Don't like the Vidoes or Pictures on my page?
This message is for the 'friends' on my page. It has been brought to my attention from a BITCH made man that he doesn't like what I have on my page- referring to the man on man porn. He said" Why do you have gay porn on your page? ewwww that's just nasty!.. My reply was: If you don't like it: DONT LOOK AT IT OR WATCH what's on MY PAGE. If you can't dig that then LEAVE MY FUCKING PAGE! who is he to judge me and what I enjoy watching? He enjoys being fucked in the ass by a THICK strap on but he has the nerve to talk down on gay men or men who have sex with men-for those who aren't into titles.
So, this is for ANYONE who have an issue what I put on MY PAGE. Like I told him and, I will tell you: IF YOU DONT LIKE IT AND CAN'T BE RESPECTFUL-LEAVE!
StrapOnDiva has spoken! I hope my next post will be nice and heartfelt. Stay sweet!
XOXOXO -StrapOnDiva143
So, this is for ANYONE who have an issue what I put on MY PAGE. Like I told him and, I will tell you: IF YOU DONT LIKE IT AND CAN'T BE RESPECTFUL-LEAVE!
StrapOnDiva has spoken! I hope my next post will be nice and heartfelt. Stay sweet!
XOXOXO -StrapOnDiva143
9 years ago