First 48 hours.

It has been an interesting first 48 hours with a profile.

33 friend request.

24 messages. Many guys asking to be owned by me and trained by me.

More cock avatar pictures then I can count. I love cock especially the BBC, but yes I know your proud of your cock, but unless it is being used by another find a different avatar pic.

Some nice guys have messaged me some total creeps.

3 bans from messages already.

I need some tips by other girls about being on here.
Published by Issa91
10 years ago
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manor8033 9 years ago
It must be pretty tuff for you with all those messages, just respond to the you like. Guys don't have that problem, I know I don't I only get 1 or 2 a day. I can't imagine getting like 50 to 60 a day. just do the best you can with it and don't worry about the rest.
sluttysister3 9 years ago
omg i can't keep up with it all. I just signed up a bit back. It was just as bad. I walked away from my laptop one time and came back to 49 messages just from being online. It's too much to handle lol.
doolamight 9 years ago
Son of a bitch!! No wonder females just dont respond. Bombarded to hell lol.