Sex or Suicide
"Damn, I am so bored," I groaned as I leaned back in the kitchen chair.
"Well, what game do you wanna play, Derrick?" Nicole asked me.
I made a face.
"I'm kinda getting tired of drinking games," I told her.
"Me too," said our friend Cory. "We play the same stuff every week, and I always kick both of your asses at quarters every time anyway."
We were sitting in Nicole's apartment at the kitchen table, with shot glasses and red plastic cups in front of us. There were ping pong balls, quarters, a deck of cards, and other items spread across Nicole's table. It was our usual drinking routine when we each had the following day off from work, and perhaps that was our problem at the moment.
"Okay, so let's go somewhere," Nicole offered.
Cory stifled a laugh. "Where are we gonna go, Nikki? It's a Wednesday night. There's no "happening" places on a Wednesday night."
"We could just hit a bar in town somewhere," I suggested.
Cory cringed and looked at me. "Sorry, dude. Local bars aren't my scene. Remember the guy at Norton's that wanted to kick my ass because he found out I was gay?"
I nodded. "Right. Not a good idea."
Nicole sighed and grabbed the remote to her stereo to change the song. Her awesome stereo system began blaring the song of some punk band she liked. She ran a hand through her completely pink dyed hair and bit her lip thoughtfully.
I reached for a bottle of tequila in the center of her kitchen table and poured myself another shot. Cory slid me his shot glass.
"Hit me," he said.
"Me too," Nicole said.
I filled our glasses and set the bottle back in the middle of the table. We clinked the shot glasses together almost passively before we each threw them back. As I set my glass down and cringed at the trail of fire that blazed down my throat, I couldn't help but watch Nicole. She looked absolutely stunning tonight. Her long pink hair was curled, and was adorned with a hair clip that doubled as a decorative black bow with a skull in the center. She wore a simple sheer white T-shirt, and her black bra was slightly visible underneath. Though her breasts were a petite B cup, they always drew my gaze.
I glanced away before Nicole caught me staring. I realized then that Cory was watching me. He pushed his glasses up on his nose, shook his head, and visibly suppressed a grin. He knew that I had quite a crush on Nicole, though we had been friends ever since we were young. I had always balked at the idea of making a move on her, for I didn't want our close friendship to turn sour.
"I'm gonna get another beer," Nicole said as she stood and headed for the refrigerator. "You guys want one?"
"Yeah, bring us two," I called after her.
My eyes followed Nicole as she walked, or more pointedly, her hips and ass. Nicole had always been a tomboy as a young girl and a social outcast as a young woman. It really showed in her sense of taste and style. Her tight blue jeans were ripped here and there, from her calves up to her thighs. I watched her ass sway as she walked and eyed the exposed flesh where her pants were torn. Nicole opened the refrigerator and bent over to fetch our beers. The rips in her jeans made her tight round ass appear to be bursting from within.
I felt a nudge at my leg and glanced over at Cory.
"Stop drooling," he scolded me playfully.
I smirked but again turned my eyes toward Nicole, who was already walking our direction with an arm full of drinks. She was looking at me, though, and something in her eyes told me that she had heard what Cory said. She smirked at me knowingly. It wouldn't be the first time she had caught me undressing her with my eyes.
Nicole took her place on the opposite side of the table from us. She slid us our beers and I wasted no time cracking mine open.
"Oh shit," I heard Cory mutter.
I followed his gaze to a tall bottle that Nicole had also brought to the table, which was clear and filled with an amber colored liquid. There was no label on the bottle or anything else to identify what was inside. She also had something hidden in her closed fist.
"What's in that?" I asked motioning to the bottle.
"You don't wanna know," Cory muttered.
Nicole looked at me with a sly grin. "Since there's nothing else to do, I got an idea. It's a little game I used to play with Holly and her friends when we were dating."
I remembered Holly. She had worked with Nicole for a while, and the two dated for almost a year before they split. Holly was bisexual just like Nicole, obviously, though nowhere near as attractive.
"I thought we already said that drinking games were out," I pointed out.
Nicole's green eyes flashed as she said, "This is different. I've never brought this game up before because I figured that neither one of you would play it, but seeing as we're bored out of our fucking minds, I wanna give it a shot. I think it'll be fun."
"Not if it involves drinking that," Cory groaned.
Nicole ignored him. "The game is called Sex or Suicide."
At the very mention of sex from Nicole I grew excited, though I did well to hide it.
"We play it using that bottle of alcohol, and these," Nicole said.
She rolled three dice out onto the table. I saw that one had the usual numbered sides, whereas the other two had words written on them in place of numerical dots.
"We take turns rolling the dice," Nicole went on, "and if you don't want to do what the dice tell you then you have to take a shot."
"Wait a second," I said catching on. "Those are sex dice, right?"
She nodded slowly. "Yep."
My heartbeat skyrocketed. Nicole was wanting to play a sex game! My blood was starting to really flow thinking about getting intimate in any way with my long time friend and secret crush. I did my best to play it cool, though.
"Are you sure about that?" I asked sounding skeptical. "I mean we're all friends. Wouldn't that be sort of weird?"
Nicole rolled her eyes and laughed. "Oh, c'mon, Derrick! We've been friends forever. Don't you think I've noticed the looks you give me? Or the reasons you come up with just to touch me?"
Instantly, I felt my face flush red. Everything was out in the open between us in that moment and made me feel like an idiot for thinking Nicole hadn't been onto me all along. Cory was chuckling to himself beside me.
I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I... don't-"
"Yeah, right," Nicole interrupted. "You're just as gooey-eyed over me as Cory was over you when he first met you."
My eyes widened in shock. I glanced over at Cory, who had suddenly grown silent. His face had turned beet red and he didn't look in my direction at all. He ran a hand through his short cropped black hair nervously and sent a glare Nicole's way, who sat with her hand to her open mouth.
"Oops, sorry," Nicole squeaked. "That slipped. I'm half lit as it is."
I glanced again at Cory. He adjusted his glasses and fidgeted with his beer can, never once looking my way. I had never imagined that he felt any sort of attraction towards me. When I first met him, he was already really good friends with Nicole. He seemed like a pretty cool guy, even though his only friend was a girl and was a bit of a shy guy. It took me five months to learn that he was gay, and I only found out after someone walked in on him making out with another guy in the bathroom at school. Of course, Nicole had known all along. After finding out, it was a little weird knowing that my friend was gay, but it didn't really make a difference to me. He was Nicole's best friend, and he and I actually hung out very often.
It startled me now to find out that he used to be attracted to me. He had always seemed so normal and mellow around me. I began to wonder how many times he had looked at me the same way I looked at Nicole. Then I started to wonder if he had ever really lost interest in me. I wasn't gay by any means, and even though it creeped me out a little, it was still a bit flattering that he thought of me that way.
"Okay... uh... so now that we all know each other a little better," Nicole said with an awkward laugh, "I'll finish telling you how to play the game."
Nicole cleared her throat, reached for the remote to her stereo, and slightly turned down the volume.
"Um... there's three dice," she told us. "We each get two numbers. You roll the numbered die to see who you perform an action on, and of course, you can't roll yourself. Then you roll the other dice. One tells you the action you perform and the other tells you what body part to do it on."
Cory and I exchanged nervous glances. I could tell he was still a bit rattled that his secret had been let out of the bag. A shutter inducing thought crept into my head.
"Isn't it a bit unfair if I roll Cory, though?" I asked. "I mean, no offense man, but I'm not gay or bisexual."
Nicole flashed me a wicked grin. "Yes it is, but it's just as fair as Cory rolling and having to do something to me."
I nodded absently. She had a good point. It had to be just as odd to Cory to have to get intimate with a girl as it was for me to do the same with a guy. My head swam in a sea conflict. I was so aroused by the idea of getting to do some sort of naughty act to Nicole. On the other hand, it made my stomach crawl to think of having to do something even remotely sexual with Cory. He was my friend and I just wasn't attracted to guys. A cold anxious feeling pulsed in my chest while moths fluttered in my gut.
"If we choose not to perform the act we can just take a shot instead, right?" I asked her.
"See, that's the catch," Cory interjected. "The object of the game is obviously to prompt you toward sexual activity, because you are not gonna want to take a shot of that stuff."
My brow furrowed as I studied the amber colored liquid in the large bottle on the table. "Why... what's in it?"
"It's why the game is called Sex or Suicide, baby," Nicole said with an evil little laugh.
"It's horrible," Cory told me. "She pours all different kinds of liquor and whiskey and god knows what else into that bottle, and expects a human to drink it. I've had a shot of it before and it's like taking a shotgun blast to the head and having your insides lit on fire."
"Oh hell, it's not that bad," Nicole grinned. "I just mix like sour mash whiskey, spiced rum, vodka, tequila... and maybe some energy drinks... uh.... I forget what else. It's all top shelf stuff, though."
I cringed at the mere mention of the ingredients. "Are you trying to give us alcohol poisoning?"
Nicole chuckled. "It's a suicide. C'mon, I thought you girls wanted to have fun. If you're chickenshit just let me know and we'll go back to doing nothing all night."
I stared at the large bottle on the table. I knew I could hold my liquor, but it turned my stomach to think of drinking several kinds mixed together, when any one alone could put me out. I glanced up at Nicole, who was biting her lip and looking me up and down. I knew she was trying to tease me and it was working. Tonight I had a chance to touch her skin, kiss her full lips, and whatever else a roll of the dice could get me. I had to play the game. At the very worst, I could always just drink myself stupid instead of doing anything sexual with Cory.
I took a deep breath and sighed heavily. "Fuck it. I'm in, I guess."
Nicole gave me an approving smile. She looked at Cory. "Well? What about you?"
Cory threw up his hands. "I guess I don't have a choice."
"Sweet," Nicole said. "There's one little thing I didn't mention about taking your shots. If you choose suicide, you loose an article of clothing. No shoes or socks allowed either, boys. I hate that crap. So take 'em off."
Cory and I exchanged glances before we each leaned over and unlaced our shoes. We pulled them off along with our socks and tossed them aside.
Nicole opened the suicide bottle and poured a shot for each of us. "Okay, so we each have numbers. If anyone rolls a one or a two with the numbered die, they perform a task on me. If we roll a three or a four, that'll be Derrick, and a five or six will be for Cory. Then you roll the other dice and see what you have to do. If you decline, you take a suicide shot and take off an article of clothing. Are we all clear?"
Cory shifted in his seat nervously. "Man, this is gonna be so bad in the morning."
Nicole snatched up the dice and turned them over in her hand. "The actions are lick, squeeze, kiss, suck, blow, and rub. The body parts are lips, neck, breast, crotch, ass, and thighs."
Nicole's eyes fell across me. The look she gave me made the hairs on my arm raise. I glanced at Cory to find him staring my way. He quickly averted his eyes and a shiver rippled throughout my body.
"I'll start us off since it's my apartment," Nicole stated.
She brushed her pink hair over her shoulder and shook the numbered die in her left hand. I suddenly grew tense and my breathing grew shallow. Cory must have felt the same, for he fidgeted with the stereo remote, turning up the volume and spinning the remote on the table.
Nicole let the numbered die fall to the table, where it bounced and rolled to a stop in front of Cory. He looked down at the die and smirked.
"Four," he announced. "That's Derrick."
My heart sailed, though I showed no emotion. I looked at Nicole who had her head in her hands. She glanced up with a wide bashful smile.
"Alright," she conceded. "Your dreams may just come true tonight, Derrick."
She shook the remaining dice in her right hand and dropped them to the table. I held my breath as my eyes followed the tumbling dice. Nicole smiled as the dice came to a halt.
"It says to lick your neck," Nicole giggled.
I shrugged smoothly. "You could always take the shot."
"Oh, please," she laughed as she pushed her chair back and stood. "You don't have to act anymore Derrick."
Nicole made her way around the table to me. I slid my chair away from the table. I was almost shaking with excitement. Nicole locked a seductive gaze on me. To my shock, she came close and threw her leg over me and sat in my lap. I froze, unsure of how to act. I had never been close to Nicole quite like this, and it felt a little weird. She leaned close to my face, her cheek inches from my own. My breath caught in my throat. She snickered and threw her arms around me. Her head dove for my neck.
I felt her lips first, soft and pleasant on my skin. Her hand caressed my head, comforting me and causing me to grow limp beneath her. Then her mouth opened and I felt her warm wet tongue slide across my neck. A chill ran up my back and my lip quivered. Nicole licked her way gently up my neck to my ear, and then back down to my shoulder. I could smell the lovely scent of her hair and her sweet perfume. I felt like grabbing her petite little body and crushing it against me. Instead I let her do her work and tried to act somewhat normal, however that was possible.
Suddenly, it was over as Nicole climbed from my lap. She giggled when she saw my face, for I must have appeared disappointed.
"I figured I'd let you calm down since you're already so worked up," she told me.
I realized that my dick was straining against my jeans. I could feel myself blushing as I slid my chair back under the table. I glanced at Cory who appeared very amused. He smiled and shook his head.
"How long have you been waiting for that to happen?"
"I think it's your roll, man," I replied.
Cory sighed heavily and reached for the dice. He wasted no time as he let all three dice roll to the table. The three of us examined the dice.
"Dammit," Cory muttered.
"Aww, what's the matter, Cory?" Nicole teased. "You don't wanna suck my crotch?"
"Sorry, Nikki, you're not my type," he told her.
He pulled his shirt over his head and flung it aside, and I just barely caught saw his shy glance towards me. Cory was in pretty decent shape and it wasn't the first time I had seen him without a shirt, but now it made me a bit uncomfortable after hearing that he had once been attracted to me. It made me feel like I shouldn't see any part of his body bared. He grabbed one of the three shot glasses and brought it to his lips. His eyes closed and he took a deep breath and let it out.
"Just don't think about it, man," I said.
My words must have encouraged him somehow, for he turned the shot glass up and swallowed the contents quickly. He immediately began chasing the shot with his beer. I watched as his face warped into an expression of pure disgust. Cory slammed the can down with a gasp and let out a sickly groan, his face still contorted in revulsion.
Nicole tossed back her head and laughed. I gave a small chuckle, but I was really amazed at the impact that the shot had on Cory. He might have been gay, but usually he could drink me under table. I had never seen him react that way to a shot before. He was still shaking his head and holding his stomach. He gave me a very pained look, and I couldn't help but dread taking a suicide shot after watching Cory.
"It's you're turn, Derrick," Nicole grinned.
I rubbed my hands together and fetched the dice from the table. I shook them in my hand awkwardly while Nicole watched with amusement. She sipped her beer and studied me with her sparkling green eyes. I looked over at Cory who was still recovering from his suicide shot. He was breathing heavily and watching my shaking hand. It suddenly made me awkward making the motion. I found myself wondering if it turned him on to see me jerk my hand back and forth.
Ignoring my absurd thoughts, I let the three dice fall to the table.
"Awesome," Nicole laughed. "Derrick has to lick your lips, Cory."
I saw Cory's wide eyes flick over to mine with anticipation.
"Unless I take a shot, that is," I said as I reached for a glass without hesitation.
"Oh, c'mon," Nicole complained. "What's the fun in that?"
"There isn't any," Cory told her.
I honestly wasn't sure if Cory said that because he was being sympathetic about the horrible shot I was about to take, or if it was because I had declined to perform an action on him. I chased the thoughts from my head again and held the shot before me with my beer prepared in the opposite hand.
"Ah, shit," I groaned.
I put the glass to my lips and turned the shot up and into my mouth. I swallowed quickly and began chasing it down with beer. It helped very little. I felt like my head had been blasted full of helium. Spider webs of shock enveloped my skull. The liquid scorched its trail to my stomach, and a violent shiver crawled up my spine. The suicide hit my gut and tumbled, immediately disagreeing with the contents of my stomach. I felt nauseous and dizzy as I slammed the beer can down and slid the shot glass away. I could hear Nicole laughing wickedly, and glancing over at Cory I saw him cringing with what could only be sympathy.
As the immensely terrible sensation subsided, I glared at Nicole.
"That is the worst shit I have ever drank it my entire life," I growled at her with a cough.
"It lives up to its name, baby," Nicole winked. "Now you owe us an article of clothing."
I sighed. With a troubled look at Cory, I began pulling off my shirt. I tossed it to the floor and crossed my arms. Nicole eyed me with a grin, but I saw her glance at Cory briefly. I could practically feel his gaze on me. I wondered distantly if he found me arousing without my shirt. It was a weird thing to think about. I was in pretty decent shape. I was athletic looking aside from the small beer belly I had developed. I then began hoping that I looked good to Nicole. Was she fantasizing about me now like Cory likely was doing?
Nicole already had the dice in her hand. She dropped them to the table and the three of us looked to see the verdict.
"Rub Cory's neck," she stated flatly. "That one's stupid, so I'm gonna copy you guys this time."
Nicole wasted no time grabbing her shot. Cory and I watched her with anticipation as she flung the suicide into her mouth and began chugging her beer. It was our turn to laugh as her face turned sour and she beat her free hand on the table. She set her beer down and moaned loudly. She tapped at her chest and started to breathe in a deep rapid rythym.
"Holy shit, it's been a while since I've done that," Nicole gasped.
Cory and I laughed louder. She showed a middle finger to each of us, smiling and rolling her eyes.
"So, I hate to remind you," Cory said, "but you still owe us some clothing."
"Yeah, yeah," Nicole replied.
I looked over at Cory, who shot me a sly grin. I then turned my greedy gaze back to the beauty across the table. It wouldn't be the first time I had seen Nicole in just her bra. She had changed shirts in front of me before, but knowing that she was doing it now purely for show made my blood pump faster.
She reached down and grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Her pink curls fell across her chest, where I saw her petite breasts just barely hidden behind her plain black bra. Her stomach was flat and smooth, accentuated by her pierced belly button. Dangling from the piercing were three tiny chains, each decorated with small pink and black stars. Nicole's skin was pale but flawless, save for the few tattoos on her arms that depicted colorful stars and a lone rainbow on her shoulder.
Nicole sat back in her chair with a smug expression on her face. Her sparkling green eyes found mine and stole my breath. She was so beautiful. I wanted to jump across the table and take her right where she was sitting. I blinked and looked away, however, trying to settle my nerves.
Cory fetched the dice and began to shake them in his hand. He blew into his closed palm as though for good luck and gave them several more shakes. All the while, I couldn't draw my gaze away from Nicole and her shirtless form. She was biting her nail and watching Cory. My eyes wandered up her slender body, from her narrow waist to her small round breasts. I made a silent prayer that I would get to see her remove that black bra and bare all tonight. I saw her eyes suddenly light up and shoot over to me.
"Ooh, this'll be interesting," she said excitedly.
I was so fixated on Nicole that I hadn't noticed that Cory had rolled the dice. I peered over at them to see the results. He had rolled a three, which was my number, and the two words on the other dice read, "Suck breast."
"Oh wow," I groaned.
I looked at Cory, who simply shrugged at me. He rose from his seat and walked up beside of me.
"Whoa, dude," I blurted. "You... aren't gonna take the shot?"
"I can't just take shots for both of you all night," he explained.
Though I was a bit disturbed by what he wanted to do to me, I understood Cory's predicament. I realized that he would be more prone to take a suicide shot if he rolled Nicole just as I would if I rolled his number. I couldn't expect him to take twice as many on my account. It wasn't like we were about to have sex. He was just... going to suck my breast.
"Just... relax... or whatever," Cory told me as he knelt beside of me.
"Alright!" Nicole said. "Finally a little action."
Cory ignored her, removed his glasses, and set them on the table. His large brown eyes met mine briefly, and I saw a mixture of emotions there within. He was nervous, but I could see the excitement in him as well. His face grew closer to my chest and I could feel his hot quivering breath on my nipple. My first instinct was to push Cory away. I struggled for a second with my own feelings. After all, he was my friend and I didn't want to embarrass him or make him feel like shit. I decided to let my inhibitions go and let him indulge a bit.
I closed my eyes as I felt Cory's warm tongue brush my nipple. I tried to imagine anything I could to take my mind off of what was happening. Cory's tongue slid firmly over my nipple again and I felt his lips close around it. His hand slid around my waist to steady himself, and my body grew stiff and rigid. My nipple was pulled into his mouth as he began to suck hard.
Cory's hand began to squeeze and grope at my side, and I suddenly realized that he was really enjoying himself. My eyes opened to reveal the scene before me. Cory's head was against my chest as he sucked and nibbled at my now sensitive nipple. I watched his hand caress my flat stomach gently. A sudden sense of guilt swept over me, as though I was committing some vile criminal act.
Looking over I saw Nicole watching us. Her mouth hung half open and I could see her tongue moving within aimlessly. Our eyes met and for the briefest second, I could see the lust filling her eyes. The corner of her mouth twitched up into a little smile. I suddenly noticed her arm moving just slightly, as though she was busy doing something with her hand under the table.
Cory gave my nipple one last lick before standing and returning to his chair. I was left feeling a bit shocked and more than a little awkward. He grabbed his beer and sipped from it gingerly, not turning to look at me. Nicole's eyes darted between us, apparently gauging our reaction. My nipple stood firm on my chest, and for just a second I found myself missing Cory's warm lips.
"Your move, Derrick," Nicole chuckled.
She raised one eyebrow at me and grinned. I shook my head and picked up the dice, letting them bounce across the table. When they stopped, my emotions did an instant one-eighty.
"Wow," Nicole laughed in disbelief. "Well come kiss my lips then, you lucky little shit."
My heartbeat was fluttering. As I stood, I did well to keep my legs underneath me, partially because the thought of making out with Nicole made me dizzy, but mostly because I didn't realize how drunk I was already. Nicole stood to meet me and I suddenly was stricken with fright. Her piercing green eyes bored through me and the gleam on her full lips beckoned to me.
Before I could react, she was kissing me. Her lips closed on mine quickly, and after the initial shock, my entire body flushed warm. She cradled my head in her hands. I awkwardly slipped my arms around her bare back and almost collapsed into her at the feel of her smooth narraw waist. Our mouths opened and our tongues found each other. At first I tried to be slow and passionate, but Nicole began to get more and more aggressive with her kiss. I felt sensations of pure bliss with her in arms. Her lips closed a final time as we held each other close.
Slowly, Nicole's sweet lips parted from mine. Our eyes met and the rest of the world came rushing back to me. I heard the music thumping and saw Cory watching us in silence. Nicole stepped back smiling and found her seat again. I cleared my throat and did the same. My skin was riddled with goose bumps, but my insides felt like warm butter.
"Well, that was amazing," I heard myself say.
Nicole gave me a seductive wink and licked her lips dramatically. "You ain't seen nothing yet."
She giggled gleefully and swiped up the dice from the table. I looked over at Cory to find him watching me. There was something unusual in his large dark eyes. I had seen the same look from Nicole just moments earlier. I looked away nervously just as I heard the dice hit the table.
"Squeeze thigh," Nicole spat. "Sorry, Cory, hope you didn't want your legs groped."
"Fine by me, Nikki."
Nicole stood abruptly from her seat and began unfastening her belt and her pants. It took me by surprise, but I watched in awe as she slid her ripped jeans down her pale legs and stepped out of them. I could instantly feel my dick throbbing hard in my pants. She stood before us wearing only her black bra and her bright pink thong panties. Her hips flared out wide and her slender legs were so smooth and creamy looking that they made my mouth water.
Nicole examined herself, adjusting her pink thong where it concealed her most private area. This simple action made me ache inside with lust. I wanted her so badly. I wanted to feel her, to taste her, and be inside of her. She glanced up at me, and I could tell that she was pleased with herself. She knew she was torturing me slowly. She reached for the huge bottle on the table and brought it close to her lips. Her tongue slipped out from her mouth and licked at the tip of the glass seductively while her bright green eyes remained locked with mine. My fists clenched and I bit down on my lip hard. I could feel my lust for her throbbing through my veins, and filling my hard dick until I thought it would burst.
Cory cleared his throat. "Nikki, you gonna drink or fuck the bottle?"
She shot him a playfully mean look before she turned the bottle up and drank. I literally shuttered as I watched. Nicole took at least three or four deep gulps of the vile mixture before she stopped. She sputtered and and almost heaved on her last swallow, but regained control and fought the alcohol down. She snatched up her beer and drank deeply from the can until it was empty. Nicole's expression was one of pain and disgust.
"Holy shit," I laughed. "That was like two or three shots."
Nicole tried to breathe steady as she fought to keep the horrid mixture down, but eventually swept her pink hair from her eyes and smiled at Cory and I.
"Let's see if you girls can match that," she winked.
Cory shook his head and snatched the dice as Nicole took her seat. Everything started to happen so fast at that point. Before I knew what was happening, the dice were rolling and Cory had the giant bottle in his hand. His roll had told him to blow Nicole's breasts, and he had apparently opted out. The look on his face spoke clearly, though. He meant to match Nicole drink for drink. Cory had the bottle turned up to his lips and was swallowing as much as he could handle. Without coughing or choking, he chased the suicide down with his beer, crushed the can in his hand, and began removing his pants while Nicole laughed and cheered him on.
I was utterly shocked, partially at how well Cory had handled the suicide, but mostly by the fact that he was wearing no underwear. He pulled his jeans to the floor and stepped out of them, his flaccid dick bouncing free between his legs. I could feel my face getting hot with embarrassment. Cory's entire crotch was shaven, including his cock and his balls. He took his seat completely nude and crossed his arms. Though he was breathing hard and his eyes were starting to turn bloodshot, he seemed largely unaffected by the amount of alcohol he had just drank.
I turned my head from him almost bashfully. Nicole was cheering still, but I caught the evil smile that she sent my way.
"Hell yeah!" Nicole yelled. "That's what I'm talking about Cory! Let it all out baby!"
I made a point not to look in Cory's direction as I reached for the dice. I could still see his dangling bare dick in my head. What had shocked me the most was the manner in which he had stripped off his pants. He had seemed determined, as though he wanted to hurry up and get his jeans off, and that he didn't care who saw him. I wasn't sure how to feel about Cory being naked or seeing his cock for the first time. I had expected to be repulsed or disgusted, but something seemed entirely different tonight. I assumed that it had to be the alcohol.
I felt shaky and feverish as I shook the dice in my hand. I couldn't believe it, but I was already getting pretty tanked. It was true that the three of us had been drinking long before starting the game, but the drunken feeling hadn't started to really sink in until now. I glanced at the pink haired beauty across from me. She was so damn hot in her underwear. I knew I had to stay sober enough to see more.
Hoping for a lucky roll, I let the three dice tumble from my hand. Nicole rolled her eyes and grinned.
"Well, here comes another shot."
I cursed silently as I studied the dice. They determined that I was to blow Cory's ass. Not only was this something I was uncomfortable doing, I wasn't even sure how I would even perform such a task. Nicole was right. I would have to take a suicide shot, or as it seemed now, a suicide chug. I reluctantly reached for the bottle, unsure if I could stomach chugging the awful concoction.
"C'mon, pussy!" Nicole taunted. "You gonna let a girl and a gay out drink you?"
I took several deep breaths. I looked up at Nicole, sitting across from me in her bra and panties grinning, and felt my resolve returning. I turned the bottle up and swallowed as fast as I could. The first swallow was smooth until I took another. My mouth and nose were bombarded by the powerful alcoholic mixture. My gag reflex was almost triggered as I swallowed two more times. I set the bottle back on the table and groaned.
"Chase it!" Nicole laughed.
I snatched my beer and began to chug what was left in the can. My stomach was doing flips and I felt nauseous. I slammed down the empty can and cringed. I forced myself to hold the liquor down as Nicole and Cory laughed. As bad as I felt, I wasn't sure if I could manage to take another drink of the suicide without puking.
"Pay the toll, Derrick," I heard Cory say.
I steadied myself as I stood and tried to calm my breathing. My head felt as though it was light as a balloon floating above my body. Nicole was watching me with amusement and toying with her pink hair. I grew suddenly aroused again to see her half naked, and to know that I was about to be the same in front of her. I then quickly glanced at Cory, who was also watching me closely. Though I intended not to look at his exposed crotch, my eyes still shot down for a fraction of a second to see his half limp dick between his bare thighs.
I shook my head, wondering what had come over me. Working slowly, I unfastened my jeans and slid them down my legs. Nicole let out an exaggerated cheer and tossed her hands in the air. I could feel Cory's eyes on me as I kicked my pants away. I was now wearing only my boxers. With a small attempt at humor, and to hide my nervousness, I turned around and struck a few poses sarcastically. Nicole laughed loudly and I heard Cory chuckling as well. Nicole was shaking the dice in her hand by the time I sat down. They hit the table and rolled, landing right in front of me. I studied the characters on the face of each die. My mouth dropped open. I looked up to see that Nicole wore an identical expression. A smile began to form on her face.
"Oh, man," she said.
"What does it say," Cory asked peering over at the dice.
"Damn it, you rolled the wrong number," I told Nicole. She giggled and covered her hand with her mouth.
"Why?" Cory repeated impatiently. "What does it say?"
Nicole and exchanged amused glances. Then she looked at Cory with a smile and answered him.
"I have to suck your dick."
I watched Cory as he stared in disbelief at the dice in front of me. For a few seconds, the only sounds came from Nicole's stereo. I glanced over at Nicole, who now looked absolutely amused. She swept her pink curls back over her bare shoulders and smiled. I could see a glaze to her eyes, and I could tell that all the beers and the horrible suicide shots were starting to take effect on her.
Something inside of me ached as I looked at the sex dice again. Nicole had been one number away from rolling my number, in which case her full lips would be wrapped around my dick. The dice were clear, though. She had to perform the action on Cory instead, who didn't look thrilled about it at all.
"Whoa, uh... I... dunno, Nikki," Cory slurred. "I don't think I can handle that."
"Uh-uh," Nicole said shaking her head and grinning. "It says to suck your dick. Sorry, babe. Luck of the roll."
"Actually, the verb is lick, Nicole," I pointed out.
She glared at me playfully. "Six here, half a dozen there. It's pretty much the same thing."
Cory glanced at me almost frantically. I could see the fear in his eyes. I cursed silently to myself. While I understood why a homosexual guy would be skittish about having a girl give him a blow job, it made me frustrated because in Cory's position I would have been ecstatic.
"Well, uh," Cory stammered, "I'll... I'll just take the shot."
"Oh no you won't," Nicole scolded. "That's against the rules."
"W-what?" Cory complained. "What are you talking about? I'm opting out!"
Nicole stood and made her way slowly around the table. My eyes wandered down her slender pale body as she smiled wickedly at Cory.
"You can only take a suicide shot if it's your roll," she told him. "You can't take a shot on my roll, babe."
"You're k**ding," Cory groaned. "C'mon, Nikki!"
"My roll, my shot... and I don't want to take the shot," Nicole teased, licking her lips and eying him seductively. She then burst into a small fit of giggles.
"Oh c'mon, dude," she said. "Let's have a little fun, Cory."
I looked at Cory, though it was a bit weird doing so. He was still fully nude, and no matter how much I tried not to look at his bare crotch, I could still see his half limp dick between his legs in my peripheral vision. He appeared to be nervously contemplating his situation. I watched with anticipation before he leaned forward suddenly and snatched the bottle of alcohol from the table.
"Whatever, fuck it," Cory said. "But I'm still taking a shot. I need to be numb for this."
Nicole's green eyes lit up with excitement before she glanced briefly at me. Something in those eyes was teasing me, feeding off of my discomfort and my arousal. She drew close to Cory's naked body as he turned the bottle up to the ceiling and took a few swallows of the vile suicide. I shuddered as I looked on, watching a few drops run from the corners of his mouth and down his bare chest as Nicole knelt between his open legs.
I couldn't believe what was about to happen. My best friend, whom I had lusted over ever since I'd known her was about to give my other friend a blow job. Everything seemed like a dream now, or like I was watching events unfold on video. Cory was naked. Nicole was in her bra and panties. I was slightly aroused but simultaneously repulsed. It was such an odd feeling. It only intensified when Nicole took Cory's flaccid dick between her fingers and began stroking him. Cory flinched at her touch. He looked extremely uncomfortable. His body was stiff like he had grabbed a sparking wire. His lips were a firm thin line on his pained face.
Nicole jerked him slowly, though Cory's dick got no harder from her touch. I tried to focus my gaze on Nicole and her gorgeous petite body. She looked so damn hot in her underwear with her pale skin and vividly colored tattoos. I used to think of her as a tomboy when we were younger, but watching her stroke Cory's dick, she was a sultry punk rock temptress.
Nicole's head turned to the side as she moved her lips close to Cory's dick. She was staring straight into my eyes as she worked his cock up and down. I was petrified. I could only watch as her tongue slipped out of her open mouth and slowly licked at the tip of the limp cock in her hand. My breathing stopped and my mouth hung open. She licked the dick again, this time curling her tongue and moistening it completely. I felt my own cock straightening in my boxers. Nicole's eyes were still locked with mine as she dropped down to cup Cory's balls in her hand and roll her tongue along them as well.
I glanced at Cory to gauge his reaction. He was in the process of taking another drink from the suicide bottle. As he lowered the bottle, his gaze fell on me... all of me. His big brown eyes scanned my half naked body, first down my chest, then further still to linger at my stirring boxer shorts. I couldn't believe it. Cory was watching me while Nicole was licking his dick.
I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. Looking back at Nicole as she continued her task with more than a little enthusiasm, I was shocked to find that Cory's dick was growing. I glanced back at him to find that he was still watching me through foggy eyes. I couldn't help but watch his smooth shaven cock grow harder and longer in Nicole's hand. Her lips were suddenly around his enlarging head and sliding down his almost erect cock, which caused Cory to jump.
"Whoa holy shit, Nikki!" Cory blurted. "It... it said... t-to lick my dick, not... not suck me off!"
Nicole pulled her head from his dick and swept her pink curls around her neck, smiling seductively up at him.
"It's all the same thing, babe."
Her mouth opened again and she slid Cory's glistening dick inside. Cory instantly took another chug of the suicide, his face contorting with discomfort and disgust. His breathing was becoming labored and I could see sweat beginning to form on his forehead. His eyes found mine again and I glanced away quickly. I could feel my bare flesh grow warm with embarrassment.
I watched Nicole as her head bobbed slowly between his thighs. Her pale hand still pumped his cock, and those piercing green eyes were fixed on me. I could see that she was enjoying this. With her free hand she groped her breasts through the black bra, moaning into Cory's still hardening cock. I couldn't stem the tide of blood that was gushing into my own dick, filling it full until it strained upward against the thin fabric of my boxer shorts.
A feverish moan escaped from Cory's lips, and when I looked at him I saw that his round eyes were staring down at my boxers. He squirmed in his seat, obviously aroused and beginning to feel powerful sensations in his now fully stiff dick. What made me feel odd was that I knew he was gay. I knew he was not simply getting off on Nicole's blow job, but instead was getting more worked up watching me. I wasn't sure how to feel or what to think. My head was swimming, my dick was hard, and I felt like the world had tilted on its axis.
Cory was moaning through closed lips, trying to suppress his growing arousal as best he could. His glossy eyes still danced up and down my body, making me feel really uncomfortable. Part of me wanted to leave out of jealousy and discomfort. Part of me wanted to pull my dick free from my shorts and stroke it, for I couldn't deny that the whole strange ordeal was getting me worked up.
With a final lick to the tip of Cory's dick, Nicole finished her work and stood, wiping her lips with her thumb. She cut her green eyes over at me and gave me a little grin. Then, she looked down at Cory.
"All done," she stated. "It's your roll, Cory."
Cory stared back at her breathing heavily, the alcohol bottle still in his trembling hand and his glistening erect cock nodding between his thighs. He looked as though he had just sprinted a mile. Again my eyes were drawn to his stiff dick, though my mind told me not to look. It was about the same size as mine, an average five or six inches. There wasn't anything particularly special about it other than that it was attached to him. As I looked up, I realized that he was staring at me. My face grew warm. I saw the corner of his mouth twitch up into a smile for just a second.
I looked away quickly and rubbed my face roughly. I was really starting to feel the alcohol now. My insides were burning and freezing at the same time. My eyes now found Nicole, who studied me curiously. She bit her lip and her gaze fell to my crotch, where my erection had just started to subside. It pumped again before her lusty eyes, and my heart began to beat furiously. Nicole took her seat and turned her gaze to Cory. He set the giant bottle on the table and blew out a loud heavy gust of air. He appeared to be wrestling with the aftermath of the blowjob, as well as the alcohol he had consumed.
"You gonna roll, lover?" Nicole giggled.
Cory reluctantly grabbed the dice from the table and gave them a shake. I watched in silence as they fell to the table. One die landed near me, with the word "crotch" face up. Great, I thought. The another came to stop between Nicole and Cory. The last die skipped off the table and to the kitchen floor.
"Crap," Cory hissed as he stood to chase the rogue die.
"Don't touch it!" Nicole told him. "It still counts down there."
I studied the two dice on the table through drunken eyes. Both displayed words, together reading, "suck crotch."
"It's a six," Nicole said. "That's your number, you gotta roll that one again."
As Cory fetched the lone numbered die, I grew nervous. He was already shaking the die in his hand before I could fully contemplate would could happen. I prayed he didnt roll my number. Nicole and I watched with drunken anticipation as the die bounced across the table and stopped right in front of her. My heart grew ice cold as I saw her facial expression form into a broad smile.
"Fucking awesome!" Nicole laughed.
"What?" I prodded. "What does it say?"
I already knew the answer before she told me, and a wave of dread swept over me.
"It's a four," Nicole said with a wink. "That's you, baby."
My breath caught in my chest as I stared at the dice on the table in shock. I glanced over at Cory, and a chill crawled up my spine. He was already eying me anxiously.
"I'll pass," I stated. "Gimme the bottle."
"Haven't you been paying attention?" Nicole asked, rising from her seat. "You can't take a suicide shot on someone else's roll, dude. That's Cory's choice."
She walked around the table and came up beside of me. I stared at the table in bewilderment, unsure of what to do. I couldn't let this happen. I felt myself growing defensive and angry inside. It crossed my mind to quit the game, get up, and leave. I couldn't imagine doing what they wanted me to do. Cory obviously didn't want to take the shot, which meant that he really wanted to suck my cock.
"No way," I said flatly, before looking over at Cory. "I... I can't do it, man, I'm sorry. That's way too much for me."
He threw his hands up in protest. "I just let a girl suck my dick, man. My best friend, not to mention."
"That doesn't really sound like a bad thing from where I'm sitting," I grumbled, looking away.
Nicole was beside me suddenly, and I quivered when I saw her pale slender body in bra and panties that close to me.
"What's the difference between me doing it to you and Cory?" Nicole asked me.
"He's a guy!" I said looking up into her beautiful face.
"So what?" She argued. "He's better at it than I am."
I shuddered and shook my head. I glanced over at Cory, who was tapping his fingers on the table and watching me through glossy eyes. I was about to look away when a sweet aroma filled my nose and I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. Nicole was leaning over close to me, her pink curls brushing my neck and her lips pressed to my ear. I could feel her warm breath as she spoke to me.
"If you let him do this, you can have me tonight," she whispered. "You can have all of me, but you gotta let Cory have you."
My eyes widened as Nicole's tongue slid across my ear. I shivered and my flaccid dick jumped in my shorts. My head spun as I thought about my dilemma. I wanted Nicole so badly, but I wondered if it was really worth the cost. She wanted me to give myself to Cory the way she would for me. I was simultaneously overwhelmed with excitement and dread. I looked at Cory. I wasn't exactly disgusted by the thought of him, but I wasn't sure I could handle doing anything sexual with him. Nicole wanted to see that. I'd always known she was a bit kinky. After all, she was bisexual, but I realized now that this had probably been her plan all along.
I allowed my eyes to wander down Cory's nude body. He wasn't an ugly guy by any means. He was in pretty decent shape, he kept his body was practically hairless, and his skin looked smooth and blemish free. The image of Nicole sucking his cock while he grew harder and harder as he looked at me was still in my head. I had to admit that it was hot. It had been like watching porn. It didn't matter if it was another guy I had been watching. I just couldn't deny to myself that I enjoyed it. I actually felt somewhat flattered at the fact that I had made Cory's dick hard.
I couldn't believe that I was considering it, but my inhibitions were now diminishing. I thought of Nicole's petite body on top of me. I thought of drilling my cock into her while she ground her hips into me. I pictured her beautiful face twisted in orgasmic pleasure as her pink curls bounced beside her face. Just thinking about it had my cock pumping. I sighed heavily. I could either leave angry and disappointed, or just let myself go and allow whatever happened to happen tonight.
"Alright," I said finally. "Fuck it. Cory bring me that bottle."
The look on Cory's face was one of shock and elation. He didn't move at all for several seconds.
"Sweet!" Nicole cheered.
She gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. Even such a small gesture made me blush.
"Cory!" Nicole laughed, breaking his trance. "Get your fine ass over here and cash in!"
Cory blinked and tried to hide his excitement. He stood up, his smooth cock standing erect. He nervously walked over to me and I slid my chair away from the table and to the side, trying not to look at his stiff dick. Cory slowly took a knee before me.
"Dude," I interjected, "The suicide?"
"Oh... right," Cory blushed. "Sorry."
He reached over and grabbed the large bottle of alcohol and offered it to me. My hand trembled as I took it.
"I have to watch this," Nicole said excitedly.
She sat on the table facing us and leaned back, propping herself up on her hands. Her black bra barely hid the nipples of her petite round breasts. My eyes wandered up and down her slender body, tracing the curves at her narrow waist above her wide hips. My body almost quivered as I studied her smooth flat stomach and the flashy belly button piercing that adorned it. My gaze fell to her pink panties, where I could practically see the outline of her pussy through the thin cotton fabric. They looked as though they had been painted on. Those panties were in arm's reach of me, and were on full display because of the way she leaned back on her hands.
"You uh... ready?" I heard Cory ask.
I glanced down at my naked friend between my spread legs. He looked up at me with calm anticipation, though I could tell by his breathing that he was as nervous as I was. He licked his lips, which made me even more skittish. His eyes were glazed and slightly bloodshot, and I knew that he was good and tipsy. Something inside of me thought that he looked better without his glasses, which had sat on the table ever since he'd taken them off. His big brown eyes were actually a really bright and lovely shade.
I shook my head. Taking a deep breath, I brought the suicide bottle to my lips and drank. I took about three swallows and thought that I might hurl. Again I felt the blast of dizziness in my head and the molten hot burn in my stomach. I didn't care. I needed to be numb, as Cory had said earlier. I took another drink, and before I could say or do anything, Cory was pulling down the waistband of my boxers and exposing my flaccid dick. His eyes flashed when he saw my cock, and his lip trembled when he reached for it. I twitched when I felt him touch me, his fingers closing gently around the base of my limp shaft. With his other hand, he cupped my balls and pulled them gingerly up and over the waistband so that my entire sex was exposed.
Cory was holding my dick. It was completely unbelievable to me, and again I felt as though I was doing something wrong or dirty. He brought his head in close to the base of my cock and stuck out his tongue. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt it touch the sensitive underside of my half limp dick. He ran the flat of his tongue up to my tip. An uncontrollable whimper escaped my lips at the feel of his hot breath on my head.
Cory squeezed his fingers tight around the base of my rod. A surge of blood entered my dick, though it still hung half limp in his hand. His other hand cradled my balls and groped at them gently. It came as a powerful shock when I felt heat surrounding my cock, and then felt his lips close around it at about half its length. As his lips sealed, they began to pull back firmly. My near flaccid dick was being pulled and stretched as he drew his mouth back.
My resolve broke, and I opened my eyes to look down at Cory as his mouth opened again and his head plunged slowly down my limp cock. Now I could feel his warm tongue brush my tip. He firmly but slowly licked at the limp half of my cock inside his mouth. My ass cheeks clenched at the stimulating sensation as Cory pulled his head back to my tip again, his tongue working the whole way.
"Oh god, this is fucking hot."
I glanced over at Nicole when she spoke with feverish arousal. I had forgotten she was beside us for a moment. Her wide sparkling green eyes were fixed on my cock in Cory's mouth. Her bottom lip hung open as her breasts heaved up and down. What caught my attention the most, however, was her hand. While leaning one one hand, her other was between her legs. She rubbed at her pussy through her pink panties slowly, her legs spreading apart instinctively.
At that moment, Cory took my entire half limp cock into his mouth. His nose pressed into my crotch as he rolled my dick around in his mouth with his tongue roughly. Seeing Nicole rubbing herself and feeling Cory working my limp rod in his mouth sent blood pumping into my dick. A cold shiver breath filled my lungs and I gripped the bottle in my hand so tightly that I though it might shatter. I couldn't deny the pleasure I felt, and as to confirm it, my cock pumped harder against Cory's rolling tongue and began to fill his mouth.
When he pulled his head off of my dick again and breathed deeply, I was almost shocked to see that my cock was nearly half erect and nodding stronger. Holding my cock so that it pointed to his mouth, Cory pursed his wet lips and let a string of saliva fall to my enlarging tip. He started to jerk my dick, lubricating it with his spit. I should have been disgusted by what was happening, that a guy was doing this to me, but I was in a daze watching him work.
He worked his hand up and down my dick with the skill of someone who has jerked a dick many times before, someone who knew exactly what would feel absolutely stimulating. I distantly wondered if he was so good at this because he was a guy himself, and therefore knew the right buttons to push. After all, Nicole had mentioned that Cory was better than she was at sucking dick.
My cock was suddenly sliding into his mouth again, and I suppressed a moan of ecstasy as my tip touched the back of his throat. My now semi erect dick felt simply amazing in Cory's warm moist mouth. I never felt his teeth, only his tightly sealed wet lips and his slick tongue gliding across my skin firmly. No one could have been more shocked than myself as my free hand suddenly found the back of Cory's head almost instinctively, gently resting in his soft black hair. I flinched, nearly drawing my hand away in surprise, but everything felt so fucking good that I left it there. I didn't see what it could hurt at this point to show that I was actually enjoying Cory's blowjob anyway.
I watched Cory as he stared in disbelief at the dice in front of me. For a few seconds, the only sounds came from Nicole's stereo. I glanced over at Nicole, who now looked absolutely amused. She swept her pink curls back over her bare shoulders and smiled. I could see a glaze to her eyes, and I could tell that all the beers and the horrible suicide shots were starting to take effect on her.
Something inside of me ached as I looked at the sex dice again. Nicole had been one number away from rolling my number, in which case her full lips would be wrapped around my dick. The dice were clear, though. She had to perform the action on Cory instead, who didn't look thrilled about it at all.
"Whoa, uh... I... dunno, Nikki," Cory slurred. "I don't think I can handle that."
"Uh-uh," Nicole said shaking her head and grinning. "It says to suck your dick. Sorry, babe. Luck of the roll."
"Actually, the verb is lick, Nicole," I pointed out.
She glared at me playfully. "Six here, half a dozen there. It's pretty much the same thing."
Cory glanced at me almost frantically. I could see the fear in his eyes. I cursed silently to myself. While I understood why a homosexual guy would be skittish about having a girl give him a blow job, it made me frustrated because in Cory's position I would have been ecstatic.
"Well, uh," Cory stammered, "I'll... I'll just take the shot."
"Oh no you won't," Nicole scolded. "That's against the rules."
"W-what?" Cory complained. "What are you talking about? I'm opting out!"
Nicole stood and made her way slowly around the table. My eyes wandered down her slender pale body as she smiled wickedly at Cory.
"You can only take a suicide shot if it's your roll," she told him. "You can't take a shot on my roll, babe."
"You're k**ding," Cory groaned. "C'mon, Nikki!"
"My roll, my shot... and I don't want to take the shot," Nicole teased, licking her lips and eying him seductively. She then burst into a small fit of giggles.
"Oh c'mon, dude," she said. "Let's have a little fun, Cory."
I looked at Cory, though it was a bit weird doing so. He was still fully nude, and no matter how much I tried not to look at his bare crotch, I could still see his half limp dick between his legs in my peripheral vision. He appeared to be nervously contemplating his situation. I watched with anticipation before he leaned forward suddenly and snatched the bottle of alcohol from the table.
"Whatever, fuck it," Cory said. "But I'm still taking a shot. I need to be numb for this."
Nicole's green eyes lit up with excitement before she glanced briefly at me. Something in those eyes was teasing me, feeding off of my discomfort and my arousal. She drew close to Cory's naked body as he turned the bottle up to the ceiling and took a few swallows of the vile suicide. I shuddered as I looked on, watching a few drops run from the corners of his mouth and down his bare chest as Nicole knelt between his open legs.
I couldn't believe what was about to happen. My best friend, whom I had lusted over ever since I'd known her was about to give my other friend a blow job. Everything seemed like a dream now, or like I was watching events unfold on video. Cory was naked. Nicole was in her bra and panties. I was slightly aroused but simultaneously repulsed. It was such an odd feeling. It only intensified when Nicole took Cory's flaccid dick between her fingers and began stroking him. Cory flinched at her touch. He looked extremely uncomfortable. His body was stiff like he had grabbed a sparking wire. His lips were a firm thin line on his pained face.
Nicole jerked him slowly, though Cory's dick got no harder from her touch. I tried to focus my gaze on Nicole and her gorgeous petite body. She looked so damn hot in her underwear with her pale skin and vividly colored tattoos. I used to think of her as a tomboy when we were younger, but watching her stroke Cory's dick, she was a sultry punk rock temptress.
Nicole's head turned to the side as she moved her lips close to Cory's dick. She was staring straight into my eyes as she worked his cock up and down. I was petrified. I could only watch as her tongue slipped out of her open mouth and slowly licked at the tip of the limp cock in her hand. My breathing stopped and my mouth hung open. She licked the dick again, this time curling her tongue and moistening it completely. I felt my own cock straightening in my boxers. Nicole's eyes were still locked with mine as she dropped down to cup Cory's balls in her hand and roll her tongue along them as well.
I glanced at Cory to gauge his reaction. He was in the process of taking another drink from the suicide bottle. As he lowered the bottle, his gaze fell on me... all of me. His big brown eyes scanned my half naked body, first down my chest, then further still to linger at my stirring boxer shorts. I couldn't believe it. Cory was watching me while Nicole was licking his dick.
I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. Looking back at Nicole as she continued her task with more than a little enthusiasm, I was shocked to find that Cory's dick was growing. I glanced back at him to find that he was still watching me through foggy eyes. I couldn't help but watch his smooth shaven cock grow harder and longer in Nicole's hand. Her lips were suddenly around his enlarging head and sliding down his almost erect cock, which caused Cory to jump.
"Whoa holy shit, Nikki!" Cory blurted. "It... it said... t-to lick my dick, not... not suck me off!"
Nicole pulled her head from his dick and swept her pink curls around her neck, smiling seductively up at him.
"It's all the same thing, babe."
Her mouth opened again and she slid Cory's glistening dick inside. Cory instantly took another chug of the suicide, his face contorting with discomfort and disgust. His breathing was becoming labored and I could see sweat beginning to form on his forehead. His eyes found mine again and I glanced away quickly. I could feel my bare flesh grow warm with embarrassment.
I watched Nicole as her head bobbed slowly between his thighs. Her pale hand still pumped his cock, and those piercing green eyes were fixed on me. I could see that she was enjoying this. With her free hand she groped her breasts through the black bra, moaning into Cory's still hardening cock. I couldn't stem the tide of blood that was gushing into my own dick, filling it full until it strained upward against the thin fabric of my boxer shorts.
A feverish moan escaped from Cory's lips, and when I looked at him I saw that his round eyes were staring down at my boxers. He squirmed in his seat, obviously aroused and beginning to feel powerful sensations in his now fully stiff dick. What made me feel odd was that I knew he was gay. I knew he was not simply getting off on Nicole's blow job, but instead was getting more worked up watching me. I wasn't sure how to feel or what to think. My head was swimming, my dick was hard, and I felt like the world had tilted on its axis.
Cory was moaning through closed lips, trying to suppress his growing arousal as best he could. His glossy eyes still danced up and down my body, making me feel really uncomfortable. Part of me wanted to leave out of jealousy and discomfort. Part of me wanted to pull my dick free from my shorts and stroke it, for I couldn't deny that the whole strange ordeal was getting me worked up.
With a final lick to the tip of Cory's dick, Nicole finished her work and stood, wiping her lips with her thumb. She cut her green eyes over at me and gave me a little grin. Then, she looked down at Cory.
"All done," she stated. "It's your roll, Cory."
Cory stared back at her breathing heavily, the alcohol bottle still in his trembling hand and his glistening erect cock nodding between his thighs. He looked as though he had just sprinted a mile. Again my eyes were drawn to his stiff dick, though my mind told me not to look. It was about the same size as mine, an average five or six inches. There wasn't anything particularly special about it other than that it was attached to him. As I looked up, I realized that he was staring at me. My face grew warm. I saw the corner of his mouth twitch up into a smile for just a second.
I looked away quickly and rubbed my face roughly. I was really starting to feel the alcohol now. My insides were burning and freezing at the same time. My eyes now found Nicole, who studied me curiously. She bit her lip and her gaze fell to my crotch, where my erection had just started to subside. It pumped again before her lusty eyes, and my heart began to beat furiously. Nicole took her seat and turned her gaze to Cory. He set the giant bottle on the table and blew out a loud heavy gust of air. He appeared to be wrestling with the aftermath of the blowjob, as well as the alcohol he had consumed.
"You gonna roll, lover?" Nicole giggled.
Cory reluctantly grabbed the dice from the table and gave them a shake. I watched in silence as they fell to the table. One die landed near me, with the word "crotch" face up. Great, I thought. The another came to stop between Nicole and Cory. The last die skipped off the table and to the kitchen floor.
"Crap," Cory hissed as he stood to chase the rogue die.
"Don't touch it!" Nicole told him. "It still counts down there."
I studied the two dice on the table through drunken eyes. Both displayed words, together reading, "suck crotch."
"It's a six," Nicole said. "That's your number, you gotta roll that one again."
As Cory fetched the lone numbered die, I grew nervous. He was already shaking the die in his hand before I could fully contemplate would could happen. I prayed he didnt roll my number. Nicole and I watched with drunken anticipation as the die bounced across the table and stopped right in front of her. My heart grew ice cold as I saw her facial expression form into a broad smile.
"Fucking awesome!" Nicole laughed.
"What?" I prodded. "What does it say?"
I already knew the answer before she told me, and a wave of dread swept over me.
"It's a four," Nicole said with a wink. "That's you, baby."
My breath caught in my chest as I stared at the dice on the table in shock. I glanced over at Cory, and a chill crawled up my spine. He was already eying me anxiously.
"I'll pass," I stated. "Gimme the bottle."
"Haven't you been paying attention?" Nicole asked, rising from her seat. "You can't take a suicide shot on someone else's roll, dude. That's Cory's choice."
She walked around the table and came up beside of me. I stared at the table in bewilderment, unsure of what to do. I couldn't let this happen. I felt myself growing defensive and angry inside. It crossed my mind to quit the game, get up, and leave. I couldn't imagine doing what they wanted me to do. Cory obviously didn't want to take the shot, which meant that he really wanted to suck my cock.
"No way," I said flatly, before looking over at Cory. "I... I can't do it, man, I'm sorry. That's way too much for me."
He threw his hands up in protest. "I just let a girl suck my dick, man. My best friend, not to mention."
"That doesn't really sound like a bad thing from where I'm sitting," I grumbled, looking away.
Nicole was beside me suddenly, and I quivered when I saw her pale slender body in bra and panties that close to me.
"What's the difference between me doing it to you and Cory?" Nicole asked me.
"He's a guy!" I said looking up into her beautiful face.
"So what?" She argued. "He's better at it than I am."
I shuddered and shook my head. I glanced over at Cory, who was tapping his fingers on the table and watching me through glossy eyes. I was about to look away when a sweet aroma filled my nose and I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. Nicole was leaning over close to me, her pink curls brushing my neck and her lips pressed to my ear. I could feel her warm breath as she spoke to me.
"If you let him do this, you can have me tonight," she whispered. "You can have all of me, but you gotta let Cory have you."
My eyes widened as Nicole's tongue slid across my ear. I shivered and my flaccid dick jumped in my shorts. My head spun as I thought about my dilemma. I wanted Nicole so badly, but I wondered if it was really worth the cost. She wanted me to give myself to Cory the way she would for me. I was simultaneously overwhelmed with excitement and dread. I looked at Cory. I wasn't exactly disgusted by the thought of him, but I wasn't sure I could handle doing anything sexual with him. Nicole wanted to see that. I'd always known she was a bit kinky. After all, she was bisexual, but I realized now that this had probably been her plan all along.
I allowed my eyes to wander down Cory's nude body. He wasn't an ugly guy by any means. He was in pretty decent shape, he kept his body was practically hairless, and his skin looked smooth and blemish free. The image of Nicole sucking his cock while he grew harder and harder as he looked at me was still in my head. I had to admit that it was hot. It had been like watching porn. It didn't matter if it was another guy I had been watching. I just couldn't deny to myself that I enjoyed it. I actually felt somewhat flattered at the fact that I had made Cory's dick hard.
I couldn't believe that I was considering it, but my inhibitions were now diminishing. I thought of Nicole's petite body on top of me. I thought of drilling my cock into her while she ground her hips into me. I pictured her beautiful face twisted in orgasmic pleasure as her pink curls bounced beside her face. Just thinking about it had my cock pumping. I sighed heavily. I could either leave angry and disappointed, or just let myself go and allow whatever happened to happen tonight.
"Alright," I said finally. "Fuck it. Cory bring me that bottle."
The look on Cory's face was one of shock and elation. He didn't move at all for several seconds.
"Sweet!" Nicole cheered.
She gave me a quick kiss on my cheek. Even such a small gesture made me blush.
"Cory!" Nicole laughed, breaking his trance. "Get your fine ass over here and cash in!"
Cory blinked and tried to hide his excitement. He stood up, his smooth cock standing erect. He nervously walked over to me and I slid my chair away from the table and to the side, trying not to look at his stiff dick. Cory slowly took a knee before me.
"Dude," I interjected, "The suicide?"
"Oh... right," Cory blushed. "Sorry."
He reached over and grabbed the large bottle of alcohol and offered it to me. My hand trembled as I took it.
"I have to watch this," Nicole said excitedly.
She sat on the table facing us and leaned back, propping herself up on her hands. Her black bra barely hid the nipples of her petite round breasts. My eyes wandered up and down her slender body, tracing the curves at her narrow waist above her wide hips. My body almost quivered as I studied her smooth flat stomach and the flashy belly button piercing that adorned it. My gaze fell to her pink panties, where I could practically see the outline of her pussy through the thin cotton fabric. They looked as though they had been painted on. Those panties were in arm's reach of me, and were on full display because of the way she leaned back on her hands.
"You uh... ready?" I heard Cory ask.
I glanced down at my naked friend between my spread legs. He looked up at me with calm anticipation, though I could tell by his breathing that he was as nervous as I was. He licked his lips, which made me even more skittish. His eyes were glazed and slightly bloodshot, and I knew that he was good and tipsy. Something inside of me thought that he looked better without his glasses, which had sat on the table ever since he'd taken them off. His big brown eyes were actually a really bright and lovely shade.
I shook my head. Taking a deep breath, I brought the suicide bottle to my lips and drank. I took about three swallows and thought that I might hurl. Again I felt the blast of dizziness in my head and the molten hot burn in my stomach. I didn't care. I needed to be numb, as Cory had said earlier. I took another drink, and before I could say or do anything, Cory was pulling down the waistband of my boxers and exposing my flaccid dick. His eyes flashed when he saw my cock, and his lip trembled when he reached for it. I twitched when I felt him touch me, his fingers closing gently around the base of my limp shaft. With his other hand, he cupped my balls and pulled them gingerly up and over the waistband so that my entire sex was exposed.
Cory was holding my dick. It was completely unbelievable to me, and again I felt as though I was doing something wrong or dirty. He brought his head in close to the base of my cock and stuck out his tongue. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt it touch the sensitive underside of my half limp dick. He ran the flat of his tongue up to my tip. An uncontrollable whimper escaped my lips at the feel of his hot breath on my head.
Cory squeezed his fingers tight around the base of my rod. A surge of blood entered my dick, though it still hung half limp in his hand. His other hand cradled my balls and groped at them gently. It came as a powerful shock when I felt heat surrounding my cock, and then felt his lips close around it at about half its length. As his lips sealed, they began to pull back firmly. My near flaccid dick was being pulled and stretched as he drew his mouth back.
My resolve broke, and I opened my eyes to look down at Cory as his mouth opened again and his head plunged slowly down my limp cock. Now I could feel his warm tongue brush my tip. He firmly but slowly licked at the limp half of my cock inside his mouth. My ass cheeks clenched at the stimulating sensation as Cory pulled his head back to my tip again, his tongue working the whole way.
"Oh god, this is fucking hot."
I glanced over at Nicole when she spoke with feverish arousal. I had forgotten she was beside us for a moment. Her wide sparkling green eyes were fixed on my cock in Cory's mouth. Her bottom lip hung open as her breasts heaved up and down. What caught my attention the most, however, was her hand. While leaning one one hand, her other was between her legs. She rubbed at her pussy through her pink panties slowly, her legs spreading apart instinctively.
At that moment, Cory took my entire half limp cock into his mouth. His nose pressed into my crotch as he rolled my dick around in his mouth with his tongue roughly. Seeing Nicole rubbing herself and feeling Cory working my limp rod in his mouth sent blood pumping into my dick. A cold shiver breath filled my lungs and I gripped the bottle in my hand so tightly that I though it might shatter. I couldn't deny the pleasure I felt, and as to confirm it, my cock pumped harder against Cory's rolling tongue and began to fill his mouth.
When he pulled his head off of my dick again and breathed deeply, I was almost shocked to see that my cock was nearly half erect and nodding stronger. Holding my cock so that it pointed to his mouth, Cory pursed his wet lips and let a string of saliva fall to my enlarging tip. He started to jerk my dick, lubricating it with his spit. I should have been disgusted by what was happening, that a guy was doing this to me, but I was in a daze watching him work.
He worked his hand up and down my dick with the skill of someone who has jerked a dick many times before, someone who knew exactly what would feel absolutely stimulating. I distantly wondered if he was so good at this because he was a guy himself, and therefore knew the right buttons to push. After all, Nicole had mentioned that Cory was better than she was at sucking dick.
My cock was suddenly sliding into his mouth again, and I suppressed a moan of ecstasy as my tip touched the back of his throat. My now semi erect dick felt simply amazing in Cory's warm moist mouth. I never felt his teeth, only his tightly sealed wet lips and his slick tongue gliding across my skin firmly. No one could have been more shocked than myself as my free hand suddenly found the back of Cory's head almost instinctively, gently resting in his soft black hair. I flinched, nearly drawing my hand away in surprise, but everything felt so fucking good that I left it there. I didn't see what it could hurt at this point to show that I was actually enjoying Cory's blowjob anyway.
Cory bobbed his head slowly back and forth, my dick sliding in and out of his mouth. My balls rolled gently in his hand while his other squeezed my rod tightly between his finger and thumb. His lips pursed around my fattening head and again I saw streams of saliva rolling down my shaft. His lips then chased the spit to the base of my dick, enveloping my pulsing rod with an orgasmic warmth that made my legs weak. I could feel my dick lunging down into his throat now, and my hand groped at his head uncontrollably.
"Oh fuck," Nicole hissed between labored breaths.
I looked over at her. I felt a bit embarrassed at first, ashamed that my cock was buried in Cory's throat and that she was watching me, and that she knew I was enjoying myself. She was preoccupied herself though. Her small fingers worked firmly across her pink panties, which were now discolored and darkened by the moisture from her budding lips underneath. Her ass cheeks squeezed and rolled on the surface of the table, riding an imaginary source of penetration. Her pink curls fell behind her shoulders, and I could see her beautiful face. Nicole was enthralled by the sight of what Cory was doing to me. Her full lips kissed at the air with her every breath. Her bright green eyes gazed longingly at my cock as Cory swallowed it whole and drew it out over and over.
Watching Nicole rub her pussy made my dick seem to stab deeper into Cory's throat. I couldn't help myself. My hand pulled his head onto my dick and my hips began to thrust slowly. My eyes darted from Cory's head nodding on my cock to Nicole rubbing herself on the table. Her hand would cause her panties to pull aside from time to time, affording me teasing views of her bare cunt and its wet lips.
Spiraling deeper into ecstasy and intoxication, I turned up the suicide bottle, nearly turning up my stomach in the process. I was pretty drunk now. Everything seemed like a dream, partially because of how unbelievable it all was, but also because of how good everything felt. My glistening cock was rock hard, resting on Cory's cheek as he rolled my balls around inside his warm mouth below. It felt incredible. For a second, I saw Cory's big brown eyes gaze up at me, and I saw nothing but pure nasty lust. I drank deeply again, now hardly cringing at the horrid mixture as it melted into my stomach.
I reached over and set the huge bottle of alcohol on the table, almost spilling it in the process. As I did, I realized my hand had come dangerously close to Nicole's smooth pale leg. A sudden impulse overtook me, and before I knew what I was doing, my hand was reaching for her moist panties. My fingers found their edge and pulled them gently to the side, exposing Nicole's blushing pussy lips. She made no move to stop me, nor did she show any sign that she noticed. She merely continued to rub her budding lips, paying special attention to the hood that hid her clit. As though possessed, my fingers caressed the soft folds of flesh near her hole. Then two of them were delving inside, pushing into her warm cunt and exploring her deeply. Nicole cried out and shut her eyes, shuddering and letting her head fall back in pleasure.
I had dreamt of this for so long. Now it was happening. Nicole moaned and spread her thighs wider as I slightly curled my fingers inside of her and pulled them back. She licked her hand quickly and returned it to her pussy to rub and stroke herself as I shoved in and out of her. She balanced herself on the table still with her other hand, but I could see her arm quivering as she grew more excited.
Cory had now developed an almost massaging rythym with his blowjob. His head worked back and forth on my slimy cock, leaving no inch of it unattended. His finger and thumb squeezed tighter than ever at the base of my dick, and I felt like my shaft was as hard as stone in his mouth. It was so relaxing to feel his lips gliding back and forth on my cock with the flat of his tongue swirling around it. I could hear his heavy breath escaping from his nose, but he never broke the seal of his lips from my rod.
Nicole now writhed on the table, uttering barely intelligible words under her breath as I fingered her moist hole. Our eyes met and I lost myself in her hazy green stare. Her eyes pleaded with me, begging for more, urging me to continue. She bit her lip whenever my fingers would brush a sensitive slot, but moaned and drove her hips forward.
Looking down, I marveled at her wet and messy snatch as her hand worked furiously across her lips. I could see her tight asshole there between her plump cheeks where her pink thong cut its path. I noticed a small mark on her inner thigh right next to her wet mound. It had the shape of a tiny oval, the same pale complexion as her skin but faded and darker, almost grey or some shade of tan. I realized that it must be a birthmark of some sort, and it intrigued me to know that I was seeing it now in her most private area, where only certain other people but her would know it was there.
Nicole pushed herself up from the table and I withdrew my hand from her groin. Cory pulled my shining wet dick from his mouth and glanced up at her breathlessly. She stood suddenly and motioned for him to move.
"Let me have a turn," Nicole slurred.
Cory did as she said, though he seemed unsure of what she was doing. I was just as puzzled as Nicole hooked her thumbs in her pink thong panties and pulled them down her smooth pale legs. Her pursed pussy lips were now exposed to us completely. I gawked at her nude lower body, my slick nodding in arousal.
"Uh... whoa," Cory muttered as he stepped off to my side.
Nicole turned her head his way when she heard his voice and gave him a drunken grin.
"Don't act like you haven't ever seen it before."
As I sat frozen in my chair, Nicole came towards me. She swung her pale leg wide and straddled my waist, her wet cunt hovering above my nodding cock. I was in shock. My breathing stopped and my hands began to tremble. Her petite breasts were nearly pressed to my face as she reached down and found my slimy dick.
"Holy shit," I heard Cory say.
He stood frozen as well beside me and watched as Nicole guided my stiff rod to her lips below. Her pink hair masked my face, filling my nose with a sweet floral scent. Then I felt her pussy on the tip of my dick. My hands were down to my side and clenched into fists. Was this really happening? It became real enough to me as she sat down further and my cock pushed its way up inside of her. I could feel her pussy spreading around my dick. She felt so warm and slick inside. My throbbing hard cock had no trouble at all shoving all the way into her.
As she sat fully down on my lap, a long steady moan escaped her lips. Her bright green eyes peered down at me past the vivid pink curls of her hair. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the shadow between us. She placed her arms slowly around my bare shoulders and began to roll her hips into my lap. In my trance I saw her lips curve slightly into a little grin.
"Oh... oh god... oh fuck," I gasped as Nicole rode my cock slowly.
She smiled warmly and reached down to grab one of my arms. She pulled it up to position my shaking hand on her jutting round ass. It felt so cool and smooth against my palm. My remaining hand took its place on her other ass cheek and I squeezed her into me, marveling at the feel of this gorgeous girl on top of me. She rocked her hips into me deeply and gasped as my cocked pumped harder and bored further into her pussy. She fell into me, and I was instantly kissing her chest, licking at the side of her small round breasts. She pulled back and ran her fingers through her long pink hair, her green eyes brimming with hazy lust.
"Um... I, uh... I guess I'll leave you guys to it," Cory stuttered.
Nicole shot him a wicked smile. "No you're not. Bring that thing over here, babe."
Her green eyes sparkled as she locked her gaze on Cory's deflating dick. He was standing not four feet away, shifting nervously as he watched Nicole ride me. My eyes mimicked Nicole's for a moment, staring drunkenly at his drooping half erect dick. He began to step forward, and her words came rushing back into my head, their meaning only now dawning on me in my intoxicated stated. Cory's cock came right up before our faces as he stood beside us.
I turned away from Cory and reached for the bottle on the table. Staring at its murky contents, I realized that we weren't even halfway finished with the bottle. With one hand clutching Nicole's grinding ass cheek, I put the bottle to my lips and turned the bottom to the ceiling. With my eyes squeezed shut, I swallowed as much as I could of the strong mixture before I felt like I would hurl. I gasped when at last I cradled the suicide bottle to my chest, receiving a fresh dose of dizziness and abdominal turmoil.
My eyes opened to a mind blowing sight. Nicole had Cory's cock in her face. She licked at it greedily and jerked it, apparently attempting to get him hard again. Cory stood literally right up against us, his bare left thigh pressing against my right shoulder. His arms hung out to his side awkwardly as Nicole worked her tongue around his shaft. Part of me wanted to look away but I couldn't. I was again enthralled by the sight of Nicole pleasuring a cock.
She rocked her hips into my lap, driving my dick deeper inside of her, while simultaneously sticking Cory's semi erect cock in her mouth. I was literally inches from her face and the smooth shaven cock as she slid her lips back and forth along the shaft. I could feel my dick throbbing inside of her warm and wet cunt. My mouth started to water, and I started to feel strange.
Everything that was happening was an onslaught to my senses, and my inner lust was really starting to take over my body. It was like a hunger that was kindling deep within me. My inhibitions and preconceived notions of what was acceptable and what just felt great were all but gone. My sensible side still screamed at me from deep down, trying to turn my head from the beautiful girl in my lap sucking a smooth hardening cock. I shook my head and took another drink of the suicide, for I actually wanted to drown that sense of reasoning.
Nicole's ass clenched as she continued to ride my throbbing hard dick. She had one arm around my shoulder to steady herself, and in her other hand was Cory's shining glistening cock. She forced her pretty face all the way forward until it was pressed against his crotch and held herself there. I saw Cory's fingers clutching a handful of her pink curls, and I heard him let out a wordless cry. At last she drew her head back slowly and pulled his cock from her lips, leaving it slimy with her spit.
Nicole was breathing hard when she looked into my eyes. She licked her lips clean and stroked Cory's cock slowly. She glanced at the bottle in my hand while she ground her pussy against my lap.
"Here," she said breathlessly, "I'll trade you, Derrick."
Her hand moved from the wet cock beside our faces and fetched the suicide bottle from my hand.
"Gimme this," Nicole elaborated, "and you can take this."
With two fingers, she pointed Cory's nodding cock at my face. I had never seen another guy's dick this close before, especially not one that was throbbing hard and covered in spit. I was petrified. A musty and salty smell filled my nose. I could see every wet detail of Cory's dick right under my eyes, from the smooth elastic looking shaft to the smooth bulbous head. It was terrifying, nasty, and menacing, but at the same time it was tender, powerful, and sexy.
I glanced up at Cory, who gazed down at me through his glossy brown eyes. My fantasies were becoming reality with Nicole tonight. I wondered if his fantasies about me were being realized as well.
"Here," Nicole said to me suddenly, "let me show you."
As I looked back at her, Nicole's lips were lunging for mine. Our mouths locked together and her tongue darted into my lips, gliding firmly over mine. The image of her lips sliding down Cory's wet shaft flashed in my mind, and my sensible side told me that I should be repulsed. My dick jumped inside of her pussy, however, and I returned her kiss fully. Our lips parted, though our faces were still extremely close, and I realized that she was sticking Cory's engorged head into her mouth a mere inch from my own. Her green eyes stared into mine, and in that moment I was her slave. I could feel her ass rolling in my lap, and my hard dick suffered a shock of sensations unlike I had felt before. She brought her full wet lips close to mine... and she brought Cory's dick with her.
The hard pulsing shaft of his cock was now between Nicole's lips and mine. She licked and kissed and sucked at the shaft, and I felt my mouth opening to join her. My mind screamed for me to stop. It was too late. My tongue found Nicole's against the tight skin of the cock between us, and I followed her lead. I was kissing the firm tender skin of Cory's dick, sharing it with the beautiful temptress in my lap. I licked my way to the nodding head and sucked it into my mouth. I rubbed my tongue along the bulbous grooved under the tip, and dabbed at his hole deeply.
Nicole's lips met mine at the fat tip of Cory's wet cock, and again we kissed. Our tongues rolled together over the head and I felt it pulse and jump against my lips. I had never imagined what it would feel like to please a guy, to cause a dick to grow hard and throb from of my touch. It felt completely empowering. I found it just as pleasing as feeling a girl grow wet for me.
I suddenly realized that Nicole was no longer sharing Cory's cock with me. Though she still rode me slowly, she had her head tilted back with the suicide bottle to her lips. I now had the tip of the cock against mine. The last shred of my reason bellowed from within my mind, warning me to stop as I gazed up the length of Cory's slick shaft through groggy eyes. I felt his hand slide up my shoulder to the back of my neck to cradle my head gently. Before I could think, my right hand released Nicole's ass cheek and slid up his thigh. I found his tight round ass and clutched it firmly as I had done to Nicole. Then, my mouth opened and my reason fell away.
I took Cory's head into my mouth and licked at it gently. His fingers tightened behind my head. I was amazed at the instant reaction. His slick tip felt tender and rubbery in my mouth. I slid my lips a bit further, his throbbing head gliding over the flat of my tongue. I drew my head back slowly and cut my eyes up at him. Cory's mouth hung open soundlessly and his round brown eyes studied me lustily. I flicked my tongue over his soft tip again and watched him as he quivered.
"Oh my god," Nicole moaned. "Keep doing that!"
All the attention I was receiving bolstered my confidence. I slid my head as far as I could down Cory's shaft, feeling it pulse and twitch in my mouth. I started to nod my head back and forth slowly, trying to mimic what I had seen him do to me earlier. My hand squeezed his clenched ass cheek. I felt so dirty and wrong, which only served to make me even more horny. It didn't help that Nicole was working her hips faster, riding my cock harder and deeper. She clutched my shoulder with one arm hooked her other around Cory's. The three of us were intertwined. Cory's dick was sliding in and out of my mouth, my dick was thrusting into Nicole's wet cunt, and Cory clutched us both behind our heads.
Nicole was really beginning to get excited now. An evil thought entered my head, and I stared straight at her while I bobbed my head on Cory's pumping dick. Her expression twisted into one of orgasmic pleasure as she exhaled wordless moans with every breath. Her ass rolled faster into my lap. I felt Cory's cock straining and pulsing inside my mouth as he now thrust his hips into my head. I could feel his ass cheek tighten in my grip. I eyed Nicole as I did my best to keep Cory's dick at bay. Her green eyes watched me closely as she rode my hard cock relentlessly.
Suddenly, there was a loud crack and the world rushed past me. Nicole came crashing down on top of me as we collapsed to the floor, my dick slipping free from her warm pussy in the process. I was staring up at the ceiling of Nicole's apartment. Cory stood in shock above us, with his slimy dick and balls hovering overhead. I glanced over to see the broken legs of the chair beneath me, and I could feel the busted back rest digging into my back. Nicole was lying on top of me, her chest heaving and her pink curls blanketing her face. I noticed her hand still held the bottle of suicide, and while it hadn't gotten crushed in our fall, there was a small puddle on the floor beside of us.
"Holy shit! Are you guys okay?" Cory cried.
He squatted beside us, his stiff dick wobbling between his thighs. I had trouble believing that only seconds ago that rock hard cock had been pumping in and out of my mouth. I absently wrapped an arm around Nicole's smooth back and held her. As awkward as it was lying on her kitchen floor with a shattered chair under us, I reveled in the feel of our half naked bodies pressed against each other. I could feel her slick pussy on my thigh. It was also mind blowing to me that my cock had been inside of her, and that the girl of my fantasies had been riding my cock.
Nicole's body was then shuddering repeatedly on top of me, as though she was having some sort of spasm. I grew concerned and reached over and shook her gently.
"Nicole," I said, "are you okay?"
Her head came up and she swept her pink curls from her face. She wore a wide smile on her face, and I realized that she was laughing hysterically. I glanced over at Cory, who looked back at me slightly startled. A slow smile spread across his face and he began to chuckle. It only took me a second to join them. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. I laughed at the silliness of what had happened. Seconds ago we were tearing at each other's loins, overwhelmed by lust, and here we were lying on the floor on the ruins of Nicole's poor chair.
The three of us laughed together for several moments before Nicole climbed off of me and rose to her feet. I rolled off of the broken chair as Cory extended a hand to me. Without thinking, I grabbed it and allowed him to pull me to my feet. As I stood, we were drawn close to each other, and I could practically feel the heat radiating from his bare crotch. I glanced down to see my cock still protruding over the waistband of my boxers, just inches from Cory's. Our eyes met and we shared an awkward moment.
"Well, I don't know about you guys," Nicole interrupted, "but I'm not done having fun."
She turned her back to us and set the suicide bottle on the table. She reached behind her with both hands and began unfastening her black bra. My heart jumped into my throat. Her curled pink hair seemed to glow against the pale shade of her slender back. My eyes traced the curves of her back and her narrow waist down to her bare round ass. I felt my cock nodding below as I barely glimpsed the shape of her pussy between the bottom of her ass cheeks.
Nicole's bra was soon in the floor amongst the rest of the clothing and debris from our crazy night. She grabbed the suicide bottle and glanced over her shoulder at us as she walked slowly toward the hallway of her apartment. Her pink hair swayed across her bare shoulders, and her green eyes homed in on mine, beckoning to me. I couldn't help but drop my gaze down to her ass as she walked, though, and the sight of her cheeks jiggling slightly with each step kept my cock throbbing hard.
When she reached the door to her bedroom at the end of the hall, Nicole turned and smiled at us. I was afforded a beautiful view of the side of her small round breasts, as well as a tiny glimpse of her small pink nipples.
"You boys coming, or what?"
As she disappeared into her bedroom, Cory and I exchanged drunken glances. His brown eyes studied something below my gaze, my lips more than likely. It made me feel cold and jittery inside.
"C'mon," was all that he said.
He turned and headed for the hallway. I watched his naked ass as he walked as I had with Nicole. It actually wasn't as unpleasant a sight as I might have thought, but I shook my head and averted my eyes. Not that it made any difference after all I had done. I still had the musky taste of his cock on my tongue. Standing there, I felt as though if I followed my friends into the bedroom that I would tumble deeper into the rabbit hole. Things would only escalate and become more crazy. I knew what would happen if I entered that bedroom. It was both arousing and intimidating.
But I wanted more. I pulled my boxer shorts to the floor and stepped out of them. Taking a deep and dizzy breath, I headed for Nicole's bedroom to join my friends.
I entered Nicole's bedroom to a shocking but stimulating sight. Standing there in the dimly lit room were Cory and Nicole. Their naked bodies were pressed together as they kissed very passionately, their tongues writhing together in their open mouths. I stopped short just inside the threshold of the bedroom and could do nothing but watch. Nicole's arms were wrapped around her best friend's neck, while Cory's were folded around her narrow waist.
I was stunned not only by the fact that Cory was gay and kissing a girl, but also by how deeply and fervently the two kissed. Cory's arms hugged the pink haired beauty to him tightly, and his hands explored the curves of her back eagerly. He appeared to have no reservations whatsoever about being intimate with her. Nicole was at ease in his arms. Though she kissed him with the same zealous lust that he showed, she was relaxed and forthcoming in his embrace. She might as well have been floating on her back among gentle ocean waves under a warm sun.
My eyes wandered down both of my best friends' nude bodies, taking in their contrasting qualities. Nicole's slender form looked absolutely tantalizing. Every part of her was proportionate and pleasing to the eye, whether it was her petite breasts, her round ass, or her long creamy legs. Her pink hair was exotic and beautiful against her pale skin. I eyed her small breasts as they pressed into Cory's chest. I watched his hand ease down to her plump ass and squeeze a handful of her cheeks, causing my dick to nod with arousal.
Cory's body was almost equally as pleasing to look at, for different reasons of course. He was thin, but not unsightly so. There was a certain grace about his slim but shapely form. His back was slightly muscled and toned. His chest was bare and smooth, and his stomach was flat. His ass was round and full but tight and defined. My eyes lingered there longer than I imagined they would, before tracing the length of his muscled thighs and calves. Cory seemed to keep his entire body hairless, giving his flesh a smooth and tender look.
As Cory's mouth now explored Nicole's neck, her sharp green eyes opened and locked with mine. I could see the haze of intoxication in those gorgeous emeralds, and my heart pumped faster when she gave me a slow smile from over Cory's shoulder. Her hand extended and motioned me toward her, inviting me to join the two lovers. I approached slowly, unsure of what to expected but magnetically drawn to the erotic scene before me.
Nicole broke her embrace with Cory and her hand slipped around my back to pull me closer. My gaze dropped to her perfect breasts and her tiny pink nipples, and I suddenly found it difficult to breathe. Her full lips were suddenly pressing into mine, and I let myself react to her touch naturally. My arm slid around her back and pulled her close, my stiffening dick brushing agaisnt her hip.
As our tongues rolled against each other, I felt Cory's warm naked body against my side as he proceeded to kiss at Nicole's neck and shoulders. I could feel his hard cock against the side of my ass. I should have been disturbed by this, but it made my own cock strain harder against Nicole's skin. His dick felt like a muscle flexing against my meaty ass cheek, a new and surprisingly wonderful sensation to me.
Nicole withdrew from our kiss, and at the same instant, Cory drew up from her slender neck. I met eyes with him, and we shared a brief moment of nervous hesitation. My drunken gaze fell from his warm brown eyes to his soft open lips, which trembled with anticipation. Cory's head was suddenly tilting and closing in on my own. I reacted without thought, and brought my lips to his.
As soon as we kissed I felt a jolt of warm excitement sweep through my very bones. I couldn't wrap my brain around what I was doing, but I didn't care. Our mouths opened and his tongue found mine. I could taste his stale alcohol flavored breath. His hand was caressing the back of my head when I felt his other grasp my dick and squeeze. I felt so hard in Cory's grip that it felt like my cock would explode. My growing excitement caused me to kiss him deeper and I lost myself in our erotic embrace.
Nicole's hand suddenly smacked into my ass cheek with a loud pop, and my hips thrust into Cory's body. I could feel the warm sting on my skin as her hand groped and squeezed me. I heard another loud smack from behind Cory and I felt his cock press firmly against me. His tongue delved further into my mouth, his warm labored breath exhaling from his nose to my cheek.
Our lips parted and our eyes met again. My face felt warm and flushed against his lustful stare. His hand still clutched my dick tightly and now was beginning to stroke it deftly. I realized Nicole was now dropping to her knees beside us, taking Cory's cock in her hand and guiding it to her lips. She took his entire shaft into her mouth and quickly slurped her way back to his swollen head. His hand tightened on my dick as he let out a gasp. She wasted no time swallowing up his cock again and bobbing her head back and forth. Nicole stole my dick from her friend's grip and stroked me roughly, still sucking Cory's rod zealously.
I watched Cory's face as his expression twisted in pleasure. He threw his hand up and onto my shoulder to steady himself, and my eyes traveled up the length of his slender toned arm. My cock was suddenly enveloped by a pleasant warmth before I felt Nicole's tongue sliding around my shaft. Her head went into motion again, this time fucking my cock with her mouth. My legs grew weak and I shifted my feet awkwardly, my ass clenching against the hot waves of pleasure I was experiencing in my lower body. My left hand shot around Cory's back to clutch at his firm curves. I groped and searched his back before plunging down to grab his tight round ass cheek. As Nicole fondled my balls gently and rammed her head onto my straining dick, I squeezed and clawed at Cory's fleshy but firm ass, amazed at how great it felt to grab him there.
I should have been cumming hard by now. I was so worked up and turned on that I was shocked that Nicole's mouth wasn't already full of my jizz. As my head rolled uncontrollably on my neck from the amazing sensations I was feeling, my eye caught sight of something on Nicole's bedside table. It was that terrible suicide bottle that I had grown all too familiar with tonight. I then understood why I was so numb. I could feel an orgasm deep within me, barely being feathered by the intense sensations I was suffering. I realized that I, and probably Cory as well, had succeeded in numbing myself, though now it had worked too well. I was in for a long night, though I no longer had the capacity to care.
My dick was pulled from Nicole's mouth, dripping with saliva and throbbing. Looking down, my heart stopped when I saw what she was doing. With a glistening cock in each hand, she pressed my meaty head against Cory's firmly and then rolled her tongue over both. Her head was tilted back and her green eyes flickered from Cory to me repeatedly. A simultaneous moan escaped from the two of us. My hand squeezed Cory's ass harder as his clenched my shoulder. I watched breathlessly as Nicole sucked the tips of our cocks into her wide lips and licked them. I could feel Cory's head pumping against mine in her mouth, and I glanced over at him to gauge his reaction. Before I knew it, Cory was leaning in to kiss me, and I found his lips eagerly.
As we kissed, Nicole pulled our cocks from her mouth and stood. Her mouth was replaced almost instantly by Cory's free hand, and he firmly stroked my wet dick. I was so turned on that I rushed to return the favor, grabbing his pulsing cock and sliding my hand tightly up and down his slimy shaft. We were together for a few moments, embracing each other closer and stroking ourselves vigorously.
"Wow, you guys are fucking hot," I heard Nicole whimper from off to our side.
I was so enthralled by Cory that I hardly noticed. Our kiss broke, though our foreheads pressed together as we panted heavily. I trembled nervously in disbelief and drew in a cold breath. I had my best friend's hard cock in my grasp, pulling and stroking him as he did the same for me. It was incredible and unreal. With every squeeze of his dick, mine throbbed harder. He felt so tender but so powerful in my hand. I distantly noticed that my jaw was loosening, and realized that I wanted his cock in my mouth again. Again I shuddered from the fresh and overwhelming urges I had for him. I felt so dirty and alive.
A pale arm came between us then, pressing against my chest and forcing me back. I fell to the bed. Looking up I realized Nicole had interrupted Cory and I and shoved me down. Her back was to me as she wrapped her arms around him and appeared to be either licking his ear or whispering something to him. A few seconds later, she turned a wicked gaze on me and smiled. She looked devious in the dim glow from the lamp on her bedside table. Her eyes locked on mine, she began to crawl on top of me, her small breasts jiggling beneath her slender frame. My body grew stiff as she came face to face with me and her pink hair fell down around our faces.
"Do you want your dick in me again?" She whispered.
As though in response to her nasty question, my cock nodded hard between us. I could feel her bare cunt against my shaft as her hips began to grind on top of it. She was wet, and her juices were rubbed all over my stiff dick. I moaned uncontrollably, causing her to chuckle wickedly. My hands found the arch of her smooth back and glided down to her round jutting ass for the second time that night. Her smooth curvy body felt incredible.
"Well, do you?" She repeated.
She ground her wet cunt against me harder as she spoke as if to add emphasis to her question. Her glazed green eyes bored into mine in a merciless glare. She grinned and ran her tongue over her teeth as I squirmed beneath her.
"Y-yes," I stuttered. "Hell yes!"
I felt Nicole lift her ass and position herself above me. My hard cock throbbed and stood up straight under her, and I moaned when the head of my dick slid across the wet lips of her pussy. Rotating her ass downward a few times, she tried to slip my dick into her without the use of her hands. I felt for her hole anxiously until finally my cock pressed into of her. My dick slid into her moist cunt with such ease that it made me melt like warm butter beneath her.
She wasted no time sliding her pussy to the base of my cock. My eyes almost rolled back into my head as waves of bliss swept through my body. Nicole's arms curled under my neck and hugged me close to her face. Her ass began to pop up and down, riding the full length of my cock from my tip to my balls. She lowered her lips to my neck and began to kiss and suck. My hands found the round cheeks of her ass and I groped them gently as she pounded her pussy into my crotch. She fucked me nonstop for several minutes, each of which felt like a minute in my own private eutopia. I still couldn't believe I was inside of her, that her soft pale body was intertwined with mine. She was my dream girl, my fantasy.
Nicole slowed to a stop with about half of my cock still buried inside of her. Her head snapped upward and she smiled broadly in pleasure and moaned. I peered past her arms to see Cory bent over with his mouth buried between her round ass cheeks. I realized that he was licking Nicole's asshole. He clutched her thighs, steadying himself as he rimmed her ass. He caused Nicole to whimper and giggle, and I took the opportunity to explore her neck with my lips. I felt her shudder on top of me as I licked my way to her ear lobe. She still smelled absolutely wonderful, and her pink hair felt so soft against my face.
Nicole suddenly yelped and tightened her arms around me like a coiling snake and buried her head between my neck and shoulder. I was alarmed, and I began to wonder if I had done something wrong. She let out another wail, muffled against my naked skin. Then, I felt what was causing her to scream. There was suddenly pressure inside her pussy as something pushed along the underside of my cock. I realized what was happening. I peered around Nicole's shoulder again to see Cory standing behind her, apparently shoving his cock into her ass.
I was stunned, mostly by the sensation in my cock, for I could feel Cory's dick sliding into her asshole through the thin wall of flesh in her pussy. She was obviously in a bit of pain as Cory eased himself slowly into her. Something warm oozed onto my balls, and I assumed that it must be whatever he had used for lubrication. The pressure increased against my cock, and Nicole tightened her arms around me again. She moaned,letting out a loud and unintelligible curse as she did. I could literally feel the shape of Cory's cock against my own as it slid further into her ass. My dick throbbed in her pussy, and I felt Cory's react similarly.
Cory drew back and I felt him pull away and glide deeper into her. He was now developing a slow rythym, thrusting gently into his friend's asshole. I heard him release a quivering breath as he pressed further inside. I could fell his dick throbbing in her ass, straining to its full girth and expanding Nicole's tight anus. She still clutched me tightly, and I loved the feel of her beautiful slender body clinging to me so desperately.
Cory increased his pace, his hips bumping Nicole's ass with each thrust. I began to buck my hips upward, shoving my cock into her wet pussy repeatedly. Nicole's head popped up from my neck and she let out a deafening cry of pleasure or pain. Whichever it was I couldn't be sure. I squeezed her ass and felt Cory's hand clutching her round hips. My world seemed to be comprised of nothing but pure lust and ecstasy. The combined feeling of Nicole's cunt and Cory's thrusting cock in her ass was so intense that it made me weak.
The two of us thrusted into Nicole relentlessly now. My hands explored her entire body, soaking in her every curve. One moment she would kiss my neck or shove her tongue in my mouth, and the next she would toss her head back and wail in pleasure. Her body bounced back and forth on top of me, drilled by both Cory's cock and mine. Her pink curls swayed and jumped around her gorgeous face. Many minutes passed as we fucked her, or perhaps it was hours. I didn't care if we fucked all night. I had a hard numb cock and a beautiful girl on top of me.
Nicole's hips squatted hard onto me and she moaned loudly, her green eyes rolling up into her head. She bit her lip hard and squeezed her arms around me. Only when I felt her pussy flush warmer and wetter did I realize that she was cumming. Cory didn't stop, but merely slowed his hips. The force of Nicole's hips and Cory's deep thrusts had me pinned to the bed. Her soft lips were suddenly against mine, kissing me firmly.
I could feel the slightest bit of moisture on her smooth cheek as her heavy breath exhaled onto mine from her nose.
She opened her mouth and forced her tongue into my lips. She was still moaning and whimpering as we kissed. I placed my hand on her head and pulled her in deep. Running my fingers through her lovely pink hair, massaged her tongue with my own and silently prayed that it would never end.
I felt the pressure inside of her decrease as Cory's dick slid from her ass. Nicole pulled her lips from mine and her green eyes stared down into mine. She smiled at me and let out a breathless laugh. I held her close in my arms, reluctant to let her go. She licked her lips and leaned closer to me.
"Hey," she hissed breathlessly, "that... was fucking... amazing."
"Yeah," I agreed.
"Will you... will you do me... a huge favor?"
"I... I guess so."
Nicole's emerald eyes flashed excitedly.
"I wanna... see you... you and Cory fuck."
The words drove a cold spike through my chest. From somewhere deep within, my logical side screamed and pleaded with me. Alarms were ringing in my head and I balked at the thought of my dick inside of Cory's ass, or worse, his dick inside of mine. Something felt different now, however, and I felt another side of me stirring. At the very mention of sex with Cory, my cock throbbed and grew harder. An evil voice in my head coaxed me to try new things, to try everything. It beseeched me to be dirty, nasty, and carefree. My inner conscious was no longer in turmoil as the malevolent voice began to drown out my reason. I had to listen. I wanted to listen.
"O-okay," I told Nicole.
She looked shocked for a brief second before a smile spread across her face. She lowered her lips to mine again and kissed me. The next thing I knew she was climbing off of me and my cock was sliding out of her wet cunt. Instantly I missed the presence of her slick curvy body on mine. I glanced up to see Cory standing with the suicide bottle in one hand and a small clear container in his other. He put the suicide to his lips and took a few sips of the vile concoction. He quickly thrust the bottle at Nicole, who grabbed it from him as he shook his head and scrunched up his face. Then, his brown eyes turned to me.
My breath caught in my chest as his gaze washed over my naked body. With the small plastic container still in his hand, he placed a knee on the mattress and started to crawl on top of me. His slimy dick slid across my thigh and up beside my own wet cock. He straddled me as Nicole had done, bringing his face close to mine. My cock stiffened and pulsed between us, and I felt his twitching as well. I stared into his deep brown eyes as our lips brushed lightly.
"How, uh... how d-do you want me?" Cory asked nervously.
I licked my lips and shuttered. I could see him trembling with excitement, and a dark thought crossed my mind. Nicole had given me what I had always wanted and more. I understood how Cory must have felt lying on top of me. He wanted me, and it made me feel empowered and somehow beautiful. I wanted to please him, to drive him crazy. I still couldn't believe how I felt, but I was enjoying it. I wanted to give in to my evil voice, and give myself to Cory.
"Derrick?" He said. "How do you want me?"
"Inside of me," I answered. "I... I want you inside of me."
Cory's eyes widened and his jaw hung open. I could feel his hard slimy cock throb and slide between our bodies. He studied me in shock for a moment, and my dark and devious lust took over. I leaned up, stuck my tongue between his lips, and kissed him. It took only a second before he joined me, kissing me back fervently. When our embrace broke, he stared back at me lustily and pushed himself off of me. I turned my head and looked over at Nicole, who was kneeling on the bed beside me. She looked even more stunned than Cory had. With a look up and down her magnificent naked body, I propped myself up on my elbow and reached for the suicide bottle in her hand. I took it from her, and she bit her lip and grinned at me.
My head was already swimming when I turned the bottle up and took three awful swallows of the suicide. I cringed against the terrible effects of the alcohol and handed the bottle back to Nicole, who grabbed it and followed suit. I laid back on the bed as Cory moved into position at my legs. Taking a deep breath, I pulled my knees up, placed my feet on the edge of the bed, and spread my thighs apart, exposing my naked crotch to my best friend.
I watched with anticipation as Cory flipped open the top of the small bottle on his hand and dumped a handful of lube into his palm. The shiny clear liquid ran down his arm and through his fingers as he tossed the bottle to the floor. My eyes were glued to his hands as he rubbed them together and placed them around his hard dick. I watched him stroke his shaft slowly, coating it with a glistening layer of lube. It ran down his shaft and onto his loosely hanging sack. My own cock jumped at the sight of his shiny bulbous tip sliding in and out of his fist.
Nicole suddenly rose on her knees and swung her leg over my chest. She blocked my view of Cory as she straddled my head, though I now had a view of her beautiful body above me. Her pussy was hovering just inches above my face. Looking up at her, I could see the undersides of her small pale breasts. Her pink curls rested on her chest as she gazed down at me.
"Don't bite too hard, okay?" Nicole said.
I was slightly perplexed by her words as she took a sip of the suicide and grinned down at me. My eyes went to her pursed pussy lips and the smell of sex crept into my nose. I licked my lips and brought them to meet the soft folds of her cunt. I ran the flat of my tongue from her hole to her clit, sliding between her sticky lips slowly. She tasted bitter, salty, and sweet all at the same time, and my cock nodded hard behind her. I stroked myself gently, still wet from the pussy I in my mouth. I rubbed her smooth thigh and mashed my mouth into her, sticking my tongue as deep inside of her as I could. A sharp fluid enveloped my tongue and she uttered a soft moan.
I felt my legs being lifted and spread wider as Cory folded them back toward my stomach. His stiff and slimy cock poked into my right ass cheek. Then, I felt him guiding the soft tip between my cheeks. It pushed against the ring of my asshole and I clutched Nicole's thigh tightly. The pressure increased and I felt the very tip of his head trying to slip into me. My hole widened slowly and I shivered at the new and incredible feeling of something trying to push inside of me.
Suddenly, my whole body tensed as Cory's bulbous tip popped into my asshole without warning. My ass throbbed with such an intense pain that I drew back from Nicole's wet pussy and yelped. Immediately, she lowered herself onto my face, covering my mouth with her cunt. She leaned down and supported herself on the bed with her hand and ground her pussy against my mouth.
"Focus on this, baby," she told me.
Her hand slipped behind my head and pulled my face into her crotch and swirled her hips. I moaned loudly into her pussy, breathing hard through my nose. My ass was in terrible pain, and I felt every throb of Cory's straining cock. I felt his slick hand encircle my dick and slide up and down my shaft. The sensations I felt were overwhelming. Nicole's wet pussy rode my face and tasted so dirty felt so nasty, causing my dick to pulse in Cory's hand. He took advantage of my straining erection, stroking it with his lubricated hand and driving me absolutely crazy. Then, of course, there was the horrible pain in my ass. I had never had anything more than a girls finger in my anus, and it hadn't hurt like Cory's dick. It was almost unbearable.
The pain intensified as I felt his cock slide deeper into me. I screamed into Nicole's cunt as she continued to ride my face. Her slick lips folded and slid across my mouth as her hips twirled. Cory's cock pressed further, inching into my ass and spreading it wide to accommodate his girth. It felt like he had an entire foot of hard dick inside of me, when in reality I knew it couldn't have been but about three inches or so. It throbbed in my ass and I jumped as much as Nicole allowed. She practically had me pinned to the bed. I clawed at her thigh and tried to bear the pain of the cock in my ass as best I could. I had no idea it would hurt as much as it did.
As I moaned again loudly into Nicole's pussy, Cory's pumping cock slid further and further into my ass, until finally I felt his warm sack press firmly against my cheeks. Though I was still in pain, Cory felt incredible with his dick buried as deep as possible in my ass. I felt dirty, almost slutty even, with my legs spread and his hips against the bottom of my thighs. Another new sensation racked my asshole when I felt him slide his cock back until only his head was inside. Again I felt a wave of pain. Cory pushed his dick forward, inching slowly into me again until his balls mashed against my ass cheeks.
Then, I noticed that the unbearable pain was subsiding. As Cory's cock slid in and out of me slowly, my body relaxed and my moans became long and low utterances of pleasure. My dick strained in his slimy hand as he continued to stroke me gently. He thrust into me with ease, and I marveled at the sensation of his stiff cock filling my ass. I now only felt a twinge of pain when his swollen tip pressed deep into me, but my stretched ass now accommodated his dick perfectly.
"Oh god, Derrick," I heard Cory moan. "You're so tight."
His words struck a chord within me, and I felt my legs spreading for him instinctively. I hooked my calves around him and used them to pull him into me. An overwhelming feeling of ecstasy resonated within my entire body, and my tongue began to roll against Nicole's pussy once more.
"Oh, fuck," She hissed and pulled my head tightly into her crotch.
Cory started pumping his hips into me, his cock sliding back and forth spreading me open with each thrust. My anus grew hot with friction, and I squeezed my asshole tightly around his dick. It felt unbelievably wonderful to have a hard cock inside of me. With his every thrust he drove deeply and slowly, letting me feel every inch of his shaft. He released my dick and grabbed my hips, focusing solely on fucking my asshole. I could hear him grunting and groaning through labored breaths.
Nicole climbed off of my face then, leaving it covered in her tangy juices. She bent beside me on her knees, her ass in the air and her pretty face close to mine. I now had a clear view of Cory. His face was contorted in pleasure, with his brow furrowed and his eyes half open. His slender biceps flexed tightly as he gripped the sides of my ass cheeks. I watched his smooth stomach and hips as he thrusted. My dick bobbed and wagged when he drove into me. I was stunned at the sight of being fucked by Cory, and more importantly, I was completely aroused as well.
Nicole watched him as well. She wore an expression that showed a mixture of lust and amazement. She glanced over at me with her face just inches from mine. Her full glossy lips split into a smile.
"Damn, you're really enjoying this, huh?" She grinned.
She didn't allow me to answer, but instead leaned in to kiss me. I returned her kiss eagerly, basking in the feel of her wet lips. I felt her hand close around my dick and she stroked me from base to tip. I jumped when her fist squeezed across my sensitive head. From deep within, I felt the very first twinge of an orgasm stirring. Her lips left mine and she positioned herself so that her head was now at my crotch. Her round ass still jutted upward into the air with her slender back sloping down. Realizing that she was about to suck my cock, I braced myself for the sensation.
My eyes closed and I moaned loudly. My dick was throbbing against Nicole's swirling tongue inside her warm mouth. My ass was being filled and emptied by Cory's hard cock. The sensations were almost becoming unbearable. I looked down to see the suicide bottle still in Nicole's free hand. She clutched the neck of the bottle in her fist while the bottom pressed down into the mattress. I reached for it and pulled slightly as my fingers closed around it.
Nicole released her grip and allowed me to take the bottle, and immediately I leaned up as much as I could and drank. I coughed as I took my first swallow, though it was only because of the awkward position I was in. I was used to the horrible mixture of alcohol, and I took several more sips in hopes of numbing my senses further. As surprising as it was to me, I didn't want this to end. I wanted Cory's cock to never stop drilling me, and it made Nicole's blowjob drive me crazy.
Cory's hands groped at my hips almost desperately, and his thrusts grew harder and faster. When his grunts and groans grew louder and his breathing became even faster, I knew what was happening. I watched as his motions became erratic, with his legs shifting under him awkwardly.
"Oh... oh, god," Cory whimpered between breaths.
I felt so empowered as I watched him loose control. Cory was fucking me, and I was the reason he was about to cum. As I clutched the suicide bottle tightly, I squeezed the muscles in my asshole tightly around his throbbing shaft over and over. My ass cheeks clenched and released as my hips pumped slightly, grinding Cory's dick and thrusting mine into Nicole's. I felt another orgasmic flutter in my cock watching the entire scene unfold before me.
Cory's hips slammed into my thighs and my ass cheeks. A sharp pain pierced my ass deep within as his cock stabbed far into me. I was completely full of his pulsing dick. My asshole grew warm as I felt him his cock pumping inside of me. I knew I was feeling his hot cum shooting into me. Nicole took her lips from my dick and stood up on her knees. She leaned over and placed her lips on Cory's, muffling his moans and cries of pleasure. The two kissed passionately as I felt his warm jizz filling my ass. I watched them in amazement, my mind reeling from the scene before me. Cory was kissing a girl, his best friend. He was cumming in my ass with his dick buried to the balls inside of me, his other "straight" best friend. As drunk as I was, it was all still hard to process.
I laid there for several minutes, watching my friends make out and feeling Cory's erection subside in my ass. I took another awkward sip of the suicide. My wet cock was still straining at my hip. My face felt sticky and flushed, and I could smell Nicole's pussy on my lip. I was sweating slightly and breathing heavily. Looking up at the twisting ceiling, was surprised at the amount of liquor I had held down so far.
Before I knew what was happening, Cory was stepping away from me, and I felt his cock slipping out of my stretched asshole. Nicole and I watched as he squatted down between my legs. With one hand he pushed my leg back against me, rolling my crotch up. His other hand gently lifted my balls as his head dove down beneath them. My eyes widened when I fell his wet tongue trace the ring of my asshole. An uncontrollable moan escaped my lips. Nicole, who was still kneeling on the bed, turned a evil smile toward me. Cory's tongue pressed into my asshole and swirled. I'd never felt anything like it. My cock nodded and my asshole pursed. I felt Cory's warm cum oozing out of me and into his waiting mouth. I gasped at the sheer naughtiness and nastiness of the act. He was eating his own jizz from my ass!
"Damn, babe, you're fucking dirty!" Nicole giggled.
She glanced at me again and laughed. My cock bobbed up and down as I looked at her gorgeous body. She still looked absolutely stunning. Her pink curls were now messy and tangled, but lovely nonetheless. I eyed her small perky breasts and her tiny nipples, and then traced the curve of her impossibly narrow waist to her perfect round ass. Her pale skin was now flushed pink and was covered with a thin layer of sweat, giving a glow to the tattoos on her arms.
Cory's tongue slipped in and out of my ass until at last he was finished. I felt a warm trickle run down the crack of my ass, and I shivered. Cory stood up with his glossy lips sealed shut. He obviously had the cum from my ass still in his mouth. I watched as he approached Nicole and slipped his arms around her waist. I stopped breathing and the hairs on my neck stood. Nicole flashed me a sexy smile and winked seductively. She then turned her head to Cory, tilted her head back, and opened her mouth wide.
I watched in disbelief as Cory pursed his glistening lips and spit a creamy stream of cum into her mouth.
"Holy shit," I said in shock.
Nicole's lips closed and she moaned softly. She wiped at the corner of her mouth with her finger and turned to face me. Her green eyes flashed wickedly and she gave me a devious little grin. Her hands slid up her stomach to her breasts and squeezed them, her fingers pinching and toying with her nipples. I had never seen a sexier girl in my life. My hand took hold of my hard cock instinctively and I stroked myself frantically as lust pumped into my veins anew. I saw her throat contract and her mouth opened, drawing in a moaning breath. She giggled as she watched me writhe on her bed stroking my cock.
"Sit up, baby," Nicole ordered smacking my thigh. "I want some more dick."
I propped myself up on my elbows and stopped short. I had been lying down almost the whole time I'd been in her bedroom, and my head suddenly spun terribly. I didn't realize how drunk I really was. I shook my head and took several deep breaths, trying to ease my dizziness somehow.
"C'mon sit up, pussy," Nicole teased.
She glanced down at the bottle in my hand and smiled.
"You could always take the shot if you don't think you can do it," she added with an evil laugh.
I grinned sheepishly and pushed myself up to sit at the edge of the bed. Cory and I briefly met eyes, and if his face hadn't already been red he would have been blushing. I gave him an embarrassed grin before Nicole swung her leg over me and positioned herself in my lap. She took the suicide bottle from my hand and set it on the bedside table. Her tits were inches from my face as she reached between us and slipped my still hard cock into her pussy. She felt no less amazing than before, and after sliding down my cock she immediately began to ride. She wrapped her arms around my neck, leaning back just slightly, and put her entire effort into rolling her hips into me.
I clutched her soft ass cheeks and moaned. My head still swam from the effects of the alcohol. All I could see was Nicole's beautiful body grinding on my dick. She was smiling seductively and staring right into my eyes. She flipped her pink hair over her shoulder and drew in close to me. With her slick body pressed against me, I licked and sucked at her breasts greedily. My cock was turning flips now inside of her as I felt my orgasm finally awakening.
In a frenzy, I jumped to my feet, cradling Nicole by her ass. I spun quickly and together we fell to the bed, with Nicole falling to her back and me crashing down on top of her. She laughed gleefully and spread her legs wide, and I took her invitation, shoving my cock deep into her cunt. With my knees on the bed, I thrust my hips into her hard, producing a cry of pleasure from her each time. She relentlessly fucked me back, bucking her hips upward to meet my advancing thrusts. We were fucking so hard that the the bed wobbled and Nicole's body actually slid upward to the other side of the bed, until her pink hair cascaded off the edge. I drilled into her pussy, lost in my storm of lust. Nicole seemed to enjoy it even more as I ravaged her harder and harder, for she smiled broadly and pulled at her own hair frantically.
Just as I was about to attack her exposed neck with my tongue, Cory appeared in front of us at the edge of the bed. He stepped in close, stroking his spent cock above Nicole's face. She reached up and pulled his dick to her lips, sucking his head into her mouth and groaning, just inches from my face. The sight made my already stiff cock strain inside of Nicole's sopping wet cunt. It stung with the onset of my building climax.
Nicole's green eyes bored into mine as she licked and sucked at Cory's growing dick. My elbows grew weak and I gave in, lowering myself to join her. Her legs hugged me closely as I sank into her. My lips found the shaft of Cory's cock and I kissed at it eagerly while Nicole licked at his enlarging tip. I licked my way down to her lips and our tongues met against Cory's slimy dick. We continued to thrust into each other hard as we kissed and shared the cock between us. Finally, my lips stole his hardening cock from Nicole's lips and my mouth closed around it. I swallowed as much of him as I could, swirling my tongue around and bobbing my head down his shaft. He moaned and trembled when I sucked at the head of his dick, and I felt him growing in my mouth.
I couldn't take anymore. My hips pounded against Nicole's thighs frantically. I wanted to keep Cory in my mouth but I found it near impossible to do so as I drew closer to climax. His slimy cock fell from my lips, and almost immediately Nicole gobbled him up. Her head was hanging off the edge of the bed with her neck stretched back to its full extent. Cory took advantage of her position and began thrusting his dick into her mouth. His balls slapped against her nose repeatedly, and I was close enough to practically see her throat expand as his cock penetrated her deeply.
I exploded inside of Nicole, burying my cock to the balls in her pussy. The sensation was so intense that I dared not move. Still, her hips rotated gently underneath me as her cunt drank in my cum. I realized I was wailing in ecstasy. As I shot my hot jizz into her, I watched as Cory fucked Nicole's throat. His hands were on my shoulders as he jammed his cock into her face. In my erratic frenzy, my hand shot around and clamped down hard on his tight ass cheek. I could feel the muscles in his ass clenching. Nicole's pussy became warm and gooey with my cum as I pumped the last bit inside of her.
I collapsed onto Nicole's sweaty body and breathed heavily against her neck. Cory pulled his dick from her mouth and I heard her gasp. She still smelled sweet and lovely. Though my cock was now spent, I didn't want to pull out of her. I wanted to fall asleep right where I was. I was dizzy and fatigued, and my mind emptied of all thought.
"Roll off me, big boy," Nicole said breathlessly. "You're heavier than you think."
I managed to chuckle as I pushed myself up on my hands. Nicole looked up at me through her hazy green eyes. I could see that she was as worn out as I was. She gave me a tired grin and my heart turned flips in my chest. She was so beautiful. Her lips were slimy with spit and her face was flushed a light shade of red. Her pink hair was in tangles and stuck to her forehead in places. Her breath smelled musky and stale, and I could practically taste the alcohol as she exhaled as well. Even as she was, she was gorgeous to me. I leaned down and placed a kiss on her glossy lips. She held my face to hers and returned the kiss fully. The embrace felt nasty and naughty, but also incredibly passionate. It made me feel warm and wanted inside. When our lips parted our eyes met briefly again before I pushed myself away from her.
As I rose, my cock slipped from Nicole's stretched open pussy, and I saw a milky tttrickle drip from her blushing lips. I sat back on the bed, trying to keep my spinning world in focus. Nicole sat up as well and swallowed hard, letting out a long exhausted sigh. I glanced at Cory, who stood with his hands on his hips staring at the ceiling, his smooth glistening chest heaving up and down. A moment later, the three of us exchanged awkward glances. Nicole bit her lip and looked away with a grin. Cory scratched the back of his head and smiled sheepishly as he looked at the floor. I decided to break the silence.
"So... I guess the game is over now?"
The three of us laughed.
I awoke to absolute darkness, naked and slightly cold on the damp bed. I blinked my eyes wearily, wondering why my slumber had been interrupted. I shivered slightly, realizing that I had fallen asleep without any covers pulled over me. In fact, Nicole's bed was still made, though it was a little messy.
Suddenly I felt someone moving behind me. I felt an arm slip from under my own and disappear. Then, my entire backside grew cool as the warm body rolled aside. Someone had been spooning me as I slept. I turned and peered over my shoulder to find Cory beside me on the bed, naked and asleep. I was almost shocked to see him there until a wave of extreme dizziness throbbed in my skull. I groaned and set my head back into my pillow. The pieces fell back into place as I spotted the near empty bottle on the bedside table.
I remembered what had happened. I remembered the game at the kitchen table, Nicole and Cory getting naked, Nicole and I sharing a dick... it seemed like a wild dream. My flaccid cock felt used and sticky, though, and my asshole felt oddly loose and hollow. I knew it had been real. I was simply in awe as I reflected on everything.
Suddenly, I heard a sliding door open then close seconds later. It dawned on me then that Nicole wasn't in the room. She must have gotten up and had awakened me in the process. She was outside now, apparently on her balcony. I knew she was probably smoking out there. It was a habbit she'd picked up a long time ago, though she did it very rarely.
I sat up in the bed and my head immediately felt terribly dizzy. I rubbed my forehead and swung my legs off of the bed. I stood wearily and stumbled out of the bedroom, hoping that I didn't wake Cory. I made my way awkwardly in the dark down the hallway and into the kitchen. I saw the sliding glass doors that opened to Nicole's balcony, though there was no light on outside. I started to head for the doors, but realized I was still naked. With my head still fuzzy, I searched the kitchen floor for my pants and found them near the table. Slipping them on, I opened the sliding door and peeked outside into the night.
I spotted Nicole sitting in a chair on the balcony overlooking the quiet town beyond. She glanced over at me and blew out a plume of smoke. She wore only a black hooded sweatshirt that I knew must have belonged to Cory, for it was entirely too large for her. The sweater extended past her hips and partially down her thighs. Her pink hair was a mess, and was mostly tucked into the neck of the sweater. Her tired green eyes studied me curiously.
I pulled the door open wide and stepped out onto the balcony to join her. Closing the door behind me, I took a seat in the only other chair beside her.
"Couldn't sleep?" I asked.
She shook her head wearily. "I always have to pee in the middle of the night after I drink a lot. How the hell did I wake you up? You guys were out."
"I don't know," I replied. "Can I bum one of those from you?"
Nicole gave me a funny look as she reached for her cigarettes. "I didn't think you smoked."
I sighed and took the cigarette she offered. "Yeah, well, there's a lot of things I thought I'd never do."
I heard her giggling as she struck her lighter and lit me up. I drew in a deep puff of smoke, inhaling deeply and blowing it out. I let out only a tiny cough and looked over at Nicole almost bashfully. She smiled politely at me, her weary green eyes twinkling in the dark.
"I'm sure that last night wasn't exactly how you'd envisioned getting into my pants," Nicole chuckled.
I blinked hard. "Don't get me wrong, you were amazing."
Nicole studied me as she took another drag of her cigarette. "So, what's the big deal then? You got what we both knew you always wanted."
"Well, yeah, and it was more than I dreamed it would be, but... Cory...."
I saw a smile wanting to form on her face as I spoke.
"What about him, Derrick?" She asked, flicking her ashes.
"We had sex last night," I stated. "I'm not even remotely gay, or even bisexual... at least I didn't think I was... but we sucked each other's dicks last night. I... I let him fuck me for crying out loud!"
"Yeah, I imagine he'll feel the same way about me in the morning," Nicole said thoughtfully. "He walked in on me one time when I was masturbating and saw me with a dildo inside of me. I thought he was gonna throw up. He'll probably feel awful now."
The image of Nicole fucking herself with a dildo made my dick stir in my pants, but I chased the thoughts away.
"Well... at least he's a guy that had sex with a girl, though," I argued. "I mean, I'm the one deviating here and doing something strange."
"To everyone else," she contested. "But last night was strange for him just like it was strange for you. Besides, who cares if you're deviating, or whatever you call it. It was a little weird, but so what? You had fun didn't you?"
I paused for a moment. "Well... I guess I did."
"So why does it matter if you sleep with a girl or a guy?" Nicole pointed out. "You have all these preconceptions about what it means to have sex with a guy, but you never stopped to wonder if you would actually like it if there was no one to tell you it was wrong."
I was at a loss for words. I took a drag of my cigarette and stared of into the dark sky.
"I used to date, like, sketchy guys," Nicole said. "My parents hated every single one. They didn't like them because they were trouble makers, or that they had a bad history and stuff like that. Then, the first time I brought a girl to their house and told them we were dating, they were so disgusted by me being bisexual that they practically begged me to get back with any one of those bad boys. I just quit caring. If I'm happy and I'm enjoying myself, then who gives a damn what anyone else thinks?"
I was nodding my head when our eyes met. Her green eyes flashed with excitement as a smile formed on her face.
"So, did you enjoy having sex with Cory?" Nicole prodded.
I thought for a second before I answered her. "Yeah, I... actually did. Once I got past the weirdness of it all. Though it seems doubly weird because he's also my friend."
"It's like rock-paper-scissor, huh?" She grinned.
She took a long draw of her cigarette and flicked it off the balcony.
"Like, you've waited so long to have a go at me," she explained, "and Cory's waited so long to get at you. And I've sorta wanted both of you, weirdly. Each of us got who we wanted."
I chuckled. Nicole had a unique way of looking at our crazy night.
"So, what happens now?" I asked her.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean we're all friends," I pointed out. "Isn't it gonna be a little odd now between the three of us?"
Nicole shrugged. "Maybe not. I mean, things don't have to be more than they are now. We are all really good friends. And... maybe we like to fuck each other every now and then. Wouldn't that be nice to have someone you know and trust really well and be able to just have fun and blow off some steam together?"
I nodded distantly as I finished the last of my cigarette and flicked it over the railing of the balcony.
"I guess that sort of makes us all bisexual then," I pointed out.
"Maybe we're just sexual," Nicole offered. "Screw putting labels on things."
I rubbed my eyes wearily. "I still can't believe what happened last night. I had a threesome with you and Cory. I screwed my crush, and a guy, and they were my best friends. All because of that game... and that fucking liquor."
I smiled and shook my head at her.
"Jeez, Nicole, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I scolded. "Why would you make something like that?"
She laughed and rose from her seat. "Because it's the only way to party, baby. We got trashed and had wild nasty sex. Sex or Suicide. Give me sex or give me death."
Nicole and I shared a laugh before she pulled me from my chair. The two of us went back into her apartment and headed to her bedroom. I was practically blind as I felt my way to her bed. I heard her toss her sweater to the floor and crawl onto the bed. We laid down as quietly as possible, and Nicole turned away from me to face the edge of the bed, and I took the opportunity to cuddle up close to her with my crotch against her round ass and my arm around her waist. Our bodies fit together like a sensual puzzle, and I nestled my head onto her soft pink hair. Her curvy petite body felt amazing in my arms, and my cock twitched slightly against her soft ass cheeks.
I felt movement behind me. Cory's body suddenly was against my back, mirroring my position against Nicole's. He pulled his legs up close to mine, and I felt his soft fleshy dick and balls press against my ass and thighs. He slipped his arm around me and placed his hand on Nicole's hip. Though I was half sober and fully aware that it was Cory lying naked behind me, I made no protest at all. I rather welcomed the feel of his smooth body against my own. I felt wanted and welcome in the warm embrace of my two best friends. My dick pumped gently at the feel of Nicole's ass, and my loose asshole pursed at the touch of Cory's crotch. Before I eased into a slumber, I hoped deep inside that our game of Sex or Suicide would never truly end.
10 years ago