Friends to loverz

haven't done this n a while but u ladies on here so fine with style deserve to smile so lets see if I still got it at first we were strangers but the look n our eyes at each otha knew we knew each other by the imagination or our dreams when I met u all I thought was how many wayz can I make u smile n being able to chill with u no matta if it was inside or outside u would enjoy urself u laughin u blushin ur heart pumpin means everything to me thtz one reason why itz so easy for me anytime u feel down I know how to bring u up frownin isn't allowed on ur lipz only smiling n moanin is holdin ur hand makes me feel like im superman but ur so much sexier than Louis lane ur perfume on u makes my body itch cuz itz cravin for u what eva u wear u stay hot as summer n make me sweat like I was still playin semi pro basketball no matta if were drinkin blazin deep talkin I jus wana cuddle with u my friends hate u cuz they know ill do anything for u n want to spend my whole time on earth with u I could go on n on like the energizer bunny but ill stop for now unless u want me to keep on going thtz a little something I created jus now I hope u like it ladies always enjoy urself n smile n neva eva let a clown make u frown winkz
Published by texashustla
10 years ago
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