
1. What tends to feel better for you, sex or masturbation? (masterbation)
2. Your 5 favorite spots to be stimulated.(pussy,tits,back,sholders,feet)
3. Have you ever had your prostate stimulated?(no)
4. Have you ever had an orgasm from anywhere other than your genitals?(no)
5. Do you prefer clitoral or vaginal stimulation? (both)
6. Can you touch your clitoris directly, or does that hurt? (i love it)
7. Are you well-acquainted with your G-spot? (very)
8. Are handjobs boring, or underrated?(would be fun )

10. Do you like having your nipples touched? love
11. Do you like having your anus touched? kinda
12. Have you ever been fisted (anally or vaginally)? no
13. Do you like mild roughness (scratching, spanking, hair-pulling, etc.)? no no no no
14. Do you have any kinks? just masterbation
15. Are you into anything under the BDSM umbrella? not really
16. Do you pee in the shower? i have
17. Do you ever masturbate in the shower? who hasent
18. Have you had sex in the shower? no
19. Do you like being naked? absalutly love
20. Do you sleep partially/fully naked? fully
21. Have you ever skinny dipped? yes
22. What's the most unusual thing you've done nude?not sure
23. Have you ever to a nude beach, naked party, or other situation involving casual nudity? no i wish
24. Are you comfortable being seen partially/fully naked by family or friends (i.e. getting dressed, etc.)? yes im not shy
25. Are you comfortable with partners seeing you nude in non-sexual contexts? yes
26. Have you ever showered with someone (non-sexually)? yes
27. Do you care if a partner sees you going to the bathroom? nope lol dnt mind
28. Do you have naked pictures/videos of yourself? If yes, have no you sent them to anyone? Are they online? lol maybe
29. How many sexual partners have you had? none
30. How often do you masturbate? everyday all day
31. Age you started masturbating? How did you discover/learn about it? 13 shower
32. What position do you typically masturbate in (laying on back, on stomach, sitting up, etc.)? laying on back
33. Describe your masturbation routine, technique, etc. finging my pussy till i cum
34. What do you masturbate to (porn, smut, imagination, etc.)? porn or alone
35. Have you ever masturbated to the point you got sore? yes
36. Your thoughts the first time you got up close and personal with the opposite set of genitals? never
37. Have you ever "compared" (genitals, breasts, whatever) with a friend? yes
38. What kind of underwear do you normally wear? none
39. Do you ever go commando? yes
40. Have you ever had a wet dream/orgasmed in your sleep? yes

44. How big are your breasts? big enough hehehehehe
45. Do you long or short labia? Are they even or uneven? even
46. Do you have a particularly large or tiny clitoris? normle
47. Are you circumcised or no? Are you happy with it? no yes
48. Are you turned on or off by foreskin, or don't care? dont care
49. What are you more into (or like more about yourself), boobs or butts? boobs
50. Do you find genitals physically attractive, or weird/gross, or not feel strongly either way? im not sure
Published by rosepeddles
9 years ago
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