How I arrived here from there... part 3.

I started looking for fun away from home. At first locally but later, when my job involved a bit of travel with the occasional night away from home, further afield. I enjoyed picking up street prostitutes for sex, I've never felt any moral qualms about paying for sex. I didn't (and still don't) want an affair, I want sex, and I'm lazy. After I was married it was difficult to pick up girls in pubs or clubs and we went to parties as a couple. Once we were invited by a friend to a party which, he said "might get heavy", code for wife-swapping (no such thing as swingers in those days!) but although I'd have loved to go, S didn't, so we declined; we weren't invited again. I knew where the local red-light districts were and I was like a k** in a sweet shop, a lot of attractive tarty girls, various shapes, sizes, colours, ages.......... and the police seemed to steer clear. Standard procedure: pull up, "looking for business?", "how much?", "straight or suck, 5 in the car or 10 inside", "hop in"; the price went up over the years - inflation!. Usually we'd fuck in the car, in a quiet car park or a deserted industrial estate, sometimes in a quiet road; never the first location the girl suggested - for safety. If the girl looked tasty we'd sometimes go back to her place and the possibility of a lot more naked flesh. In the car it was usually prick out, tits out, knickers down (or sometimes pulled to one side), durex on, legs open, bang. To quote Thomas Hobbes: "nasty, brutish and short". But very enjoyable, I loved the sleaze. Over time, as my job involved more travel, I discovered the red-light districts in other towns and cities; it never seemed a problem to find the action. Most encounters were similar although a few still stand out in my fading memory. A sweet young lady in Liverpool surprised me by stripping naked in the car before we fucked. A young girl I picked up in Walsall looked as if her big tits would be nice to play with so I agreed to go back with her to her place. When we got there she asked if I'd like her elder sister to join us for an extra 5. What a question, though I suspect the girl who appeared was her mother rather than her sister. I got to fuck them both naked and suck those tits had big lactating nipples - I think mum was babysitting for her daughter while she was out at work! A girl in Coventry who after we'd done the deed decided she'd finished for the night and asked if I could take her home.......... my reward was seconds in the carpark outside the block of flats where she lived. And the Wolverhampton girl whose second suggestion for a location was the far end of a pub carpark; when we'd finished she told me it was the pub round the corner from the police station where the police drank! There were a couple of sweeties who I saw more of having got their telephone numbers. One was a very tasty coloured girl who sucked like a vacuum cleaner. I came very quickly and joked I deserved a second go. She said that I should look for her later or another evening and then said if I'd like more I could phone her. I went to her flat on a couple of occasions and then took her to work. The other was an older lady in a very short skirt who caught my eye. When I stopped and she came over to the car it was obvious that she'd been drinking, not falling over drunk but well past tipsy. I suggested that we went back to her place as she probably shouldn't be out in that state. I took her home but didn't fancy fucking her while she was drunk. She said she needed the money and feeling sorry for her I offered her half her fee in advance payment for the next time. She said she wasn't a regular on the street, that she only went out when she was hard up and needed cash, and that if I wanted she'd give me her phone number so I could visit her at home. I called round on several occasions, the first time for half price. Once when I arrived after phoning to arrange a visit, she let me in and I was somewhat embarrassed to find that there was someone in the kitchen, a neighbour, who made her excuses and left with a comment about "calling back in an hour as I can see you'll be busy"; and we were. She said that some of the neighbours knew what she did; some of them were on the game part-time too. These were the days before significant d**g abuse ruined the street scene.

I used other routes to find entertainment. I'd seen, but never used, except to wank over, prostitutes' cads in phone boxes and newsagents windows in London while I'd been at university. I was a student and couldn't afford to pay for cunt, I was getting enough free., These seemed confined to the capital although I later found them in Brighton (London pros on holiday?). In London for meetings I tried a couple; satisfactory but expensive. There were prostitutes in walk-ups in Soho; I tried a couple but didn't particularly enjoy either experience. I knew that my local evening newspaper carried adverts for "personal services" , as others did in other towns when I traveled. These were really just prostitutes' phone numbers and were very much pot luck. I had a few good experiences but some bad ones too. I discovered contact magazines (Rendezvous anyone?) which carried box numbered adverts from singles and couples. Some of the adverts contained photos, which facilitated fantasising about a potential encounter. I set up an accommodation address so that I could respond to some of these adverts and enjoy more leisurely sex. Almost all the adverts from singles were prostitutes, although a few were what could only be described as "enthusiastic amateurs". The letters I got back usually gave a phone number to ring, in those days before mobile phones this meant that it was possible to get a good idea of the girl's location, though a few just gave an address with an invitation to "call round"..... wasn't so sure about those, too hit and miss. First contact was a telephone call to the number given in the letter, a brief "hello, is that xxxx? My name's Steve, thanks for replying to my letter. Would it be possible to arrange to meet?", "you know that there's a fee involved?", "of course, how much? what do you do?"........... Once the details were sorted a visit could be arranged. In those dim and distant days before mobiles and sat-nav, this usually involved driving to a phone box near where the lady lived/was working, phoning, getting the address and going straight round; very rarely would the address be given at the first contact. Of course any subsequent visits could be arranged in advance. And, if the first encounter was enjoyable, were. I still remember the names of some of the girls and what we got up to with something like affection.

Sandra was definitely not an amateur. We chatted before doing business and I discovered she had worked as a typist for the firm I was at. She explained that she'd started to suplement her pay with a bit of prostitution on the side and soon realised that she was wasting her time at work. We hadn't met at work, although I'd used the typing pool (these were the days before everyone had PCs on their desks) but she told me that she had had a client who knew her from there - I often looked at my colleagues and wondered.......... She was a bit older than me, what we'd now call a MILF..... and F her I did! She was tall, slim, with small tits but big nipples that got bigger when sucked and enthusiastic, someone who really enjoyed their work. She was married, but hubby was content to look the other way and enjoy the fruits of her labour. He used to be out at work during the day but was often at home if I went round in the evening, watching television while his wife enertained in the spare bedroom. And no, Sandra said, he would not be interested in joining us. I paid her a number of visits but eventually decided that variety was the spice of life and moved on to pastures new.

Cathy was a one-off I met in Manchester. She had been an art student and told me she'd been inspired by the story she'd read about some groupies in the States who called themselves the plaster-casters (Google it). Her version was to take a polaroid of every cock she had and she had quite a portfolio. She remained dressed but she asked me to drop my trousers, and she sucked my prick to get it hard, took a photo, and then helped it get soft again; no penetration but her wanking technique was excellent! All she asked for was a contribution to the film costs (rounded up significantly of course). Repeat visits were not encouraged, much to my disappointment.

Sarah, another local, was doing it for fun; a middle-aged divorcee whose husband had told her she was ugly (he was wrong, she was short and plump and had beautiful smile) and would never find another man. She was out to prove him wrong and was making up for lost time. She told me that in the 3 years she'd been single, she'd had over different 200 men. She wasn't keen on sucking and hated the taste of spunk, said her ex used to make her swallow, but she loved fucking and was quick to come and used to enjoy multiple orgasms which were down to her rather than my technique. I saw her several times over a couple of years, but then her number was unobtainable and I assumed she'd moved.

Chris was a lady in her early 40s, with a well-used look but attractive in a slutty way. She dressed to please in a tight top and a short skirt so that her stocking tops were clearly visible. I've had the pleasure of quite a few ladies who offer anal, some more willingly than others, but Chris is the only one I've known who genuinely preferred anal to vaginal sex and unlike many did not charge extra for the pleasure.

The first time I visited Mandy, she opened the door naked under a dressing gown, with her tits hanging out. Once the door was shut behind me, she french kissed while she got my prick out, drooped down to her knees and sucked me hard before leading me up the stairs to the bedroom, where she undressed me and fucked me. Then I paid her. I asked her why she didn't ensure she got her fee before she provided the service and she said she'd never had a problem. I could see she was so good at her job that any sane guy would want to be able to come again. I know I did and in fact I came several times on subsequent visits.

Tina was a big girl who just liked sex and had found a profession which enabled her to combine her interests with an income. I met her several times and each encounter was similar. Into her lounge, quick kiss before undressing each other then she'd lie back on the sofa while I licked her very hairy cunt till she came then she sucked me before fucking doggie on the carpet with her big tits swinging. I never saw her bedroom. Cheap and cheerful.

Published by steve_m_69
10 years ago
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alan_inlondon 9 years ago
mmmmm sexciting