Something About me

As everyone knows alot of adults are blessed with acquiring cancer, and I almost was no exception, Many years ago I acquired Crohn's disease, and for many years medication took care of me then the th worst happened, A blown out bowel. An abcess developed outside the blown bowel which could have killed me. The fix was suregry to remove the absess which resulted in a colostmy. When the absess was removed it was about to burst which would have been cetain death. Now that I'm healthy again with the exception of having to maintain the resulting colostmy, (for those who do not know a colostmy is having to poop in a pouch). I as always keep my body extreamly clean to avoid having any further issues. I keep the pouch covered when I meet others and there is absolutly no odor. Even with keeping myself clean and avoiding what could have been cancer or death, when I attempt to meet others as soon as I mention I have the colostmy I am left alone, however there are a few who are adult about this and we have had a sweet time. If and when you meet others with a health situation, be adult about it and explain why you do not want to meet. For me its like taking an asprin which takes the pain of ignorance away. for all who don't mind an adult with the "Pouch" god Bless and for the rest who don't know how to react be up front about it. Look on the internet and learn how normal we really are
Published by uncut-one5
10 years ago
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Bag shmag! You are the same person with a little something extra. We just deal with it when we get to it. I'm interested if you are.
oseppone58 8 years ago
Ti capisco amico,sono vicino al tuo disagio,mio padre ha avuto il tuo stesso problema e ne soffriva tanto,ti auguro una continuazione di vita
felice e serena,purtroppo l'ignoranza e i pregiudizi molte volte ci fa comportare in maniera sbagliata.