
I tell her to follow me and get up and head into the tunnel. I stop about 10 feet in, just enough to shield us from view and turn and face her, with my back to the wall.
She stops about six feet in front on me and waits.. I take another deep breath and unbuckle my belt, letting my shorts drop, leaving me stood in just my boxers.
I slip a thumb into each side of my waistband and push them down too and step closer to her and out of the last of my clothes.
This was new, neither of us had ever been entirely naked in front of the other before and there I stood in all my glory.
At this point she says, “I should kneel down, but it’s all dusty and I’m oiled up so I’ll stay on my feet” and with that she squats down, in front of me with her knees spread and the gusset of her costume pulled tight across her pussy.
I didn’t know at the time what a camel toe was but I was seeing my first!
With that, there’s no stopping my raising interest and without touching it my cock rears up to its full 7”, bobbing a couple of feet in front of her face
“Fuckinghell” she says
“That’s huge, the boy in the woods only had one half that size”
Instinct takes over and I cradle my balls in one hand and start stroking my cock with the other, slowly at first and then staring at her pussy lips, faster and faster.
As I’m approaching climax, I look into her face and she is in a trance staring at my cock.
Seeing this is the last straw for me and I blow stream after stream of spunk into the air, landing on the ground between her knees and just a little glob on her gusset.
I stagger back, staring at her, staring at my cum so close to her pussy..
She looks down, sees it, looks up at me and reaches down and rubs it in, her eyes flickering briefly until she snaps back to, as if nothing has happened and turns and strolls back to our fishing rods.
That was the day after we arrived for a week’s holiday………
Published by amatlover
9 years ago
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prime-frank 3 years ago
Very well told, a lucky young man to have such a friend. Are you still in touch ?
rsa420 9 years ago
wow awesome I really love your stories they are awesome,thanks for sharing and please keep it them coming.