I've heard that ecstasy can heighten you sexual response to simulation. I want to find out if it's true. I want to take some and then fuck myself and video tape it. I want to see how crazy I can get! I very open to how and with what I masturbate with and I'm kinda curious to what lengths I would go to if I was high on this shit!

My problem is that I don't exactly have "contacts" to get some and I'm not really comfortable just going to the local corner where dealers hang out to pick some up. I don't want to get in trouble or get arrested for just wanting to try this on my own.

So, if anyone out there has some or could get me some, not a lot, just a few pills, I'll video tape myself high on it and post it here! You can watch me trip and fuck my brains out!!!

Please send a private message if you're interested. DO NOT POST IT HERE! I don't want to get anyone into trouble either. I will give you my mailing address and you can mail it...do not put a return address on the envelope. I and the authorities do not need to know where it's comes from! PLEASE HELP ME OUT! I REALLY WANT TO TRY THIS SOON. I HAVE THIS WEEKEND ALL TO MYSELF..THE EX WILL HAVE THE k**S AND I COULD SPEND ALL WEEKEND HAVING FUN ALL BY MYSELF!
Published by lwife
13 years ago
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